function [condX, rankX, ind0, indno, ixno, Mco, Pco, jweak, jweak_pair] = identification_checks(X, test_flag, tol_rank, tol_sv, param_nbr) % function [condX, rankX, ind0, indno, ixno, Mco, Pco, jweak, jweak_pair] = identification_checks(X, test_flag, tol_rank, tol_sv, param_nbr) % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Checks rank criteria of identification tests and finds out parameter sets % that are not identifiable via the nullspace, pairwise correlation % coefficients and multicorrelation coefficients % ========================================================================= % INPUTS % * X [matrix] dependent on test_flag: % test_flag = 0: Sample information matrix (Ahess) % test_flag = 1: Jacobian of Moments (J), reduced-form (dTAU) or dynamic model (dLRE) % test_flag = 2: Jacobian of minimal system (D) % test_flag = 3: Gram matrix (hessian or correlation type matrix) of spectrum (G) % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % OUTPUTS % * cond [double] condition number of X % * rank [double] rank of X with tolerance tol_rank % * ind0 [vector] binary indicator for non-zero columns of H % * indno [matrix] index of non-identified params % * ixno [integer] number of rows in indno % * Mco [matrix] multicollinearity coefficients % * Pco [matrix] pairwise correlations % * jweak [matrix] gives 1 if the parameter has Mco=1 (with tolerance tol_rank) % * jweak_pair [(vech) matrix] gives 1 if a couple parameters has Pco=1 (with tolerance tol_rank) % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % This function is called by % * identification_analysis.m % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % This function calls % * cosn % * dyn_vech % * vnorm % ========================================================================= % Copyright (C) 2010-2019 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . % ========================================================================= if issparse(X) X = full(X); end if nargin < 3 || isempty(tol_rank) tol_rank = 1.e-10; %tolerance level used for rank computations end if nargin < 4 || isempty(tol_sv) tol_sv = 1.e-3; %tolerance level for zero singular value end if nargin < 5 || isempty(param_nbr) param_nbr = size(X,2); end indno = zeros(1,param_nbr); rankrequired = size(X,2); if test_flag == 2 % Komunjer and Ng's D Xpar = X(:,1:param_nbr); Xrest = X(:,(param_nbr+1):end); else Xpar = X; Xrest = []; end % find non-zero columns at machine precision if size(Xpar,1) > 1 ind1 = find(vnorm(Xpar) >= eps); else ind1 = find(abs(Xpar) >= eps); % if only one parameter end if test_flag == 3 Xparnonzero = Xpar(ind1,ind1); % focus on non-zero rows and columns for Qu and Tkachenko's G else Xparnonzero = Xpar(:,ind1); % focus on non-zero columns end [eu, ee2, ee1] = svd( [Xparnonzero Xrest], 0 ); condX = cond([Xparnonzero Xrest]); rankX = rank(X, tol_rank); icheck = 0; %initialize flag which is equal to 0 if we already found all single parameters that are not identified if param_nbr > 0 && (rankX tol_sv))==1 %note that tol_sv is not the same tolerance used for rank computations icheck=1; %indicate that additional single parameters are found if test_flag == 2 temp = (abs(ee1(:,ee0(j))) <= tol_sv); ind11 = ind11.*temp(1:(end-size(Xrest,2))); % find non-zero columns else ind11 = ind11.*(abs(ee1(:,ee0(j))) <= tol_sv); % find non-zero columns end end end ind1 = ind1(find(ind11)); % find non-zero columns end if icheck %if we found additional single parameters we need to recheck if we found all parameters if test_flag == 3 Xparnonzero = Xpar(ind1,ind1); % focus on non-zero rows and columns for Qu and Tkachenko's G else Xparnonzero = Xpar(:,ind1); % focus on non-zero columns end [eu, ee2, ee1] = svd( [Xparnonzero Xrest], 0 ); condX = cond([Xparnonzero Xrest]); rankX = rank(X,tol_rank); end ind0 = zeros(1,param_nbr); %initialize ind0(ind1) = 1; % find near linear dependence problems via multicorrelation coefficients if test_flag == 0 || test_flag == 3 % G is a Gram matrix and hence should be a correlation-like matrix if test_flag == 3 % For Qu and Tkachenko's G matrix we need to keep track of all parameters Mco = NaN(param_nbr,1); end Pco=NaN(param_nbr,param_nbr); % pairwise correlation coefficient deltaX = sqrt(diag(X(ind1,ind1))); tildaX = X(ind1,ind1)./((deltaX)*(deltaX')); Mco(ind1,1)=(1-1./diag(inv(tildaX))); % multicorrelation coefficent Pco(ind1,ind1)=inv(X(ind1,ind1)); sd=sqrt(diag(Pco)); Pco = abs(Pco./((sd)*(sd'))); else Mco = NaN(param_nbr,1); for ii = 1:size(Xparnonzero,2) Mco(ind1(ii),:) = cosn([Xparnonzero(:,ii) , Xparnonzero(:,find([1:1:size(Xparnonzero,2)]~=ii)), Xrest]); end end %% find out which parameters are involved ixno = 0; %initialize number of rows if param_nbr>0 && (rankX tol_sv)'; indno(ixno,ind1) = temp(1:(end-size(Xrest,2))); else indno(ixno,ind1) = (abs(ee1(:,ee0(j))) > tol_sv)'; end end end %% here there is no exact linear dependence, but there are several near-dependencies, mostly due to strong pairwise colliniearities jweak = zeros(1,param_nbr); jweak_pair = zeros(param_nbr,param_nbr); if test_flag ~= 0 || test_flag ~= 0 % these tests only apply to Jacobians, not to Gram matrices, i.e. Hessian-type or 'covariance' matrices Pco = NaN(param_nbr,param_nbr); for ii = 1:size(Xparnonzero,2) Pco(ind1(ii),ind1(ii)) = 1; for jj = ii+1:size(Xparnonzero,2) Pco(ind1(ii),ind1(jj)) = cosn([Xparnonzero(:,ii),Xparnonzero(:,jj),Xrest]); Pco(ind1(jj),ind1(ii)) = Pco(ind1(ii),ind1(jj)); end end for j=1:param_nbr if Mco(j)>(1-tol_rank) jweak(j)=1; [~, jpair] = find(Pco(j,j+1:end)>(1-tol_rank)); for jx=1:length(jpair) jweak_pair(j, jpair(jx)+j)=1; jweak_pair(jpair(jx)+j, j)=1; end end end end jweak_pair=dyn_vech(jweak_pair)'; % focus only on unique combinations