function [ide_lre, ide_reducedform, ide_moments, ide_spectrum, ide_minimal] = identification_checks_via_subsets(ide_lre, ide_reducedform, ide_moments, ide_spectrum, ide_minimal, totparam_nbr, modparam_nbr, options_ident) %[ide_lre, ide_reducedform, ide_moments, ide_spectrum, ide_minimal] = identification_checks_via_subsets(ide_lre, ide_reducedform, ide_moments, ide_spectrum, ide_minimal, totparam_nbr, modparam_nbr, options_ident) % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Finds problematic sets of paramters via checking the necessary rank condition % of the Jacobians for all possible combinations of parameters. The rank is % computed via an inbuild function based on the SVD, similar to matlab's % rank. The idea is that once we have the Jacobian for all parameters, we % can easily set up Jacobians containing all combinations of parameters by % picking the relevant columns/elements of the full Jacobian. Then the rank % of these smaller Jacobians indicates whether this paramter combination is % identified or not. To speed up computations: % (1) single parameters are removed from possible higher-order sets, % (2) for parameters that are collinear, i.e. rank failure for 2 element sets, % we replace the second parameter by the first one, and then compute % higher-order combinations [uncommented] % (3) all lower-order problematic sets are removed from higher-order sets % by an inbuild function % (4) we could replace nchoosek by a mex version, e.g. VChooseK % ( as % nchoosek could be the bottleneck in terms of speed (and memory for models % with totparam_nbr > 150) % ========================================================================= % INPUTS % ide_reducedform: [structure] Containing results from identification % analysis based on the reduced-form solution (Ratto % and Iskrev, 2011). If ide_reducedform.no_identification_reducedform % is 1 then the search for problematic parameter sets will be skipped % ide_moments: [structure] Containing results from identification % analysis based on moments (Iskrev, 2010). If % ide_moments.no_identification_moments is 1 then the search for % problematic parameter sets will be skipped % ide_spectrum: [structure] Containing results from identification % analysis based on the spectrum (Qu and Tkachenko, 2012). % If ide_spectrum.no_identification_spectrum is 1 then the search for % problematic parameter sets will be skipped % ide_minimal: [structure] Containing results from identification % analysis based on the minimal state space system % (Komunjer and Ng, 2011). If ide_minimal.no_identification_minimal % is 1 then the search for problematic parameter sets will be skipped % totparam_nbr: [integer] number of estimated stderr, corr and model parameters % numzerotolrank: [double] tolerance level for rank compuations % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % OUTPUTS % ide_reducedform, ide_moments, ide_spectrum, ide_minimal are augmented by the % following fields: % * problpars: [1 by totparam_nbr] cell with the following structure for j=1:totparam_nbr % problpars{j}: [nonidentified_j_set_parameters_nbr by j] % matrix with j collinear parameters in each row % * rank: [integer] rank of Jacobian % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % This function is called by % * identification_analysis.m % ========================================================================= % Copyright (C) 2019 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . % ========================================================================= %% initialize output objects and get options no_identification_lre = 0; %always compute lre no_identification_reducedform = options_ident.no_identification_reducedform; no_identification_moments = options_ident.no_identification_moments; no_identification_spectrum = options_ident.no_identification_spectrum; no_identification_minimal = options_ident.no_identification_minimal; tol_rank = options_ident.tol_rank; max_dim_subsets_groups = options_ident.max_dim_subsets_groups; lre_problpars = cell(1,max_dim_subsets_groups); reducedform_problpars = cell(1,max_dim_subsets_groups); moments_problpars = cell(1,max_dim_subsets_groups); spectrum_problpars = cell(1,max_dim_subsets_groups); minimal_problpars = cell(1,max_dim_subsets_groups); indtotparam = 1:totparam_nbr; %initialize index of parameters %% Prepare Jacobians and check rank % initialize linear rational expectations