function [x,info] = dynare_solve(func,x,jacobian_flag,varargin) % function [x,info] = dynare_solve(func,x,jacobian_flag,varargin) % proposes different solvers % % INPUTS % func: name of the function to be solved % x: guess values % jacobian_flag=1: jacobian given by the 'func' function % jacobian_flag=0: jacobian obtained numerically % varargin: list of arguments following jacobian_flag % % OUTPUTS % x: solution % info=1: the model can not be solved % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % none % Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . global options_ info = 0; if options_.solve_algo == 0 if ~exist('OCTAVE_VERSION') if ~user_has_matlab_license('optimization_toolbox') error('You can''t use solve_algo=0 since you don''t have MATLAB''s Optimization Toolbox') end end options=optimset('fsolve'); options.MaxFunEvals = 50000; options.MaxIter = 2000; options.TolFun=1e-8; options.Display = 'iter'; if jacobian_flag options.Jacobian = 'on'; else options.Jacobian = 'off'; end if ~exist('OCTAVE_VERSION') [x,fval,exitval,output] = fsolve(func,x,options,varargin{:}); else % Under Octave, use a wrapper, since fsolve() does not have a 4th arg func2 = str2func(func); func = @(x) func2(x, varargin{:}); % The Octave version of fsolve does not converge when it starts from the solution fvec = feval(func,x); if max(abs(fvec)) >= options_.solve_tolf [x,fval,exitval,output] = fsolve(func,x,options); else exitval = 3; end; end if exitval > 0 info = 0; else info = 1; end elseif options_.solve_algo == 1 nn = size(x,1); [x,info]=solve1(func,x,1:nn,1:nn,jacobian_flag,1,options_.gstep, ... options_.solve_tolf,options_.solve_tolx, ... options_.solve_maxit,options_.debug,varargin{:}); elseif options_.solve_algo == 2 || options_.solve_algo == 4 nn = size(x,1) ; tolf = options_.solve_tolf ; if jacobian_flag [fvec,fjac] = feval(func,x,varargin{:}); else fvec = feval(func,x,varargin{:}); fjac = zeros(nn,nn) ; end i = find(~isfinite(fvec)); if ~isempty(i) disp(['STEADY: numerical initial values incompatible with the following' ... ' equations']) disp(i') disp('Please check for example') disp(' i) if all parameters occurring in these equations are defined') disp(' ii) that no division by an endogenous variable initialized to 0 occurs') error('exiting ...') end if max(abs(fvec)) < tolf return ; end if ~jacobian_flag fjac = zeros(nn,nn) ; dh = max(abs(x),options_.gstep(1)*ones(nn,1))*eps^(1/3); for j = 1:nn xdh = x ; xdh(j) = xdh(j)+dh(j) ; fjac(:,j) = (feval(func,xdh,varargin{:}) - fvec)./dh(j) ; end end [j1,j2,r,s] = dmperm(fjac); if options_.debug disp(['DYNARE_SOLVE (solve_algo=2|4): number of blocks = ' num2str(length(r))]); end % Activate bad conditioning flag for solve_algo = 2, but not for solve_algo = 4 bad_cond_flag = (options_.solve_algo == 2); for i=length(r)-1:-1:1 if options_.debug disp(['DYNARE_SOLVE (solve_algo=2|4): solving block ' num2str(i) ', of size ' num2str(r(i+1)-r(i)) ]); end [x,info]=solve1(func,x,j1(r(i):r(i+1)-1),j2(r(i):r(i+1)-1),jacobian_flag, ... bad_cond_flag, options_.gstep, ... options_.solve_tolf,options_.solve_tolx, ... options_.solve_maxit,options_.debug,varargin{:}); if info return end end fvec = feval(func,x,varargin{:}); if max(abs(fvec)) > tolf [x,info]=solve1(func,x,1:nn,1:nn,jacobian_flag, bad_cond_flag, ... options_.gstep, options_.solve_tolf,options_.solve_tolx, ... options_.solve_maxit,options_.debug,varargin{:}); end elseif options_.solve_algo == 3 if jacobian_flag [x,info] = csolve(func,x,func,1e-6,500,varargin{:}); else [x,info] = csolve(func,x,[],1e-6,500,varargin{:}); end else error('DYNARE_SOLVE: option solve_algo must be one of [0,1,2,3,4]') end