var y y_s R pie dq pie_s de A y_obs pie_obs R_obs ${R^{obs}}$; varexo e_R ${e^R}$ e_q e_ys e_pies e_A; parameters psi1 psi2 psi3 rho_R ${\rho_R}$ tau alpha rr k rho_q rho_A rho_ys rho_pies; psi1 = 1.54; psi2 = 0.25; psi3 = 0.25; rho_R = 0.5; alpha = 0.3; rr = 2.51; k = 0.5; tau = 0.5; rho_q = 0.4; rho_A = 0.2; rho_ys = 0.9; rho_pies = 0.7; model(linear); y = y(+1) - (tau +alpha*(2-alpha)*(1-tau))*(R-pie(+1))-alpha*(tau +alpha*(2-alpha)*(1-tau))*dq(+1) + alpha*(2-alpha)*((1-tau)/tau)*(y_s-y_s(+1))-A(+1); pie = exp(-rr/400)*pie(+1)+alpha*exp(-rr/400)*dq(+1)-alpha*dq+(k/(tau+alpha*(2-alpha)*(1-tau)))*y+k*alpha*(2-alpha)*(1-tau)/(tau*(tau+alpha*(2-alpha)*(1-tau)))*y_s; pie = de+(1-alpha)*dq+pie_s; R = rho_R*R(-1)+(1-rho_R)*(psi1*pie+psi2*(y+alpha*(2-alpha)*((1-tau)/tau)*y_s)+psi3*de)+e_R; dq = rho_q*dq(-1)+e_q; y_s = rho_ys*y_s(-1)+e_ys; pie_s = rho_pies*pie_s(-1)+e_pies; A = rho_A*A(-1)+e_A; y_obs = y-y(-1)+A; pie_obs = 4*pie; R_obs = 4*R; end; shocks; var e_R = 1.25^2; var e_q = 2.5^2; var e_A = 1.89; var e_ys = 1.89; var e_pies = 1.89; end; varobs y_obs R_obs pie_obs dq de; estimated_params; psi1 , gamma_pdf,1.5,0.5; psi2 , gamma_pdf,0.25,0.125; psi3 , gamma_pdf,0.25,0.125; rho_R ,beta_pdf,0.5,0.2; alpha ,beta_pdf,0.3,0.1; rr ,gamma_pdf,2.5,1; k , gamma_pdf,0.5,0.25; tau ,gamma_pdf,0.5,0.2; rho_q ,beta_pdf,0.4,0.2; rho_A ,beta_pdf,0.5,0.2; rho_ys ,beta_pdf,0.8,0.1; rho_pies,beta_pdf,0.7,0.15; stderr e_R,inv_gamma_pdf,1.2533,0.6551; stderr e_q,inv_gamma_pdf,2.5066,1.3103; stderr e_A,inv_gamma_pdf,1.2533,0.6551; stderr e_ys,inv_gamma_pdf,1.2533,0.6551; stderr e_pies,inv_gamma_pdf,1.88,0.9827; end; options_.TeX=1; disp(' '); disp('NOW I DO STABILITY MAPPING and prepare sample for Reduced form Mapping'); disp(' '); disp('Press ENTER to continue'); pause(5); dynare_sensitivity(redform=1,nodisplay,Nsam=512); //create sample of reduced form coefficients // NOTE: since namendo is empty by default, // this call does not perform the mapping of reduced form coefficient: just prepares the sample disp(' '); disp('ANALYSIS OF REDUCED FORM COEFFICIENTS'); disp(' '); disp('Press ENTER to continue'); pause(5); dynare_sensitivity(nodisplay, load_stab=1, // load previously generated sample analysed for stability redform=1, // do the reduced form mapping threshold_redform=[-1 0], // filter reduced form coefficients (default=[]) namendo=(pie,R), // evaluate relationships for pie and R (namendo=(:) for all variables) namexo=(e_R), // evaluate relationships with exogenous e_R (use namexo=(:) for all shocks) namlagendo=(R), // evaluate relationships with lagged R (use namlagendo=(:) for all lagged endogenous) stab=0, // don't repeat again the stability mapping Nsam=512); disp(' '); disp('THE PREVIOUS TWO CALLS COULD BE DONE TOGETHER'); disp('BY USING THE COMBINED CALL'); disp(' '); disp('dynare_sensitivity(redform=1,') disp('threshold_redform=[-1 0], namendo=(pie,R), namexo=(e_R), namlagendo=(R));') disp(' '); disp('Press ENTER to continue'); pause(5); //dynare_sensitivity( //redform=1, //create sample of reduced form coefficients //logtrans_redform=1, // estimate log-transformed reduced form coefficients (default=0) //namendo=(pie,R), // evaluate relationships for pie and R (namendo=(:) for all variables) //namexo=(e_R), // evaluate relationships with exogenous e_R (use namexo=(:) for all shocks) //namlagendo=(R) // evaluate relationships with lagged R (use namlagendo=(:) for all lagged endogenous) //); disp(' '); disp('MC FILTERING(rmse=1), TO MAP THE FIT FROM PRIORS'); disp('Press ENTER to continue'); pause(5); dynare_sensitivity(nodisplay, datafile='data_ca1.m',first_obs=8,nobs=79,prefilter=1, // also presample=2,loglinear, are admissible load_stab=1, // load prior sample istart_rmse=2, //start computing rmse from second observation (i.e. rmse does not inlude initial big error) stab=0, // don't plot again stability analysis results rmse=1, // do rmse analysis Nsam=512); disp(' '); disp('THE PREVIOUS THREE CALLS COULD BE DONE TOGETHER'); disp('BY USING THE COMBINED CALL'); disp(' '); disp('dynare_sensitivity(redform=1,') disp('logtrans_redform=1, namendo=(pie,R), namexo=(e_R), namlagendo=(R),') disp('datafile=data_ca1.m,first_obs=8,nobs=79,prefilter=1,') disp('istart_rmse=2, rmse=1);') disp(' '); disp('Press