function data_set = det_cond_forecast(varargin) % Computes conditional forecasts using the extended path method. % % INPUTS % o plan [structure] A structure describing the different shocks and the endogenous varibales, the date of the shocks and the path of the shock. % The plan structure is created by the functions init_plan, basic_plan and flip_plan % o [dataset] [dseries] A dserie containing the initial values of the shocks and the endogenous variables (usually the dseries generated by the smoother). % o [starting_date] [dates] The first date of the forecast. % % % OUTPUTS % dataset [dseries] Returns a dseries containing the forecasted endgenous variables and shocks % % Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . global options_ oo_ M_ pp = 2; initial_conditions = oo_.steady_state; verbosity = options_.verbosity; if options_.periods == 0 options_.periods = 25; end %We have to get an initial guess for the conditional forecast % and terminal conditions for the non-stationary variables, we % use the first order approximation of the rational expectation solution. if ~isfield(oo_,'dr') || (isempty(oo_.dr)) fprintf('computing the first order solution of the model as initial guess...'); dr = struct(); oo_.dr=set_state_space(dr,M_,options_); options_.order = 1; [dr,Info,M_,options_,oo_] = resol(0,M_,options_,oo_); fprintf('done\n'); end b_surprise = 0; b_pf = 0; surprise = 0; pf = 0; is_shock = []; is_constraint = []; if length(varargin) > 3 % regular way to call constrained_paths = varargin{1}; max_periods_simulation = size(constrained_paths, 2); constrained_vars = varargin{2}; options_cond_fcst = varargin{3}; constrained_perfect_foresight = varargin{4}; constraint_index = cell(max_periods_simulation,1); nvars = length(constrained_vars); for i = 1:max_periods_simulation constraint_index{i} = 1:nvars; end direct_mode = 0; shocks_present = 0; controlled_varexo = options_cond_fcst.controlled_varexo; nvarexo = size(controlled_varexo, 1); options_cond_fcst.controlled_varexo = zeros(nvarexo,1); exo_names = M_.exo_names; for i = 1:nvarexo j = find(strcmp(controlled_varexo(i,:), exo_names)); if ~isempty(j) options_cond_fcst.controlled_varexo(i) = j; else error(['Unknown exogenous variable ' controlled_varexo(i,:)]); end end else % alternative way to call: plan, dset, dates_of_frcst plan = varargin{1}; if length(varargin) >= 2 dset = varargin{2}; if ~isa(dset,'dseries') error('the second argmuent should be a dseries'); end if length(varargin) >= 3 range = varargin{3}; if ~isa(range,'dates') error('the third argmuent should be a dates'); end %if (range(range.ndat) > dset.time(dset.nobs) ) if (range(range.ndat) > dset.dates(dset.nobs)+1 ) s1 = strings(dset.dates(dset.nobs)); s2 = strings(range(range.ndat)); error(['the dseries ' inputname(2) ' finish at time ' s1{1} ' before the last period of forecast ' s2{1}]); end sym_dset = dset(dates(-range(1)):dates(range(range.ndat))); periods = options_.periods + M_.maximum_lag + M_.maximum_lead; total_periods = periods + range.ndat; if isfield(oo_, 'exo_simul') if size(oo_.exo_simul, 1) ~= total_periods oo_.exo_simul = repmat(oo_.exo_steady_state',total_periods,1); end else oo_.exo_simul = repmat(oo_.exo_steady_state',total_periods,1); end oo_.endo_simul = repmat(oo_.steady_state, 1, total_periods); for i = 1:sym_dset.vobs iy = find(strcmp(strtrim({i}), strtrim(plan.endo_names))); if ~isempty(iy) oo_.endo_simul(iy,1:sym_dset.nobs) =, i); initial_conditions(iy) =, i); else