function [endogenousvariables, info] = sim1(endogenousvariables, exogenousvariables, steadystate, M, options) % Performs deterministic simulations with lead or lag on one period. Uses sparse matrices. % % INPUTS % - endogenousvariables [double] N*T array, paths for the endogenous variables (initial guess). % - exogenousvariables [double] T*M array, paths for the exogenous variables. % - steadystate [double] N*1 array, steady state for the endogenous variables. % - M [struct] contains a description of the model. % - options [struct] contains various options. % OUTPUTS % - endogenousvariables [double] N*T array, paths for the endogenous variables (solution of the perfect foresight model). % - info [struct] contains informations about the results. % ALGORITHM % ... % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % None. % Copyright (C) 1996-2016 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . verbose = options.verbosity; endogenous_terminal_period = options.endogenous_terminal_period; vperiods = options.periods*ones(1,options.simul.maxit); azero = options.dynatol.f/1e7; lead_lag_incidence = M.lead_lag_incidence; ny = M.endo_nbr; maximum_lag = M.maximum_lag; max_lag = M.maximum_endo_lag; nyp = nnz(lead_lag_incidence(1,:)) ; ny0 = nnz(lead_lag_incidence(2,:)) ; nyf = nnz(lead_lag_incidence(3,:)) ; nd = nyp+ny0+nyf; stop = 0 ; periods = options.periods; params = M.params; i_cols_1 = nonzeros(lead_lag_incidence(2:3,:)'); i_cols_A1 = find(lead_lag_incidence(2:3,:)'); i_cols_A1 = i_cols_A1(:); i_cols_T = nonzeros(lead_lag_incidence(1:2,:)'); i_cols_0 = nonzeros(lead_lag_incidence(2,:)'); i_cols_A0 = find(lead_lag_incidence(2,:)'); i_cols_A0 = i_cols_A0(:); i_cols_j = (1:nd)'; i_upd = maximum_lag*ny+(1:periods*ny); Y = endogenousvariables(:); if verbose skipline() printline(56) disp('MODEL SIMULATION:') skipline() end model_dynamic = str2func([M.fname,'_dynamic']); z = Y(find(lead_lag_incidence')); [d1,jacobian] = model_dynamic(z, exogenousvariables, params, steadystate,maximum_lag+1); res = zeros(periods*ny,1); o_periods = periods; if endogenous_terminal_period ZERO = zeros(length(i_upd),1); end h1 = clock ; iA = zeros(periods*M.NNZDerivatives(1),3); for iter = 1:options.simul.maxit h2 = clock ; i_rows = (1:ny)'; i_cols_A = find(lead_lag_incidence'); i_cols_A = i_cols_A(:); i_cols = i_cols_A+(maximum_lag-1)*ny; m = 0; for it = (maximum_lag+1):(maximum_lag+periods) [d1,jacobian] = model_dynamic(Y(i_cols), exogenousvariables, params, steadystate,it); if it == maximum_lag+periods && it == maximum_lag+1 [r,c,v] = find(jacobian(:,i_cols_0)); iA((1:length(v))+m,:) = [i_rows(r(:)),i_cols_A0(c(:)),v(:)]; elseif it == maximum_lag+periods [r,c,v] = find(jacobian(:,i_cols_T)); iA((1:length(v))+m,:) = [i_rows(r(:)),i_cols_A(i_cols_T(c(:))),v(:)]; elseif it == maximum_lag+1 [r,c,v] = find(jacobian(:,i_cols_1)); iA((1:length(v))+m,:) = [i_rows(r(:)),i_cols_A1(c(:)),v(:)]; else [r,c,v] = find(jacobian(:,i_cols_j)); iA((1:length(v))+m,:) = [i_rows(r(:)),i_cols_A(c(:)),v(:)]; end m = m + length(v); res(i_rows) = d1; if endogenous_terminal_period && iter>1 dr = max(abs(d1)); if dr maximum_lag+1 i_cols_A = i_cols_A + ny; end end err = max(abs(res)); if options.debug fprintf('\nLargest absolute residual at iteration %d: %10.3f\n',iter,err); if any(isnan(res)) || any(isinf(res)) || any(isnan(Y)) || any(isinf(Y)) fprintf('\nWARNING: NaN or Inf detected in the residuals or endogenous variables.\n'); end if ~isreal(res) || ~isreal(Y) fprintf('\nWARNING: Imaginary parts detected in the residuals or endogenous variables.