function [dA, dB, dSigma_e, dOm, dYss, dg1, d2A, d2Om, d2Yss] = get_first_order_solution_params_deriv(A, B, estim_params, M, oo, options, kronflag, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, indvar) %[dA, dB, dSigma_e, dOm, dYss, dg1, d2A, d2Om, d2Yss] = get_first_order_solution_params_deriv(A, B, estim_params, M, oo, options, kronflag, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, indvar) % previously getH.m % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Computes first and second derivatives (with respect to parameters) of % (1) reduced-form solution (dA, dB, dSigma_e, dOm, d2A, d2Om) % (1) steady-state (dYss, d2Yss) % (3) Jacobian (wrt to dynamic variables) of dynamic model (dg1) % Note that the order in the parameter Jacobians is the following: % first stderr parameters, second corr parameters, third model parameters % ========================================================================= % INPUTS % A: [endo_nbr by endo_nbr] Transition matrix from Kalman filter % for all endogenous declared variables, in DR order % B: [endo_nbr by exo_nbr] Transition matrix from Kalman filter % mapping shocks today to endogenous variables today, in DR order % estim_params: [structure] storing the estimation information % M: [structure] storing the model information % oo: [structure] storing the reduced-form solution results % options: [structure] storing the options % kronflag: [scalar] method to compute Jacobians (equal to analytic_derivation_mode in options_ident). Default:0 % * 0: efficient sylvester equation method to compute % analytical derivatives as in Ratto & Iskrev (2011) % * 1: kronecker products method to compute analytical % derivatives as in Iskrev (2010) % * -1: numerical two-sided finite difference method to % compute numerical derivatives of all output arguments % using function identification_numerical_objective.m % (previously thet2tau.m) % * -2: numerical two-sided finite difference method to % compute numerically dYss, dg1, d2Yss and d2g1, the other % output arguments are computed analytically as in kronflag=0 % indpmodel: [modparam_nbr by 1] index of estimated parameters in M_.params; % corresponds to model parameters (no stderr and no corr) % in estimated_params block; if estimated_params block is % not available, then all model parameters are selected % indpstderr: [stderrparam_nbr by 1] index of estimated standard errors, % i.e. for all exogenous variables where "stderr" is given % in the estimated_params block; if estimated_params block % is not available, then all stderr parameters are selected % indpcorr: [corrparam_nbr by 2] matrix of estimated correlations, % i.e. for all exogenous variables where "corr" is given % in the estimated_params block; if estimated_params block % is not available, then no corr parameters are selected % indvar: [var_nbr by 1] index of considered (or observed) variables % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % OUTPUTS % dA: [var_nbr by var_nbr by totparam_nbr] in DR order % Jacobian (wrt to all parameters) of transition matrix A % dB: [var_nbr by exo_nbr by totparam_nbr] in DR order % Jacobian (wrt to all parameters) of transition matrix B % dSigma_e: [exo_nbr by exo_nbr by totparam_nbr] in declaration order % Jacobian (wrt to all paramters) of M_.Sigma_e % dOm: [var_nbr by var_nbr by totparam_nbr] in DR order % Jacobian (wrt to all paramters) of Om = (B*M_.Sigma_e*B') % dYss: [var_nbr by modparam_nbr] in DR order % Jacobian (wrt model parameters only) of steady state % dg1: [endo_nbr by (dynamicvar_nbr + exo_nbr) by modparam_nbr] in DR order % Jacobian (wrt to model parameters only) of Jacobian of dynamic model % d2A: [var_nbr*var_nbr by totparam_nbr*(totparam_nbr+1)/2] in DR order % Unique entries of Hessian (wrt all parameters) of transition matrix A % d2Om: [var_nbr*(var_nbr+1)/2 by totparam_nbr*(totparam_nbr+1)/2] in DR order % Unique entries of Hessian (wrt all parameters) of Omega % d2Yss: [var_nbr by modparam_nbr by modparam_nbr] in DR order % Unique entries of Hessian (wrt model parameters only) of steady state % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % This function is called by % * dsge_likelihood.m % * get_identification_jacobians.m (previously getJJ.m) % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % This function calls % * [fname,'.dynamic'] % * [fname,'.dynamic_params_derivs'] % * [fname,'.static'] % * [fname,'.static_params_derivs'] % * commutation % * dyn_vech % * dyn_unvech % * fjaco % * get_2nd_deriv (embedded) % * get_2nd_deriv_mat(embedded) % * get_all_parameters % * get_all_resid_2nd_derivs (embedded) % * get_hess_deriv (embedded) % * hessian_sparse % * sylvester3 % * sylvester3a % * identification_numerical_objective.m (previously thet2tau.m) % ========================================================================= % Copyright (C) 2010-2019 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . % ========================================================================= fname = M.fname; dname = M.dname; maximum_exo_lag = M.maximum_exo_lag; maximum_exo_lead = M.maximum_exo_lead; maximum_endo_lag = M.maximum_endo_lag; maximum_endo_lead = M.maximum_endo_lead; lead_lag_incidence = M.lead_lag_incidence; [I,~] = find(lead_lag_incidence'); %I is used to select nonzero columns of the Jacobian of endogenous variables in dynamic model files ys = oo.dr.ys; %steady state of endogenous variables in declaration order yy0 = oo.dr.ys(I); %steady state of dynamic (endogenous and auxiliary variables) in DR order ex0 = oo.exo_steady_state'; %steady state of exogenous variables in declaration order params0 = M.params; %values at which to evaluate dynamic, static and param_derivs files Sigma_e0 = M.Sigma_e; %covariance matrix of exogenous shocks Corr_e0 = M.Correlation_matrix; %correlation matrix