ix = find(strcmp(strtrim({i}), strtrim(plan.exo_names))); if ~isempty(ix) oo_.exo_simul(1, ix) =, i)'; else %warning(['The variable '{i} ' in the dataset ' inputname(2) ' is not a endogenous neither an exogenous variable!!']); end end end for i = 1:length(M_.aux_vars) if M_.aux_vars(i).type == 1 %lag variable iy = find(strcmp(M_.endo_names{M_.aux_vars(i).orig_index},; if ~isempty(iy) oo_.endo_simul(M_.aux_vars(i).endo_index, 1:sym_dset.nobs) = dset(dates(range(1) + (M_.aux_vars(i).orig_lead_lag - 1))).data(:,iy); initial_conditions(M_.aux_vars(i).endo_index) = dset(dates(range(1) + (M_.aux_vars(i).orig_lead_lag - 1))).data(:,iy); else warning(['The variable auxiliary ' M_.endo_names{M_.aux_vars(i).endo_index} ' associated to the variable ' M_.endo_names{M_.aux_vars(i).orig_index} ' do not appear in the dataset']); end else oo_.endo_simul(M_.aux_vars(i).endo_index, 1:sym_dset.nobs) = repmat(oo_.steady_state(M_.aux_vars(i).endo_index), 1, range.ndat + 1); end end %Compute the initial path using the the steady-state % steady-state %for jj = 2 : (options_.periods + 2) for jj = 2 : (range.ndat + 2) oo_.endo_simul(:, jj) = oo_.steady_state; end missings = isnan(oo_.endo_simul(:,1)); if any(missings) for jj = 1:M_.endo_nbr if missings(jj) oo_.endo_simul(jj,1) = oo_.steady_state(jj,1); end end end if options_.bytecode save_options_dynatol_f = options_.dynatol.f; options_.dynatol.f = 1e-7; [Info, endo, exo] = bytecode('extended_path', plan, oo_.endo_simul, oo_.exo_simul, M_.params, oo_.steady_state, options_.periods); options_.dynatol.f = save_options_dynatol_f; if Info == 0 oo_.endo_simul = endo; oo_.exo_simul = exo; end endo = endo'; endo_l = size(endo(1+M_.maximum_lag:end,:),1); jrng = dates(; data_set = dseries(nan(endo_l, dset.vobs),,; for i = 1:length( pos = find(strcmp({i},plan.endo_names)); if ~isempty(pos) data_set.({i}) = dseries(endo(1+M_.maximum_lag:end,pos),,{i}); else pos = find(strcmp({i},plan.exo_names)); if ~isempty(pos) data_set{{i}} = dseries(exo(1+M_.maximum_lag:end,pos),,{i}); end end end data_set = [dset(dset.dates(1):( ; data_set]; for i=1:M_.exo_nbr pos = find(strcmp(M_.exo_names{i},; if isempty(pos) data_set{M_.exo_names{i}} = dseries(exo(1+M_.maximum_lag:end,i),, M_.exo_names{i}); else data_set{M_.exo_names{i}}( (size(exo, 1) - M_.maximum_lag)) = exo(1+M_.maximum_lag:end,i); end end data_set = merge(dset(dset.dates(1):(, data_set); return union_names = union(,; dif = setdiff(union_names,; data_set_nobs = data_set.nobs; for i = 1:length(dif) data_set{dif{i}} = dseries(nan(data_set_nobs,1),, dif(i), dif(i)); end dif = setdiff(union_names,; dset_nobs = dset.nobs; for i = 1:length(dif) dset{dif{i}} = dseries(nan(dset_nobs,1),dset.dates(1), dif(i), dif(i)); end data_set = [dset(dset.dates(1):( ; data_set]; return end else error('impossible case'); end else oo_.exo_simul = repmat(oo_.exo_steady_state',options_.periods+2,1); oo_.endo_simul = repmat(oo_.steady_state, 1, options_.periods+2); end direct_mode = 1; constrained_paths = plan.constrained_paths_; constrained_vars = plan.constrained_vars_; options_cond_fcst = plan.options_cond_fcst_; constrained_perfect_foresight = plan.constrained_perfect_foresight_; constrained_periods = plan.constrained_date_; if ~isempty(plan.shock_paths_) shock_paths = plan.shock_paths_; shock_vars = plan.shock_vars_; shock_perfect_foresight = plan.shock_perfect_foresight_; shock_periods = plan.shock_date_; shocks_present = 1; else shocks_present = 0; end total_periods =; end if ~isfield(options_cond_fcst,'periods') || isempty(options_cond_fcst.periods) options_cond_fcst.periods = 100; end options_.periods = 10; if direct_mode == 1 n_periods = length(constrained_periods); is_constraint = zeros(length(total_periods), n_periods); constrained_paths_cell = constrained_paths; clear constrained_paths; constrained_paths = zeros(n_periods, length(total_periods)); max_periods_simulation = 0; for i = 1:n_periods period_i = constrained_periods{i}; %period_i tp = total_periods(1); if size(period_i) > 1 init_periods = period_i(1); tp_end = period_i(end); else init_periods = period_i; tp_end = period_i; end tp0 = tp; while tp < init_periods tp = tp + 1; end j = 0; while tp <= tp_end is_constraint(tp - tp0 + 1, i) = 1; constrained_paths(i, tp - tp0 + 1) = constrained_paths_cell{i}(j + 1); tp = tp + 1; j = j + 1; end if tp - tp0 > max_periods_simulation max_periods_simulation = tp - tp0; end end n_nnz = length(sum(is_constraint,2)); if n_nnz > 0 constraint_index = cell(n_nnz,1); for i= 1:n_nnz constraint_index{i} = find(is_constraint(i,:)); end end if shocks_present n_periods = length(shock_periods); shock_paths_cell = shock_paths; clear shock_paths; shock_paths = zeros(n_periods, length(total_periods)); is_shock = zeros(length(total_periods), n_periods); for i = 1:n_periods period_i = shock_periods{i}; %period_i tp = total_periods(1); if size(period_i) > 1 init_periods = period_i(1); tp_end = period_i(end); else init_periods = period_i; tp_end = period_i; end tp0 = tp; while tp < init_periods tp = tp + 1; end j = 0; while tp <= tp_end is_shock(tp - tp0 + 1, i) = 1; shock_paths(i, tp - tp0 + 1) = shock_paths_cell{i}(j + 1); tp = tp + 1; j = j + 1; end if tp - tp0 > max_periods_simulation max_periods_simulation = tp - tp0; end end n_nnz = length(sum(is_shock,2)); if n_nnz > 0 shock_index = cell(n_nnz, 1); for i= 1:n_nnz shock_index{i} = find(is_shock(i,:)); end end end else is_constraint = ones(size(constrained_paths)); end maximum_lag = M_.maximum_lag; ys = oo_.steady_state; ny = size(ys,1); xs = [oo_.exo_steady_state ; oo_.exo_det_steady_state]; nx = size(xs,1); constrained_periods = max_periods_simulation; n_endo_constrained = size(constrained_vars,1); if isfield(options_cond_fcst,'controlled_varexo') n_control_exo = size(options_cond_fcst.controlled_varexo, 1); if n_control_exo ~= n_endo_constrained error(['det_cond_forecast: the number of exogenous controlled variables (' int2str(n_control_exo) ') has to be equal to the number of constrained endogenous variabes (' int2str(n_endo_constrained) ')']) end else error('det_cond_forecast: to run a deterministic conditional forecast you have to specified the exogenous variables controlled using the option controlled_varexo in forecast command'); end % if n_endo_constrained == 0 % options_.ep.use_bytecode = options_.bytecode; % data_set = extended_path(initial_conditions, max_periods_simulation); % end if length(varargin) >= 1 controlled_varexo = options_cond_fcst.controlled_varexo; else exo_names = M_.exo_names; controlled_varexo = zeros(1,n_control_exo); for i = 1:nx for j=1:n_control_exo if strcmp(exo_names{i}, deblank(options_cond_fcst.controlled_varexo(j,:))) controlled_varexo(j) = i; end end end end %todo check if zero => error message save_options_initval_file = options_.initval_file; options_.initval_file = '__'; [pos_constrained_pf, ~] = find(constrained_perfect_foresight); indx_endo_solve_pf = constrained_vars(pos_constrained_pf); if isempty(indx_endo_solve_pf) pf = 0; else pf = length(indx_endo_solve_pf); end indx_endo_solve_surprise = setdiff(constrained_vars, indx_endo_solve_pf); if isempty(indx_endo_solve_surprise) surprise = 0; else surprise = length(indx_endo_solve_surprise); end eps = options_.solve_tolf; maxit = options_.simul.maxit; past_val = 0; save_options_periods = options_.periods; options_.periods = options_cond_fcst.periods; save_options_dynatol_f = options_.dynatol.f; options_.dynatol.f = 1e-8; eps1 = 1e-7;%1e-4; exo = zeros(maximum_lag + options_cond_fcst.periods, nx); endo = zeros(maximum_lag + options_cond_fcst.periods, ny); endo(1,:) = oo_.steady_state'; % if all the endogenous paths are perfectly anticipated we do not need to % implement the extended path if pf && ~surprise time_index_constraint = maximum_lag + 1:maximum_lag + constrained_periods; second_system_size = pf * constrained_periods; J = zeros(second_system_size,second_system_size); r = zeros(second_system_size,1); indx_endo = zeros(second_system_size,1); col_count = 1; for j = 1:length(constrained_vars) indx_endo(col_count : col_count + constrained_periods - 1) = constrained_vars(j) + (time_index_constraint - 1) * ny; col_count = col_count + constrained_periods; end oo_=make_ex_(M_,options_,oo_); oo_=make_y_(M_,options_,oo_); it = 1; convg = 0; normra = 1e+50; while ~convg && it <= maxit disp('---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'); disp(['iteration ' int2str(it)]); not_achieved = 1; alpha = 1; while not_achieved simul(); result = sum(sum(isfinite(oo_.endo_simul(:,time_index_constraint)))) == ny * constrained_periods; if result y = oo_.endo_simul(constrained_vars, time_index_constraint); ys = oo_.endo_simul(indx_endo); col_count = 1; for j = 1:length(constrained_vars) y = oo_.endo_simul(constrained_vars(j), time_index_constraint); r(col_count:col_count+constrained_periods - 1) = (y - constrained_paths(j,1:constrained_periods))'; col_count = col_count + constrained_periods; end normr = norm(r, 1); end if (~oo_.deterministic_simulation.status || ~result || normr > normra) && it > 1 not_achieved = 1; alpha = alpha / 2; col_count = 1; for j = controlled_varexo' oo_.exo_simul(time_index_constraint,j) = (old_exo(:,j) + alpha * D_exo(col_count: (col_count + constrained_periods - 1))); col_count = col_count + constrained_periods; end disp(['Divergence in Newton: reducing the path length alpha=' num2str(alpha)]); oo_.endo_simul = repmat(oo_.steady_state, 1, options_cond_fcst.periods + 2); else not_achieved = 0; end end per = 30; z = oo_.endo_simul(:, 1 : per + 2 ); zx = oo_.exo_simul(1: per + 2,:); g1 = spalloc(M_.endo_nbr * (per ), M_.endo_nbr * (per ), 3* M_.endo_nbr * per ); g1_x = spalloc(M_.endo_nbr * (per ), M_.exo_nbr, M_.endo_nbr * (per )* M_.exo_nbr ); lag_indx = find(M_.lead_lag_incidence(1,:)); cur_indx = M_.endo_nbr + find(M_.lead_lag_incidence(2,:)); lead_indx = 2 * M_.endo_nbr + find(M_.lead_lag_incidence(3,:)); cum_l1 = 0; cum_index_d_y_x = []; indx_x = []; for k = 1 : per if k == 1 if (isfield(M_,'block_structure')) data1 = M_.block_structure.block; Size = length(M_.block_structure.block); else data1 = M_; Size = 1; end data1 = M_; if (options_.bytecode) [chck, zz, data1]= bytecode('dynamic','evaluate', z, zx, M_.params, oo_.steady_state, k, data1); else [zz, g1b] = feval([M_.fname '.dynamic'], z', zx, M_.params, oo_.steady_state, k); data1.g1_x = g1b(:,end - M_.exo_nbr + 1:end); data1.g1 = g1b(:,1 : end - M_.exo_nbr); chck = 0; end mexErrCheck('bytecode', chck); end if k == 1 g1(1:M_.endo_nbr,-M_.endo_nbr + [cur_indx lead_indx]) = data1.g1(:,M_.nspred + 1:end); elseif k == per g1(M_.endo_nbr * (k - 1) + 1 :M_.endo_nbr * k,M_.endo_nbr * (k -2) + [lag_indx cur_indx]) = data1.g1(:,1:M_.nspred + M_.endo_nbr); else g1(M_.endo_nbr * (k - 1) + 1 :M_.endo_nbr * k, M_.endo_nbr * (k -2) + [lag_indx cur_indx lead_indx]) = data1.g1; end l2 = 1; pf_c = 1; if k <= constrained_periods for l = constraint_index{k} l1 = controlled_varexo(l); g1_x(M_.endo_nbr * (k - 1) + 1:M_.endo_nbr * k,1 + cum_l1) = data1.g1_x(:,l1); if k == 1 indx_x(l2) = l ; l2 = l2 + 1; for ii = 2:constrained_periods indx_x(l2) = length(controlled_varexo) + pf * (ii - 2) + constraint_index{k + ii - 1}(pf_c); l2 = l2 + 1; end pf_c = pf_c + 1; cum_index_d_y_x = [cum_index_d_y_x; constrained_vars(l)]; else cum_index_d_y_x = [cum_index_d_y_x; constrained_vars(l) + (k - 1) * M_.endo_nbr]; end cum_l1 = cum_l1 + length(l1); end end end d_y_x = - g1 \ g1_x; cum_l1 = 0; count_col = 1; cum_index_J = 1:length(cum_index_d_y_x(indx_x)); J= zeros(length(cum_index_J)); for j1 = 1:length(controlled_varexo) cum_l1 = 0; for k = 1:(constrained_periods) l1 = constraint_index{k}; l1 = find(constrained_perfect_foresight(l1) | (k == 1)); if constraint_index{k}( j1) J(cum_index_J,count_col) = d_y_x(cum_index_d_y_x(indx_x),indx_x(count_col)); count_col = count_col + 1; end cum_l1 = cum_l1 + length(l1); end cum_l1 = cum_l1 + length(constrained_vars(j1)); end % col_count = 1; % for j = controlled_varexo' % for time = time_index_constraint % saved = oo_.exo_simul(time,j); % oo_.exo_simul(time,j) = oo_.exo_simul(time,j) + eps1; % simul(); % J1(:,col_count) = (oo_.endo_simul(indx_endo) - ys) / eps1; % oo_.exo_simul(time,j) = saved; % col_count = col_count + 1; % end % end % J1 % sdfmlksdf; disp(['iteration ' int2str(it) ' error = ' num2str(normr)]); if normr <= eps convg = 1; disp('convergence achieved'); else % Newton update on exogenous shocks old_exo = oo_.exo_simul(time_index_constraint,:); D_exo = - J \ r; col_count = 1; %constrained_periods for j = controlled_varexo' oo_.exo_simul(time_index_constraint,j) = oo_.exo_simul(time_index_constraint,j) + D_exo(col_count: (col_count + constrained_periods - 1)); col_count = col_count + constrained_periods - 1; end end it = it + 1; normra = normr; end endo = oo_.endo_simul'; exo = oo_.exo_simul; else for t = 1:constrained_periods if direct_mode && ~isempty(is_constraint) [pos_constrained_pf, ~] = find(constrained_perfect_foresight .* is_constraint(t, :)'); indx_endo_solve_pf = constrained_vars(pos_constrained_pf); if isempty(indx_endo_solve_pf) pf = 0; else pf = length(indx_endo_solve_pf); end [pos_constrained_surprise, ~] = find((1-constrained_perfect_foresight) .* is_constraint(t, :)'); indx_endo_solve_surprise = constrained_vars(pos_constrained_surprise); if isempty(indx_endo_solve_surprise) surprise = 0; else surprise = length(indx_endo_solve_surprise); end end if direct_mode && ~isempty(is_shock) [pos_shock_pf, ~] = find(shock_perfect_foresight .* is_shock(t, :)'); indx_endo_solve_pf = shock_vars(pos_shock_pf); if isempty(indx_endo_solve_pf) b_pf = 0; else b_pf = length(indx_endo_solve_pf); end [pos_shock_surprise, ~] = find((1-shock_perfect_foresight) .