function [r,flag] = smm_objective(xparams,sample_moments,weighting_matrix,options,parallel) % Evaluates the objective of the Simulated Moments Method. % % INPUTS: % xparams [double] p*1 vector of estimated parameters. % sample_moments [double] n*1 vector of sample moments (n>=p). % weighting_matrix [double] n*n symetric, positive definite matrix. % options [ ] Structure defining options for SMM. % parallel [ ] Structure defining the parallel mode settings (optional). % % OUTPUTS: % r [double] scalar, the value of the objective function. % junk [ ] empty matrix. % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % The user has to provide a file where the moment conditions are defined. % Copyright (C) 2010-2017 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . global M_ options_ oo_ persistent mainStream mainState persistent priorObjectiveValue flag = 1; if nargin<5 if isempty(mainStream) if matlab_ver_less_than('7.12') mainStream = RandStream.getDefaultStream; else mainStream = RandStream.getGlobalStream; end mainState = mainStream.State; else mainStream.State = mainState; end end if isempty(priorObjectiveValue) priorObjectiveValue = Inf; end penalty = 0; for i=1:options.estimated_parameters.nb if ~isnan(options.estimated_parameters.upper_bound(i)) && xparams(i)>options.estimated_parameters.upper_bound(i) penalty = penalty + (xparams(i)-options.estimated_parameters.upper_bound(i))^2; end if ~isnan(options.estimated_parameters.lower_bound(i)) && xparams(i)0 flag = 0; r = priorObjectiveValue + penalty; return end save('estimated_parameters.mat','xparams'); % Check for local determinacy of the deterministic steady state. noprint = options_.noprint; options_.noprint = 1; [eigval,local_determinacy_and_stability,info] = check(M_,options_,oo_); options_.noprint = noprint; if ~local_determinacy_and_stability r = priorObjectiveValue * (1+info(2)); flag = 0; return end simulated_moments = zeros(size(sample_moments)); % Just to be sure that things don't mess up with persistent variables... clear perfect_foresight_simulation; if nargin<5 for s = 1:options.number_of_simulated_sample time_series = extended_path([],options.simulated_sample_size,1); data = time_series(options.observed_variables_idx,options.burn_in_periods+1:options.simulated_sample_size); eval(['tmp = ' options.moments_file_name '(data);']) simulated_moments = simulated_moments + tmp; simulated_moments = simulated_moments / options.number_of_simulated_sample; end else% parallel mode. if ~isunix error('The parallel version of SMM estimation is not implemented for non unix platforms!') end job_number = 1;% Remark. First job is for the master. [Junk,hostname] = unix('hostname --fqdn'); hostname = deblank(hostname); for i=1:length(parallel) machine = deblank(parallel(i).machine); if ~strcmpi(hostname,machine) % For the slaves on a remote computer. unix(['scp estimated_parameters.mat ' , parallel(i).login , '@' , machine , ':' parallel(i).folder ' > /dev/null']); else if ~strcmpi(pwd,parallel(i).folder) % For the slaves on this computer but not in the same directory as the master. unix(['cp estimated_parameters.mat ' , parallel(i).folder]); end end for j=1:parallel(i).number_of_jobs if (strcmpi(hostname,machine) && j>1) || ~strcmpi(hostname,machine) job_number = job_number + 1; unix(['ssh -A ' parallel(i).login '@' machine ' ./ job' int2str(job_number) '.m &']); end end end % Finally the Master do its job tStartMasterJob = clock; eval('job1;') tElapsedMasterJob = etime(clock, tStartMasterJob); TimeLimit = tElapsedMasterJob*1.2; % Master waits for the slaves' output... tStart = clock; tElapsed = 0; while tElapsed0) && exist('optimization_path.mat') load('optimization_path.mat'); new_state = [ r; xparams]; estimated_parameters_optimization_path = [ estimated_parameters_optimization_path , new_state ]; save('optimization_path.mat','estimated_parameters_optimization_path'); end