of exogenous shocks stderr_e0 = sqrt(diag(Sigma_e0)); %standard errors of exogenous shocks param_nbr = M.param_nbr; %number of all declared model parameters in mod file modparam_nbr = length(indpmodel); %number of model parameters to be used stderrparam_nbr = length(indpstderr); %number of stderr parameters to be used corrparam_nbr = size(indpcorr,1); %number of stderr parameters to be used totparam_nbr = modparam_nbr + stderrparam_nbr + corrparam_nbr; %total number of parameters to be used if nargout > 6 modparam_nbr2 = modparam_nbr*(modparam_nbr+1)/2; %number of unique entries of model parameters only in second-order derivative matrix totparam_nbr2 = totparam_nbr*(totparam_nbr+1)/2; %number of unique entries of all parameters in second-order derivative matrix %get indices of elements in second derivatives of parameters indp2tottot = reshape(1:totparam_nbr^2,totparam_nbr,totparam_nbr); indp2stderrstderr = indp2tottot(1:stderrparam_nbr , 1:stderrparam_nbr); indp2stderrcorr = indp2tottot(1:stderrparam_nbr , stderrparam_nbr+1:stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr); indp2modmod = indp2tottot(stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+1:stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+modparam_nbr , stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+1:stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+modparam_nbr); if totparam_nbr ~=1 indp2tottot2 = dyn_vech(indp2tottot); %index of unique second-order derivatives else indp2tottot2 = indp2tottot; end if modparam_nbr ~= 1 indp2modmod2 = dyn_vech(indp2modmod); %get rid of cross derivatives else indp2modmod2 = indp2modmod; end end endo_nbr = size(A,1); %number of all declared endogenous variables var_nbr = length(indvar); %number of considered variables exo_nbr = size(B,2); %number of exogenous shocks in model if kronflag == -1 % numerical two-sided finite difference method using function identification_numerical_objective.m (previously thet2tau.m) for Jacobian (wrt parameters) of A, B, Sig, Om, Yss, and g1 para0 = get_all_parameters(estim_params, M); %get all selected parameters in estimated_params block, stderr and corr come first, then model parameters if isempty(para0) %if there is no estimated_params block, consider all stderr and all model parameters, but no corr parameters para0 = [stderr_e0', params0']; end %Jacobians (wrt paramters) of steady state, solution matrices A and B, as well as Sigma_e for ALL variables [outputflag=0] dYssABSige = fjaco('identification_numerical_objective', para0, 0, estim_params, M, oo, options, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, indvar); M.params = params0; %make sure values are set back M.Sigma_e = Sigma_e0; %make sure values are set back M.Correlation_matrix = Corr_e0 ; %make sure values are set back % get Jacobians for Yss, A, and B from dYssABSige indYss = 1:var_nbr; indA = (var_nbr+1):(var_nbr+var_nbr^2); indB = (var_nbr+var_nbr^2+1):(var_nbr+var_nbr^2+var_nbr*exo_nbr); indSigma_e = (var_nbr+var_nbr^2+var_nbr*exo_nbr+1):(var_nbr+var_nbr^2+var_nbr*exo_nbr+exo_nbr*(exo_nbr+1)/2); dYss = dYssABSige(indYss , stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+1:end); %in tensor notation only wrt model parameters dA = reshape(dYssABSige(indA , :) , [var_nbr var_nbr totparam_nbr]); %in tensor notation dB = reshape(dYssABSige(indB , :) , [var_nbr exo_nbr totparam_nbr]); %in tensor notation dOm = zeros(var_nbr,var_nbr,totparam_nbr); %initialize in tensor notation dSigma_e = zeros(exo_nbr,exo_nbr,totparam_nbr); %initialize in tensor notation % get Jacobians of Sigma_e and Om wrt stderr parameters if ~isempty(indpstderr) for jp=1:stderrparam_nbr dSigma_e(:,:,jp) = dyn_unvech(dYssABSige(indSigma_e , jp)); dOm(:,:,jp) = B*dSigma_e(:,:,jp)*B'; %note that derivatives of B wrt stderr parameters are zero by construction end end % get Jacobians of Sigma_e and Om wrt corr parameters if ~isempty(indpcorr) for jp=1:corrparam_nbr dSigma_e(:,:,stderrparam_nbr+jp) = dyn_unvech(dYssABSige(indSigma_e , stderrparam_nbr+jp)); dOm(:,:,stderrparam_nbr+jp) = B*dSigma_e(:,:,stderrparam_nbr+jp)*B'; %note that derivatives of B wrt corr parameters are zero by construction end end % get Jacobian of Om wrt model parameters if ~isempty(indpmodel) for jp=1:modparam_nbr dOm(:,:,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+jp) = dB(:,:,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+jp)*Sigma_e0*B' + B*Sigma_e0*dB(:,:,stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+jp)'; %note that derivatives of Sigma_e wrt model parameters are zero by construction end end %Jacobian (wrt model parameters ONLY) of steady state and of Jacobian of all dynamic model equations [outputflag=-1] dYssg1 = fjaco('identification_numerical_objective', params0(indpmodel), -1, estim_params, M, oo, options, indpmodel, [], [], (1:endo_nbr)'); M.params = params0; %make sure values are set back M.Sigma_e = Sigma_e0; %make sure values are set back M.Correlation_matrix = Corr_e0 ; %make sure values are set back dg1 = reshape(dYssg1(endo_nbr+1:end,:),[endo_nbr, length(yy0)+length(ex0), modparam_nbr]); %get rid of steady state and in tensor notation if nargout > 6 %Hessian (wrt paramters) of steady state, solution matrices A and Om [outputflag=-2] % note that hessian_sparse does not take symmetry into account, i.e. compare hessian_sparse.m to hessian.m, but focuses already on unique values, which are duplicated below d2YssAOm = hessian_sparse('identification_numerical_objective', para0', options.gstep, -2, estim_params, M, oo, options, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, indvar); M.params = params0; %make sure values are set back M.Sigma_e = Sigma_e0; %make sure values are set back M.Correlation_matrix = Corr_e0 ; %make sure values are set back d2A = d2YssAOm(indA , indp2tottot2); %only