function v = allVL1(n, L1, L1ops, MaxNbSol) % All integer permutations with sum criteria % % function v=allVL1(n, L1); OR % v=allVL1(n, L1, L1opt); % v=allVL1(n, L1, L1opt, MaxNbSol); % % INPUT % n: length of the vector % L1: target L1 norm % L1ops: optional string ('==' or '<=' or '<') % default value is '==' % MaxNbSol: integer, returns at most MaxNbSol permutations. % When MaxNbSol is NaN, allVL1 returns the total number of all possible % permutations, which is useful to check the feasibility before getting % the permutations. % OUTPUT: % v: (m x n) array such as: sum(v,2) == L1, % (or <= or < depending on L1ops) % all elements of v is naturel numbers {0,1,...} % v contains all (=m) possible combinations % v is sorted by sum (L1 norm), then by dictionnary sorting criteria % class(v) is same as class(L1) % Algorithm: % Recursive % Remark: % allVL1(n,L1-n)+1 for natural numbers defined as {1,2,...} % Example: % This function can be used to generate all orders of all % multivariable polynomials of degree p in R^n: % Order = allVL1(n, p) % Author: Bruno Luong % Original, 30/nov/2007 % Version 1.1, 30/apr/2008: Add H1 line as suggested by John D'Errico % 1.2, 17/may/2009: Possibility to get the number of permutations % alone (set fourth parameter MaxNbSol to NaN) % 1.3, 16/Sep/2009: Correct bug for number of solution % 1.4, 18/Dec/2010: + non-recursive engine global MaxCounter; if nargin<3 || isempty(L1ops) L1ops = '=='; end n = floor(n); % make sure n is integer if n<1 v = []; return end if nargin<4 || isempty(MaxNbSol) MaxCounter = Inf; else MaxCounter = MaxNbSol; end Counter(0); switch L1ops case {'==' '='}, if isnan(MaxCounter) % return the number of solutions v = nchoosek(n+L1-1,L1); % nchoosek(n+L1-1,n-1) else v = allVL1eq(n, L1); end case '<=', % call allVL1eq for various sum targets if isnan(MaxCounter) % return the number of solutions %v = nchoosek(n+L1,L1)*factorial(n-L1); BUG <- 16/Sep/2009: v = 0; for j=0:L1 v = v + nchoosek(n+j-1,j); end % See pascal's 11th identity, the sum doesn't seem to % simplify to a fix formula else v = cell2mat(arrayfun(@(j) allVL1eq(n, j), (0:L1)', ... 'UniformOutput', false)); end case '<', v = allVL1(n, L1-1, '<=', MaxCounter); otherwise error('allVL1: unknown L1ops') end end % allVL1 %% function v = allVL1eq(n, L1) global MaxCounter; n = feval(class(L1),n); s = n+L1; sd = double(n)+double(L1); notoverflowed = double(s)==sd; if isinf(MaxCounter) && notoverflowed v = allVL1nonrecurs(n, L1); else v = allVL1recurs(n, L1); end end % allVL1eq %% Recursive engine function v = allVL1recurs(n, L1, head) % function v=allVL1eq(n, L1); % INPUT % n: length of the vector % L1: desired L1 norm % head: optional parameter to by concatenate in the first column % of the output % OUTPUT: % if head is not defined % v: (m x n) array such as sum(v,2)==L1 % all elements of v is naturel numbers {0,1,...} % v contains all (=m) possible combinations % v is (dictionnary) sorted % Algorithm: % Recursive global MaxCounter; if n==1 if Counter < MaxCounter v = L1; else v = zeros(0,1,class(L1)); end else % recursive call v = cell2mat(arrayfun(@(j) allVL1recurs(n-1, L1-j, j), (0:L1)', ... 'UniformOutput', false)); end if nargin>=3 % add a head column v = [head+zeros(size(v,1),1,class(head)) v]; end end % allVL1recurs %% function res=Counter(newval) persistent counter; if nargin>=1 counter = newval; res = counter; else res = counter; counter = counter+1; end end % Counter %% Non-recursive engine function v = allVL1nonrecurs(n, L1) % function v=allVL1eq(n, L1); % INPUT % n: length of the vector % L1: desired L1 norm % OUTPUT: % if head is not defined % v: (m x n) array such as sum(v,2)==L1 % all elements of v is naturel numbers {0,1,...} % v contains all (=m) possible combinations % v is (dictionnary) sorted % Algorithm: % NonRecursive % Chose (n-1) the splitting points of the array [0:(n+L1)] s = nchoosek(1:n+L1-1,n-1); m = size(s,1); s1 = zeros(m,1,class(L1)); s2 = (n+L1)+s1; v = diff([s1 s s2],1,2); % m x n v = v-1; end % allVL1nonrecurs