function message = get_error_message(info, DynareOptions) % Returns error messages % % INPUTS % info [double] vector returned by resol.m % DynareOptions [structure] --> options_ % OUTPUTS % message [string] corresponding error message % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % none % Copyright © 2005-2020 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . switch info(1) case 0 message = ''; case 1 message = 'The model doesn''t determine the current variable uniquely.'; case 2 message = sprintf('The generalized Schur (QZ) decomposition failed. For more information, see the documentation for Lapack function dgges: info=%d, n=%d. You can also run model_diagnostics to get more information on what may cause this problem.', info(2), info(3)); case 3 message = 'Blanchard & Kahn conditions are not satisfied: no stable equilibrium.'; case 4 message = 'Blanchard & Kahn conditions are not satisfied: indeterminacy.'; case 5 message = 'Blanchard & Kahn conditions are not satisfied: indeterminacy due to rank failure.'; case 6 message = 'The Jacobian matrix evaluated at the steady state contains elements that are not real or are infinite.'; case 7 message = sprintf('One of the eigenvalues is close to 0/0 (the absolute value of numerator and denominator is smaller than %5.4f!\n If you believe that the model has a unique solution you can try to reduce the value of qz_zero_threshold.',DynareOptions.qz_zero_threshold); case 8 if size(info,2)>=2 && info(2)~=0 global M_; disp_string = M_.param_names{info(2)}; for ii=1:length(info)-2 disp_string = [disp_string, ', ', M_.param_names{info(2+ii)}]; end message = ['The Jacobian contains NaNs because the following parameters are NaN: ' disp_string]; else message = 'The Jacobian contains NaNs. For more information, use options_.debug.'; end case 9 message = 'k_order_pert was unable to compute the solution'; case 10 message = 'The Jacobian of the dynamic model contains Inf. For more information, use options_.debug.'; case 11 message = 'The Hessian of the dynamic model used for second order solutions must not contain Inf'; case 12 message = 'The Hessian of the dynamic model used for second order solutions must not contain NaN'; case 19 message = 'The steadystate file did not compute the steady state'; case 20 if DynareOptions.linear message = sprintf('Impossible to find the steady state (the sum of square residuals of the static equations is %5.4f). Either the model doesn''t have a steady state or there are an infinity of steady states Check whether your model is truly linear or whether there is a mistake in linearization.', info(2)); else message = sprintf('Impossible to find the steady state (the sum of square residuals of the static equations is %5.4f). Either the model doesn''t have a steady state, there are an infinity of steady states, or the guess values are too far from the solution', info(2)); end case 21 message = sprintf('The steady state is complex (the sum of square residuals of imaginary parts of the steady state is %5.4f)', info(2)); case 22 message = 'The steady state has NaNs or Inf.'; case 23 message = 'Parameters have been updated in the steadystate routine and some have complex values.'; case 24 message = 'Parameters have been updated in the steadystate routine and some are NaNs or Inf.'; case 25 message = 'The solution to the static equations is not a steady state of the dynamic model: verify that the equations tagged by [static] and [dynamic] are consistent'; case 26 message = 'The loglinearization of the model cannot be performed, because the steady state is not strictly positive.'; case 30 message = 'Ergodic variance can''t be computed.'; case 41 message = 'one (many) parameter(s) do(es) not satisfy the lower bound'; case 42 message = 'one (many) parameter(s) do(es) not satisfy the upper bound'; case 43 message = 'Covariance matrix of structural shocks is not positive definite'; case 44 %DsgeLikelihood_hh / dsge_likelihood message = 'The covariance matrix of the measurement errors is not positive definite.'; case 45 %DsgeLikelihood_hh / dsge_likelihood message = 'Likelihood is not a number (NaN) or a complex number'; case 46 %DsgeLikelihood_hh / dsge_likelihood message = 'Likelihood is a complex number'; case 47 %DsgeLikelihood_hh / dsge_likelihood message = 'Prior density is not a number (NaN)'; case 48 %DsgeLikelihood_hh / dsge_likelihood message = 'Prior density is a complex number'; case 49 message = 'The model violates one (many) endogenous prior restriction(s)'; case 50 message = 'Likelihood is Inf'; case 51 message = sprintf('\n The dsge_prior_weight is dsge_var=%5.4f, but must be at least %5.4f for the prior to be proper.