function [x,u] = lyapunov_symm(a,b,third_argument,lyapunov_complex_threshold,method, R) % Solves the Lyapunov equation x-a*x*a' = b, for b and x symmetric matrices. % If a has some unit roots, the function computes only the solution of the stable subsystem. % % INPUTS: % a [double] n*n matrix. % b [double] n*n matrix. % third_argument [double] scalar, if method <= 2 : % qz_criterium = third_argument unit root threshold for eigenvalues in a, % elseif method = 3 : % tol =third_argument the convergence criteria for fixed_point algorithm. % lyapunov_complex_threshold [double] scalar, complex block threshold for the upper triangular matrix T. % method [integer] Scalar, if method=0 [default] then U, T, n and k are not persistent. % method=1 then U, T, n and k are declared as persistent % variables and the schur decomposition is triggered. % method=2 then U, T, n and k are declared as persistent % variables and the schur decomposition is not performed. % method=3 fixed point method % OUTPUTS % x: [double] m*m solution matrix of the lyapunov equation, where m is the dimension of the stable subsystem. % u: [double] Schur vectors associated with unit roots % % ALGORITHM % Uses reordered Schur decomposition % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % None % Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . if nargin<5 method = 0; end if method == 3 persistent X method1; if ~isempty(method1) method = method1; end; tol = third_argument; fprintf(' [methode=%d] ',method); if method == 3 %tol = 1e-10; it_fp = 0; evol = 100; if isempty(X) X = b; max_it_fp = 2000; else max_it_fp = 300; end; at = a'; %fixed point iterations while evol > tol && it_fp < max_it_fp; X_old = X; X = a * X * at + b; evol = max(sum(abs(X - X_old))); %norm_1 %evol = max(sum(abs(X - X_old)')); %norm_inf it_fp = it_fp + 1; end; fprintf('lyapunov it_fp=%d evol=%g\n',it_fp,evol); if it_fp >= max_it_fp disp(['convergence not achieved in solution of Lyapunov equation after ' int2str(it_fp) ' iterations, switching method from 3 to 0']); method1 = 0; method = 0; else method1 = 3; x = X; return; end; end; elseif method == 4 % works only with Matlab System Control toolbox or octave the control package, if exist('OCTAVE_VERSION') if ~user_has_octave_forge_package('control') error('lyapunov=square_root_solver not available; you must install the control package from Octave Forge') end else if ~user_has_matlab_license('control_toolbox') error('lyapunov=square_root_solver not available; you must install the control system toolbox') end end chol_b = R*chol(b,'lower'); Rx = dlyapchol(a,chol_b); x = Rx' * Rx; return; end; qz_criterium = third_argument; if method persistent U T k n else if exist('U','var') clear('U','T','k','n') end end u = []; if size(a,1) == 1 x=b/(1-a*a); return end if method<2 [U,T] = schur(a); e1 = abs(ordeig(T)) > 2-qz_criterium; k = sum(e1); % Number of unit roots. n = length(e1)-k; % Number of stationary variables. if k > 0 % Selects stable roots [U,T] = ordschur(U,T,e1); T = T(k+1:end,k+1:end); end end B = U(:,k+1:end)'*b*U(:,k+1:end); x = zeros(n,n); i = n; while i >= 2 if abs(T(i,i-1))