function [PostMod,PostVar,Scale,PostMean] = ... gmhmaxlik(ObjFun,xparam1,mh_bounds,options,iScale,info,MeanPar,VarCov,varargin) %function [PostMod,PostVar,Scale,PostMean] = ... %gmhmaxlik(ObjFun,xparam1,mh_bounds,num,iScale,info,MeanPar,VarCov,varargin) % (Dirty) Global minimization routine of (minus) a likelihood (or posterior density) function. % % INPUTS % o ObjFun [char] string specifying the name of the objective function. % o xparam1 [double] (p*1) vector of parameters to be estimated. % o mh_bounds [double] (p*2) matrix defining lower and upper bounds for the parameters. % o options [structure] options for the optimization algorithm (options_.gmhmaxlik). % o iScale [double] scalar specifying the initial of the jumping distribution's scale parameter. % o info [char] string, empty or equal to 'LastCall'. % o MeanPar [double] (p*1) vector specifying the initial posterior mean. % o VarCov [double] (p*p) matrix specifying the initial posterior covariance matrix. % o gend [integer] scalar specifying the number of observations ==> varargin{1}. % o data [double] (T*n) matrix of data ==> varargin{2}. % % OUTPUTS % o PostMod [double] (p*1) vector, evaluation of the posterior mode. % o PostVar [double] (p*p) matrix, evaluation of the posterior covariance matrix. % o Scale [double] scalar specifying the scale parameter that should be used in % an eventual metropolis-hastings algorithm. % o PostMean [double] (p*1) vector, evaluation of the posterior mean. % % ALGORITHM % Metropolis-Hastings with an constantly updated covariance matrix for % the jump distribution. The posterior mean, variance and mode are % updated (in step 2) with the following rules: % % \[ % \mu_t = \mu_{t-1} + \frac{1}{t}\left(\theta_t-\mu_{t-1}\right) % \] % % \[ % \Sigma_t = \Sigma_{t-1} + \mu_{t-1}\mu_{t-1}'-\mu_{t}\mu_{t}' + % \frac{1}{t}\left(\theta_t\theta_t'-\Sigma_{t-1}-\mu_{t-1}\mu_{t-1}'\right) % \] % % and % % \[ % \mathrm{mode}_t = \left\{ % \begin{array}{ll} % \theta_t, & \hbox{if } p(\theta_t|\mathcal Y) > p(\mathrm{mode}_{t-1}|\mathcal Y) \\ % \mathrm{mode}_{t-1}, & \hbox{otherwise.} % \end{array} % \right. % \] % % where $t$ is the iteration, $\mu_t$ the estimate of the posterior mean % after $t$ iterations, $\Sigma_t$ the estimate of the posterior % covariance matrix after $t$ iterations, $\mathrm{mode}_t$ is the % evaluation of the posterior mode after $t$ iterations and % $p(\theta_t|\mathcal Y)$ is the posterior density of parameters % (specified by the user supplied function "fun"). % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % None. % Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . global bayestopt_ estim_params_ options_ options_.lik_algo = 1; npar = length(xparam1); NumberOfIterations = options.number; MaxNumberOfTuningSimulations = options.nscale; MaxNumberOfClimbingSimulations = options.nclimb; AcceptanceTarget = 1/3; CovJump = VarCov; ModePar = xparam1; %% [1] I tune the scale parameter. hh = dyn_waitbar(0,'Tuning of the scale parameter...'); set(hh,'Name','Tuning of the scale parameter.'); j = 1; jj = 1; isux = 0; jsux = 0; test = 0; ix2 = ModePar;% initial condition! ilogpo2 = - feval(ObjFun,ix2,varargin{:});% initial posterior density mlogpo2 = ilogpo2; try dd = transpose(chol(CovJump)); catch dd = eye(length(CovJump)); end while j<=MaxNumberOfTuningSimulations proposal = iScale*dd*randn(npar,1) + ix2; if all(proposal > mh_bounds(:,1)) && all(proposal < mh_bounds(:,2)) logpo2 = - feval(ObjFun,proposal,varargin{:}); else logpo2 = -inf; end % I move if the proposal is enough likely... if logpo2 > -inf && log(rand) < logpo2 - ilogpo2 ix2 = proposal; if logpo2 > mlogpo2 ModePar = proposal; mlogpo2 = logpo2; end ilogpo2 = logpo2; isux = isux + 1; jsux = jsux + 1; end% ... otherwise I don't move. prtfrc = j/MaxNumberOfTuningSimulations; if mod(j, 10)==0 dyn_waitbar(prtfrc,hh,sprintf('Acceptance rates: %f [%f]',isux/j,jsux/jj)); end if j/500 == round(j/500) test1 = jsux/jj; cfactor = test1/AcceptanceTarget; if cfactor>0 iScale = iScale*cfactor; else iScale = iScale/10; end jsux = 0; jj = 0; if cfactor>0.90 && cfactor<1.10 test = test+1; end if test>4 break end end j = j+1; jj = jj + 1; end dyn_waitbar_close(hh); %% [2] One block metropolis, I update the covariance matrix of the jumping distribution hh = dyn_waitbar(0,'Metropolis-Hastings...'); set(hh,'Name','Estimation of the posterior covariance...'), j = 1; isux = 0; ilogpo2 = - feval(ObjFun,ix2,varargin{:}); while j<= NumberOfIterations proposal = iScale*dd*randn(npar,1) + ix2; if all(proposal > mh_bounds(:,1)) && all(proposal < mh_bounds(:,2)) logpo2 = - feval(ObjFun,proposal,varargin{:}); else logpo2 = -inf; end % I move if the proposal is enough likely... if logpo2 > -inf && log(rand) < logpo2 - ilogpo2 ix2 = proposal; if logpo2 > mlogpo2 ModePar = proposal; mlogpo2 = logpo2; end ilogpo2 = logpo2; isux = isux + 1; jsux = jsux + 1; end% ... otherwise I don't move. prtfrc = j/NumberOfIterations; if mod(j, 10)==0 dyn_waitbar(prtfrc,hh,sprintf('Acceptance rate: %f',isux/j)); end % I update the covariance matrix and the mean: oldMeanPar = MeanPar; MeanPar = oldMeanPar + (1/j)*(ix2-oldMeanPar); CovJump = CovJump + oldMeanPar*oldMeanPar' - MeanPar*MeanPar' + ... (1/j)*(ix2*ix2' - CovJump - oldMeanPar*oldMeanPar'); j = j+1; end dyn_waitbar_close(hh); PostVar = CovJump; PostMean = MeanPar; %% [3 & 4] I tune the scale parameter (with the new covariance matrix) if %% this is the last call to the routine, and I climb the hill (without %% updating the covariance matrix)... if strcmpi(info,'LastCall') hh = dyn_waitbar(0,'Tuning of the scale parameter...'); set(hh,'Name','Tuning of the scale parameter.'), j = 1; jj = 1; isux = 0; jsux = 0; test = 0; ilogpo2 = - feval(ObjFun,ix2,varargin{:});% initial posterior density dd = transpose(chol(CovJump)); while j<=MaxNumberOfTuningSimulations proposal = iScale*dd*randn(npar,1) + ix2; if all(proposal > mh_bounds(:,1)) && all(proposal < mh_bounds(:,2)) logpo2 = - feval(ObjFun,proposal,varargin{:}); else logpo2 = -inf; end % I move if the proposal is enough likely... if logpo2 > -inf && log(rand) < logpo2 - ilogpo2 ix2 = proposal; if logpo2 > mlogpo2 ModePar = proposal; mlogpo2 = logpo2; end ilogpo2 = logpo2; isux = isux + 1; jsux = jsux + 1; end% ... otherwise I don't move. prtfrc = j/MaxNumberOfTuningSimulations; if mod(j, 10)==0 dyn_waitbar(prtfrc,hh,sprintf('Acceptance rates: %f [%f]',isux/j,jsux/jj)); end if j/1000 == round(j/1000) test1 = jsux/jj; cfactor = test1/AcceptanceTarget; iScale = iScale*cfactor; jsux = 0; jj = 0; if cfactor>0.90 && cfactor<1.10 test = test+1; end if test>4 break end end j = j+1; jj = jj + 1; end dyn_waitbar_close(hh); Scale = iScale; %% %% Now I climb the hill %% if options.nclimb hh = dyn_waitbar(0,' '); set(hh,'Name','Now I am climbing the hill...'), j = 1; jj = 1; jsux = 0; test = 0; while j<=MaxNumberOfClimbingSimulations proposal = iScale*dd*randn(npar,1) + ModePar; if all(proposal > mh_bounds(:,1)) && all(proposal < mh_bounds(:,2)) logpo2 = - feval(ObjFun,proposal,varargin{:}); else logpo2 = -inf; end if logpo2 > mlogpo2% I move if the proposal is higher... ModePar = proposal; mlogpo2 = logpo2; jsux = jsux + 1; end% otherwise I don't move... prtfrc = j/MaxNumberOfClimbingSimulations; if mod(j, 10)==0 dyn_waitbar(prtfrc,hh,sprintf('%f Jumps / MaxStepSize %f',jsux,sqrt(max(diag(iScale*CovJump))))); end if j/200 == round(j/200) if jsux<=1 test = test+1; else test = 0; end jsux = 0; jj = 0; if test>4% If I do not progress enough I reduce the scale parameter % of the jumping distribution (cooling down the system). iScale = iScale/1.10; end if sqrt(max(diag(iScale*CovJump)))<10^(-4) break% Steps are too small! end end j = j+1; jj = jj + 1; end dyn_waitbar_close(hh); end%climb else Scale = iScale; end PostMod = ModePar;