function CutSample() % [09-09-2005] global M_ options_ estim_params_ npar =; DirectoryName = CheckPath('metropolis'); file = dir([ DirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_mh_history.mat']); files = dir([ DirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_mh*.mat' ]); if ~length(files) disp('MH:: FAILURE! there is no MH file to load here!') return end if ~length(file) disp('MH:: FAILURE! there is no MH-history file!') return else load([ DirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_mh_history']) end TotalNumberOfMhFiles = sum(record.MhDraws(:,2)); TotalNumberOfMhDraws = sum(record.MhDraws(:,1)); MAX_nruns = ceil(options_.MaxNumberOfBytes/(npar+2)/8) FirstDraw = floor(options_.mh_drop*TotalNumberOfMhDraws); FirstMhFile = ceil(FirstDraw/MAX_nruns); FirstLine = FirstDraw-(FirstMhFile-1)*MAX_nruns+1; record.KeepedDraws.FirstMhFile = FirstMhFile; record.KeepedDraws.FirstLine = FirstLine; if (TotalNumberOfMhFiles-1)-(FirstMhFile+1)+1 > 0 record.KeepedDraws.Distribution = [ MAX_nruns-FirstLine+1 ; ... ones((TotalNumberOfMhFiles-1)-(FirstMhFile+1)+1,1)*MAX_nruns ; ... record.MhDraws(end,3) ]; elseif TotalNumberOfMhFiles == 1 record.KeepedDraws.Distribution = []; elseif TotalNumberOfMhFiles == 2 & FirstMhFile > 1 record.KeepedDraws.Distribution = [MAX_nruns-FirstLine+1 ; record.MhDraws(end,3)]; end save([DirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_mh_history'],'record'); fprintf('MH: Total number of Mh draws: %d.\n',TotalNumberOfMhDraws); fprintf('MH: Total number of generated Mh files: %d.\n',TotalNumberOfMhFiles); fprintf('MH: I''ll use mh-files %d to %d.\n',FirstMhFile,TotalNumberOfMhFiles); fprintf('MH: In mh-file number %d i''ll start at line %d.\n',FirstMhFile,FirstLine); fprintf('MH: Finally I keep %d draws.\n',TotalNumberOfMhDraws-FirstDraw); disp(' ');