function [a,b] = ffill(x,ixc,y) % function [a,b] = ffill(x,ixc,y) % Makes the horizontale concatenation if x exists % and fills the matrix with 0 if x and y are not the same size. % % INPUTS % x: matrix % ixc: vector of indices % y: matrix % % OUTPUTS % a: concatenation results % b: vector % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % none % % part of DYNARE, copyright Dynare Team (2001-2008) % Gnu Public License. xc = size(x,1) ; if isempty(y) b = [ixc; 0]; a = [x zeros(size(x,1),1)]; else yc = size(y,1) ; b = [ixc;yc] ; if xc > yc a = [x [y;zeros(xc-yc,size(y,2))]] ; elseif yc > xc a = [[x;zeros(yc-xc,size(x,2))] y] ; else a = [x y] ; end end % 2001/09/1 MJ corrected for absent lags