function [dr,info,M_,options_,oo_] = dr1_PI(dr,task,M_,options_,oo_) % function [dr,info,M_,options_,oo_] = dr1_PI(dr,task,M_,options_,oo_) % Computes the reduced form solution of a rational expectation model first % order % approximation of the Partial Information stochastic model solver around the deterministic steady state). % Prepares System as % A0*E_t[y(t+1])+A1*y(t)=A2*y(t-1)+c+psi*eps(t) % with z an exogenous variable process. % and calls PI_Gensys.m solver % based on Pearlman et al 1986 paper and derived from % C.Sims' gensys linear solver. % to return solution in format % [s(t)' x(t)' E_t x(t+1)']'=G1pi [s(t-1)' x(t-1)' x(t)]'+C+impact*eps(t), % % INPUTS % dr [matlab structure] Decision rules for stochastic simulations. % task [integer] if task = 0 then dr1 computes decision rules. % if task = 1 then dr1 computes eigenvalues. % M_ [matlab structure] Definition of the model. % options_ [matlab structure] Global options. % oo_ [matlab structure] Results % % OUTPUTS % dr [matlab structure] Decision rules for stochastic simulations. % info [integer] info=1: the model doesn't define current variables uniquely % info=2: problem in mjdgges.dll info(2) contains error code. % info=3: BK order condition not satisfied info(2) contains "distance" % absence of stable trajectory. % info=4: BK order condition not satisfied info(2) contains "distance" % indeterminacy. % info=5: BK rank condition not satisfied. % M_ [matlab structure] % options_ [matlab structure] % oo_ [matlab structure] % % ALGORITHM % ... % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % none. % % Copyright (C) 1996-2018 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . global lq_instruments; info = 0; options_ = set_default_option(options_,'qz_criterium',1.000001); xlen = M_.maximum_endo_lead + M_.maximum_endo_lag + 1; if (options_.aim_solver == 1) options_.aim_solver == 0; warning('You can not use AIM with Part Info solver. AIM ignored'); end if (options_.order > 1) warning('You can not use order higher than 1 with Part Info solver. Order 1 assumed'); options_.order =1; end % expanding system for Optimal Linear Regulator if options_.ramsey_policy && options_.ACES_solver == 0 if isfield(M_,'orig_model') orig_model = M_.orig_model; M_.endo_nbr = orig_model.endo_nbr; M_.endo_names = orig_model.endo_names; M_.lead_lag_incidence = orig_model.lead_lag_incidence; M_.maximum_lead = orig_model.maximum_lead; M_.maximum_endo_lead = orig_model.maximum_endo_lead; M_.maximum_lag = orig_model.maximum_lag; M_.maximum_endo_lag = orig_model.maximum_endo_lag; end old_solve_algo = options_.solve_algo; % options_.solve_algo = 1; opt = options_; opt.jacobian_flag = 0; oo_.steady_state = dynare_solve('ramsey_static',oo_.steady_state,opt,M_,options_,oo_,it_); options_.solve_algo = old_solve_algo; [~,~,multbar] = ramsey_static(oo_.steady_state,M_,options_,oo_,it_); [jacobia_,M_] = ramsey_dynamic(oo_.steady_state,multbar,M_,options_,oo_,it_); klen = M_.maximum_lag + M_.maximum_lead + 1; dr.ys = [oo_.steady_state;zeros(M_.exo_nbr,1);multbar]; else klen = M_.maximum_lag + M_.maximum_lead + 1; iyv = M_.lead_lag_incidence'; iyv = iyv(:); iyr0 = find(iyv) ; it_ = M_.maximum_lag + 1 ; if M_.exo_nbr == 0 oo_.exo_steady_state = [] ; end if options_.ACES_solver == 1 sim_ruleids=[]; tct_ruleids=[]; if size(M_.equations_tags,1)>0 % there are tagged equations, check if they are aceslq rules for teq=1:size(M_.equations_tags,1) if strcmp(M_.equations_tags(teq,3),'aceslq_sim_rule') sim_ruleids=[sim_ruleids cell2mat(M_.equations_tags(teq,1))] end if strcmp(M_.equations_tags(teq,3),'aceslq_tct_rule') tct_ruleids=[tct_ruleids cell2mat(M_.equations_tags(teq,1))] end end end lq_instruments.sim_ruleids=sim_ruleids; lq_instruments.tct_ruleids=tct_ruleids; %if isfield(lq_instruments,'xsopt_SS') %% changed by BY [~, lq_instruments.xsopt_SS,lq_instruments.lmopt_SS,s2,check] = opt_steady_get;%% changed by BY [qc, DYN_Q] = QPsolve(lq_instruments, s2, check); %% added by BY z = repmat(lq_instruments.xsopt_SS,1,klen); else z = repmat(dr.ys,1,klen); end z = z(iyr0) ; [~,jacobia_] = feval([M_.fname '.dynamic'],z,[oo_.exo_simul ... oo_.exo_det_simul], M_.params, dr.ys, it_); if options_.ACES_solver==1 && (length(sim_ruleids)>0 || length(tct_ruleids)>0 ) if length(sim_ruleids)>0 sim_rule=jacobia_(sim_ruleids,:); % uses the subdirectory - BY save ([ACES_DirectoryName,'/',M_.fname '_ACESLQ_sim_rule.txt'], 'sim_rule', '-ascii', '-double', '-tabs'); end if length(tct_ruleids)>0 tct_rule=jacobia_(tct_ruleids,:); % uses the subdirectory - BY save ([ACES_DirectoryName,'/',M_.fname '_ACESLQ_tct_rule.txt'], 'tct_rule', '-ascii', '-double', '-tabs'); end aces_ruleids=union(tct_ruleids,sim_ruleids); j_size=size(jacobia_,1); j_rows=1:j_size; j_rows = setxor(j_rows,aces_ruleids); jacobia_=jacobia_(j_rows ,:); end end if options_.debug save([M_.fname '_debug.mat'],'jacobia_') end dr=set_state_space(dr,M_,options_); kstate = dr.kstate; nstatic = M_.nstatic; nfwrd = M_.nfwrd; nspred = M_.nspred; nboth = M_.nboth; order_var = dr.order_var; nd = size(kstate,1); nz = nnz(M_.lead_lag_incidence); sdyn = M_.endo_nbr - nstatic; k0 = M_.lead_lag_incidence(M_.maximum_endo_lag+1,order_var); k1 = M_.lead_lag_incidence(find([1:klen] ~= M_.maximum_endo_lag+1),:); if (options_.aim_solver == 1) error('Anderson and Moore AIM solver is not compatible with Partial Information models'); end % end if useAIM and... % If required, try PCL86 solver, that is, if not the check being % performed only and if it is 1st order % create sparse, extended jacobia AA: nendo=M_.endo_nbr; % = size(aa,1) if(options_.ACES_solver==1) %if ~isfield(lq_instruments,'names') if isfield(options_,'instruments') lq_instruments.names=options_.instruments; end %end if isfield(lq_instruments,'names') num_inst=size(lq_instruments.names,1); if ~isfield(lq_instruments,'inst_var_indices') && num_inst>0 for i=1:num_inst i_tmp = strmatch(deblank(lq_instruments.names(i,:)), M_.endo_names,'exact'); if