// Rosen schooling model // // The model is the one Sherwin Rosen showed Sargent in Sargent's Chicago office. // The equations are // // s_t = a0 + a1*P_t + e_st ; flow supply of new engineers // // N_t = (1-delta)*N_{t-1} + s_{t-k} ; time to school engineers // // N_t = d0 - d1*W_t +e_dt ; demand for engineers // // P_t = (1-delta)*bet P_(t+1) + beta^k*W_(t+k); present value of wages of an engineer periods 500; var s N P W; varexo e_s e_d; parameters a0 a1 delta d0 d1 bet k; a0=10; a1=1; d0=1000; d1=1; bet=.99; delta=.02; model(linear); s=a0+a1*P+e_s; // flow supply of new entrants N=(1-delta)*N(-1) + s(-4); // evolution of the stock N=d0-d1*W+e_d; // stock demand equation P=bet*(1-delta)*P(+1) + bet^4*(1-delta)^4*W(+4); // present value of wages end; initval; s=0; N=0; P=0; W=0; end; shocks; var e_d; stderr 1; var e_s; stderr 1; end; steady; check; stoch_simul(dr_algo=1, order=1, periods=500, irf=10); //datasaver('simudata',[]); save data_rosen.mat s N P W;