model if ~no_identification_lre dLRE = ide_lre.dLRE; dLRE(ide_lre.ind_dLRE,:) = dLRE(ide_lre.ind_dLRE,:)./ide_lre.norm_dLRE; %normalize if totparam_nbr > modparam_nbr dLRE = [zeros(size(ide_lre.dLRE,1),totparam_nbr-modparam_nbr) dLRE]; %add derivatives wrt stderr and corr parameters end rank_dLRE = rank(dLRE,tol_rank); %compute rank with imposed tolerance level ide_lre.rank = rank_dLRE; % check rank criteria for full Jacobian if rank_dLRE == totparam_nbr % all parameters are identifiable no_identification_lre = 1; %skip in the following indparam_dLRE = []; else % there is lack of identification indparam_dLRE = indtotparam; %initialize for nchoosek end else indparam_dLRE = []; %empty for nchoosek end % initialize for reduced form solution criteria if ~no_identification_reducedform dTAU = ide_reducedform.dTAU; dTAU(ide_reducedform.ind_dTAU,:) = dTAU(ide_reducedform.ind_dTAU,:)./ide_reducedform.norm_dTAU; %normalize rank_dTAU = rank(dTAU,tol_rank); %compute rank with imposed tolerance level ide_reducedform.rank = rank_dTAU; % check rank criteria for full Jacobian if rank_dTAU == totparam_nbr % all parameters are identifiable no_identification_reducedform = 1; %skip in the following indparam_dTAU = []; else % there is lack of identification indparam_dTAU = indtotparam; %initialize for nchoosek end else indparam_dTAU = []; %empty for nchoosek end % initialize for moments criteria if ~no_identification_moments J = ide_moments.J; J(ide_moments.ind_J,:) = J(ide_moments.ind_J,:)./ide_moments.norm_J; %normalize rank_J = rank(J,tol_rank); %compute rank with imposed tolerance level ide_moments.rank = rank_J; % check rank criteria for full Jacobian if rank_J == totparam_nbr % all parameters are identifiable no_identification_moments = 1; %skip in the following indparam_J = []; else % there is lack of identification indparam_J = indtotparam; %initialize for nchoosek end else indparam_J = []; %empty for nchoosek end % initialize for spectrum criteria if ~no_identification_spectrum G = ide_spectrum.tilda_G; %tilda G is normalized G matrix in identification_analysis.m %alternative normalization %G = ide_spectrum.G; %G(ide_spectrum.ind_G,:) = G(ide_spectrum.ind_G,:)./ide_spectrum.norm_G; %normalize rank_G = rank(G,tol_rank); %compute rank with imposed tolerance level ide_spectrum.rank = rank_G; % check rank criteria for full Jacobian if rank_G == totparam_nbr % all parameters are identifiable no_identification_spectrum = 1; %skip in the following indparam_G = []; else % lack of identification indparam_G = indtotparam; %initialize for nchoosek end else indparam_G = []; %empty for nchoosek end % initialize for minimal system criteria if ~no_identification_minimal D = ide_minimal.D; D(ide_minimal.ind_D,:) = D(ide_minimal.ind_D,:)./ide_minimal.norm_D; %normalize D_par = D(:,1:totparam_nbr); %part of D that is dependent on parameters D_rest = D(:,(totparam_nbr+1):end); %part of D that is independent of parameters rank_D = rank(D,tol_rank); %compute rank via SVD see function below ide_minimal.rank = rank_D; D_fixed_rank_nbr = size(D_rest,2); % check rank criteria for full Jacobian if rank_D == totparam_nbr + D_fixed_rank_nbr % all parameters are identifiable no_identification_minimal = 1; %skip in the following indparam_D = []; else % lack of identification indparam_D = indtotparam; %initialize for nchoosek end else indparam_D = []; %empty for nchoosek end %% Check single parameters for j=1:totparam_nbr if ~no_identification_lre % Columns correspond to single parameters, i.e. full rank would be equal to 1 if rank(dLRE(:,j),tol_rank) == 0 lre_problpars{1} = [lre_problpars{1};j]; end end if ~no_identification_reducedform % Columns correspond to single parameters, i.e. full rank would be equal to 1 if rank(dTAU(:,j),tol_rank) == 0 reducedform_problpars{1} = [reducedform_problpars{1};j]; end end if ~no_identification_moments % Columns correspond to single parameters, i.e. full rank would be equal to 1 if rank(J(:,j),tol_rank) == 0 moments_problpars{1} = [moments_problpars{1};j]; end end if ~no_identification_spectrum % Diagonal values correspond to single parameters, absolute value needs to be greater than tolerance level if abs(G(j,j)) < tol_rank spectrum_problpars{1} = [spectrum_problpars{1};j]; end end if ~no_identification_minimal % Columns of D_par correspond to single parameters, needs to be augmented with D_rest (part that is independent of parameters), % full rank