function y = var_forecast(name, h, y, fcv) % name : filename % name string name of var model, provided in var statement % h int number of steps-ahead forecast % y matrix rows: realizations of endogenous variables in declaration order; cols: realizations in t, t-1, t-2 ... order of VAR % fcv string name of variable we want forecast for % returns the h-step-ahead VAR(order) forecast for fcv % example calling: % In Matlab: % >> autoregressive_matrices{1} = [0.5000 0.1000; 0.4000 0.5000]; % >> autoregressive_matrices{2} = [0 0 ; 0.2500 0 ]; % >> mu = [0.0200; 0.0300]; % >> save('m1.mat', 'mu','autoregressive_matrices'); % In .mod file: % var a b c d; % ... % var(model_name=m1,order=2) a c; % From Matlab backend: % >> yt = [0.0600; 33.0000; 0.0300; 22.0000]; % >> ytm1 = [0.0550; 11.0000; 0.0300; 88.0000]; % >> var_forecast('m1', 1, [yt ytm1]) % >> var_forecast('m1', 2, [yt ytm1], ['a']) %% global M_ %% construct y assert( ... length(y) == length(M_.endo_names) || ... % when called from static model length(y) == sum(sum(M_.lead_lag_incidence ~= 0)) ... % when called from dynamic model ); endo_names = cellstr(M_.endo_names); yidx = zeros(size(endo_names)); for i=1:length(M_.var.(name).var_list_) yidx = yidx | strcmp(strtrim(M_.var.(name).var_list_(i,:)), endo_names); end y = y(yidx,:); if nargin == 4 fvidx = strcmp(fcv, endo_names); end %% load .mat file load(name, 'autoregressive_matrices', 'mu'); if ~exist('autoregressive_matrices', 'var') || ~exist('mu', 'var') error([name ' : must contain the variables autoregressive_matrices and mu']); end assert(h >= 1); %% rewrite as VAR(1) lm = length(mu); lc = length(autoregressive_matrices); assert(lc == M_.var.(name).order); if size(y,1) ~= lm || size(y,2) ~= M_.var.(name).order error('The dimensions of y are not correct. It should be an nvars x order matrix'); end A = zeros(lm*lc, lm*lc); for i=1:lc if any([lm lm] ~= size(autoregressive_matrices{i})) error('The dimensions of mu and autoregressive_matrices are off'); end col = lm*(i-1)+1:lm*i; A(1:lm, col) = autoregressive_matrices{i}; if i ~= lc A(lm*i+1:lm*i+lm, col) = eye(lm, lm); end end if M_.var.(name).order > 1 mu = [mu; zeros(lm*M_.var.(name).order-lm, 1)]; end %% Calculate Forecast % New Introduction to Multiple Time Series Analysis % Helmut Lutkepohl % page 34 % % An = eye(size(A)); % for i=1:h-1 % An = An + A^i; % end % y = An*mu + A^h*y(:); for i=1:h y = mu + A*y(:); end y = y(1:lm); if nargin == 4 retidx = find(fvidx & yidx == 1); if isempty(retidx) return; elseif retidx == 1 y = y(1); else y = y(sum(yidx(1:retidx-1))+1); end end end