function x0 = stab_map_(Nsam, fload, ksstat, alpha2, prepSA, pprior, ilptau, OutputDirectoryName) % % function x0 = stab_map_(Nsam, fload, alpha2, prepSA, pprior) % % Mapping of stability regions in the prior ranges applying % Monte Carlo filtering techniques. % % M. Ratto, Global Sensitivity Analysis for Macroeconomic models % I. Mapping stability, MIMEO, 2005. % % INPUTS % Nsam = MC sample size % fload = 0 to run new MC; 1 to load prevoiusly generated analysis % alpha2 = significance level for bivariate sensitivity analysis % [abs(corrcoef) > alpha2] % prepSA = 1: save transition matrices for mapping reduced form % = 0: no transition matrix saved (default) % pprior = 1: sample from prior ranges (default): sample saved in % _prior.mat file % = 0: sample from posterior ranges: sample saved in % _mc.mat file % OUTPUT: % x0: one parameter vector for which the model is stable. % % GRAPHS % 1) Pdf's of marginal distributions under the stability (dotted % lines) and unstability (solid lines) regions % 2) Cumulative distributions of: % - stable subset (dotted lines) % - unacceptable subset (solid lines) % 3) Bivariate plots of significant correlation patterns % ( abs(corrcoef) > alpha2) under the stable and unacceptable subsets % % USES lptauSEQ, % stab_map_1, stab_map_2 % % Copyright (C) 2005 Marco Ratto % THIS PROGRAM WAS WRITTEN FOR MATLAB BY % Marco Ratto, % Unit of Econometrics and Statistics AF % (, % IPSC, Joint Research Centre % The European Commission, % TP 361, 21020 ISPRA(VA), ITALY % % % ALL COPIES MUST BE PROVIDED FREE OF CHARGE AND MUST INCLUDE THIS COPYRIGHT % NOTICE. % %global bayestopt_ estim_params_ dr_ options_ ys_ fname_ global bayestopt_ estim_params_ options_ oo_ M_ dr_ = oo_.dr; if isfield(dr_,'ghx'), ys_ = oo_.dr.ys; nspred = size(dr_.ghx,2); nboth = dr_.nboth; nfwrd = dr_.nfwrd; end fname_ = M_.fname; nshock = estim_params_.nvx; nshock = nshock + estim_params_.nvn; nshock = nshock + estim_params_.ncx; nshock = nshock + estim_params_.ncn; if nargin==0, Nsam=2000; %2^13; %256; end if nargin<2, fload=0; end if nargin<3, ksstat=0.1; end if nargin<4, alpha2=0.3; end if nargin<5, prepSA=0; end if nargin<6, pprior=1; end if nargin<7, ilptau=1; end if nargin<8, OutputDirectoryName=''; end options_.periods=0; options_.nomoments=1; options_.irf=0; options_.noprint=1; if fload==0 | nargin<2 | isempty(fload), if prepSA T=zeros(size(dr_.ghx,1),size(dr_.ghx,2)+size(dr_.ghu,2),Nsam/2); end if<52 & ilptau, [lpmat] = lptauSEQ(Nsam,; if>30 for, lpmat(:,j)=lpmat(randperm(Nsam),j); end end else %[lpmat] = rand(Nsam,; for, lpmat(:,j) = randperm(Nsam)'./(Nsam+1); %latin hypercube end end if pprior, for j=1:nshock, lpmat0(:,j) = randperm(Nsam)'./(Nsam+1); %latin hypercube lpmat0(:,j)=lpmat0(:,j).*(bayestopt_.ub(j); end for, lpmat(:,j)=lpmat(:,j).*(bayestopt_.ub(j+nshock); end else % for j=1:nshock, % xparam1(j) = oo_.posterior_mode.shocks_std.({j}); % sd(j) = oo_.posterior_std.shocks_std.({j}); % lpmat0(:,j) = randperm(Nsam)'./(Nsam+1); %latin hypercube % lb = max(, xparam1(j)-2*sd(j)); % ub1=xparam1(j)+(xparam1(j) - lb); % define symmetric range around the mode! % ub = min(bayestopt_.ub(j),ub1); % if ub30 &<52 % lpmat(:,j) = lpmat(randperm(Nsam),j).*(ub-lb)+lb; % else % lpmat(:,j) = lpmat(:,j).