would be equal to 1+D_fixed_rank_nbr if rank([D_par(:,j) D_rest],tol_rank) == D_fixed_rank_nbr minimal_problpars{1} = [minimal_problpars{1};j]; end end end % Check whether lack of identification is only due to single parameters if ~no_identification_lre if size(lre_problpars{1},1) == (totparam_nbr - rank_dLRE) %found all nonidentified parameter sets no_identification_lre = 1; %skip in the following else %still parameter sets that are nonidentified indparam_dLRE(lre_problpars{1}) = []; %remove single unidentified parameters from higher-order sets of indparam end end if ~no_identification_reducedform if size(reducedform_problpars{1},1) == (totparam_nbr - rank_dTAU) %found all nonidentified parameter sets no_identification_reducedform = 1; %skip in the following else %still parameter sets that are nonidentified indparam_dTAU(reducedform_problpars{1}) = []; %remove single unidentified parameters from higher-order sets of indparam end end if ~no_identification_moments if size(moments_problpars{1},1) == (totparam_nbr - rank_J) %found all nonidentified parameter sets no_identification_moments = 1; %skip in the following else %still parameter sets that are nonidentified indparam_J(moments_problpars{1}) = []; %remove single unidentified parameters from higher-order sets of indparam end end if ~no_identification_spectrum if size(spectrum_problpars{1},1) == (totparam_nbr - rank_G) %found all nonidentified parameter sets no_identification_spectrum = 1; %skip in the following else %still parameter sets that are nonidentified indparam_G(spectrum_problpars{1}) = []; %remove single unidentified parameters from higher-order sets of indparam end end if ~no_identification_minimal if size(minimal_problpars{1},1) == (totparam_nbr + D_fixed_rank_nbr - rank_D) %found all nonidentified parameter sets no_identification_minimal = 1; %skip in the following else %still parameter sets that are nonidentified indparam_D(minimal_problpars{1}) = []; %remove single unidentified parameters from higher-order sets of indparam end end %% check higher order (j>1) parameter sets %get common parameter indices from which to sample higher-order sets using nchoosek (we do not want to run nchoosek three times), most of the times indparamJ, indparamG, and indparamD are equal anyways indtotparam = unique([indparam_dLRE indparam_dTAU indparam_J indparam_G indparam_D]); for j=2:min(length(indtotparam),max_dim_subsets_groups) % Check j-element subsets h = dyn_waitbar(0,['Brute force collinearity for ' int2str(j) ' parameters.']); %Step1: get all possible unique subsets of j elements if ~no_identification_lre || ~no_identification_reducedform || ~no_identification_moments || ~no_identification_spectrum || ~no_identification_minimal indexj=nchoosek(int16(indtotparam),j); % int16 speeds up nchoosek % One could also use a mex version of nchoosek to speed this up, e.g.VChooseK from end %Step 2: remove already problematic sets and initialize rank vector if ~no_identification_lre indexj_dLRE = RemoveProblematicParameterSets(indexj,lre_problpars); rankj_dLRE = zeros(size(indexj_dLRE,1),1); else indexj_dLRE = []; end if ~no_identification_reducedform indexj_dTAU = RemoveProblematicParameterSets(indexj,reducedform_problpars); rankj_dTAU = zeros(size(indexj_dTAU,1),1); else indexj_dTAU = []; end if ~no_identification_moments indexj_J = RemoveProblematicParameterSets(indexj,moments_problpars); rankj_J = zeros(size(indexj_J,1),1); else indexj_J = []; end if ~no_identification_spectrum indexj_G = RemoveProblematicParameterSets(indexj,spectrum_problpars); rankj_G = zeros(size(indexj_G,1),1); else indexj_G = []; end if ~no_identification_minimal indexj_D = RemoveProblematicParameterSets(indexj,minimal_problpars); rankj_D = zeros(size(indexj_D,1),1); else indexj_D = []; end %Step3: Check rank criteria on submatrices k_dLRE=0; k_dTAU=0; k_J=0; k_G=0; k_D=0; %initialize counters maxk = max([size(indexj_dLRE,1), size(indexj_dTAU,1), size(indexj_J,1), size(indexj_D,1), size(indexj_G,1)]); for k=1:maxk if ~no_identification_lre k_dLRE = k_dLRE+1; if k_dLRE <= size(indexj_dLRE,1) dLRE_j = dLRE(:,indexj_dLRE(k_dLRE,:)); % pick columns that correspond to parameter subset rankj_dLRE(k_dLRE,1) = rank(dLRE_j,tol_rank); %compute rank with imposed tolerance end end if ~no_identification_reducedform k_dTAU = k_dTAU+1; if k_dTAU <= size(indexj_dTAU,1) dTAU_j = dTAU(:,indexj_dTAU(k_dTAU,:)); % pick columns that correspond