\n You are estimating a DSGE-VAR model, but the value of the dsge prior weight is too low!', info(2), info(3)); case 52 %dsge_var_likelihood message = 'You are estimating a DSGE-VAR model, but the implied covariance matrix of the VAR''s innovations, based on artificial and actual sample is not positive definite!'; case 53 %dsge_var_likelihood message = 'You are estimating a DSGE-VAR model, but the implied covariance matrix of the VAR''s innovations, based on the artificial sample, is not positive definite!'; case 55 message = 'Fast Kalman filter only works with stationary models [lik_init=1] or stationary observables for non-stationary models [lik_init=3]'; case 61 %Discretionary policy message = 'Discretionary policy: maximum number of iterations has been reached. Procedure failed.'; case 62 message = 'Discretionary policy: some eigenvalues greater than options_.qz_criterium. Model potentially unstable.'; case 63 message = 'Discretionary policy: NaN elements are present in the solution. Procedure failed.'; case 64 message = 'discretionary_policy: the derivatives of the objective function contain NaN.'; case 65 message = 'discretionary_policy: the model must be written in deviation form and not have constant terms or an analytical steady state meeds to be provided.'; case 66 message = 'discretionary_policy: the objective function must have zero first order derivatives.'; case 71 message = 'Calibrated covariance of the structural errors implies correlation larger than +-1.'; case 72 message = 'Calibrated covariance of the measurement errors implies correlation larger than +-1.'; % Aim Code Conversions by convertAimCodeToInfo.m case 81 message = ['Ramsey: The solution to the static first order conditions for optimal policy could not be found. Either the model' ... ' doesn''t have a steady state, there are an infinity of steady states, ' ... ' or the guess values are too far from the solution']; case 82 message = 'Ramsey: The steady state computation resulted in NaN in the static first order conditions for optimal policy'; case 83 message = 'Ramsey: The steady state computation resulted in NaN in the auxiliary equations for optimal policy'; case 84 message = 'Ramsey: The steady state file computation for the Ramsey problem resulted in NaNs at the initial values of the instruments'; case 85 message = 'Ramsey: The steady state file does not solve the static first order conditions conditional on the instruments.'; case 86 message = 'Ramsey: The steady state file provides complex numbers conditional on the instruments.'; case 87 message = 'Ramsey: The maximum number of iterations has been reached. Try increasing maxit.'; case 102 message = 'Aim: roots not correctly computed by real_schur'; case 103 message = 'Aim: too many explosive roots: no stable equilibrium'; case 135 message = 'Aim: too many explosive roots, and q(:,right) is singular'; case 104 message = 'Aim: too few explosive roots: indeterminacy'; case 145 message = 'Aim: too few explosive roots, and q(:,right) is singular'; case 105 message = 'Aim: q(:,right) is singular'; case 161 message = 'Aim: too many exact shiftrights'; case 162 message = 'Aim: too many numeric shiftrights'; case 163 message = 'Aim: A is NAN or INF.'; case 164 message = 'Aim: Problem in SPEIG.'; case 180 message = 'SMM: simulation resulted in NaN/Inf. You may need to enable pruning.'; case 201 message = 'Particle Filter: Initial covariance of the states is not positive definite. Try a different nonlinear_filter_initialization'; case 202 message = 'Particle Filter: Initial covariance of the states based on simulation resulted in NaN/Inf. Use pruning or try a different nonlinear_filter_initialization'; case 301 message = 'IVF: The likelihood is Inf.'; case 302 message = 'IVF: The likelihood is NaN.'; case 303 message = 'IVF: The residuals are not 0.'; case 304 message = 'IVF: The solver returned with an error code.'; case 305 message = 'IVF: The returned shocks are bigger than 1e8.'; case 310 message = 'Occbin: Simulation terminated with periodic solution (no convergence).'; case 311 message = 'Occbin: Simulation did not converge, increase maxit or check_ahead_periods.'; case 312 message = 'Occbin: Constraint(s) are binding at the end of the sample.'; case 313 message = 'Occbin: Simulation did not converge -- infinite loop of regimes'; case 320 message = 'Piecewise linear Kalman filter: There was a problem in obtaining the likelihood.'; case 401 message = 'Cycle reduction reached the iteration limit. Try increasing maxit.'; case 402 message = 'Cycle reduction terminated with NaN/Inf.'; case 403 message = 'Cycle reduction converged to a solution that does not solve the matrix equation.'; case 411 message = 'Logarithmic reduction reached the iteration limit. Try increasing maxit.'; case 412 message = 'Logarithmic reduction terminated with NaN/Inf.'; case 413 message = 'Logarithmic reduction converged to a solution that does not solve the matrix equation.'; otherwise message = 'This case shouldn''t happen. Contact the authors of Dynare'; end