function [info, oo_, options_, M_] = stoch_simul(M_, options_, oo_, var_list) % Copyright © 2001-2021 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . % Test if the order of approximation is nonzero (the preprocessor tests if order is non negative). if isequal(options_.order,0) error('stoch_simul:: The order of the Taylor approximation cannot be 0!') end % The TeX option crashes MATLAB R2014a run with "-nodisplay" option % (as is done from the testsuite). % Since we can’t directly test whether "-nodisplay" has been passed, % we test for the "TOP_TEST_DIR" environment variable, which is set % by the testsuite. % Note that it was not tested whether the crash happens with more % recent MATLAB versions, so when OLD_MATLAB_VERSION is increased, % one should make a test before removing this workaround. if options_.TeX && ~isoctave && matlab_ver_less_than('8.4') && ~isempty(getenv('TOP_TEST_DIR')) warning('Disabling TeX option due to a bug in MATLAB R2014a with -nodisplay') options_.TeX = false; end if M_.exo_nbr==0 error('stoch_simul:: does not support having no varexo in the model. As a workaround you could define a dummy exogenous variable.') end if ismember(options_.solve_algo,[10,11]) error('stoch_simul:: perturbation solutions are not compatible with mixed complementarity problems and their solvers') end test_for_deep_parameters_calibration(M_); dr = oo_.dr; options_old = options_; if options_.linear options_.order = 1; end if options_.order == 1 options_.replic = 1; end if options_.order~=1 && M_.hessian_eq_zero options_.order = 1; warning('stoch_simul: using order = 1 because Hessian is equal to zero'); end if isempty(options_.qz_criterium) options_.qz_criterium = 1+1e-6; end if options_.partial_information || options_.ACES_solver PI_PCL_solver = 1; if options_.order ~= 1 warning('stoch_simul:: forcing order=1 since you are using partial_information or ACES solver') options_.order = 1; end else PI_PCL_solver = 0; end TeX = options_.TeX; if isempty(var_list) var_list = M_.endo_names(1:M_.orig_endo_nbr); end [i_var, nvar, index_uniques] = varlist_indices(var_list, M_.endo_names); var_list=var_list(index_uniques); oo_.var_list = var_list; iter_ = max(options_.periods,1); if M_.exo_nbr > 0 oo_.exo_simul= ones(iter_ + M_.maximum_lag + M_.maximum_lead,1) * oo_.exo_steady_state'; end check_model(M_); oo_.dr=set_state_space(dr,M_,options_); if PI_PCL_solver [oo_.dr, info] = PCL_resol(oo_.steady_state,0); elseif options_.discretionary_policy if ~options_.order==1 error('discretionary_policy: only linear-quadratic problems can be solved'); end [~,info,M_,oo_] = discretionary_policy_1(options_.instruments,M_,options_,oo_); else if options_.logged_steady_state %if steady state was previously logged, undo this oo_.dr.ys=exp(oo_.dr.ys); oo_.steady_state=exp(oo_.steady_state); options_.logged_steady_state=0; end [~,info,M_,oo_] = resol(0,M_,options_,oo_); end if options_.loglinear && isfield(oo_.dr,'ys') && options_.logged_steady_state==0 %log steady state for correct display of decision rule oo_.dr.ys=log_variable(1:M_.endo_nbr,oo_.dr.ys,M_); oo_.steady_state=log_variable(1:M_.endo_nbr,oo_.steady_state,M_); options_old.logged_steady_state = 1; %make sure option is preserved outside of stoch_simul options_.logged_steady_state=1; %set option for use in stoch_simul end if info(1) options_ = options_old; print_info(info, options_.noprint, options_); return end if ~options_.noprint skipline() disp('MODEL SUMMARY') skipline() disp([' Number of variables: ' int2str(M_.endo_nbr)]) disp([' Number