* is_shock(t, :)'); indx_endo_solve_surprise = shock_vars(pos_shock_surprise); if isempty(indx_endo_solve_surprise) b_surprise = 0; else b_surprise = length(indx_endo_solve_surprise); end end disp('==============================================================================================='); disp(['t=' int2str(t) ' conditional (surprise=' int2str(surprise) ' perfect foresight=' int2str(pf) ') unconditional (surprise=' int2str(b_surprise) ' perfect foresight=' int2str(b_pf) ')']); disp('==============================================================================================='); if t == 1 oo_=make_ex_(M_,options_,oo_); if maximum_lag > 0 exo_init = oo_.exo_simul; else exo_init = zeros(size(oo_.exo_simul)); end oo_=make_y_(M_,options_,oo_); end %exo_init oo_.exo_simul = exo_init; oo_.endo_simul(:,1) = initial_conditions; time_index_constraint = maximum_lag + 1:maximum_lag + constrained_periods - t + 1; if direct_mode nb_shocks = length(plan.shock_vars_); if nb_shocks > 0 shock_index_t = shock_index{t}; shock_vars_t = shock_vars(shock_index_t); for shock_indx = shock_index_t if shock_perfect_foresight(shock_indx) oo_.exo_simul(time_index_constraint,shock_vars_t(shock_indx)) = shock_paths(shock_indx,t:constrained_periods); else oo_.exo_simul(maximum_lag + 1,shock_vars_t(shock_indx)) = shock_paths(shock_indx,t); end end end end %Compute the initial path using the first order solution around the % steady-state oo_.endo_simul(:, 1) = oo_.endo_simul(:, 1) - oo_.steady_state; for jj = 2 : (options_.periods + 2) oo_.endo_simul(:,jj) = oo_.dr.ghx(oo_.dr.inv_order_var,:) * oo_.endo_simul(oo_.dr.state_var, jj-1) + oo_.dr.ghu * oo_.exo_simul(jj,:)'; end for jj = 1 : (options_.periods + 2) oo_.endo_simul(:,jj) = oo_.steady_state + oo_.endo_simul(:,jj); end constraint_index_t = constraint_index{t}; controlled_varexo_t = controlled_varexo(constraint_index_t); constrained_vars_t = constrained_vars(constraint_index_t); second_system_size = surprise + pf * (constrained_periods - t + 1); indx_endo = zeros(second_system_size,1); col_count = 1; for j = 1:length(constrained_vars_t) if constrained_perfect_foresight(j) indx_endo(col_count : col_count + constrained_periods - t) = constrained_vars(j) + (time_index_constraint - 1) * ny; col_count = col_count + constrained_periods - t + 1; else indx_endo(col_count) = constrained_vars(j) + maximum_lag * ny; col_count = col_count + 1; end end r = zeros(second_system_size,1); convg = 0; it = 1; while ~convg && it <= maxit disp('-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'); disp(['iteration ' int2str(it) ' time ' int2str(t)]); not_achieved = 1; alpha = 1; while not_achieved perfect_foresight_setup; perfect_foresight_solver; result = sum(sum(isfinite(oo_.endo_simul(:,time_index_constraint)))) == ny * length(time_index_constraint); if (~oo_.deterministic_simulation.status || ~result) && it > 1 not_achieved = 1; alpha = alpha / 2; col_count = 1; for j1 = constraint_index_t j = controlled_varexo(j1); if constrained_perfect_foresight(j1) oo_.exo_simul(time_index_constraint,j) = (old_exo(time_index_constraint,j) + alpha * D_exo(col_count: col_count + constrained_periods - t)); col_count = col_count + constrained_periods - t + 1; else oo_.exo_simul(maximum_lag + 1,j) = old_exo(maximum_lag + 1,j) + alpha * D_exo(col_count); col_count = col_count + 1; end end disp(['Divergence in Newton: reducing the path length