unique elements d2Om = d2YssAOm(indA(end)+1:end , indp2tottot2); %only unique elements d2Yss = zeros(var_nbr,modparam_nbr,modparam_nbr); %initialize for j = 1:var_nbr d2Yss(j,:,:) = dyn_unvech(full(d2YssAOm(j,indp2modmod2))); %full Hessian for d2Yss, note that here we duplicate unique values for model parameters end clear d2YssAOm end return %[END OF MAIN FUNCTION]!!!!! end if kronflag == -2 % numerical two-sided finite difference method to compute numerically % dYss, dg1, d2Yss and d2g1, the rest is computed analytically (kronflag=0) below modpara0 = params0(indpmodel); %focus only on model parameters for dYss, d2Yss and dg1 [~, g1] = feval([fname,'.dynamic'], yy0, ex0, params0, ys, 1); %g1 is [endo_nbr by (dynamicvar_nbr+exo_nbr)] first derivative (wrt all endogenous, exogenous and auxiliary variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. df/d[yy0;ex0], in DR order if nargout > 6 % computation of d2Yss and d2g1, i.e. second derivative (wrt. parameters) of Jacobian (wrt endogenous and auxilary variables) of dynamic model [outputflag = -1] % note that hessian_sparse does not take symmetry into account, i.e. compare hessian_sparse.m to hessian.m, but focuses already on unique values, which are duplicated below d2Yssg1 = hessian_sparse('identification_numerical_objective', modpara0, options.gstep, -1, estim_params, M, oo, options, indpmodel, [], [], (1:endo_nbr)'); M.params = params0; %make sure values are set back M.Sigma_e = Sigma_e0; %make sure values are set back M.Correlation_matrix = Corr_e0 ; %make sure values are set back d2Yss = reshape(full(d2Yssg1(1:endo_nbr,:)), [endo_nbr modparam_nbr modparam_nbr]); %put into tensor notation for j=1:endo_nbr d2Yss(j,:,:) = dyn_unvech(dyn_vech(d2Yss(j,:,:))); %add duplicate values to full hessian end d2g1_full = d2Yssg1(endo_nbr+1:end,:); %store only nonzero unique entries and the corresponding indices of d2g1: % rows: respective derivative term % 1st column: equation number of the term appearing % 2nd column: column number of variable in Jacobian of the dynamic model % 3rd column: number of the first parameter in derivative % 4th column: number of the second parameter in derivative % 5th column: value of the Hessian term ind_d2g1 = find(d2g1_full); d2g1 = zeros(length(ind_d2g1),5); for j=1:length(ind_d2g1) [i1, i2] = ind2sub(size(d2g1_full),ind_d2g1(j)); [ig1, ig2] = ind2sub(size(g1),i1); [ip1, ip2] = ind2sub([modparam_nbr modparam_nbr],i2); d2g1(j,:) = [ig1 ig2 ip1 ip2 d2g1_full(ind_d2g1(j))]; end clear d2g1_full; end %Jacobian (wrt parameters) of steady state and Jacobian of dynamic model equations [outputflag=-1] dg1 = fjaco('identification_numerical_objective', modpara0, -1, estim_params, M, oo, options, indpmodel, [], [], (1:endo_nbr)'); M.params = params0; %make sure values are set back M.Sigma_e = Sigma_e0; %make sure values are set back M.Correlation_matrix = Corr_e0 ; %make sure values are set back dYss = dg1(1:endo_nbr , :); dg1 = reshape(dg1(endo_nbr+1 : end , :),[endo_nbr, length(yy0)+length(ex0), modparam_nbr]); %get rid of steady state elseif (kronflag == 0 || kronflag == 1) % Analytical method to compute dYss, dg1, d2Yss and d2g1 [~, g1_static] = feval([fname,'.static'], ys, ex0, params0); %g1_static is [endo_nbr by endo_nbr] first-derivative (wrt variables) of static model equations f, i.e. df/dys, in declaration order rp_static = feval([fname,'.static_params_derivs'], ys, repmat(ex0, maximum_exo_lag+maximum_exo_lead+1), params0); %rp_static is [endo_nbr by param_nbr] first-derivative (wrt parameters) of static model equations f, i.e. df/dparams, in declaration order dys = -g1_static\rp_static; %use implicit function theorem (equation 5 of Ratto and Iskrev (2011) to compute [endo_nbr by param_nbr] first-derivative (wrt parameters) of steady state analytically, note that dys is in declaration order d2ys = zeros(length(ys), param_nbr, param_nbr); %initialize in tensor notation if nargout > 6 [~, ~, g2_static] = feval([fname,'.static'], ys, ex0, params0); %g2_static is [endo_nbr by endo_nbr^2] second derivative (wrt variables) of static model equations f, i.e. d(df/dys)/dys, in declaration order [~, g1, g2, g3] = feval([fname,'.dynamic'], yy0, ex0, params0, ys, 1); %g1 is [endo_nbr by (dynamicvar_nbr+exo_nbr)] first derivative (wrt all endogenous, exogenous and auxiliary variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. df/d[yy0;ex0], in DR order %g2 is [endo_nbr by (dynamicvar_nbr+exo_nbr)^2] second derivative (wrt all endogenous, exogenous and auxiliary variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. d(df/d[yy0;ex0])/d[yy0;ex0], in DR order %g3 is [endo_nbr by (dynamicvar_nbr+exo_nbr)^2] third-derivative (wrt all endogenous, exogenous and auxiliary variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. d(df/d[yy0;ex0])/d[yy0;ex0], in DR order [~, gp_static, rpp_static] = feval([fname,'.static_params_derivs'], ys, ex0, params0); %gp_static is [endo_nbr by endo_nbr by param_nbr] first derivative (wrt parameters) of first-derivative (wrt variables) of static model equations f, i.e. (df/dys)/dparams, in declaration order %rpp_static are nonzero values and corresponding indices of second derivative (wrt parameters) of static model equations f, i.e. d(df/dparams)/dparams, in declaration order rpp_static = get_all_resid_2nd_derivs(rpp_static, length(ys), param_nbr); %make full matrix out of nonzero values and corresponding indices %rpp_static is [endo_nbr by param_nbr by param_nbr] second derivative (wrt parameters) of static model equations, i.e. d(df/dparams)/dparams, in declaration order if isempty(find(g2_static)) %auxiliary expression on page 8 of Ratto and Iskrev (2011) is zero, i.e. gam = 0 for j = 1:param_nbr %using the implicit function theorem, equation 15 on page 7 of Ratto and Iskrev (2011) d2ys(:,:,j) = -g1_static\rpp_static(:,:,j); %d2ys is [endo_nbr by param_nbr by param_nbr] second-derivative (wrt parameters) of steady state, i.e. d(dys/dparams)/dparams, in declaration order end else gam = rpp_static*0; %initialize auxiliary expression on page 8 of Ratto and Iskrev (2011) for j = 1:endo_nbr tmp_gp_static_dys = (squeeze(gp_static(j,:,:))'*dys); gam(j,:,:) = transpose(reshape(g2_static(j,:),[endo_nbr endo_nbr])*dys)*dys + tmp_gp_static_dys + tmp_gp_static_dys'; end for j = 1:param_nbr %using the implicit function theorem, equation 15 on page 7 of Ratto and Iskrev (2011) d2ys(:,:,j) = -g1_static\(rpp_static(:,:,j)+gam(:,:,j)); %d2ys is [endo_nbr by param_nbr by param_nbr] second-derivative (wrt parameters) of steady state, i.e. d(dys/dparams)/dparams, in declaration order end clear gp_static g2_static tmp_gp_static_dys gam end end %handling of steady state for nonstationary variables if any(any(isnan(dys))) [U,T] = schur(g1_static); qz_criterium = options.qz_criterium; e1 = abs(ordeig(T)) < qz_criterium-1; k = sum(e1); % Number of non stationary variables. % Number of stationary variables: n = length(e1)-k [U,T] = ordschur(U,T,e1); T = T(k+1:end,k+1:end); %using implicit function theorem, equation 5 of Ratto and Iskrev (2011), in declaration order dys = -U(:,k+1:end)*(T\U(:,k+1:end)')*rp_static; if nargout > 6 disp('Computation of d2ys for nonstationary variables is not yet correctly handled if g2_static is nonempty, but continue anyways...') for j = 1:param_nbr %using implicit function theorem, equation 15 of Ratto and Iskrev (2011), in declaration order d2ys(:,:,j) = -U(:,k+1:end)*(T\U(:,k+1:end)')*rpp_static(:,:,j); %THIS IS NOT CORRECT, IF g2_static IS NONEMPTY. WE NEED TO ADD GAM [willi] end end end if nargout > 6 [~, gp, ~, gpp, hp] = feval([fname,'.dynamic_params_derivs'], yy0, ex0, params0, ys, 1, dys, d2ys); %gp is [endo_nbr by (dynamicvar_nbr + exo_nbr) by param_nbr] first-derivative (wrt parameters) of first-derivative (wrt all endogenous, auxiliary and exogenous variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. d(df/dvars)/dparam, in DR order %gpp are nonzero values and corresponding indices of second-derivative (wrt parameters) of first-derivative (wrt all endogenous, auxiliary and exogenous variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. d(d(df/dvars)/dparam)/dparam, in DR order %hp are nonzero values and corresponding indices of first-derivative (wrt parameters) of second-derivative (wrt all endogenous, auxiliary and exogenous variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. d(d(df/dvars)/dvars)/dparam, in DR order d2Yss = d2ys(oo.dr.order_var,indpmodel,indpmodel); %[endo_nbr by mod_param_nbr by mod_param_nbr], i.e. put into DR order and focus only on model parameters else [~, gp] = feval([fname,'.dynamic_params_derivs'], yy0, repmat(ex0, [maximum_exo_lag+maximum_exo_lead+1,1]), params0, ys, 1, dys, d2ys); %gp is [endo_nbr by (dynamicvar_nbr + exo_nbr) by param_nbr] first-derivative (wrt parameters) of first-derivative (wrt all endogenous, auxiliary and exogenous variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. d(df/dvars)/dparam, in DR order [~, g1, g2 ] = feval([fname,'.dynamic'], yy0, repmat(ex0, [maximum_exo_lag+maximum_exo_lead+1,1]), params0, ys, 1); %g1 is [endo_nbr by (dynamicvar_nbr+exo_nbr)] first derivative (wrt all endogenous, exogenous and auxiliary variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. df/d[yy0;ex0], in DR order %g2 is [endo_nbr by (dynamicvar_nbr+exo_nbr)^2] second derivative (wrt all endogenous, exogenous and auxiliary variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. d(df/d[yy0;ex0])/d[yy0;ex0], in DR order end yy0ex0_nbr = sqrt(size(g2,2)); % number of dynamic variables + exogenous variables (length(yy0)+length(ex0)) dYss = dys(oo.dr.order_var, indpmodel); %focus only on model parameters, note dys is in declaration order, dYss is in DR-order dyy0 = dys(I,:); yy0_nbr = max(max(lead_lag_incidence)); % retrieve the number of states excluding columns for shocks % Computation of dg1, i.e. first derivative (wrt. parameters) of Jacobian (wrt endogenous and auxilary variables) of dynamic model using the implicit function theorem % Let g1 denote the Jacobian of dynamic model equations, i.e. g1 = df/d[yy0ex0], evaluated at the steady state % Let dg1 denote the first-derivative (wrt parameters) of g1 evaluated at the steady state % Note that g1 is a function of both the parameters and of the steady state, which also depends on the parameters. % Hence, implicitly g1=g1(p,yy0ex0(p)) and dg1 consists of two parts (see Ratto and Iskrev (2011) formula 7): % (1) direct derivative wrt to parameters given by the preprocessor, i.e. gp % and % (2) contribution of derivative of steady state (wrt parameters), i.e. g2*dyy0 % Note that in a stochastic context ex0 is always zero and hence can be skipped in the computations dg1_part2 = gp*0; %initialize part 2, it has dimension [endo_nbr by (dynamicvar_nbr+exo_nbr) by param_nbr] for j = 1:endo_nbr [II, JJ] = ind2sub([yy0ex0_nbr yy0ex0_nbr], find(g2(j,:))); %g2 is [endo_nbr by (dynamicvar_nbr+exo_nbr)^2] for i = 1:yy0ex0_nbr is = find(II==i); is = is(find(JJ(is)<=yy0_nbr)); %focus only on yy0 derivatives as ex0 variables are 0 in a stochastic context if ~isempty(is) tmp_g2 = full(g2(j,find(g2(j,:)))); dg1_part2(j,i,:) = tmp_g2(is)*dyy0(JJ(is),:); %put into tensor notation end end end dg1 = gp + dg1_part2; %dg is sum of two parts due to implicit function theorem dg1 = dg1(:,:,indpmodel); %focus only on model parameters if nargout > 6 % Computation of d2g1, i.e. second derivative (wrt. parameters) of Jacobian (wrt endogenous and auxilary variables) of dynamic model using the implicit function theorem % Let g1 denote the Jacobian of dynamic model equations, i.e. g1 = df/d[yy0ex0], evaluated at the steady state % Let d2g1 denote the second-derivative (wrt parameters) of g1 % Note that g1 is a function of both the parameters and of the steady state, which also depends on the parameters. % Hence, implicitly g1=g1(p,yy0ex0(p)) and the first derivative is given by dg1 = gp + g2*dyy0ex0 (see above) % Accordingly, d2g1, the second-derivative (wrt parameters), consists of five parts (ignoring transposes, see Ratto and Iskrev (2011) formula 16) % (1) d(gp)/dp = gpp % (2) d(gp)/dyy0ex0*d(yy0ex0)/dp = hp * dyy0ex0 % (3) d(g2)/dp * dyy0ex0 = hp * dyy0ex0 % (4) d(g2)/dyy0ex0*d(dyy0ex0)/dp * dyy0ex0 = g3 * dyy0ex0 * dyy0ex0 % (5) g2 * d(dyy0ex0)/dp = g2 * d2yy0ex0 % Note that part 2 and 3 are equivalent besides the use of transpose (see Ratto and Iskrev (2011) formula 16) d2g1_full = sparse(endo_nbr*yy0ex0_nbr, param_nbr*param_nbr); %initialize dyy0ex0 = sparse([dyy0; zeros(yy0ex0_nbr-yy0_nbr,param_nbr)]); %Jacobian (wrt model parameters) of steady state of dynamic (endogenous and auxiliary) and exogenous variables g3 = unfold_g3(g3, yy0ex0_nbr); g3_tmp = reshape(g3,[endo_nbr*yy0ex0_nbr*yy0ex0_nbr yy0ex0_nbr]); d2g1_part4_left = sparse(endo_nbr*yy0ex0_nbr*yy0ex0_nbr,param_nbr); for j = 1:param_nbr %compute first two terms of part 4 d2g1_part4_left(:,j) = g3_tmp*dyy0ex0(:,j); end for j=1:endo_nbr %Note that in the following we focus only on dynamic variables as exogenous variables are 0 by construction in a stochastic setting d2g1_part5 = reshape(g2(j,:), [yy0ex0_nbr yy0ex0_nbr]); d2g1_part5 = d2g1_part5(:,1:yy0_nbr)*reshape(d2ys(I,:,:),[yy0_nbr,param_nbr*param_nbr]); for i=1:yy0ex0_nbr ind_part4 = sub2ind([endo_nbr yy0ex0_nbr yy0ex0_nbr], ones(yy0ex0_nbr,1)*j ,ones(yy0ex0_nbr,1)*i, (1:yy0ex0_nbr)'); d2g1_part4 = (d2g1_part4_left(ind_part4,:))'*dyy0ex0; d2g1_part2_and_part3 = (get_hess_deriv(hp,j,i,yy0ex0_nbr,param_nbr))'*dyy0ex0; d2g1_part1 = get_2nd_deriv_mat(gpp,j,i,param_nbr); d2g1_tmp = d2g1_part1 + d2g1_part2_and_part3 + d2g1_part2_and_part3' + d2g1_part4 + reshape(d2g1_part5(i,:,:),[param_nbr param_nbr]); d2g1_tmp = d2g1_tmp(indpmodel,indpmodel); %focus only on model parameters if any(any(d2g1_tmp)) ind_d2g1_tmp = find(triu(d2g1_tmp)); d2g1_full(sub2ind([endo_nbr yy0ex0_nbr],j,i), ind_d2g1_tmp) = transpose(d2g1_tmp(ind_d2g1_tmp)); end end end clear d2g1_tmp d2g1_part1 d2g1_part2_and_part3 d2g1_part4 d2g1_part4_left d2g1_part5 %store only nonzero entries and the corresponding indices of d2g1: % rows: respective derivative term % 1st column: equation number of the term appearing % 2nd column: column number of variable in Jacobian of the dynamic model % 3rd column: number of the first parameter in derivative % 4th column: number of the second parameter in derivative % 5th column: value of the Hessian term ind_d2g1 = find(d2g1_full); d2g1 = zeros(length(ind_d2g1),5); for j=1:length(ind_d2g1) [i1, i2] = ind2sub(size(d2g1_full),ind_d2g1(j)); [ig1, ig2] = ind2sub(size(g1),i1); [ip1, ip2] = ind2sub([modparam_nbr modparam_nbr],i2); d2g1(j,:) = [ig1 ig2 ip1 ip2 d2g1_full(ind_d2g1(j))]; end clear d2g1_full; end end % clear variables that are not used any more clear rp_static g1_static clear ys dys dyy0 dyy0ex0 clear dg1_part2 tmp_g2 clear g2 gp rpp_static g2_static gp_static d2ys clear hp g3 g3_tmp gpp clear ind_d2g1 ind_d2g1_tmp ind_part4 i j i1 i2 ig1 ig2 I II JJ ip1 ip2 is % Construct nonzero derivatives wrt to t+1, t, and t-1 variables using kstate klen = maximum_endo_lag + maximum_endo_lead + 1; %total length k11 = lead_lag_incidence(find([1:klen] ~= maximum_endo_lag+1),:); g1nonzero = g1(:,nonzeros(k11')); dg1nonzero = dg1(:,nonzeros(k11'),:); if nargout > 6 indind = ismember(d2g1(:,2),nonzeros(k11')); tmp = d2g1(indind,:); d2g1nonzero = tmp; for j = 1:size(tmp,1) inxinx = find(nonzeros(k11')==tmp(j,2)); d2g1nonzero(j,2) = inxinx; end end kstate = oo.dr.kstate; % Construct nonzero derivatives wrt to t+1, i.e. GAM1=-f_{y^+} in Villemot (2011) GAM1 = zeros(endo_nbr,endo_nbr); dGAM1 = zeros(endo_nbr,endo_nbr,modparam_nbr); k1 = find(kstate(:,2) == maximum_endo_lag+2 & kstate(:,3)); GAM1(:, kstate(k1,1)) = -g1nonzero(:,kstate(k1,3)); dGAM1(:, kstate(k1,1), :) = -dg1nonzero(:,kstate(k1,3),:); if nargout > 6 indind = ismember(d2g1nonzero(:,2),kstate(k1,3)); tmp = d2g1nonzero(indind,:); tmp(:,end)=-tmp(:,end); d2GAM1 = tmp; for j = 1:size(tmp,1) inxinx = (kstate(k1,3)==tmp(j,2)); d2GAM1(j,2) = kstate(k1(inxinx),1); end end % Construct nonzero derivatives wrt to t, i.e. GAM0=f_{y^0} in Villemot (2011) [~,cols_b,cols_j] = find(lead_lag_incidence(maximum_endo_lag+1, oo.dr.order_var)); GAM0 = zeros(endo_nbr,endo_nbr); dGAM0 = zeros(endo_nbr,endo_nbr,modparam_nbr); GAM0(:,cols_b) = g1(:,cols_j); dGAM0(:,cols_b,:) = dg1(:,cols_j,:); if nargout > 6 indind = ismember(d2g1(:,2),cols_j); tmp = d2g1(indind,:); d2GAM0 = tmp; for j = 1:size(tmp,1) inxinx = (cols_j==tmp(j,2)); d2GAM0(j,2) = cols_b(inxinx); end end % Construct nonzero derivatives wrt to t-1, i.e. GAM2=-f_{y^-} in Villemot (2011) k2 = find(kstate(:,2) == maximum_endo_lag+1 & kstate(:,4)); GAM2 = zeros(endo_nbr,endo_nbr); dGAM2 = zeros(endo_nbr,endo_nbr,modparam_nbr); GAM2(:, kstate(k2,1)) = -g1nonzero(:,kstate(k2,4)); dGAM2(:, kstate(k2,1), :) = -dg1nonzero(:,kstate(k2,4),:); if nargout > 6 indind = ismember(d2g1nonzero(:,2),kstate(k2,4)); tmp = d2g1nonzero(indind,:); tmp(:,end) = -tmp(:,end); d2GAM2 = tmp; for j = 1:size(tmp,1) inxinx = (kstate(k2,4)==tmp(j,2)); d2GAM2(j,2) = kstate(k2(inxinx),1); end end % Construct nonzero derivatives wrt to u_t, i.e. GAM3=-f_{u} in Villemot (2011) GAM3 = -g1(:,length(yy0)+1:end); dGAM3 = -dg1(:,length(yy0)+1:end,:); if nargout > 6 cols_ex = [length(yy0)+1:size(g1,2)]; indind = ismember(d2g1(:,2),cols_ex); tmp = d2g1(indind,:); tmp(:,end) = -tmp(:,end); d2GAM3 = tmp; for j = 1:size(tmp,1) inxinx = find(cols_ex==tmp(j,2)); d2GAM3(j,2) = inxinx; end clear d2g1 d2g1nonzero tmp end clear cols_b cols_ex cols_j k1 k11 k2 klen kstate clear g1nonzero dg1nonzero g1 yy0 %% Construct first derivative of Sigma_e dSigma_e = zeros(exo_nbr,exo_nbr,totparam_nbr); %initialize % note that derivatives wrt model parameters are zero by construction % Compute first derivative of Sigma_e wrt stderr parameters (these come first) if ~isempty(indpstderr) for jp = 1:stderrparam_nbr dSigma_e(indpstderr(jp),indpstderr(jp),jp) = 2*stderr_e0(indpstderr(jp)); if isdiag(Sigma_e0) == 0 % if there are correlated errors add cross derivatives indotherex0 = 1:exo_nbr; indotherex0(indpstderr(jp)) = []; for kk = indotherex0 dSigma_e(indpstderr(jp), kk, jp) = Corr_e0(indpstderr(jp),kk)*stderr_e0(kk); dSigma_e(kk, indpstderr(jp), jp) = dSigma_e(indpstderr(jp), kk, jp); %symmetry end end end end % Compute first derivative of Sigma_e wrt corr parameters (these come second) if ~isempty(indpcorr) for jp = 1:corrparam_nbr dSigma_e(indpcorr(jp,1),indpcorr(jp,2),stderrparam_nbr+jp) = stderr_e0(indpcorr(jp,1))*stderr_e0(indpcorr(jp,2)); dSigma_e(indpcorr(jp,2),indpcorr(jp,1),stderrparam_nbr+jp) = dSigma_e(indpcorr(jp,1),indpcorr(jp,2),stderrparam_nbr+jp); %symmetry end end %% Construct second derivative of Sigma_e if nargout > 6 % note that derivatives wrt (mod x mod) and (corr x corr) parameters % are zero by construction; hence we only need to focus on (stderr x stderr), and (stderr x corr) d2Sigma_e = zeros(exo_nbr,exo_nbr,totparam_nbr^2); %initialize full matrix, even though we'll reduce it later on to unique upper triangular values % Compute upper triangular values of Hessian of Sigma_e wrt (stderr x stderr) parameters if ~isempty(indp2stderrstderr) for jp = 1:stderrparam_nbr for ip = 1:jp if jp == ip %same stderr parameters d2Sigma_e(indpstderr(jp),indpstderr(jp),indp2stderrstderr(ip,jp)) = 2; else %different stderr parameters if isdiag(Sigma_e0) == 0 % if there are correlated errors d2Sigma_e(indpstderr(jp),indpstderr(ip),indp2stderrstderr(ip,jp)) = Corr_e0(indpstderr(jp),indpstderr(ip)); d2Sigma_e(indpstderr(ip),indpstderr(jp),indp2stderrstderr(ip,jp)) = Corr_e0(indpstderr(jp),indpstderr(ip)); %symmetry end end end end end % Compute upper triangular values of Hessian of Sigma_e wrt (stderr x corr) parameters if ~isempty(indp2stderrcorr) for jp = 1:stderrparam_nbr for ip = 1:corrparam_nbr if indpstderr(jp) == indpcorr(ip,1) %if stderr equal to first index of corr parameter, derivative is equal to stderr corresponding to second index d2Sigma_e(indpstderr(jp),indpcorr(ip,2),indp2stderrcorr(jp,ip)) = stderr_e0(indpcorr(ip,2)); d2Sigma_e(indpcorr(ip,2),indpstderr(jp),indp2stderrcorr(jp,ip)) = stderr_e0(indpcorr(ip,2)); % symmetry end if indpstderr(jp) == indpcorr(ip,2) %if stderr equal to second index of corr parameter, derivative is equal to stderr corresponding to first index d2Sigma_e(indpstderr(jp),indpcorr(ip,1),indp2stderrcorr(jp,ip)) = stderr_e0(indpcorr(ip,1)); d2Sigma_e(indpcorr(ip,1),indpstderr(jp),indp2stderrcorr(jp,ip)) = stderr_e0(indpcorr(ip,1)); % symmetry end end end end d2Sigma_e = d2Sigma_e(:,:,indp2tottot2); %focus on upper triangular hessian values end if kronflag == 1 % The following derivations are based on Iskrev (2010) and its online appendix A. % Basic idea is to make use of the implicit function theorem. % Let F = GAM0*A - GAM1*A*A - GAM2 = 0 % Note that F is a function of parameters p and A, which is also a % function of p,therefore, F = F(p,A(p)), and hence, % dF = Fp + dF_dA*dA or dA = - Fp/dF_dA % Some auxiliary matrices I_endo = speye(endo_nbr); I_exo = speye(exo_nbr); % Reshape to write derivatives in the Magnus and Neudecker style, i.e. dvec(X)/dp dGAM0 = reshape(dGAM0, endo_nbr^2, modparam_nbr); dGAM1 = reshape(dGAM1, endo_nbr^2, modparam_nbr); dGAM2 = reshape(dGAM2, endo_nbr^2, modparam_nbr); dGAM3 = reshape(dGAM3, endo_nbr*exo_nbr, modparam_nbr); dSigma_e = reshape(dSigma_e, exo_nbr^2, totparam_nbr); % Compute dA via implicit function dF_dA = kron(I_endo,GAM0) - kron(A',GAM1) - kron(I_endo,GAM1*A); %equation 31 in Appendix A of Iskrev (2010) Fp = kron(A',I_endo)*dGAM0 - kron( (A')^2,I_endo)*dGAM1 - dGAM2; %equation 32 in Appendix A of Iskrev (2010) dA = -dF_dA\Fp; % Compute dB from expressions 33 in Iskrev (2010) Appendix A MM = GAM0-GAM1*A; %this corresponds to matrix M in Ratto and Iskrev (2011, page 6) and will be used if nargout > 6 below invMM = MM\eye(endo_nbr); dB = - kron( (invMM*GAM3)' , invMM ) * ( dGAM0 - kron( A' , I_endo ) * dGAM1 - kron( I_endo , GAM1 ) * dA ) + kron( I_exo, invMM ) * dGAM3 ; dBt = commutation(endo_nbr, exo_nbr)*dB; %transose of derivative using the commutation matrix % Add derivatives for stderr and corr parameters, which are zero by construction dA = [zeros(endo_nbr^2, stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr) dA]; dB = [zeros(endo_nbr*exo_nbr, stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr) dB]; dBt = [zeros(endo_nbr*exo_nbr, stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr) dBt]; % Compute dOm = dvec(B*Sig*B') from expressions 34 in Iskrev (2010) Appendix A dOm = kron(I_endo,B*Sigma_e0)*dBt + kron(B,B)*dSigma_e + kron(B*Sigma_e0,I_endo)*dB; % Put into tensor notation dA = reshape(dA, endo_nbr, endo_nbr, totparam_nbr); dB = reshape(dB, endo_nbr, exo_nbr, totparam_nbr); dOm = reshape(dOm, endo_nbr, endo_nbr, totparam_nbr); dSigma_e = reshape(dSigma_e, exo_nbr, exo_nbr, totparam_nbr); if nargout > 6 % Put back into tensor notation as these will be reused later dGAM0 = reshape(dGAM0, endo_nbr, endo_nbr, modparam_nbr); dGAM1 = reshape(dGAM1, endo_nbr, endo_nbr, modparam_nbr); dGAM2 = reshape(dGAM2, endo_nbr, endo_nbr, modparam_nbr); dGAM3 = reshape(dGAM3, endo_nbr, exo_nbr, modparam_nbr); dAA = dA(:, :, stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+1:end); %this