function optimal_bandwidth = mh_optimal_bandwidth(data,n,bandwidth,kernel_function) %% This function gives the optimal bandwidth parameter of a kernel estimator %% used to estimate a posterior univariate density from realisations of a %% Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. %% %% * M. Skold and G.O. Roberts [2003], "Density estimation for the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm". %% * Silverman [1986], "Density estimation for statistics and data analysis". %% %% data :: a vector with n elements. %% bandwidth :: a scalar equal to 0,-1 or -2. For a value different from 0,-1 or -2 the %% function will return optimal_bandwidth = bandwidth. %% kernel_function :: 'gaussian','uniform','triangle','epanechnikov', %% 'quartic','triweight','cosinus'. %% %% [07-15-2004] <-- [01/16/2004] %% KERNEL SPECIFICATION... if strcmpi(kernel_function,'gaussian') k = inline('inv(sqrt(2*pi))*exp(-0.5*x.^2)'); k2 = inline('inv(sqrt(2*pi))*(-exp(-0.5*x.^2)+(x.^2).*exp(-0.5*x.^2))'); % second derivate of the gaussian kernel k4 = inline('inv(sqrt(2*pi))*(3*exp(-0.5*x.^2)-6*(x.^2).*exp(-0.5*x.^2)+(x.^4).*exp(-0.5*x.^2))'); % fourth derivate... k6 = inline('inv(sqrt(2*pi))*(-15*exp(-0.5*x.^2)+45*(x.^2).*exp(-0.5*x.^2)-15*(x.^4).*exp(-0.5*x.^2)+(x.^6).*exp(-0.5*x.^2))'); % sixth derivate... mu02 = inv(2*sqrt(pi)); mu21 = 1; elseif strcmpi(kernel_function,'uniform') k = inline('0.5*(abs(x) <= 1)'); mu02 = 0.5; mu21 = 1/3; elseif strcmpi(kernel_function,'triangle') k = inline('(1-abs(x)).*(abs(x) <= 1)'); mu02 = 2/3; mu21 = 1/6; elseif strcmpi(kernel_function,'epanechnikov') k = inline('0.75*(1-x.^2).*(abs(x) <= 1)'); mu02 = 3/5; mu21 = 1/5; elseif strcmpi(kernel_function,'quartic') k = inline('0.9375*((1-x.^2).^2).*(abs(x) <= 1)'); mu02 = 15/21; mu21 = 1/7; elseif strcmpi(kernel_function,'triweight') k = inline('1.09375*((1-x.^2).^3).*(abs(x) <= 1)'); k2 = inline('(105/4*(1-x.^2).*x.^2-105/16*(1-x.^2).^2).*(abs(x) <= 1)'); k4 = inline('(-1575/4*x.^2+315/4).*(abs(x) <= 1)'); k6 = inline('(-1575/2).*(abs(x) <= 1)'); mu02 = 350/429; mu21 = 1/9; elseif strcmpi(kernel_function,'cosinus') k = inline('(pi/4)*cos((pi/2)*x).*(abs(x) <= 1)'); k2 = inline('(-1/16*cos(pi*x/2)*pi^3).*(abs(x) <= 1)'); k4 = inline('(1/64*cos(pi*x/2)*pi^5).*(abs(x) <= 1)'); k6 = inline('(-1/256*cos(pi*x/2)*pi^7).*(abs(x) <= 1)'); mu02 = (pi^2)/16; mu21 = (pi^2-8)/pi^2; else disp('mh_optimal_bandwidth :: '); error('This kernel function is not yet implemented in Dynare!'); end %% OPTIMAL BANDWIDTH PARAMETER.... if bandwidth == 0; % Rule of thumb bandwidth parameter (Silverman [1986] corrected by % Skold and Roberts [2003] for Metropolis-Hastings). sigma = std(data); h = 2*sigma*(sqrt(pi)*mu02/(12*(mu21^2)*n))^(1/5); % Silverman's optimal bandwidth parameter. A = 0; for i=1:n; j = i; while j<= n & data(j,1)==data(i,1); j = j+1; end; A = A + 2*(j-i) - 1; end; A = A/n; h = h*A^(1/5); % correction elseif bandwidth == -1; % Adaptation of the Sheather and Jones [1991] plug-in estimation of the optimal bandwidth % parameter for metropolis hastings algorithm. if strcmp(kernel_function,'uniform') | ... strcmp(kernel_function,'triangle') | ... strcmp(kernel_function,'epanechnikov') | ... strcmp(kernel_function,'quartic'); error('I can''t compute the optimal bandwidth with this kernel... Try the gaussian, triweight or cosinus kernels.'); end; sigma = std(data); A = 0; for i=1:n; j = i; while j<= n & data(j,1)==data(i,1); j = j+1; end; A = A + 2*(j-i) - 1; end; A = A/n; Itilda4 = 8*7*6*5/(((2*sigma)^9)*sqrt(pi)); g3 = abs(2*A*k6(0)/(mu21*Itilda4*n))^(1/9); Ihat3 = 0; for i=1:n; Ihat3 = Ihat3 + sum(k6((data(i,1)-data)/g3)); end; Ihat3 = -Ihat3/((n^2)*g3^7); g2 = abs(2*A*k4(0)/(mu21*Ihat3*n))^(1/7); Ihat2 = 0; for i=1:n; Ihat2 = Ihat2 + sum(k4((data(i)-data)/g2)); end; Ihat2 = Ihat2/((n^2)*g2^5); h = (A*mu02/(n*Ihat2*mu21^2))^(1/5); % equation (22) in Skold and Roberts [2003] --> h_{MH} elseif bandwidth == -2; % Bump killing... We construct local bandwith parameters in order to remove % spurious bumps introduced by long rejecting periods. if strcmp(kernel_function,'uniform') | ... strcmp(kernel_function,'triangle') | ... strcmp(kernel_function,'epanechnikov') | ... strcmp(kernel_function,'quartic'); error('I can''t compute the optimal bandwidth with this kernel... Try the gaussian, triweight or cosinus kernels.'); end; sigma = std(data); A = 0; T = zeros(n,1); for i=1:n; j = i; while j<= n & data(j,1)==data(i,1); j = j+1; end; T(i) = (j-i); A = A + 2*T(i) - 1; end; A = A/n; Itilda4 = 8*7*6*5/(((2*sigma)^9)*sqrt(pi)); g3 = abs(2*A*k6(0)/(mu21*Itilda4*n))^(1/9); Ihat3 = 0; for i=1:n; Ihat3 = Ihat3 + sum(k6((data(i,1)-data)/g3)); end; Ihat3 = -Ihat3/((n^2)*g3^7); g2 = abs(2*A*k4(0)/(mu21*Ihat3*n))^(1/7); Ihat2 = 0; for i=1:n; Ihat2 = Ihat2 + sum(k4((data(i)-data)/g2)); end; Ihat2 = Ihat2/((n^2)*g2^5); h = ((2*T-1)*mu02/(n*Ihat2*mu21^2)).^(1/5); % Note that h is a column vector (local banwidth parameters). elseif bandwidth > 0 h = bandwidth; else disp('mh_optimal_bandwidth :: '); error('Parameter bandwidth must be a real parameter value or equal to 0,-1 or -2.'); end optimal_bandwidth = h;