of stochastic shocks: ' int2str(M_.exo_nbr)]) disp([' Number of state variables: ' int2str(M_.nspred)]) disp([' Number of jumpers: ' int2str(M_.nsfwrd)]) disp([' Number of static variables: ' int2str(M_.nstatic)]) my_title='MATRIX OF COVARIANCE OF EXOGENOUS SHOCKS'; labels = M_.exo_names; headers = vertcat('Variables', labels); lh = cellofchararraymaxlength(labels)+2; dyntable(options_, my_title, headers, labels, M_.Sigma_e, lh, 10, 6); if options_.TeX labels = M_.exo_names_tex; headers = vertcat('Variables', labels); lh = cellofchararraymaxlength(labels)+2; dyn_latex_table(M_, options_, my_title, 'covar_ex_shocks', headers, labels, M_.Sigma_e, lh, 10, 6); end if ~all(diag(M_.H)==0) my_title='MATRIX OF COVARIANCE OF MEASUREMENT ERRORS'; labels = cellfun(@(x) horzcat('SE_', x), options_.varobs, 'UniformOutput', false); headers = vertcat('Variables', labels); lh = cellofchararraymaxlength(labels)+2; dyntable(options_, my_title, headers, labels, M_.H, lh, 10, 6); if options_.TeX labels = M_.exo_names_tex; headers = vertcat('Variables', labels); lh = cellofchararraymaxlength(labels)+2; dyn_latex_table(M_, options_, my_title, 'covar_ME', headers, labels, M_.H, lh, 10, 6); end end if options_.partial_information skipline() disp('SOLUTION UNDER PARTIAL INFORMATION') skipline() if isfield(options_,'varobs')&& ~isempty(options_.varobs) PCL_varobs = options_.varobs; disp('OBSERVED VARIABLES') else PCL_varobs = M_.endo_names; disp(' VAROBS LIST NOT SPECIFIED') disp(' ASSUMED OBSERVED VARIABLES') end for i=1:length(PCL_varobs) disp([' ' PCL_varobs{i}]) end end skipline() if options_.order <= 2 && ~PI_PCL_solver if ~options_.nofunctions disp_dr(oo_.dr,options_.order,var_list); end end end if options_.periods > 0 && ~PI_PCL_solver if options_.periods <= options_.drop fprintf('\nSTOCH_SIMUL error: The horizon of simulation is shorter than the number of observations to be dropped.\n') fprintf('STOCH_SIMUL error: Either increase options_.periods or decrease options_.drop.\n') options_ =options_old; return end if isempty(M_.endo_histval) y0 = oo_.dr.ys; else if options_.loglinear y0 = log_variable(1:M_.endo_nbr,M_.endo_histval,M_); else y0 = M_.endo_histval; end end [ys, oo_] = simult(y0,oo_.dr,M_,options_,oo_); oo_.endo_simul = ys; if ~options_.minimal_workspace dyn2vec(M_, oo_, options_); end end if ~options_.nomoments if PI_PCL_solver PCL_Part_info_moments(0, PCL_varobs, oo_.dr, i_var); elseif options_.periods == 0 if options_.order == 1 || (options_.order == 2 && ~options_.pruning) oo_=disp_th_moments(oo_.dr,var_list,M_,options_,oo_); elseif (ismember(options_.order,[2,3])) && options_.pruning % There is no code for theoretical moments at 3rd order without pruning oo_=disp_th_moments_pruned_state_space(oo_.dr,M_,options_,i_var,oo_); end else oo_=disp_moments(oo_.endo_simul,var_list,M_,options_,oo_); end end if options_.irf var_listTeX = M_.endo_names_tex(i_var); if ~options_.nograph || (TeX && any(strcmp('eps',cellstr(options_.graph_format)))) if ~exist([M_.dname '/graphs'],'dir') mkdir(M_.dname,'graphs'); end end if TeX && any(strcmp('eps',cellstr(options_.graph_format))) fidTeX = fopen([M_.dname, '/graphs/' M_.fname '_IRF.tex'],'w'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% TeX eps-loader file generated by stoch_simul.m (Dynare).