var y (country='US', long_name='United States') z (country='EA', long_name='Euro Area') x (long_name='March'); varexo e (country='US', kind='toto') f (country='US', kind='titi') g (country='EA', kind='toto') h (country='EA', kind='titi') ; parameters aUS (country='US', colour='red') aEA (country='EA', colour='red') bUS (country='US', colour='blue') bEA (country='EA', colour='blue') cUS (country='US', colour='yellow') cEA (country='EA', colour='yellow') ; model; y = .5*y(-1) + e-f^2 ; z = .5*z(-1) + g-h^2 ; x = e-g; end; if ~(isfield(M_.exo_partitions, 'country') && isequal(, {'US' 'US' 'EA' 'EA'})) error('First partition on exogenous variables is wrong!') end if ~(isfield(M_.exo_partitions, 'kind') && isequal(M_.exo_partitions.kind, {'toto' 'titi' 'toto' 'titi'})) error('Second partition on exogenous variables is wrong!') end if ~(isfield(M_.endo_partitions, 'country') && isequal(, {'US' 'EA' ''})) error('Partition on endogenous variables is wrong!') end if ~(isfield(M_.param_partitions, 'colour') && isequal(M_.param_partitions.colour, {'red' 'red' 'blue' 'blue' 'yellow' 'yellow'})) error('First partition on parameters is wrong!') end if ~(isfield(M_.param_partitions, 'country') && isequal(, {'US' 'EA' 'US' 'EA' 'US' 'EA'})) error('Second partition on parameters is wrong!') end if isfield(M_.endo_partitions, 'long_name') error('long_name should not be a member of endo_partitions!') end tmp = strvcat('United States', 'Euro Area', 'March'); if ~isequal(M_.endo_names_long, tmp) error('M_.endo_names_long is wrong!') end