function pick % % Copyright (C) 2001-2017 European Commission % Copyright (C) 2017 DynareTeam % % This file is part of GLUEWIN % GLUEWIN is a MATLAB code designed for analysing the output % of Monte Carlo runs when empirical observations of the model output are available % and implements the GSA-GLUE methodology by Ratto et al. [1], based on a combination % of GLUE (Generalised Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation) by K. Beven [2] and GSA % Global Sensitivity Analysis) [3].'] % The program has been developed by M. Ratto, European Commission, Joint Research Centre, % Institute for the Protection and Security of The Citizen, Technological and Economic Risk Management, % Applied Statistics, as a deliverable of the IMPACT project % (EC Fifth Framework Programme, SCA Project, IST-1999-11313, DG-INFSO). % % The graphical layout of the code is inspired by the freeware GLUE package by K. Beven, % vailable at the Lancaster University web site on the page [4]: % % to which the GLUEWIN code introduces several extensions and additional options. % Thanks are due to R. Girardi, A. Rossi, A. Saltelli, S. Tarantola and U. Callies for numerous % comments and suggestions. % For more information, please contact % % Disclaimer: This software has been developed at the Joint Research Centre of European Commission % by officers in the course of their official duties. This software is not subject to copyright % protection and is in the public domain. It is an experimental system. The Joint Research Centre % of European Commission assumes no responsibility whatsoever for its use by other parties % and makes no guarantees, expressed or implied, about its quality, reliability, or any other % characteristic. We would appreciate acknowledgement if the software is used. % % [1] Ratto, M., Tarantola, S., A. Saltelli, Sensitivity analysis in model calibration: GSA-GLUE approach. % 'Computer Physics Communications, 136, 2001, 212-224 % [2] Beven K.J., Binley A., The Future of Distributed Models: Model Calibration and Uncertainty % 'Prediction, Hydrological Processes, 6, 279-298, 1992 % [3] Saltelli, A., K. Chan, M. Scott, Editors, (2000), Sensitivity analysis, John Wiley & Sons % 'publishers, Probability and Statistics series. % [4] Beven K., GLUE for Windows User manual, 1998. pmenu=findobj(gcf,'type','uicontextmenu','Tag','Run viewer'); button1=findobj(gcf,'type','uimenu','Tag','save params'); button2=findobj(gcf,'type','uimenu','Tag','eval params'); %button=get(pmenu,'children'); gg=gco; ax0=gca; set(gg,'buttondownfcn',[]); c=get(gca,'currentpoint'); x=c(1,1); y=c(1,2); X=get(gco,'xdata'); Y=get(gco,'ydata'); dx=get(gca,'xlim'); dy=get(gca,'ylim'); pos=get(gca,'position'); scalex=dx(2)-dx(1); scaley=dy(2)-dy(1); if length(X)>1 K = dsearchn([(Y./scaley)' (X./scalex)'],[y/scaley x/scalex]); else az=get(gca,'children'); T =get(az(end),'ydata'); [dum K]=max(T); end KK=K; set(button1,'Label',['Save ',num2str(K)],'Callback',['scatter_callback(',num2str(KK),',''save'')']); set(button2,'Label',['Eval ',num2str(K)],'Callback',['scatter_callback(',num2str(KK),',''eval'')']); hh=findobj(gcf,'type','axes','Tag','scatter'); for k=1:length(hh) axes(hh(k)); dum=get(gca,'children'); dumx=get(dum(end),'xdata'); dumy=get(dum(end),'ydata'); xmid=min(dumx) + 0.5*(max(dumx)-min(dumx)); hold on plot(dumx(KK),dumy(KK),'or'); if dumx(KK) < xmid text(dumx(KK),dumy(KK),[' ',num2str(K)], ... 'FontWeight','Bold',... 'Color','r'); else text(dumx(KK),dumy(KK),[num2str(K),' '], ... 'HorizontalAlignment','right', ... 'FontWeight','Bold',... 'Color','r'); end hold off end