function forecast(nlags) % function forecast(nlags) % builds forecats for a bvar model % % INPUTS % nlags: number of lags for the bvar % % OUTPUTS % none % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % none % Copyright © 2007-2023 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . global options_ oo_ M_ if options_.forecast == 0 error('bvar.forecast: you must specify "forecast" option') end [ny, nx, posterior, ~, forecast_data] = bvar.toolbox(nlags); sims_no_shock = NaN(options_.forecast, ny, options_.bvar_replic); sims_with_shocks = NaN(options_.forecast, ny, options_.bvar_replic); S_inv_upper_chol = chol(inv(posterior.S)); % Option 'lower' of chol() not available in old versions of % Matlab, so using transpose XXi_lower_chol = chol(posterior.XXi)'; k = ny*nlags+nx; % Declaration of the companion matrix Companion_matrix = diag(ones(ny*(nlags-1),1),-ny); % Number of explosive VAR models sampled p = 0; % Loop counter initialization d = 0; while d <= options_.bvar_replic Sigma = rand_inverse_wishart(ny, posterior.df, S_inv_upper_chol); % Option 'lower' of chol() not available in old versions of % Matlab, so using transpose Sigma_lower_chol = chol(Sigma)'; Phi = rand_matrix_normal(k, ny, posterior.PhiHat, Sigma_lower_chol, XXi_lower_chol); % All the eigenvalues of the companion matrix have to be on or inside the unit circle Companion_matrix(1:ny,:) = Phi(1:ny*nlags,:)'; test = (abs(eig(Companion_matrix))); if any(test>1.0000000000001) p = p+1; end d = d+1; % Without shocks lags_data = forecast_data.initval; for t = 1:options_.forecast X = [ reshape(flipdim(lags_data, 1)', 1, ny*nlags) forecast_data.xdata(t, :) ]; y = X * Phi; lags_data(1:end-1,:) = lags_data(2:end, :); lags_data(end,:) = y; sims_no_shock(t, :, d) = y; end % With shocks lags_data = forecast_data.initval; for t = 1:options_.forecast X = [ reshape(flipdim(lags_data, 1)', 1, ny*nlags) forecast_data.xdata(t, :) ]; shock = (Sigma_lower_chol * randn(ny, 1))'; y = X * Phi + shock; lags_data(1:end-1,:) = lags_data(2:end, :); lags_data(end,:) = y; sims_with_shocks(t, :, d) = y; end end if p > 0 skipline() disp('Some of the VAR models sampled from the posterior distribution') disp(['were found to be explosive (' num2str(p/options_.bvar_replic) ' percent).']) skipline() end % Plot graphs sims_no_shock_mean = mean(sims_no_shock, 3); sort_idx = round((0.5 + [-options_.bvar.conf_sig, options_.bvar.conf_sig, 0]/2) * options_.bvar_replic); sims_no_shock_sort = sort(sims_no_shock, 3); sims_no_shock_down_conf = sims_no_shock_sort(:, :, sort_idx(1)); sims_no_shock_up_conf = sims_no_shock_sort(:, :, sort_idx(2)); sims_no_shock_median = sims_no_shock_sort(:, :, sort_idx(3)); sims_with_shocks_sort = sort(sims_with_shocks, 3); sims_with_shocks_down_conf = sims_with_shocks_sort(:, :, sort_idx(1)); sims_with_shocks_up_conf = sims_with_shocks_sort(:, :, sort_idx(2)); OutputDirectoryName = CheckPath('graphs',M_.dname); dyn_graph=bvar.graph_init(sprintf('BVAR forecasts (nlags = %d)', nlags), ny, {'b-' 'g-' 'g-' 'r-' 'r-'}); for i = 1:ny dyn_graph=plot_graph(dyn_graph,[ sims_no_shock_median(:, i) ... sims_no_shock_up_conf(:, i) sims_no_shock_down_conf(:, i) ... sims_with_shocks_up_conf(:, i) sims_with_shocks_down_conf(:, i) ], ... options_.varobs{i}); end dyn_saveas(dyn_graph.fh,[OutputDirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_BVAR_forecast_',num2str(nlags)],options_.nodisplay,options_.graph_format) % Compute RMSE if ~isempty(forecast_data.realized_val) sq_err_cumul = zeros(1, ny); lags_data = forecast_data.initval; for t = 1:size(forecast_data.realized_val, 1) X = [ reshape(flipdim(lags_data, 1)', 1, ny*nlags) forecast_data.realized_xdata(t, :) ]; y = X * posterior.PhiHat; lags_data(1:end-1,:) = lags_data(2:end, :); lags_data(end,:) = y; sq_err_cumul = sq_err_cumul + (y - forecast_data.realized_val(t, :)) .^ 2; end rmse = sqrt(sq_err_cumul / size(forecast_data.realized_val, 1)); fprintf('RMSE of BVAR(%d):\n', nlags); for i = 1:length(options_.varobs) fprintf('%s: %10.4f\n', options_.varobs{i}, rmse(i)); end end % Store results DirectoryName = [ M_.dname '/bvar_forecast' ]; if ~isfolder(DirectoryName) if ~isfolder(M_.dname) mkdir(M_.dname); end mkdir(DirectoryName); end save([ DirectoryName '/simulations.mat'], 'sims_no_shock', 'sims_with_shocks'); for i = 1:length(options_.varobs) name = options_.varobs{i}; sims = squeeze(sims_with_shocks(:,i,:)); oo_.bvar.forecast.with_shocks.Mean.(name) = mean(sims, 2); oo_.bvar.forecast.with_shocks.Median.(name) = median(sims, 2); oo_.bvar.forecast.with_shocks.Var.(name) = var(sims, 0, 2); oo_.bvar.forecast.with_shocks.HPDsup.(name) = sims_with_shocks_up_conf(:,i); oo_.bvar.forecast.with_shocks.HPDinf.(name) = sims_with_shocks_down_conf(:,i); sims = squeeze(sims_no_shock(:,i,:)); oo_.bvar.forecast.no_shock.Mean.(name) = sims_no_shock_mean(:,i); oo_.bvar.forecast.no_shock.Median.(name) = sims_no_shock_median(:,i); oo_.bvar.forecast.no_shock.Var.(name) = var(sims, 0, 2); oo_.bvar.forecast.no_shock.HPDsup.(name) = sims_no_shock_up_conf(:,i); oo_.bvar.forecast.no_shock.HPDinf.(name) = sims_no_shock_down_conf(:,i); if exist('rmse','var') oo_.bvar.forecast.rmse.(name) = rmse(i); end end function dyn_graph=plot_graph(dyn_graph,y,tit,x) % function plot_graph(dyn_graph, y,tit,x) if nargin < 4 x = (1:size(y,1))'; end nplot = dyn_graph.plot_nbr + 1; if nplot > dyn_graph.max_nplot figure('Name',dyn_graph.figure_name); nplot = 1; end dyn_graph.plot_nbr = nplot; subplot(,,nplot); line_types = dyn_graph.line_types; line_type = line_types{1}; for i=1:size(y,2) if length(line_types) > 1 line_type = line_types{i}; end plot(x,y(:,i),line_type); hold on end title(tit); hold off