periods 5000; var c k mu_c b d in; varexo e_d e_b; parameters R rho rho_b mu_b mu_d; R=1.05; //rho=0.9; rho = 0; mu_b=30; mu_d=5; rho_b = 0; model(linear); c+k = R*k(-1) + d; mu_c = b - c; mu_c=mu_c(+1); d= rho*d(-1)+ mu_d*(1-rho) + e_d; b=(1-rho_b)*mu_b+rho_b*b(-1)+e_b; in = k - k(-1); end; //With a unit root, there exists no steady state. Use the following trick. //Supply ONE solution corresponding to the initial k that you named. initval; d=mu_d; k=100; c = (R-1)*k +d; mu_c=mu_b-c; b=mu_b; end; shocks; var e_d; stderr 1; var e_b; stderr 1; end; steady; check; stoch_simul(dr_algo=1, order=1, periods=500, irf=10); save data_hall.mat c in;