function rplot(s1) % function rplot(s1) % This optionnal command creates the plot of the variable trajectory. By default, the entire simulation period is % ploted. The instruction DSAMPLE permits to reduce the number of periods in the plot. % RPLOT : RPLOT ( ['var1'; 'var2'; ...] ) % % INPUTS % s1: list of vector names % % OUTPUTS % none % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % none % % part of DYNARE, copyright Dynare Team (2001-2007) % Gnu Public License. global M_ oo_ options_ rplottype = options_.rplottype; col = ['y','c','r','g','b','w','m'] ; ix = [1 - M_.maximum_lag:size(oo_.endo_simul,2)-M_.maximum_lag]' ; y = []; for k=1:size(s1,1) if isempty(strmatch(s1(k,:),M_.endo_names,'exact')) error (['One of the variable specified does not exist']) ; end y = [y; oo_.endo_simul(strmatch(s1(k,:),M_.endo_names,'exact'),:)] ; end if options_.smpl == 0 i = [M_.maximum_lag:size(oo_.endo_simul,2)]' ; else i = [options_.smpl(1)+M_.maximum_lag:options_.smpl(2)+M_.maximum_lag]' ; end t = ['Plot of '] ; if rplottype == 0 for j = 1:size(y,1) t = [t s1(j,:) ' '] ; end figure ; plot(ix(i),y(:,i)) ; title (t,'Interpreter','none') ; xlabel('Periods') ; if size(s1,1) > 1 legend(s1,0); end elseif rplottype == 1 for j = 1:size(y,1) figure ; plot(ix(i),y(j,i)) ; title(['Plot of ' s1(:,j)]) ; xlabel('Periods') ; end elseif rplottype == 2 figure ; nl = max(1,fix(size(y,1)/4)) ; nc = ceil(size(y,1)/nl) ; for j = 1:size(y,1) subplot(nl,nc,j) ; plot(ix(i),y(j,i)) ; hold on ; plot(ix(i),oo_.steady_state(j)*ones(1,size(i,1)),'w:') ; xlabel('Periods') ; ylabel([s1(:,j)]) ; title(['Plot of ' s1(:,j)]) ; end end % 02/28/01 MJ replaced bseastr by MATLAB's strmatch % 06/19/01 MJ added 'exact' to strmatch calls % 06/25/03 MJ correction when options_.smpl ~= 0