corresponds to matrix dA in Ratto and Iskrev (2011, page 6), i.e. derivative of A with respect to model parameters only in tensor notation dBB = dB(:, :, stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+1:end); %dBB is for all endogenous variables, whereas dB is only for selected variables N = -GAM1; %this corresponds to matrix N in Ratto and Iskrev (2011, page 6) P = A; %this corresponds to matrix P in Ratto and Iskrev (2011, page 6) end % Focus only on selected variables dYss = dYss(indvar,:); dA = dA(indvar,indvar,:); dB = dB(indvar,:,:); dOm = dOm(indvar,indvar,:); elseif (kronflag == 0 || kronflag == -2) % generalized sylvester equation solves MM*dAA+N*dAA*P=Q from Ratto and Iskrev (2011) equation 11 where % dAA is derivative of A with respect to model parameters only in tensor notation MM = (GAM0-GAM1*A); N = -GAM1; P = A; Q_rightpart = zeros(endo_nbr,endo_nbr,modparam_nbr); %initialize Q = Q_rightpart; %initialize and compute matrix Q in Ratto and Iskrev (2011, page 6) for j = 1:modparam_nbr Q_rightpart(:,:,j) = (dGAM0(:,:,j)-dGAM1(:,:,j)*A); Q(:,:,j) = dGAM2(:,:,j)-Q_rightpart(:,:,j)*A; end %use iterated generalized sylvester equation to compute dAA dAA = sylvester3(MM,N,P,Q); flag = 1; icount = 0; while flag && icount < 4 [dAA, flag] = sylvester3a(dAA,MM,N,P,Q); icount = icount+1; end %stderr parameters come first, then corr parameters, model parameters come last %note that stderr and corr derivatives are: % - zero by construction for A and B % - depend only on dSig for Om dOm = zeros(var_nbr, var_nbr, totparam_nbr); dA = zeros(var_nbr, var_nbr, totparam_nbr); dB = zeros(var_nbr, exo_nbr, totparam_nbr); if nargout > 6 dBB = zeros(endo_nbr, exo_nbr, modparam_nbr); %dBB is always for all endogenous variables, whereas dB is only for selected variables end %compute derivative of Om=B*Sig*B' that depends on Sig (other part is added later) if ~isempty(indpstderr) for j = 1:stderrparam_nbr BSigjBt = B*dSigma_e(:,:,j)*B'; dOm(:,:,j) = BSigjBt(indvar,indvar); end end if ~isempty(indpcorr) for j = 1:corrparam_nbr BSigjBt = B*dSigma_e(:,:,stderrparam_nbr+j)*B'; dOm(:,:,stderrparam_nbr+j) = BSigjBt(indvar,indvar); end end %compute derivative of B and the part of Om=B*Sig*B' that depends on B (other part is computed above) invMM = inv(MM); for j = 1:modparam_nbr dAAj = dAA(:,:,j); dBj = invMM * ( dGAM3(:,:,j) - (Q_rightpart(:,:,j) -GAM1*dAAj ) * B ); %equation 14 in Ratto and Iskrev (2011), except in the paper there is a typo as the last B is missing dOmj = dBj*Sigma_e0*B'+B*Sigma_e0*dBj'; %store derivatives in tensor notation dA(:, :, stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+j) = dAAj(indvar,indvar); dB(:, :, stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+j) = dBj(indvar,:); dOm(:, :, stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr+j) = dOmj(indvar,indvar); if nargout > 6 dBB(:, :, j) = dBj; end end dYss = dYss(indvar,:); % Focus only on relevant variables end %% Compute second-order derivatives (wrt params) of solution matrices using generalized sylvester equations, see equations 17 and 18 in Ratto and Iskrev (2011) if nargout > 6 % solves MM*d2AA+N*d2AA*P = QQ where d2AA are second order derivatives (wrt model parameters) of A d2Yss = d2Yss(indvar,:,:); QQ = zeros(endo_nbr,endo_nbr,floor(sqrt(modparam_nbr2))); jcount=0; cumjcount=0; jinx = []; x2x=sparse(endo_nbr*endo_nbr,modparam_nbr2); for i=1:modparam_nbr for j=1:i elem1 = (get_2nd_deriv(d2GAM0,endo_nbr,endo_nbr,j,i)-get_2nd_deriv(d2GAM1,endo_nbr,endo_nbr,j,i)*A); elem1 = get_2nd_deriv(d2GAM2,endo_nbr,endo_nbr,j,i)-elem1*A; elemj0 = dGAM0(:,:,j)-dGAM1(:,:,j)*A; elemi0 = dGAM0(:,:,i)-dGAM1(:,:,i)*A; elem2 = -elemj0*dAA(:,:,i)-elemi0*dAA(:,:,j); elem2 = elem2 + ( dGAM1(:,:,j)*dAA(:,:,i) + dGAM1(:,:,i)*dAA(:,:,j) )*A; elem2 = elem2 + GAM1*( dAA(:,:,i)*dAA(:,:,j) + dAA(:,:,j)*dAA(:,:,i)); jcount=jcount+1; jinx = [jinx; [j i]]; QQ(:,:,jcount) = elem1+elem2; if jcount==floor(sqrt(modparam_nbr2)) || (j*i)==modparam_nbr^2 if (j*i)==modparam_nbr^2 QQ = QQ(:,:,1:jcount); end xx2=sylvester3(MM,N,P,QQ); flag=1; icount=0; while flag && icount<4 [xx2, flag]=sylvester3a(xx2,MM,N,P,QQ); icount = icount + 1; end x2x(:,cumjcount+1:cumjcount+jcount)=reshape(xx2,[endo_nbr*endo_nbr jcount]); cumjcount=cumjcount+jcount; jcount = 0; jinx = []; end end end clear d xx2; jcount = 0; icount = 0; cumjcount = 0; MAX_DIM_MAT = 100000000; ncol = max(1,floor(MAX_DIM_MAT/(8*var_nbr*(var_nbr+1)/2))); ncol = min(ncol, totparam_nbr2); d2A = sparse(var_nbr*var_nbr,totparam_nbr2); d2Om = sparse(var_nbr*(var_nbr+1)/2,totparam_nbr2); d2A_tmp = zeros(var_nbr*var_nbr,ncol); d2Om_tmp = zeros(var_nbr*(var_nbr+1)/2,ncol); tmpDir = CheckPath('tmp_derivs',dname); offset = stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr; % d2B = zeros(m,n,tot_param_nbr,tot_param_nbr); for j=1:totparam_nbr for i=1:j jcount=jcount+1; if j<=offset %stderr and corr parameters y = B*d2Sigma_e(:,:,jcount)*B'; d2Om_tmp(:,jcount) = dyn_vech(y(indvar,indvar)); else %model parameters jind = j-offset; iind = i-offset; if i<=offset y = dBB(:,:,jind)*dSigma_e(:,:,i)*B'+B*dSigma_e(:,:,i)*dBB(:,:,jind)'; % y(abs(y)<1.e-8)=0; d2Om_tmp(:,jcount) = dyn_vech(y(indvar,indvar)); else icount=icount+1; dAAj = reshape(x2x(:,icount),[endo_nbr endo_nbr]); % x = get_2nd_deriv(x2x,m,m,iind,jind);%xx2(:,:,jcount); elem1 = (get_2nd_deriv(d2GAM0,endo_nbr,endo_nbr,iind,jind)-get_2nd_deriv(d2GAM1,endo_nbr,endo_nbr,iind,jind)*A); elem1 = elem1 -( dGAM1(:,:,jind)*dAA(:,:,iind) + dGAM1(:,:,iind)*dAA(:,:,jind) ); elemj0 = dGAM0(:,:,jind)-dGAM1(:,:,jind)*A-GAM1*dAA(:,:,jind); elemi0 = dGAM0(:,:,iind)-dGAM1(:,:,iind)*A-GAM1*dAA(:,:,iind); elem0 = elemj0*dBB(:,:,iind)+elemi0*dBB(:,:,jind); y = invMM * (get_2nd_deriv(d2GAM3,endo_nbr,exo_nbr,iind,jind)-elem0-(elem1-GAM1*dAAj)*B); % d2B(:,:,j+length(indexo),i+length(indexo)) = y; % d2B(:,:,i+length(indexo),j+length(indexo)) = y; y = y*Sigma_e0*B'+B*Sigma_e0*y'+ ... dBB(:,:,jind)*Sigma_e0*dBB(:,:,iind)'+dBB(:,:,iind)*Sigma_e0*dBB(:,:,jind)'; % x(abs(x)<1.e-8)=0; d2A_tmp(:,jcount) = vec(dAAj(indvar,indvar)); % y(abs(y)<1.e-8)=0; d2Om_tmp(:,jcount) = dyn_vech(y(indvar,indvar)); end end if jcount==ncol || i*j==totparam_nbr^2 d2A(:,cumjcount+1:cumjcount+jcount) = d2A_tmp(:,1:jcount); % d2A(:,:,j+length(indexo),i+length(indexo)) = x; % d2A(:,:,i+length(indexo),j+length(indexo)) = x; d2Om(:,cumjcount+1:cumjcount+jcount) = d2Om_tmp(:,1:jcount); % d2Om(:,:,j+length(indexo),i+length(indexo)) = y; % d2Om(:,:,i+length(indexo),j+length(indexo)) = y; save([tmpDir filesep 'd2A_' int2str(cumjcount+1) '_' int2str(cumjcount+jcount) '.mat'],'d2A') save([tmpDir filesep 'd2Om_' int2str(cumjcount+1) '_' int2str(cumjcount+jcount) '.mat'],'d2Om') cumjcount = cumjcount+jcount; jcount=0; % d2A = sparse(m1*m1,tot_param_nbr*(tot_param_nbr+1)/2); % d2Om = sparse(m1*(m1+1)/2,tot_param_nbr*(tot_param_nbr+1)/2); d2A_tmp = zeros(var_nbr*var_nbr,ncol); d2Om_tmp = zeros(var_nbr*(var_nbr+1)/2,ncol); end end end end return function g22 = get_2nd_deriv(gpp,m,n,i,j) % inputs: % - gpp: [#second_order_Jacobian_terms by 5] double Hessian matrix (wrt parameters) of a matrix % rows: respective derivative term % 1st column: equation number of the term appearing % 2nd column: column number of variable in Jacobian % 3rd column: number of the first parameter in derivative % 4th column: number of the second parameter in derivative % 5th column: value of the Hessian term % - m: scalar number of equations % - n: scalar number of variables % - i: scalar number for which first parameter % - j: scalar number for which second parameter g22=zeros(m,n); is=find(gpp(:,3)==i); is=is(find(gpp(is,4)==j)); if ~isempty(is) g22(sub2ind([m,n],gpp(is,1),gpp(is,2)))=gpp(is,5)'; end return function g22 = get_2nd_deriv_mat(gpp,i,j,npar) % inputs: % - gpp: [#second_order_Jacobian_terms by 5] double Hessian matrix of (wrt parameters) of dynamic Jacobian % rows: respective derivative term % 1st column: equation number of the term appearing % 2nd column: column number of variable in Jacobian of the dynamic model % 3rd column: number of the first parameter in derivative % 4th column: number of the second parameter in derivative % 5th column: value of the Hessian term % - i: scalar number for which model equation % - j: scalar number for which variable in Jacobian of dynamic model % - npar: scalar Number of model parameters, i.e. equals M_.param_nbr % % output: % g22: [npar by npar] Hessian matrix (wrt parameters) of Jacobian of dynamic model for equation i % rows: first parameter in Hessian % columns: second paramater in Hessian g22=zeros(npar,npar); is=find(gpp(:,1)==i); is=is(find(gpp(is,2)==j)); if ~isempty(is) g22(sub2ind([npar,npar],gpp(is,3),gpp(is,4)))=gpp(is,5)'; end return function g22 = get_all_2nd_derivs(gpp,m,n,npar,fsparse) if nargin==4 || isempty(fsparse) fsparse=0; end if fsparse g22=sparse(m*n,npar*npar); else g22=zeros(m,n,npar,npar); end % c=ones(npar,npar); % c=triu(c); % ic=find(c); for is=1:length(gpp) % d=zeros(npar,npar); % d(gpp(is,3),gpp(is,4))=1; % indx = find(ic==find(d)); if fsparse g22(sub2ind([m,n],gpp(is,1),gpp(is,2)),sub2ind([npar,npar],gpp(is,3),gpp(is,4)))=gpp(is,5); else g22(gpp(is,1),gpp(is,2),gpp(is,3),gpp(is,4))=gpp(is,5); end end return function r22 = get_all_resid_2nd_derivs(rpp,m,npar) % inputs: % - rpp: [#second_order_residual_terms by 4] double Hessian matrix (wrt paramters) of model equations % rows: respective derivative term % 1st column: equation number of the term appearing % 2nd column: number of the first parameter in derivative % 3rd column: number of the second parameter in derivative % 4th column: value of the Hessian term % - m: scalar Number of residuals (or model equations), i.e. equals endo_nbr % - npar: scalar Number of model parameters, i.e. equals param_nbr % % output: % r22: [endo_nbr by param_nbr by param_nbr] Hessian matrix of model equations with respect to parameters % rows: equations in order of declaration % 1st columns: first parameter number in derivative % 2nd columns: second parameter in derivative r22=zeros(m,npar,npar); for is=1:length(rpp) % Keep symmetry in hessian, hence 2 and 3 as well as 3 and 2, i.e. d2f/(dp1 dp2) = d2f/(dp2 dp1) r22(rpp(is,1),rpp(is,2),rpp(is,3))=rpp(is,4); r22(rpp(is,1),rpp(is,3),rpp(is,2))=rpp(is,4); end return function h2 = get_all_hess_derivs(hp,r,m,npar) h2=zeros(r,m,m,npar); for is=1:length(hp) h2(hp(is,1),hp(is,2),hp(is,3),hp(is,4))=hp(is,5); end return function h2 = get_hess_deriv(hp,i,j,m,npar) % inputs: % - hp: [#first_order_Hessian_terms by 5] double Jacobian matrix (wrt paramters) of dynamic Hessian % rows: respective derivative term % 1st column: equation number of the term appearing % 2nd column: column number of first variable in Hessian of the dynamic model % 3rd column: column number of second variable in Hessian of the dynamic model % 4th column: number of the parameter in derivative % 5th column: value of the Hessian term % - i: scalar number for which model equation % - j: scalar number for which first variable in Hessian of dynamic model variable % - m: scalar Number of dynamic model variables + exogenous vars, i.e. dynamicvar_nbr + exo_nbr % - npar: scalar Number of model parameters, i.e. equals M_.param_nbr % % output: % h2: [(dynamicvar_nbr + exo_nbr) by M_.param_nbr] Jacobian matrix (wrt parameters) of dynamic Hessian % rows: second dynamic or exogenous variables in Hessian of specific model equation of the dynamic model % columns: parameters h2=zeros(m,npar); is1=find(hp(:,1)==i); is=is1(find(hp(is1,2)==j)); if ~isempty(is) h2(sub2ind([m,npar],hp(is,3),hp(is,4)))=hp(is,5)'; end return