isempty(i_tmp) error (['One of the specified instrument variables does not exist']) ; else i_var(i) = i_tmp; end end lq_instruments.inst_var_indices=i_var; elseif size(lq_instruments.inst_var_indices)>0 i_var=lq_instruments.inst_var_indices; if ~num_inst num_inst=size(lq_instruments.inst_var_indices); end else i_var=[]; num_inst=0; end if size(i_var,2)>0 && size(i_var,2)==num_inst m_var=zeros(nendo,1); for i=1:nendo if isempty(find(i_var==i)) m_var(i)=i; end end m_var=nonzeros(m_var); lq_instruments.m_var=m_var; else error('WARNING: There are no instrumnets for ACES!'); end else %if(options_.ACES_solver==1) error('WARNING: There are no instrumnets for ACES!'); end end % find size xlen of the state vector Y and of A0, A1 and A2 transition matrices: % it is the sum the all i variables's lag/lead representations, % for each variable i representation being defined as: % Max (i_lags-1,0)+ Max (i_leads-1,0)+1 % so that if variable x appears with 2 lags and 1 lead, and z % with 2 lags and 3 leads, the size of the state space is: % 1+0+1 + 1+2+1 =6 % e.g. E_t Y(t+1)= % E_t x(t) % E_t x(t+1) % E_t z(t) % E_t z(t+1) % E_t z(t+2) % E_t z(t+3) % partition jacobian: jlen=M_.nspred+M_.nsfwrd+M_.endo_nbr+M_.exo_nbr; % length of jacobian PSI=-jacobia_(:, jlen-M_.exo_nbr+1:end); % exog % first transpose M_.lead_lag_incidence'; lead_lag=M_.lead_lag_incidence'; max_lead_lag=zeros(nendo,2); % lead/lag representation in Y for each endogenous variable i if ( M_.maximum_lag <= 1) && (M_.maximum_lead <= 1) xlen=size(jacobia_,1);%nendo; AA0=zeros(xlen,xlen); % empty A0 AA2=AA0; % empty A2 and A3 AA3=AA0; if xlen==nendo % && M_.maximum_lag <=1 && M_.maximum_lead <=1 % apply a shortcut AA1=jacobia_(:,nspred+1:nspred+nendo); if M_.maximum_lead ==1 fnd = find(lead_lag(:,M_.maximum_lag+2)); AA0(:, fnd)= jacobia_(:,nonzeros(lead_lag(:,M_.maximum_lag+2))); %forwd jacobian end if nspred>0 && M_.maximum_lag ==1 fnd = find(lead_lag(:,1)); AA2(:, fnd)= jacobia_(:,nonzeros(lead_lag(:,1))); %backward end elseif options_.ACES_solver==1 % more endo vars than equations in jacobia_ if nendo-xlen==num_inst PSI=[PSI;zeros(num_inst, M_.exo_nbr)]; % AA1 contemporary AA_all=jacobia_(:,nspred+1:nspred+nendo); AA1=AA_all(:,lq_instruments.m_var); % endo without instruments lq_instruments.ij1=AA_all(:,lq_instruments.inst_var_indices); % instruments only lq_instruments.B1=-[lq_instruments.ij1; eye(num_inst)]; AA1=[AA1, zeros(xlen,num_inst); zeros(num_inst,xlen), eye(num_inst)]; %PSI=[PSI; zeros(num_inst,M_.exo_nbr)]; if M_.maximum_lead ==1 % AA0 forward looking AA_all(:,:)=0.0; fnd = find(lead_lag(:,M_.maximum_lag+2)); AA_all(:, fnd)= jacobia_(:,nonzeros(lead_lag(:,M_.maximum_lag+2))); %forwd jacobian AA0=AA_all(:,lq_instruments.m_var); lq_instruments.ij0=AA_all(:,lq_instruments.inst_var_indices); % instruments only lq_instruments.B0=[lq_instruments.ij0; eye(num_inst)]; AA0=[AA0, zeros(xlen,num_inst); zeros(num_inst,xlen+num_inst)]; end if nspred>0 && M_.maximum_lag ==1 