\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,['%% ' datestr(now,0) '\n']); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); end cs=get_lower_cholesky_covariance(M_.Sigma_e,options_.add_tiny_number_to_cholesky); tit = M_.exo_names; if TeX titTeX = M_.exo_names_tex; end irf_shocks_indx = getIrfShocksIndx(M_, options_); for i=irf_shocks_indx if cs(i,i) > 5e-7 if PI_PCL_solver y=PCL_Part_info_irf (0, PCL_varobs, i_var, M_, oo_.dr, options_.irf, i); else if options_.order>1 && options_.relative_irf % normalize shock to 0.01 before IRF generation for GIRFs; multiply with 100 later y=irf(M_, options_, oo_.dr,cs(:,i)./cs(i,i)/100, options_.irf, options_.drop, ... options_.replic, options_.order); else %for linear model, rescaling is done later y=irf(M_, options_, oo_.dr,cs(:,i), options_.irf, options_.drop, ... options_.replic, options_.order); end end if ~options_.noprint && any(any(isnan(y))) && ~options_.pruning && ~(options_.order==1) fprintf('\nstoch_simul:: The simulations conducted for generating IRFs to %s were explosive.\n', M_.exo_names{i}) fprintf('stoch_simul:: No IRFs will be displayed. Either reduce the shock size, \n') fprintf('stoch_simul:: use pruning, or set the approximation order to 1.'); skipline(2); end if options_.relative_irf if options_.order==1 %multiply with 100 for backward compatibility y = 100*y/cs(i,i); end end irfs = []; mylist = []; if TeX mylistTeX = []; end for j = 1:nvar assignin('base',[M_.endo_names{i_var(j)} '_' M_.exo_names{i}],... y(i_var(j),:)'); oo_.irfs.([M_.endo_names{i_var(j)} '_' M_.exo_names{i}]) = y(i_var(j),:); if max(abs(y(i_var(j),:))) >= options_.impulse_responses.plot_threshold irfs = cat(1,irfs,y(i_var(j),:)); if isempty(mylist) mylist = var_list{j}; else mylist = char(mylist, var_list{j}); end if TeX if isempty(mylistTeX) mylistTeX = var_listTeX{j}; else mylistTeX = char(mylistTeX, var_listTeX{j}); end end else if options_.debug fprintf('stoch_simul:: The IRF of %s to %s is smaller than the irf_plot_threshold of %4.3f and will not be displayed.\n',M_.endo_names{i_var(j)},M_.exo_names{i},options_.impulse_responses.plot_threshold) end end end if ~options_.nograph number_of_plots_to_draw = size(irfs,1); [nbplt,nr,nc,lr,lc,nstar] = pltorg(number_of_plots_to_draw); if nbplt == 0 elseif nbplt == 1 if options_.relative_irf hh = dyn_figure(options_.nodisplay,'Name',['Relative response to' ... ' orthogonalized shock to ' tit{i}]); else hh = dyn_figure(options_.nodisplay,'Name',['Orthogonalized shock to' ... ' ' tit{i}]); end for j = 1:number_of_plots_to_draw subplot(nr,nc,j); plot(1:options_.irf,transpose(irfs(j,:)),'-k','linewidth',1); hold on plot([1 options_.irf],[0 0],'-r','linewidth',0.5); hold off xlim([1 options_.irf]); remove_fractional_xticks; if TeX title(['$' deblank(mylistTeX(j,:)) '$'],'Interpreter','latex'); else title(deblank(mylist(j,:)),'Interpreter','none'); end end dyn_saveas(hh,[M_.dname, '/graphs/' M_.fname '_IRF_' tit{i}],options_.nodisplay,options_.graph_format); if TeX && any(strcmp('eps',cellstr(options_.graph_format))) fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{figure}[H]\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\centering \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\includegraphics[width=%2.2f\\textwidth]{%s_IRF_%s}\n',options_.figures.textwidth*min(j/nc,1),[M_.dname, '/graphs/' M_.fname],tit{i}); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\caption{Impulse response functions (orthogonalized shock to $%s$).