ENTER to continue'); pause(5); //dynare_sensitivity( //redform=1, //create sample of reduced form coefficients //logtrans_redform=1, // estimate log-transformed reduced form coefficients (default=0) //namendo=(pie,R), // evaluate relationships for pie and R (namendo=(:) for all variables) //namexo=(e_R), // evaluate relationships with exogenous e_R (use namexo=(:) for all shocks) //namlagendo=(R), // evaluate relationships with lagged R (use namlagendo=(:) for all lagged endogenous) //datafile='data_ca1.m',first_obs=8,nobs=79,prefilter=1, //istart_rmse=2, //start computing rmse from second observation (i.e. rmse does not inlude initial big error) //rmse=1, // do rmse analysis //); disp(' '); disp('I ESTIMATE THE MODEL'); disp(' '); disp('Press ENTER to continue'); pause(5); // run this to generate posterior mode and Metropolis files if not yet done estimation(datafile='data_ca1.m',first_obs=8,nobs=79,mh_nblocks=1, prefilter=1,mh_jscale=0.5,mh_replic=5000, mode_compute=4, mh_drop=0.6, nodisplay, bayesian_irf, filtered_vars, smoother) y_obs R_obs pie_obs dq de; // run this to produce posterior samples of filtered, smoothed and irf variables, if not yet done //estimation(datafile='data_ca1.m',first_obs=8,nobs=79,mh_nblocks=2,prefilter=1,mh_jscale=0.3, // mh_replic=0, mode_file=ls2003_mode, mode_compute=0, load_mh_file, bayesian_irf, // filtered_vars, smoother, mh_drop=0.6); disp(' '); disp('WE DO STABILITY MAPPING AGAIN, EXPLORING AROUND THE MODE BY A WIDTH +- 0.2 times the mode'); disp('THEN WE DO RMSE analysis in this neighborhood'); disp('Typical for ML estimation, also feasible for posterior mode'); disp(' '); disp('Press ENTER to continue'); pause(5); dynare_sensitivity(nodisplay, pprior=0,Nsam=512,neighborhood_width=0.2, mode_file=ls2003_mode, // specifies the mode file where the mode and Hessian are stored datafile='data_ca1.m',first_obs=8,nobs=79,prefilter=1, rmse=1); disp(' '); disp('WE DO STABILITY MAPPING AGAIN, BUT FOR MULTIVARIATE SAMPLE AT THE POSTERIOR MODE (or ML) and Hessian (pprior=0 & ppost=0)'); disp('Typical for ML estimation, also feasible for posterior mode'); disp(' '); disp('Press ENTER to continue'); pause(5); dynare_sensitivity(nodisplay, pprior=0,Nsam=512, mode_file=ls2003_mode // specifies the mode file where the mode and Hessian are stored ); disp(' '); disp('RMSE ANALYSIS FOR MULTIVARIATE SAMPLE AT THE POSTERIOR MODE'); disp(' '); disp('Press ENTER to continue'); pause(5); dynare_sensitivity(nodisplay, mode_file=ls2003_mode, datafile='data_ca1.m',first_obs=8,nobs=79,prefilter=1, pprior=0, stab=0, rmse=1, alpha2_rmse=0, // no correlation analysis alpha_rmse=0, // no Smirnov sensitivity analysis Nsam=512); disp(' '); disp('THE LAST TWO CALLS COULD BE DONE TOGETHER'); disp('BY USING THE COMBINED CALL'); disp(' '); disp('dynare_sensitivity(pprior=0,Nsam=512,alpha2_stab=0.4,mode_file=ls2003_mode,') disp('datafile=data_ca1.m,first_obs=8,nobs=79,prefilter=1,') disp('rmse=1, alpha2_rmse=0, alpha_rmse=0);') disp(' '); disp('Press ENTER to continue'); pause(5); //dynare_sensitivity(pprior=0,Nsam=2048,alpha2_stab=0.4,mode_file=ls2003_mode, //datafile='data_ca1.m',first_obs=8,nobs=79,prefilter=1, //rmse=1, //alpha2_rmse=0, // no correlation analysis //alpha_rmse=0 // no Smirnov sensitivity analysis //); disp(' '); disp('RMSE ANALYSIS FOR POSTERIOR MCMC sample (ppost=1)'); disp('Needs a call to dynare_estimation to load all MH environment'); disp('Press ENTER to continue'); pause(5); //estimation(datafile='data_ca1.m',first_obs=8,nobs=79,mh_nblocks=2, mode_file=ls2003_mode, load_mh_file, // prefilter=1,mh_jscale=0.5,mh_replic=0, mode_compute=0, mh_drop=0.6); dynare_sensitivity(nodisplay, stab=0, // no need for stability analysis since the posterior sample is surely OK datafile='data_ca1.m',first_obs=8,nobs=79,prefilter=1, alpha2_rmse=0, // no correlation analysis rmse=1,ppost=1,Nsam=512); collect_latex_files; if system(['pdflatex -halt-on-error -interaction=batchmode ' M_.fname '_TeX_binder.tex']) error('TeX-File did not compile.') end