var c, h, pi, w, R, r_e, y, gdp, gdp_hat, k, u, g, c_hat, w_hat, y_hat, h_hat; varexo d, z, eta; parameters alpha, beta, sigma, gamma, theta, ni, tau_w, phi_p, phi_y; beta = 0.997; sigma = 2; gamma = 25; theta = 7.67; tau_w = 0.2; ni = 0.28; phi_p = 1.5; phi_y = 0.125; alpha = 0.064; model; // log-deviation of _ from its steady state value gdp_hat=log(gdp)-log(steady_state(gdp)); c_hat=log(c)-log(steady_state(c)); w_hat=log(w)-log(steady_state(w)); y_hat=log(y)-log(steady_state(y)); h_hat=log(h)-log(steady_state(h)); // real interest rate r_e=1/(beta*d(+1))-1; //FOC labor c^sigma*h^ni=w*(1-tau_w); //Euler equation 1 1=beta*d(+1)*(1+R)/(1+pi(+1))*(c/c(+1))^sigma; //Euler equation 2 0=1/(1-alpha)*(steady_state(w)/z)*h^alpha-1-gamma/theta*pi*(1+pi)+beta*d(+1)*(c/c(+1))^sigma * y(+1)/y*gamma/theta*pi(+1)*(1+pi(+1)); // Taylor rule with ZLB R=max(0,r_e+phi_p*pi+phi_y*gdp_hat); //output y=z*h^(1-alpha); //aggregate resource constraint c=(1-k-eta)*y; // resource cost of price adjustment k=(gamma/2)*(pi^2); //government purchases g=eta*y; // GDP gdp=(1-k)*y; //utility u=(c^(1-sigma))/(1-sigma)-(h^(1+ni))/(1+ni); end; initval; z=1; d=1; pi=0; k=(gamma/2)*(pi^2); r_e=1/(beta*d)-1; eta=0.2; h=1; y=z*h; g=eta*y; c=(1-k-eta)*y; w=z; gdp=(1-k)*y; R=r_e; end; steady; check; shocks; //5% preference shock var d; periods 1:10; values 1.05; //technology shock var z; periods 1:10; values 1.05; end; simul(periods=40,maxit=1000); rplot gdp_hat; rplot R; if oo_.deterministic_simulation.status~=1 error('This model has solution'); end