}\n',titTeX{i}); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\label{Fig:IRF:%s}\n', tit{i}); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{figure}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); end else for fig = 1:nbplt-1 if options_.relative_irf hh = dyn_figure(options_.nodisplay,'Name',['Relative response to orthogonalized shock' ... ' to ' tit{i} ' figure ' int2str(fig)]); else hh = dyn_figure(options_.nodisplay,'Name',['Orthogonalized shock to ' tit{i} ... ' figure ' int2str(fig)]); end for plt = 1:nstar subplot(nr,nc,plt); plot(1:options_.irf,transpose(irfs((fig-1)*nstar+plt,:)),'-k','linewidth',1); hold on plot([1 options_.irf],[0 0],'-r','linewidth',0.5); hold off xlim([1 options_.irf]); remove_fractional_xticks if TeX title(['$' deblank(mylistTeX((fig-1)*nstar+plt,:)) '$'],'Interpreter','latex'); else title(deblank(mylist((fig-1)*nstar+plt,:)),'Interpreter','none'); end end dyn_saveas(hh,[M_.dname, '/graphs/' M_.fname '_IRF_' tit{i} int2str(fig)],options_.nodisplay,options_.graph_format); if TeX && any(strcmp('eps',cellstr(options_.graph_format))) fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{figure}[H]\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\centering \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\includegraphics[width=%2.2f\\textwidth]{%s_IRF_%s%s}\n',options_.figures.textwidth*min(plt/nc,1),[M_.dname, '/graphs/' M_.fname],tit{i},int2str(fig)); if options_.relative_irf fprintf(fidTeX,'\\caption{Relative impulse response functions (orthogonalized shock to $%s$).}', titTeX{i}); else fprintf(fidTeX,'\\caption{Impulse response functions (orthogonalized shock to $%s$).}', titTeX{i}); end fprintf(fidTeX,'\\label{Fig:IRF:%s:%s}\n', tit{i},int2str(fig)); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{figure}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); end end hh = dyn_figure(options_.nodisplay,'Name',['Orthogonalized shock to ' tit{i} ' figure ' int2str(nbplt) '.']); m = 0; for plt = 1:number_of_plots_to_draw-(nbplt-1)*nstar m = m+1; subplot(lr,lc,m); plot(1:options_.irf,transpose(irfs((nbplt-1)*nstar+plt,:)),'-k','linewidth',1); hold on plot([1 options_.irf],[0 0],'-r','linewidth',0.5); hold off xlim([1 options_.irf]); remove_fractional_xticks if TeX title(['$' deblank(mylistTeX((nbplt-1)*nstar+plt,:)) '$'],'Interpreter','latex'); else title(deblank(mylist((nbplt-1)*nstar+plt,:)),'Interpreter','none'); end end dyn_saveas(hh,[M_.dname, '/graphs/' M_.fname '_IRF_' tit{i} int2str(nbplt) ],options_.nodisplay,options_.graph_format); if TeX && any(strcmp('eps',cellstr(options_.graph_format))) fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{figure}[H]\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\centering \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\includegraphics[width=%2.2f\\textwidth]{%s_IRF_%s%s}\n',options_.figures.textwidth*min(m/lc,1),[M_.dname, '/graphs/' M_.fname],tit{i},int2str(nbplt)); if options_.relative_irf fprintf(fidTeX,'\\caption{Relative impulse response functions (orthogonalized shock to $%s$).}', titTeX{i}); else fprintf(fidTeX,'\\caption{Impulse response functions (orthogonalized shock to $%s$).}', titTeX{i}); end fprintf(fidTeX,'\\label{Fig:IRF:%s:%s}\n', tit{i},int2str(nbplt)); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{figure}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); end end end end end if TeX && any(strcmp('eps',cellstr(options_.graph_format))) fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% End Of TeX file. \n'); fclose(fidTeX); end end if options_.SpectralDensity.trigger [oo_] = UnivariateSpectralDensity(M_,oo_,options_,var_list); end options_ = options_old; % temporary fix waiting for local options options_.partial_information = 0; oo_.gui.ran_stoch_simul = true;