## ## This script recursively goes through the matlab directory and its ## subdirectories in the unstable branch, comparing the calling structures of the ## functions to those in another branch/commit, in this case the 4.2.5 branch ## The output is compatible with a Dynare Wiki page ## ## NB: To err on the side of safety, this script won't clean your workspace so a ## git command to checkout a different branch will fail if your workspace is ## dirty. ## ## ## Copyright (C) 2012 Dynare Team ## ## This file is part of Dynare. ## ## Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Dynare. If not, see . ## import os import string import subprocess import sys def runCompare(): unstable = getFuncDict() subprocess.call(['git','checkout','4.2']) stable = getFuncDict() subprocess.call(['git','checkout','master']) us = set(unstable.keys()) ss = set(stable.keys()) deletedFunctions = sorted(ss - us) makeOldFunctionsWikiTable(deletedFunctions, stable) newFunctions = sorted(us - ss) makeNewFunctionsWikiTable(newFunctions, unstable) outputChanged = set([]) inputChanged = set([]) commonFunctions = sorted(ss & us) for le in commonFunctions: sOut = set(stable[le]['output']) uOut = set(unstable[le]['output']) sIn = set(stable[le]['input']) uIn = set(unstable[le]['input']) if len(uOut - sOut): outputChanged.add(le) if len(uIn - sIn): inputChanged.add(le) unionChanged = sorted(outputChanged | inputChanged) makeUnionChangedWikiTable(unionChanged, stable, unstable) def makeUnionChangedWikiTable(keys, stable, unstable): write = sys.stdout.write print "= Functions Whose Arguments Have Changed between Dynare 4.2.5 and " \ "Dynare 4.3 =" print "|| '''Location''' || '''Old Output''' || " \ "'''New Output''' || '''Old Input''' || '''New Input''' ||" for k in keys: write('|| {{{' + unstable[k]['filename'][10:] + '}}} || ') write(str(stable[k]['output']) + ' || ') write(str(unstable[k]['output']) + ' || ') write(str(stable[k]['input']) + ' || ') write(str(unstable[k]['input']) + ' ||') print def makeNewFunctionsWikiTable(keys, dictionary): print '= New Functions in Dynare 4.3 =' makeWikiTable(keys, dictionary) def makeOldFunctionsWikiTable(keys, dictionary): print '= Functions Removed in Dynare 4.3 =' makeWikiTable(keys, dictionary) def makeWikiTable(keys, dictionary): write = sys.stdout.write print "|| '''Location''' || '''Output''' || '''Input''' ||" for k in keys: write('|| {{{' + dictionary[k]['filename'][10:] + '}}} || ') write(str(dictionary[k]['output']) + ' || ') write(str(dictionary[k]['input']) + ' ||') print def printDict(dictionary, title): print print '***********************************' print '** ' + title print '***********************************' for key in sorted(dictionary.iterkeys()): b = dictionary[key] print key + ':' + b['filename'] print '***********************************' print '***********************************' print def getFuncDict(): functions = {} for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('../matlab'): for filename in filenames: filename = string.strip(filename) if filename[-2:] != '.m' or filename == 'msstart2.m' or filename == 'msstart_setup.m' or filename == 'qmc_sequence.m': continue fullfilename = os.path.join(dirname, filename) f = open(fullfilename, 'r') funcDef = '' inComment = False while True: funcDef += f.read(1) if inComment: if funcDef[-1:] == '\n': inComment = False else: if funcDef[-1:] == '%': inComment = True elif funcDef[-1:] == ')': break funcDef = funcDef.strip() f.close() funcDict = {} funcDict['filename'] = fullfilename # OUTPUT spliteq = string.rsplit(funcDef, '=') if len(spliteq) == 1: # no output outputs = [''] funcDict['output'] = outputs rhs = string.split(funcDef, ' ', 1).pop(1).strip() else: outputs = string.split(spliteq.pop(0), ' ', 1).pop(1) outputs = [string.strip(outputs, '[] ')] outputs = getputs(outputs) funcDict['output'] = outputs rhs = string.strip(spliteq.pop(0), ' .\n') # FUNCTION NAME splitfn = string.split(rhs, '(') fn = splitfn.pop(0) # INPUT inputs = [string.strip(le,')') for le in splitfn] inputs = getputs(inputs) funcDict['input'] = inputs functions[fn] = funcDict return functions def getputs(puts): ''' Can be of the forms a a a, b a, b % aoeu a, ... b a, ... % aoeu b Return a list of (in/out puts) ''' splitout = string.split(string.join(puts), '\n') for i,le in enumerate(splitout[:]): indx = string.find(le, '%') if indx != -1: splitout[i] = string.strip(le[:indx], '\t .') else: splitout[i] = string.strip(le, '\t .') splitcommas = string.split(string.join(splitout), ',') return [string.strip(le) for le in splitcommas] if __name__ == "__main__": runCompare()