function [DynareDataset, DatasetInfo, newdatainterface] = makedataset(DynareOptions, initialconditions, gsa_flag) % Initialize a dataset as a dseries object. % % % INPUTS % ====== % % DynareOptions [struct] Structure of options built by Dynare's preprocessor. % % % OUTPUTS % ======= % % DynareDataset [dseries] The dataset. % DatasetInfo [struct] Various informations about the dataset (descriptive statistics and missing observations). % % EXAMPLE % ======= % % [dataset_, dataset_info] = makedataset(options_) ; % % % See also dynare_estimation_init if nargin<3 gsa_flag = 0; end if nargin<2 || isempty(initialconditions) % If a the sample is to be used for the estimation of a VAR or DSGE-VAR model % the second argument must be a strictly positive integer (the number of lags). initialconditions = 0; end if isempty(DynareOptions.datafile) && isempty(DynareOptions.dataset.file) && isempty(DynareOptions.dataset.series) if gsa_flag DynareDataset = dseries(); DatasetInfo = []; newdatainterface=0; return else error('makedataset: datafile option is missing!') end end if isempty(DynareOptions.datafile) && ~isempty(DynareOptions.dataset.file) datafile = DynareOptions.dataset.file; newdatainterface = 1; elseif isempty(DynareOptions.datafile) && ~isempty(DynareOptions.dataset.series) try dseriesobjectforuserdataset = evalin('base', DynareOptions.dataset.series); catch error(sprintf('makedataset: %s is unknown!', DynareOptions.dataset.series)) end if ~isdseries(dseriesobjectforuserdataset) error(sprintf('makedataset: %s has to be a dseries object!', DynareOptions.dataset.series)) end datafile = []; newdatainterface = 1; elseif ~isempty(DynareOptions.datafile) && isempty(DynareOptions.dataset.file) datafile = DynareOptions.datafile; newdatainterface = 0; elseif isempty(DynareOptions.datafile) && ~isempty(DynareOptions.dataset.file) error('You cannot use simultaneously the data command and the datafile option (in the estimation command)!') else error('You have to specify the datafile!') end % Check extension. if ~isempty(datafile) allowed_extensions = {'m','mat','csv','xls','xlsx'}; datafile_extension = get_file_extension(datafile); if isempty(datafile_extension) available_extensions = {}; j = 1; for i=1:length(allowed_extensions) if exist([datafile '.' allowed_extensions{i}]) available_extensions(j) = {allowed_extensions{i}}; j = j+1; end end if isempty(available_extensions) error(['I can''t find a datafile (with allowed extension)!']) end if length(available_extensions)>1 error(sprintf(['You did not specify an extension for the datafile, but more than one candidate ' ... 'are available in the designed folder!\nPlease, add an extension to the datafile ' ... '(m, mat, csv, xls or xlsx are legal extensions).'])); end datafile = [datafile '.' available_extensions{1}]; end end % Load the data in a dseries object. if ~isempty(datafile) DynareDataset = dseries(datafile); else DynareDataset = dseriesobjectforuserdataset; clear('dseriesobjectforuserdataset'); end % Select a subset of the variables. DynareDataset = DynareDataset{DynareOptions.varobs{:}}; % Apply log function if needed. if DynareOptions.loglinear && ~DynareOptions.logdata DynareDataset = DynareDataset.log(); end % Test if an initial period (different from its default value) is explicitely defined in the datafile. if isequal(DynareDataset.init, dates(1,1)) dataset_default_initial_period = 1; else dataset_default_initial_period = 0; end % Test if an initial period (different from its default value) is explicitely defined in the mod file with the set_time command. if ~isdates(DynareOptions.initial_period) && isnan(DynareOptions.initial_period) set_time_default_initial_period = 1; else set_time_default_initial_period = 0; end if ~set_time_default_initial_period && dataset_default_initial_period % Overwrite the initial period in dataset (it was set to default). % Note that the updates of freq and time members are auto-magically % done by dseries::subsasgn overloaded method. DynareDataset.init = DynareOptions.initial_period; end if set_time_default_initial_period && ~dataset_default_initial_period % Overwrite the global initial period defined by set_time (it was set to default). DynareOptions.initial_period = DynareDataset.init; end if ~set_time_default_initial_period && ~dataset_default_initial_period % Check if dataset.init and options_.initial_period are identical. if DynareOptions.initial_periodDynareDataset.dates(end) error(sprintf('last_obs (%s) cannot be greater than the last date in the dataset (%s)!',char(lastobs),char(DynareDataset.dates(end)))) end else % ... or check that nobs is smaller than the number of observations in DynareDataset. if nobs>DynareDataset.nobs error(sprintf('nobs (%s) cannot be greater than the last date in the dataset (%s)!', num2str(nobs), num2str(nobs))) end end % Select a subsample. DynareDataset = DynareDataset(FIRSTOBS:lastobs); % Initialize DatasetInfo structure. DatasetInfo = struct('missing', struct('state', NaN, 'aindex', [], 'vindex', [], 'number_of_observations', NaN, 'no_more_missing_observations', NaN), ... 'descriptive', struct('mean', [], 'covariance', [], 'correlation', [], 'autocovariance', [])); % Fill DatasetInfo.missing if some observations are missing DatasetInfo.missing.state = isanynan(; if DatasetInfo.missing.state [DatasetInfo.missing.aindex, DatasetInfo.missing.number_of_observations, DatasetInfo.missing.no_more_missing_observations, DatasetInfo.missing.vindex] = ... describe_missing_data(; else DatasetInfo.missing.aindex = num2cell(transpose(repmat(1:DynareDataset.vobs,DynareDataset.nobs,1)),1); DatasetInfo.missing.no_more_missing_observations = 1; end % Compute the empirical mean of the observed variables. DatasetInfo.descriptive.mean = nanmean(; % Compute the empirical covariance matrix of the observed variables. DatasetInfo.descriptive.covariance = nancovariance(; % Compute the empirical correlation matrix of the observed variables. normalization_matrix = diag(1./sqrt(diag(DatasetInfo.descriptive.covariance))); DatasetInfo.descriptive.correlation = normalization_matrix*DatasetInfo.descriptive.covariance*normalization_matrix; % Compute autocorrelation function. DatasetInfo.descriptive.autocovariance = nanautocovariance(,; % Save raw data. DatasetInfo.rawdata =; % Prefilter the data if needed (remove the mean). if isequal(DynareOptions.prefilter, 1) DynareDataset = DynareDataset.detrend(); end