function [q,N] = quantile(X, p, dim, method, weights) % --*-- Unitary tests --*-- % Quantiles of a sample via various methods. % % Q = QUANTILE2(X,P) returns quantiles of the values in X. P is a scalar % or a vector of cumulative probability values. When X is a vector, Q is % the same size as P, and Q(i) contains the P(i)-th quantile. When X is % a matrix, the i-th row of Q contains the P(i)-th quantiles of each % column of X. For N-D arrays, QUANTILE2 operates along the first % non-singleton dimension. % % Q = QUANTILE2(X,P,DIM) calculates quantiles along dimension DIM. The % DIM'th dimension of Q has length LENGTH(P). % % Q = QUANTILE2(X,P,DIM,METHOD) calculates quantiles using one of the % methods described in The method % are designated 'R-1'...'R-9'; the default is R-8 as described in %, whereas Matlab uses 'R-5'. % % Q = QUANTILE2(X,P,[],METHOD) uses the specified METHOD, but calculates % quantiles along the first non-singleton dimension. % % Q = QUANTILE2(X,P,[],METHOD,WEIGHTS) and QUANTILE2(X,P,[],[],WEIGHTS) % uses the array WEIGHTS to weight the values in X when calculating % quantiles. If no weighting is specified, the method determines the % real-valued index in to the data that is used to calculate the P(i)-th % quantile. When a weighting array WEIGHTS is specified (WEIGHTS should % be the same size as X), this index is mapped to the cumulative weights % (the weights are scaled to sum to N(i) - see below), and a new weighted % index is returned (using linear interpolation) for the point where the % cumulative weights equal the unweighted index. The weighted index is % used to calculate the P(i)-th quantile. If the values in WEIGHTS are % equal, then the weighted and unweighted index (and correpsonding % quantile) are identical. The default method R-8 is used if METHOD is % specified as an empty array ([]). % % [Q,N] = QUANTILE2(...) returns an array that is the same size as Q such % that N(i) is the number of points used to calculate Q(i). % % Further reading % % Hyndman, R.J.; Fan, Y. (November 1996). "Sample Quantiles in % Statistical Packages". The American Statistician 50 (4): 361-365. % Frigge, Michael; Hoaglin, David C.; Iglewicz, Boris (February 1989). % "Some Implementations of the Boxplot". The American Statistician 43 % (1): 50-54. % Original file downloaded from: % % % Copyright (C) 2014-2016 University of Surrey (Christopher Hummersone) % Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . % Check input and make default assignments assert(isnumeric(X),'X must be a numeric'); assert(isvector(p) & isnumeric(p),'P must be a numeric vector'); assert(all(p>=0 & p<=1),'Values in P must be in the interval [0,1].') if nargin<2 error('Not enough input arguments.') end dims = size(X); if nargin<3 || isempty(dim) dim = find(dims>1,1,'first'); % default dim else % validate input assert(isnumeric(dim) | isempty(dim),'DIM must be an integer or empty'); assert(isint(dim) | isempty(dim),'DIM must be an integer or empty'); assert(dim>0,'DIM must be greater than 0') end if nargin<4 method = 'r-8'; % default method else % validate input if isempty(method) method = 'r-8'; % default method else assert(ischar(method),'METHOD must be a character array') end end if nargin<5 weights = []; else assert(isequal(size(X),size(weights)) || isempty(weights),'WEIGHTS must be the same size as X'); end % Choose a method % See switch lower(method) case 'r-1' min_con = @(N,p)(p==0); max_con = @(N,p)(false); h = @(N,p)((N*p)+.5); Qp = @(x,h)(x(ceil(h-.5))); case 'r-2' min_con = @(N,p)(p==0); max_con = @(N,p)(p==1); h = @(N,p)((N*p)+.5); Qp = @(x,h)((x(ceil(h-.5))+x(floor(h+.5)))/2); case 'r-3' min_con = @(N,p)(p<=(.5/N)); max_con = @(N,p)(false); h = @(N,p)(N*p); Qp = @(x,h)(x(round(h))); case 'r-4' min_con = @(N,p)(p<(1/N)); max_con = @(N,p)(p==1); h = @(N,p)(N*p); Qp = @(x,h)(x(floor(h)) + ((h-floor(h))*(x(floor(h)+1)-x(floor(h))))); case 'r-5' min_con = @(N,p)(p<(.5/N)); max_con = @(N,p)(p>=((N-.5)/N)); h = @(N,p)((N*p)+.5); Qp = @(x,h)(x(floor(h)) + ((h-floor(h))*(x(floor(h)+1)-x(floor(h))))); case 'r-6' min_con = @(N,p)(p<(1/(N+1))); max_con = @(N,p)(p>=(N/(N+1))); h = @(N,p)((N+1)*p); Qp = @(x,h)(x(floor(h)) + ((h-floor(h))*(x(floor(h)+1)-x(floor(h))))); case 'r-7' min_con = @(N,p)(false); max_con = @(N,p)(p==1); h = @(N,p)(((N-1)*p)+1); Qp = @(x,h)(x(floor(h)) + ((h-floor(h))*(x(floor(h)+1)-x(floor(h))))); case 'r-8' min_con = @(N,p)(p<((2/3)/(N+(1/3)))); max_con = @(N,p)(p>=((N-(1/3))/(N+(1/3)))); h = @(N,p)(((N+(1/3))*p)+(1/3)); Qp = @(x,h)(x(floor(h)) + ((h-floor(h))*(x(floor(h)+1)-x(floor(h))))); case 'r-9' min_con = @(N,p)(p<((5/8)/(N+.25))); max_con = @(N,p)(p>=((N-(3/8))/(N+.25))); h = @(N,p)(((N+.25)*p)+(3/8)); Qp = @(x,h)(x(floor(h)) + ((h-floor(h))*(x(floor(h)+1)-x(floor(h))))); otherwise error(['Method ''' method ''' does not exist']) end % calculate quartiles % reshape data so function works down columns order = mod(dim-1:dim+length(dims)-2,length(dims))+1; dims_shift = dims(order); x = rearrange(X,order,[dims_shift(1) prod(dims_shift(2:end))]); if ~isempty(weights) weights = rearrange(weights,order,[dims_shift(1) prod(dims_shift(2:end))]); cumwfunc = @accumulateWeights; wfunc = @weightedIndex; else cumwfunc = @(~,~,~,N) 1:N; wfunc = @(x,~) x; end % pre-allocate q q = zeros([length(p) prod(dims_shift(2:end))]); N = zeros([length(p) prod(dims_shift(2:end))]); for m = 1:length(p) for n = 1:numel(q)/length(p) [xSorted,ind] = sort(x(~isnan(x(:,n)),n)); % sort N(m,n) = length(xSorted); % sample size k = cumwfunc(weights,ind,n,N(m,n)); switch N(m,n) case 0 q(m,n) = NaN; case 1 q(m,n) = xSorted; otherwise if min_con(N(m,n),p(m)) % at lower limit q(m,n) = xSorted(1); elseif max_con(N(m,n),p(m)) % at upper limit q(m,n) = xSorted(N(m,n)); else % everything else huw = h(N(m,n),p(m)); % unweighted index hw = wfunc(huw,k); q(m,n) = Qp(xSorted,hw); end end end end % restore dims of q to equate to those of input q = irearrange(q,order,[length(p) dims_shift(2:end)]); N = irearrange(N,order,[length(p) dims_shift(2:end)]); % if q is a vector, make same shape as p if numel(p)==numel(q) q=reshape(q,size(p)); N=reshape(N,size(p)); end function cumweights = accumulateWeights(weights, ind, n, N) % ACCUMULATEWEIGHTS accumulate the weights wSorted = weights(ind,n); % sort weights wSorted = wSorted*N/sum(wSorted); % normalize weights to sum to N cumweights = cumsum(wSorted); % cumulative weights function hw = weightedIndex(huw, cumweights) % WEIGHTEDINDEX calculate index from cumulative weights ii = find(sign(cumweights-huw)<0,1,'last'); jj = find(sign(cumweights-huw)>0,1,'first'); if isempty(ii) || isempty(jj) hw = huw; else hw = ii + (huw-cumweights(ii))/(cumweights(jj)-cumweights(ii)); % weighted index end function y = isint(x) % ISINT check if input is whole number y = x==round(x); function y = rearrange(x,order,shape) %REARRANGE reshape and permute to make target dim column y = permute(x,order); y = reshape(y,shape); function y = irearrange(x,order,shape) %IREARRANGE reshape and permute to original size y = reshape(x,shape); y = ipermute(y,order); %@test:1 %$ if isoctave() %$ t = true; %$ T = t; %$ LOG = NaN; %$ return %$ end %$ X = randn(10000000, 1); %$ %$ try %$ q = quantile(X, [.25, .5, .75, .95 ]); %$ t(1) = true; %$ catch %$ t(1) = false; %$ end %$ %$ e = [-0.674489750196082, 0, 0.674489750196082, 1.644853626951472]; %$ %$ if t(1) %$ for i=1:4 %$ t(i+1) = abs(q(i)-e(i))<1e-3; %$ end %$ end %$ %$ T = all(t); %@eof:1