to parameter subset rankj_dTAU(k_dTAU,1) = rank(dTAU_j,tol_rank); %compute rank with imposed tolerance end end if ~no_identification_moments k_J = k_J+1; if k_J <= size(indexj_J,1) J_j = J(:,indexj_J(k_J,:)); % pick columns that correspond to parameter subset rankj_J(k_J,1) = rank(J_j,tol_rank); %compute rank with imposed tolerance end end if ~no_identification_minimal k_D = k_D+1; if k_D <= size(indexj_D,1) D_j = [D_par(:,indexj_D(k_D,:)) D_rest]; % pick columns in D_par that correspond to parameter subset and augment with parameter-indepdendet part D_rest rankj_D(k_D,1) = rank(D_j,tol_rank); %compute rank with imposed tolerance end end if ~no_identification_spectrum k_G = k_G+1; if k_G <= size(indexj_G,1) G_j = G(indexj_G(k_G,:),indexj_G(k_G,:)); % pick rows and columns that correspond to parameter subset rankj_G(k_G,1) = rank(G_j,tol_rank); % Compute rank with imposed tol end end dyn_waitbar(k/maxk,h) end %Step 4: Compare rank conditions for all possible subsets. If rank condition is violated, then the corresponding numbers of the parameters are stored if ~no_identification_lre lre_problpars{j} = indexj_dLRE(rankj_dLRE < j,:); end if ~no_identification_reducedform reducedform_problpars{j} = indexj_dTAU(rankj_dTAU < j,:); end if ~no_identification_moments moments_problpars{j} = indexj_J(rankj_J < j,:); end if ~no_identification_minimal minimal_problpars{j} = indexj_D(rankj_D < (j+D_fixed_rank_nbr),:); end if ~no_identification_spectrum spectrum_problpars{j} = indexj_G(rankj_G < j,:); end % % Optional Step 5: % remove redundant 2-sets, eg. if the problematic sets are [(p1,p2);(p1,p3);(p2,p3)], then the unique problematic parameter sets are actually only [(p1,p2),(p1,p3)] % if j == 2 % for jj=1:max([size(lre_problpars{2},1), size(reducedform_problpars{2},1), size(moments_problpars{2},1), size(spectrum_problpars{2},1), size(minimal_problpars{2},1)]) % if jj <= size(lre_problpars{2},1) % lre_problpars{2}(lre_problpars{2}(jj,2)==lre_problpars{2}(:,1)) = lre_problpars{2}(jj,1); % end % if jj <= size(reducedform_problpars{2},1) % reducedform_problpars{2}(reducedform_problpars{2}(jj,2)==reducedform_problpars{2}(:,1)) = reducedform_problpars{2}(jj,1); % end % if jj <= size(moments_problpars{2},1) % moments_problpars{2}(moments_problpars{2}(jj,2)==moments_problpars{2}(:,1)) = moments_problpars{2}(jj,1); % end % if jj <= size(spectrum_problpars{2},1) % spectrum_problpars{2}(spectrum_problpars{2}(jj,2)==spectrum_problpars{2}(:,1)) = spectrum_problpars{2}(jj,1); % end % if jj <= size(minimal_problpars{2},1) % minimal_problpars{2}(minimal_problpars{2}(jj,2)==minimal_problpars{2}(:,1)) = minimal_problpars{2}(jj,1); % end % end % lre_problpars{2} = unique(lre_problpars{2},'rows'); % reducedform_problpars{2} = unique(reducedform_problpars{2},'rows'); % moments_problpars{2} = unique(moments_problpars{2},'rows'); % spectrum_problpars{2} = unique(spectrum_problpars{2},'rows'); % minimal_problpars{2} = unique(minimal_problpars{2},'rows'); % % in indparam we replace the second parameter of problematic 2-sets by the observational equivalent first parameter to speed up nchoosek % idx2 = unique([lre_problpars{2}; reducedform_problpars{2}; moments_problpars{2}; spectrum_problpars{2}; minimal_problpars{2}],'rows'); % if ~isempty(idx2) % indtotparam(ismember(indtotparam,idx2(:,2))) = []; % end % end dyn_waitbar_close(h); end %% Save output variables if ~isempty(lre_problpars{1}) lre_problpars{1}(ismember(lre_problpars{1},1:(totparam_nbr-modparam_nbr))) = []; % get rid of stderr and corr variables for lre end ide_lre.problpars = lre_problpars; ide_reducedform.problpars = reducedform_problpars; ide_moments.problpars = moments_problpars; ide_spectrum.problpars = spectrum_problpars; ide_minimal.problpars = minimal_problpars; %% Auxiliary functions function idx = RemoveProblematicParameterSets(idx,problparset) % Remove already problematic parameters % INPUTS: % * idx: complete index of possible combinations % * problparset [cell] of all lower order combinations that are problematic % * iset [integer] number of elements in set to consider % OUTPUTS: % * idx: index of possible combinations without already % problematic lower order sets iset = size(idx,2); for iii=1:(iset-1) if ~isempty(problparset{iii}) for kkk=1:size(problparset{iii},1) idx((sum(ismember(idx,problparset{iii}(kkk,:)),2)==iii),:) = []; end end end end%RemoveProblematicParameterSets ed end %main function end