\n'); end skipline() end if verbose str = sprintf('Iter: %s,\t err. = %s, \t time = %s',num2str(iter),num2str(err), num2str(etime(clock,h2))); disp(str); end if err < options.dynatol.f stop = 1 ; break end iA = iA(1:m,:); A = sparse(iA(:,1),iA(:,2),iA(:,3),periods*ny,periods*ny); if endogenous_terminal_period && iter>1 dy = ZERO; if options.simul.robust_lin_solve dy(1:i_rows(end)) = -lin_solve_robust( A(1:i_rows(end),1:i_rows(end)), res(1:i_rows(end)),verbose ); else dy(1:i_rows(end)) = -lin_solve( A(1:i_rows(end),1:i_rows(end)), res(1:i_rows(end)), verbose ); end else if options.simul.robust_lin_solve dy = -lin_solve_robust( A, res, verbose ); else dy = -lin_solve( A, res, verbose ); end end Y(i_upd) = Y(i_upd) + dy; end if endogenous_terminal_period err = evaluate_max_dynamic_residual(model_dynamic, Y, exogenousvariables, params, steadystate, o_periods, ny, max_lag, lead_lag_incidence); periods = o_periods; end if stop if any(isnan(res)) || any(isinf(res)) || any(isnan(Y)) || any(isinf(Y)) || ~isreal(res) || ~isreal(Y) info.status = false;% NaN or Inf occurred info.error = err; info.iterations = iter; info.periods = vperiods(1:iter); endogenousvariables = reshape(Y,ny,periods+maximum_lag+M.maximum_lead); if verbose skipline() disp(sprintf('Total time of simulation: %s.', num2str(etime(clock,h1)))) disp('Simulation terminated with NaN or Inf in the residuals or endogenous variables.') disp('There is most likely something wrong with your model. Try model_diagnostics or another simulation method.') printline(105) end else if verbose skipline(); disp(sprintf('Total time of simulation: %s', num2str(etime(clock,h1)))) printline(56) end info.status = true;% Convergency obtained. info.error = err; info.iterations = iter; info.periods = vperiods(1:iter); endogenousvariables = reshape(Y,ny,periods+maximum_lag+M.maximum_lead); end elseif ~stop if verbose skipline(); disp(sprintf('Total time of simulation: %s.', num2str(etime(clock,h1)))) disp('Maximum number of iterations is reached (modify option maxit).') printline(62) end info.status = false;% more iterations are needed. info.error = err; info.periods = vperiods(1:iter); info.iterations = options.simul.maxit; end if verbose skipline(); end function x = lin_solve( A, b,verbose) if norm( b ) < sqrt( eps ) % then x = 0 is a solution x = 0; return end x = A\b; x( ~isfinite( x ) ) = 0; relres = norm( b - A * x ) / norm( b ); if relres > 1e-6 && verbose fprintf( 'WARNING : Failed to find a solution to the linear system.\n' ); end function [ x, flag, relres ] = lin_solve_robust( A, b , verbose) if norm( b ) < sqrt( eps ) % then x = 0 is a solution x = 0; flag = 0; relres = 0; return end x = A\b; x( ~isfinite( x ) ) = 0; [ x, flag, relres ] = bicgstab( A, b, [], [], [], [], x ); % returns immediately if x is a solution if flag == 0 return end disp( relres ); if verbose fprintf( 'Initial bicgstab failed, trying alternative start point.\n' ); end old_x = x; old_relres = relres; [ x, flag, relres ] = bicgstab( A, b ); if flag == 0 return end if verbose fprintf( 'Alternative start point also failed with bicgstab, trying gmres.\n' ); end if old_relres < relres x = old_x; end [ x, flag, relres ] = gmres( A, b, [], [], [], [], [], x ); if flag == 0 return end if verbose fprintf( 'Initial gmres failed, trying alternative start point.\n' ); end old_x = x; old_relres = relres; [ x, flag, relres ] = gmres( A, b ); if flag == 0 return end if verbose fprintf( 'Alternative start point also failed with gmres, using the (SLOW) Moore-Penrose Pseudo-Inverse.\n' ); end if old_relres < relres x = old_x; relres = old_relres; end old_x = x; old_relres = relres; x = pinv( full( A ) ) * b; relres = norm( b - A * x ) / norm( b ); if old_relres < relres x = old_x; relres = old_relres; end flag = relres > 1e-6; if flag ~= 0 && verbose fprintf( 'WARNING : Failed to find a solution to the linear system\n' ); end