AA_all(:,:)=0.0; fnd = find(lead_lag(:,1)); AA_all(:, fnd)= jacobia_(:,nonzeros(lead_lag(:,1))); %backward AA2=AA_all(:,lq_instruments.m_var); lq_instruments.ij2=AA_all(:,lq_instruments.inst_var_indices); % instruments only lq_instruments.B2=[lq_instruments.ij2; eye(num_inst)]; AA2=[AA2, lq_instruments.ij2 ; zeros(num_inst,xlen+num_inst)]; end else error('ACES number of instruments does match'); end else error('More than one lead or lag in the jabian'); end if M_.orig_endo_nbr0 AA3(:,exp_0)=AA1(:,exp_0); XX0=zeros(nendo,num_exp_0); AA1(:,exp_0)=XX0(:,[1:num_exp_0]) end end end PSI=-[[zeros(xlen-nendo,M_.exo_nbr)];[jacobia_(:, jlen-M_.exo_nbr+1:end)]]; % exog cc=0; NX=M_.exo_nbr; % no of exogenous varexo shock variables. NETA=nfwrd+nboth; % total no of exp. errors set to no of forward looking equations FL_RANK=rank(AA0); % nfwrd+nboth; % min total no of forward looking equations and vars try % call [G1pi,C,impact,nmat,TT1,TT2,gev,eu]=PI_gensys(a0,a1,a2,c,PSI,NX,NETA,NO_FL_EQS) % System given as % a0*E_t[y(t+1])+a1*y(t)=a2*y(t-1)+c+psi*eps(t) % with eps an exogenous variable process. % Returned system is % [s(t)' x(t)' E_t x(t+1)']'=G1pi [s(t-1)' x(t-1)' x(t)]'+C+impact*eps(t), % and (a) the matrix nmat satisfying nmat*E_t z(t)+ E_t x(t+1)=0 % (b) matrices TT1, TT2 that relate y(t) to these states: % y(t)=[TT1 TT2][s(t)' x(t)']'. if(options_.ACES_solver==1) if isfield(lq_instruments,'xsopt_SS') SSbar= diag([lq_instruments.xsopt_SS(m_var)]);% lq_instruments.xsopt_SS(lq_instruments.inst_var_indices)]); insSSbar=repmat(lq_instruments.xsopt_SS(lq_instruments.inst_var_indices)',nendo-num_inst,1); else SSbar= diag([dr.ys(m_var)]);%; dr.ys(lq_instruments.inst_var_indices)]);%(oo_.steady_state); insSSbar=repmat(dr.ys(lq_instruments.inst_var_indices)',nendo-num_inst,1); end SSbar=diag([diag(SSbar);diag(eye(num_inst))]); insSSbar=[insSSbar;diag(eye(num_inst))]; AA0=AA0*SSbar; AA1=AA1*SSbar; AA2=AA2*SSbar; lq_instruments.B1=(lq_instruments.B1).*insSSbar; end %% for expectational models when complete if any(AA3) AA3=AA3*SSbar; [G1pi,CC,impact,nmat,TT1,TT2,gev,eu, DD, E2,E5, GAMMA, FL_RANK]=PI_gensysEXP(AA0,AA1,-AA2,AA3,cc,PSI,NX,NETA,FL_RANK, M_, options_); else [G1pi,CC,impact,nmat,TT1,TT2,gev,eu, DD, E2,E5, GAMMA, FL_RANK]=PI_gensys(AA0,AA1,-AA2,AA3,cc,PSI,NX,NETA,FL_RANK, M_, options_); end % reuse some of the bypassed code and tests that may be needed if (eu(1) ~= 1 || eu(2) ~= 1) && options_.ACES_solver==0 info(1) = abs(eu(1)+eu(2)); info(2) = 1.0e+8; % return end dr.PI_ghx=G1pi; dr.PI_ghu=impact; dr.PI_TT1=TT1; dr.PI_TT2=TT2; dr.PI_nmat=nmat; dr.PI_CC=CC; dr.PI_gev=gev; dr.PI_eu=eu; dr.PI_FL_RANK=FL_RANK; %dr.ys=zeros(nendo); % zero steady state dr.ghx=G1pi; dr.ghu=impact; dr.eigval = eig(G1pi); dr.rank=FL_RANK; if options_.ACES_solver==1 betap=options_.planner_discount; sigma_cov=M_.Sigma_e; % get W - BY W=(1-betap)*GAMMA'*DYN_Q*GAMMA; %W=[0] ACES.A=G1pi; ACES.C=impact; % (:,1); ACES.D=DD; %=impact (:,20); ACES.E2=E2; ACES.E5=E5; ACES.GAMMA=GAMMA; ACES_M=size(G1pi,2)-FL_RANK; ACES_NM=FL_RANK; ACES.M=ACES_M; ACES.NM=FL_RANK; % added by BY ACES.Q=DYN_Q; ACES.W=W; NY=nendo-num_inst; % save the followings in a subdirectory - BY save ([ACES_DirectoryName,'/',M_.fname '_ACESLQ_Matrices'], 'ACES'); save ([ACES_DirectoryName,'/',M_.fname '_ACESLQ_GAMMA'], 'GAMMA'); save ([ACES_DirectoryName,'/',M_.fname '_ACESLQ_A.txt'], 'G1pi', '-ascii', '-double', '-tabs'); save ([ACES_DirectoryName,'/',M_.fname '_ACESLQ_C.txt'], 'impact','-ascii', '-double', '-tabs'); save ([ACES_DirectoryName,'/',M_.fname '_ACESLQ_D.txt'], 'DD', '-ascii', '-double', '-tabs'); save ([ACES_DirectoryName,'/',M_.fname '_ACESLQ_E2.txt'], 'E2', '-ascii', '-double', '-tabs'); save ([ACES_DirectoryName,'/',M_.fname '_ACESLQ_E5.txt'], 'E5', '-ascii', '-double', '-tabs'); save ([ACES_DirectoryName,'/',M_.fname '_ACESLQ_GAMMA.txt'], 'GAMMA', '-ascii', '-double', '-tabs'); %save ([M_.fname '_ACESLQ_M.txt'], 'ACES_M', '-ascii', '-tabs'); %save ([M_.fname '_ACESLQ_NM.txt'], 'ACES_NM', '-ascii', '-tabs'); %save ([M_.fname '_ACESLQ_betap.txt'], 'betap', '-ascii', '-tabs'); %save ([M_.fname '_ACESLQ_NI.txt'], 'num_inst', '-ascii', '-tabs'); %save ([M_.fname '_ACESLQ_ND.txt'], 'NX', '-ascii', '-tabs'); %save ([M_.fname '_ACESLQ_NY.txt'], 'NY', '-ascii', '-tabs'); ACES_VARS=char(M_.endo_names); save ([ACES_DirectoryName,'/',M_.fname '_ACESLQ_VARS.txt'], 'ACES_VARS', '-ascii', '-tabs'); % added by BY % save the char array ACES_VARS into .txt as it is fid = fopen(strcat(ACES_DirectoryName,'/',M_.fname,'_ACESLQ_VARnames.txt'),'wt'); ACES_VARS =[ACES_VARS repmat(sprintf('\n'),size(ACES_VARS,1),1)]; fwrite(fid,ACES_VARS.'); fclose(fid); % save as integers fid = fopen(strcat(ACES_DirectoryName,'/',M_.fname,'_ACESLQ_M.txt'),'wt'); fprintf(fid,'%d\n',ACES_M); fclose(fid); fid = fopen(strcat(ACES_DirectoryName,'/',M_.fname,'_ACESLQ_NM.txt'),'wt'); fprintf(fid,'%d\n',ACES_NM); fclose(fid); fid = fopen(strcat(ACES_DirectoryName,'/',M_.fname,'_ACESLQ_betap.txt'),'wt'); fprintf(fid,'%d\n',betap); fclose(fid); fid = fopen(strcat(ACES_DirectoryName,'/',M_.fname,'_ACESLQ_NI.txt'),'wt'); fprintf(fid,'%d\n',num_inst); fclose(fid); fid = fopen(strcat(ACES_DirectoryName,'/',M_.fname,'_ACESLQ_ND.txt'),'wt'); fprintf(fid,'%d\n',NX); fclose(fid); fid = fopen(strcat(ACES_DirectoryName,'/',M_.fname,'_ACESLQ_NY.txt'),'wt'); fprintf(fid,'%d\n',NY); fclose(fid); save ([ACES_DirectoryName,'/',M_.fname '_ACESLQ_Q.txt'], 'DYN_Q', '-ascii', '-double', '-tabs'); save ([ACES_DirectoryName,'/',M_.fname '_ACESLQ_W.txt'], 'W', '-ascii', '-double', '-tabs'); save ([ACES_DirectoryName,'/',M_.fname '_ACESLQ_SIGMAE.txt'], 'sigma_cov', '-ascii', '-double', '-tabs'); end catch lerror=lasterror; if options_.ACES_solver==1 disp('Problem with using Part Info ACES solver:'); error(lerror.message); else disp('Problem with using Part Info solver'); error(lerror.message); end end % TODO: % if options_.loglinear == 1 % if exogenous deterministic variables