alpha=' num2str(alpha) ' result=' num2str(result) ' sum(sum)=' num2str(sum(sum(isfinite(oo_.endo_simul(:,time_index_constraint))))) ' ny * length(time_index_constraint)=' num2str(ny * length(time_index_constraint)) ' oo_.deterministic_simulation.status=' num2str(oo_.deterministic_simulation.status)]); oo_.endo_simul = [initial_conditions repmat(oo_.steady_state, 1, options_cond_fcst.periods + 1)]; else not_achieved = 0; end end if t==constrained_periods ycc = oo_.endo_simul; end yc = oo_.endo_simul(:,maximum_lag + 1); ys = oo_.endo_simul(indx_endo); col_count = 1; for j = constraint_index_t if constrained_perfect_foresight(j) y = oo_.endo_simul(constrained_vars(j), time_index_constraint); r(col_count:col_count+constrained_periods - t) = (y - constrained_paths(j,t:constrained_periods))'; col_count = col_count + constrained_periods - t + 1; else y = yc(constrained_vars(j)); r(col_count) = y - constrained_paths(j,t); col_count = col_count + 1; end end disp('computation of derivatives w.r. to exogenous shocks'); per = 30; z = oo_.endo_simul(:, 1 : per + 2 ); zx = oo_.exo_simul(1: per + 2,:); g1 = spalloc(M_.endo_nbr * (per ), M_.endo_nbr * (per ), 3* M_.endo_nbr * per ); g1_x = spalloc(M_.endo_nbr * (per ), M_.exo_nbr, M_.endo_nbr * (per )* M_.exo_nbr ); lag_indx = find(M_.lead_lag_incidence(1,:)); cur_indx = M_.endo_nbr + find(M_.lead_lag_incidence(2,:)); lead_indx = 2 * M_.endo_nbr + find(M_.lead_lag_incidence(3,:)); cum_l1 = 0; %indx_x = zeros(length(constraint_index_t)* constrained_periods, 1); cum_index_d_y_x = []; indx_x = []; for k = 1 : per if k == 1 if (isfield(M_,'block_structure')) data1 = M_.block_structure.block; Size = length(M_.block_structure.block); else data1 = M_; Size = 1; end data1 = M_; if (options_.bytecode) [chck, zz, data1]= bytecode('dynamic','evaluate', z, zx, M_.params, oo_.steady_state, k, data1); else [zz, g1b] = feval([M_.fname '.dynamic'], z', zx, M_.params, oo_.steady_state, k); data1.g1_x = g1b(:,end - M_.exo_nbr + 1:end); data1.g1 = g1b(:,1 : end - M_.exo_nbr); chck = 0; end mexErrCheck('bytecode', chck); end if k == 1 g1(1:M_.endo_nbr,-M_.endo_nbr + [cur_indx lead_indx]) = data1.g1(:,M_.nspred + 1:end); elseif k == per g1(M_.endo_nbr * (k - 1) + 1 :M_.endo_nbr * k,M_.endo_nbr * (k -2) + [lag_indx cur_indx]) = data1.g1(:,1:M_.nspred + M_.endo_nbr); else g1(M_.endo_nbr * (k - 1) + 1 :M_.endo_nbr * k, M_.endo_nbr * (k -2) + [lag_indx cur_indx lead_indx]) = data1.g1; end l2 = 1; pf_c = 1; if t + k - 1 <= constrained_periods for l = constraint_index{t + k - 1} l1 = controlled_varexo(l); if (k == 1) || ((k > 1) && constrained_perfect_foresight(l)) g1_x(M_.endo_nbr * (k - 1) + 1:M_.endo_nbr * k,1 + cum_l1) = data1.g1_x(:,l1); if k == 1 if constrained_perfect_foresight(l) indx_x(l2) = l ; l2 = l2 + 1; for ii = 2:constrained_periods - t + 1 indx_x(l2) = length(controlled_varexo) + pf * (ii - 2) + constraint_index{k + ii - 1}(pf_c); l2 = l2 + 1; end pf_c = pf_c + 1; else indx_x(l2) = l; l2 = l2 + 1; end cum_index_d_y_x = [cum_index_d_y_x; constrained_vars_t(l)]; else cum_index_d_y_x = [cum_index_d_y_x; constrained_vars_t(l) + (k - 1) * M_.endo_nbr]; end cum_l1 = cum_l1 + length(l1); end end end end d_y_x = - g1 \ g1_x; cum_l1 = 0; count_col = 1; cum_index_J = 1:length(cum_index_d_y_x(indx_x)); J= zeros(length(cum_index_J)); for j1 = constraint_index_t if constrained_perfect_foresight(j1) cum_l1 = 0; for k = 1:(constrained_periods - t + 1) l1 = constraint_index{k}; l1 = find(constrained_perfect_foresight(l1) | (k == 1)); if constraint_index{k}( j1) J(cum_index_J,count_col) = d_y_x(cum_index_d_y_x(indx_x),indx_x(count_col)); count_col = count_col + 1; end cum_l1 = cum_l1 + length(l1); end else J(cum_index_J,count_col) = d_y_x(cum_index_d_y_x(indx_x),indx_x(count_col)); count_col = count_col + 1; end cum_l1 = cum_l1 + length(constrained_vars_t(j1)); end % % Numerical computation of the derivatives in the second systme % J1 = []; % col_count = 1; % for j = constraint_index_t % j_pos = controlled_varexo(j); % if constrained_perfect_foresight(j) % for time = time_index_constraint % saved = oo_.exo_simul(time,j_pos); % oo_.exo_simul(time,j_pos) = oo_.exo_simul(time,j_pos) + eps1; % simul(); % J1(:,col_count) = (oo_.endo_simul(indx_endo) - ys) / eps1; % oo_.exo_simul(time,j_pos) = saved; % col_count = col_count + 1; % end % else % saved = oo_.exo_simul(maximum_lag+1,j_pos); % oo_.exo_simul(maximum_lag+1,j_pos) = oo_.exo_simul(maximum_lag+1,j_pos) + eps1; % simul(); % % indx_endo % J1(:,col_count) = (oo_.endo_simul(indx_endo) - ys) / eps1; % % J(:,col_count) = (oo_.endo_simul((pp - 1) * M_.endo_nbr + 1: pp * M_.endo_nbr) - ys) / eps1; % oo_.exo_simul(maximum_lag+1,j_pos) = saved; % col_count = col_count + 1; % end % end % disp('J1'); % disp(full(J1)); % sdfmlk; normr = norm(r, 1); disp(['iteration ' int2str(it) ' error = ' num2str(normr) ' at time ' int2str(t)]); if normr <= eps convg = 1; disp('convergence achieved'); else % Newton update on exogenous shocks try D_exo = - J \ r; catch [V, D] = eig(full(J)); ev = diag(D); [ev abs(ev)] z_root = find(abs(ev) < 1e-4); z_root disp(V(:,z_root)); end old_exo = oo_.exo_simul; col_count = 1; for j = constraint_index_t j_pos=controlled_varexo(j); if constrained_perfect_foresight(j) oo_.exo_simul(time_index_constraint,j_pos) = (oo_.exo_simul(time_index_constraint,j_pos) + D_exo(col_count:(col_count + constrained_periods - t) )); col_count = col_count + constrained_periods - t + 1; else oo_.exo_simul(maximum_lag + 1,j_pos) = oo_.exo_simul(maximum_lag + 1,j_pos) + D_exo(col_count); col_count = col_count + 1; end end end it = it + 1; end if ~convg error(['convergence not achived at time ' int2str(t) ' after ' int2str(it) ' iterations']); end for j = constraint_index_t j_pos=controlled_varexo(j); if constrained_perfect_foresight(j) % in case of mixed surprise and perfect foresight on the % endogenous path, at each date all the exogenous paths have to be % stored. The paths are stacked in exo. for time = time_index_constraint; exo(past_val + time,j_pos) = oo_.exo_simul(time,j_pos); end else exo(maximum_lag + t,j_pos) = oo_.exo_simul(maximum_lag + 1,j_pos); end end past_val = past_val + length(time_index_constraint); if t < constrained_periods endo(maximum_lag + t,:) = yc; else endo(maximum_lag + t :maximum_lag + options_cond_fcst.periods ,:) = ycc(:,maximum_lag + 1:maximum_lag + options_cond_fcst.periods - constrained_periods + 1)'; end initial_conditions = yc; if maximum_lag > 0 exo_init(1,:) = exo(maximum_lag + t,:); end end end options_.periods = save_options_periods; options_.dynatol.f = save_options_dynatol_f; options_.initval_file = save_options_initval_file; options_.verbosity = verbosity; oo_.endo_simul = endo'; oo_.exo_simul = exo; if direct_mode data_set = dseries([endo(2:end,1:M_.orig_endo_nbr) exo(2:end,:)], total_periods(1), {plan.endo_names{:} plan.exo_names{:}}, {plan.endo_names{:} plan.exo_names{:}}); end