#!/bin/bash # Executes one or several .mod or .m files in a separate directory, for the testsuite set -e shopt -s extglob if (($# < 7 )); then echo "Usage: $0 build_for matlab_octave_exe matlab_octave_version matlab_arch source_root build_root test_file(s) [-- extra_file(s)]" 2>&1 exit 1 fi build_for=$1 matlab_octave_exe=$2 matlab_octave_version=$3 matlab_arch=$4 source_root=$5 build_root=$6 shift 6 test_files=() while (($# > 0)); do if [[ $1 == "--" ]]; then shift break fi test_files+=("$1") shift done extra_files=("$@") # Create and populate the temporary directory tmpdir=$(mktemp -d) cleanup () { rm -rf "${tmpdir}" } trap cleanup EXIT for f in "${test_files[@]}" "${extra_files[@]}"; do # NB: for computing the subdir, we do not use ${f%/*}, because the latter does not # work with files which are not in a subdir (i.e. no slash in the filename). # We rather use pattern substitution (and we use an extended pattern of the # form *(pattern-list), hence the extglob option above). subdir=${f/%*([^\/])/} mkdir -p "${tmpdir}/${subdir}" cp "${source_root}/tests/${f}" "${tmpdir}/${f}" done # If testing with MATLAB, compute the right batch flags if [[ $build_for == matlab ]]; then # Check whether MATLAB version is ⩾ 9.6 IFS=. read -r -a split_version <<< "$matlab_octave_version" if ((split_version[0] > 9 || (split_version[0] == 9 && split_version[1] >= 6) )); then if [[ $matlab_arch == win64 ]]; then matlab_batch_flags=(-noFigureWindows -batch) else matlab_batch_flags=(-nodisplay -batch) fi else if [[ $matlab_arch == win64 ]]; then matlab_batch_flags=(-nosplash -automation -wait -sd "$source_root"/tests -r) else matlab_batch_flags=(-nosplash -nodisplay -r) fi fi fi export DYNARE_BUILD_DIR=$build_root export source_root for test_file in "${test_files[@]}"; do test_basename=${test_file##*/} # See the remark above for computing the subdir test_subdir=${test_file/%*([^\/])/} if [[ $test_file =~ \.mod$ ]]; then export mod_file=$test_basename if [[ $build_for == matlab ]]; then test_arg=run_mod_file else test_arg=run_mod_file.m fi cp "${source_root}"/tests/run_mod_file.m "${tmpdir}"/"${test_subdir}" elif [[ $test_file =~ \.m$ ]]; then if [[ $build_for == matlab ]]; then test_arg=${test_basename%.m} else test_arg=$test_basename fi echo "Running $test_file" else echo "Unsupported file extension: $test_file" 2>&1 exit 1 fi cd "${tmpdir}"/"${test_subdir}" if [[ $build_for == matlab ]]; then "$matlab_octave_exe" "${matlab_batch_flags[@]}" "$test_arg" else xvfb-run -a "$matlab_octave_exe" --no-init-file --silent --no-history "$test_arg" fi done