*(ub-lb)+lb; % end % end %load([fname_,'_mode']) eval(['load ' options_.mode_file ';']'); d = chol(inv(hh)); lp=randn(Nsam*2,*d+kron(ones(Nsam*2,1),xparam1'); for j=1:Nsam*2, lnprior(j) = any(lp(j,:)'< | lp(j,:)'>=bayestopt_.ub); end ireal=[1:2*Nsam]; ireal=ireal(find(lnprior==0)); lp=lp(ireal,:); Nsam=min(Nsam, length(ireal)); lpmat0=lp(1:Nsam,1:nshock); lpmat=lp(1:Nsam,nshock+1:end); clear lp lnprior ireal; end % h = waitbar(0,'Please wait...'); istable=[1:Nsam]; jstab=0; iunstable=[1:Nsam]; iindeterm=zeros(1,Nsam); iwrong=zeros(1,Nsam); for j=1:Nsam, M_.params(estim_params_.param_vals(:,1)) = lpmat(j,:)'; stoch_simul([]); dr_ = oo_.dr; if isfield(dr_,'ghx'), egg(:,j) = sort(dr_.eigval); iunstable(j)=0; if prepSA jstab=jstab+1; T(:,:,jstab) = [dr_.ghx dr_.ghu]; end if ~exist('nspred'), nspred = size(dr_.ghx,2); nboth = dr_.nboth; nfwrd = dr_.nfwrd; end else istable(j)=0; if isfield(dr_,'eigval') egg(:,j) = sort(dr_.eigval); if exist('nspred') if any(isnan(egg(1:nspred,j))) iwrong(j)=j; else if (nboth | nfwrd) & abs(egg(nspred+1,j))<=options_.qz_criterium, iindeterm(j)=j; end end end else egg(:,j)=ones(size(egg,1),1).*1.1; iwrong(j)=j; end end ys_=real(dr_.ys); yys(:,j) = ys_; ys_=yys(:,1); waitbar(j/Nsam,h,['MC iteration ',int2str(j),'/',int2str(Nsam)]) end close(h) if prepSA, T=T(:,:,1:jstab); end istable=istable(find(istable)); % stable params iunstable=iunstable(find(iunstable)); % unstable params iindeterm=iindeterm(find(iindeterm)); % indeterminacy iwrong=iwrong(find(iwrong)); % dynare could not find solution % % map stable samples % istable=[1:Nsam]; % for j=1:Nsam, % if any(isnan(egg(1:nspred,j))) % istable(j)=0; % else % if abs(egg(nspred,j))>=options_.qz_criterium; %(1-(options_.qz_criterium-1)); %1-1.e-5; % istable(j)=0; % %elseif (dr_.nboth | dr_.nfwrd) & abs(egg(nspred+1,j))<=options_.qz_criterium; %1+1.e-5; % elseif (nboth | nfwrd) & abs(egg(nspred+1,j))<=options_.qz_criterium; %1+1.e-5; % istable(j)=0; % end % end % end % istable=istable(find(istable)); % stable params % % % map unstable samples % iunstable=[1:Nsam]; % for j=1:Nsam, % %if abs(egg(dr_.npred+1,j))>1+1.e-5 & abs(egg(dr_.npred,j))<1-1.e-5; % %if (dr_.nboth | dr_.nfwrd), % if ~any(isnan(egg(1:5,j))) % if (nboth | nfwrd), % if abs(egg(nspred+1,j))>options_.qz_criterium & abs(egg(nspred,j))0 & length(iunstable)ksstat); disp('The following parameters mostly drive acceptable behaviour') disp(M_.param_names(estim_params_.param_vals(indstab,1),:)) stab_map_1(lpmat, istable, iunstable, aname, 1, indstab, OutputDirectoryName); if ~isempty(iindeterm), ixun=iunstable(find(~ismember(iunstable,[iindeterm,iwrong]))); [proba, dproba] = stab_map_1(lpmat, [1:Nsam], iindeterm, [aname, '_indet'],0); indindet=find(dproba>ksstat); disp('The following parameters mostly drive indeterminacy') disp(M_.param_names(estim_params_.param_vals(indindet,1),:)) stab_map_1(lpmat, [1:Nsam], iindeterm, [aname, '_indet'], 1, indindet, OutputDirectoryName); if ~isempty(ixun), [proba, dproba] = stab_map_1(lpmat, [1:Nsam], ixun, [aname, '_unst'],0); indunst=find(dproba>ksstat); disp('The following parameters mostly drive instability') disp(M_.param_names(estim_params_.param_vals(indunst,1),:)) stab_map_1(lpmat, [1:Nsam], ixun, [aname, '_unst'], 1, indunst, OutputDirectoryName); end end disp(' ') disp('Starting bivariate analysis:') c0=corrcoef(lpmat(istable,:)); c00=tril(c0,-1); stab_map_2(lpmat(istable,:),alpha2, asname, OutputDirectoryName); stab_map_2(lpmat(iunstable,:),alpha2, auname, OutputDirectoryName); if ~isempty(iindeterm), stab_map_2(lpmat(iindeterm,:),alpha2, aindname, OutputDirectoryName); if ~isempty(ixun), stab_map_2(lpmat(ixun,:),alpha2, aunstname, OutputDirectoryName); end end x0=0.5.*(bayestopt_.ub(1:nshock); x0 = [x0; lpmat(istable(1),:)']; if istable(end)~=Nsam M_.params(estim_params_.param_vals(:,1)) = lpmat(istable(1),:)'; stoch_simul([]); end else if length(iunstable)==0, disp('All parameter values in the specified ranges are stable!') x0=0.5.*(bayestopt_.ub(1:nshock); x0 = [x0; lpmat(istable(1),:)']; else disp('All parameter values in the specified ranges are not acceptable!') x0=[]; end end