/* * Copyright © 2019-2023 Dynare Team * * This file is part of Dynare. * * Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Dynare. If not, see . */ #include #include "DynamicModelCaller.hh" #include #include using namespace std::literals::string_literals; std::string DynamicModelCaller::error_msg; #if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN32__) void *DynamicModelDllCaller::resid_mex{nullptr}; void *DynamicModelDllCaller::g1_mex{nullptr}; #else HINSTANCE DynamicModelDllCaller::resid_mex{nullptr}; HINSTANCE DynamicModelDllCaller::g1_mex{nullptr}; #endif DynamicModelDllCaller::dynamic_tt_fct DynamicModelDllCaller::residual_tt_fct{nullptr}, DynamicModelDllCaller::g1_tt_fct{nullptr}; DynamicModelDllCaller::dynamic_fct DynamicModelDllCaller::residual_fct{nullptr}, DynamicModelDllCaller::g1_fct{nullptr}; void DynamicModelDllCaller::load_dll(const std::string &basename) { // Load symbols from dynamic MEX const std::filesystem::path sparse_dir {"+" + basename + "/+sparse/"}; const std::filesystem::path resid_mex_name {sparse_dir / ("dynamic_resid"s + MEXEXT)}, g1_mex_name {sparse_dir / ("dynamic_g1"s + MEXEXT)}; #if !defined(__CYGWIN32__) && !defined(_WIN32) resid_mex = dlopen(resid_mex_name.c_str(), RTLD_NOW); g1_mex = dlopen(g1_mex_name.c_str(), RTLD_NOW); #else resid_mex = LoadLibraryW(resid_mex_name.c_str()); g1_mex = LoadLibraryW(g1_mex_name.c_str()); #endif if (!resid_mex) mexErrMsgTxt("Can't load dynamic_resid MEX file"); if (!g1_mex) mexErrMsgTxt("Can't load dynamic_g1 MEX file"); #if !defined(__CYGWIN32__) && !defined(_WIN32) residual_tt_fct = reinterpret_cast(dlsym(resid_mex, "dynamic_resid_tt")); residual_fct = reinterpret_cast(dlsym(resid_mex, "dynamic_resid")); g1_tt_fct = reinterpret_cast(dlsym(g1_mex, "dynamic_g1_tt")); g1_fct = reinterpret_cast(dlsym(g1_mex, "dynamic_g1")); #else # pragma GCC diagnostic push # pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wcast-function-type" residual_tt_fct = reinterpret_cast(GetProcAddress(resid_mex, "dynamic_resid_tt")); residual_fct = reinterpret_cast(GetProcAddress(resid_mex, "dynamic_resid")); g1_tt_fct = reinterpret_cast(GetProcAddress(g1_mex, "dynamic_g1_tt")); g1_fct = reinterpret_cast(GetProcAddress(g1_mex, "dynamic_g1")); # pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif if (!residual_tt_fct || !residual_fct || !g1_tt_fct || !g1_fct) mexErrMsgTxt("Can't load functions in dynamic MEX file"); } void DynamicModelDllCaller::unload_dll() { #if !defined(__CYGWIN32__) && !defined(_WIN32) dlclose(resid_mex); dlclose(g1_mex); #else FreeLibrary(resid_mex); FreeLibrary(g1_mex); #endif } DynamicModelDllCaller::DynamicModelDllCaller(size_t ntt, mwIndex ny, mwIndex nx, const double *params_arg, const double *steady_state_arg, const int32_T *g1_sparse_colptr_arg, bool linear_arg, bool compute_jacobian_arg) : DynamicModelCaller{linear_arg, compute_jacobian_arg}, params{params_arg}, steady_state{steady_state_arg}, g1_sparse_colptr{g1_sparse_colptr_arg} { tt = std::make_unique(ntt); y_p = std::make_unique(3*ny); x_p = std::make_unique(nx); if (compute_jacobian) jacobian_p = std::make_unique(g1_sparse_colptr[3*ny+nx]-1); } void DynamicModelDllCaller::copy_jacobian_column(mwIndex col, double *dest) const { std::copy_n(jacobian_p.get() + g1_sparse_colptr[col]-1, g1_sparse_colptr[col+1] - g1_sparse_colptr[col], dest); } void DynamicModelDllCaller::eval(double *resid) { residual_tt_fct(y_p.get(), x_p.get(), params, steady_state, tt.get()); residual_fct(y_p.get(), x_p.get(), params, steady_state, tt.get(), resid); if (compute_jacobian) { g1_tt_fct(y_p.get(), x_p.get(), params, steady_state, tt.get()); g1_fct(y_p.get(), x_p.get(), params, steady_state, tt.get(), jacobian_p.get()); if (linear) compute_jacobian = false; // If model is linear, no need to recompute Jacobian later } } DynamicModelMatlabCaller::DynamicModelMatlabCaller(std::string basename_arg, mwIndex ny, mwIndex nx, const mxArray *params_mx_arg, const mxArray *steady_state_mx_arg, const mxArray *g1_sparse_rowval_mx_arg, const mxArray *g1_sparse_colval_mx_arg, const mxArray *g1_sparse_colptr_mx_arg, bool linear_arg, bool compute_jacobian_arg) : DynamicModelCaller{linear_arg, compute_jacobian_arg}, basename{std::move(basename_arg)}, y_mx{mxCreateDoubleMatrix(3*ny, 1, mxREAL)}, x_mx{mxCreateDoubleMatrix(nx, 1, mxREAL)}, jacobian_mx{nullptr}, params_mx{mxDuplicateArray(params_mx_arg)}, steady_state_mx{mxDuplicateArray(steady_state_mx_arg)}, g1_sparse_rowval_mx{mxDuplicateArray(g1_sparse_rowval_mx_arg)}, g1_sparse_colval_mx{mxDuplicateArray(g1_sparse_colval_mx_arg)}, g1_sparse_colptr_mx{mxDuplicateArray(g1_sparse_colptr_mx_arg)} { } DynamicModelMatlabCaller::~DynamicModelMatlabCaller() { mxDestroyArray(y_mx); mxDestroyArray(x_mx); if (jacobian_mx) mxDestroyArray(jacobian_mx); mxDestroyArray(params_mx); mxDestroyArray(steady_state_mx); mxDestroyArray(g1_sparse_rowval_mx); mxDestroyArray(g1_sparse_colval_mx); mxDestroyArray(g1_sparse_colptr_mx); } void DynamicModelMatlabCaller::copy_jacobian_column(mwIndex col, double *dest) const { if (jacobian_mx) { #if MX_HAS_INTERLEAVED_COMPLEX const int32_T *g1_sparse_rowval {mxGetInt32s(g1_sparse_rowval_mx)}; const int32_T *g1_sparse_colptr {mxGetInt32s(g1_sparse_colptr_mx)}; #else const int32_T *g1_sparse_rowval {static_cast(mxGetData(g1_sparse_rowval_mx))}; const int32_T *g1_sparse_colptr {static_cast(mxGetData(g1_sparse_colptr_mx))}; #endif /* We cannot assume that jacobian_mx internally uses g1_sparse_{rowval,colval,colptr}, because the call to sparse() in dynamic_g1.m may have further compressed the matrix by removing elements that are numerically zero, despite being symbolically non-zero. */ mwIndex *ir {mxGetIr(jacobian_mx)}, *jc {mxGetJc(jacobian_mx)}; mwIndex isrc {jc[col]}; // Index in value array of source Jacobian for (mwIndex idest {0}; // Index in value array of destination Jacobian idest < static_cast(g1_sparse_colptr[col+1]-g1_sparse_colptr[col]); idest++) { mwIndex row {static_cast(g1_sparse_rowval[idest+g1_sparse_colptr[col]-1]-1)}; while (isrc < jc[col+1] && ir[isrc] < row) isrc++; if (isrc < jc[col+1] && ir[isrc] == row) dest[idest] = mxGetPr(jacobian_mx)[isrc]; else dest[idest] = 0.0; } } } void DynamicModelMatlabCaller::eval(double *resid) { mxArray *T_order_mx, *T_mx; { // Compute residuals std::string funcname {basename + ".sparse.dynamic_resid"}; mxArray *plhs[3], *prhs[] = { y_mx, x_mx, params_mx, steady_state_mx }; mxArray *exception { mexCallMATLABWithTrap(std::extent_v, plhs, std::extent_v, prhs, funcname.c_str()) }; if (exception) { error_msg = "An error occurred when calling " + funcname; return; // Avoid manipulating null pointers in plhs, see #1832 } if (!mxIsDouble(plhs[0]) || mxIsSparse(plhs[0])) { error_msg = "Residuals should be a dense array of double floats"; return; } if (mxIsComplex(plhs[0])) plhs[0] = cmplxToReal(plhs[0]); std::copy_n(mxGetPr(plhs[0]), mxGetNumberOfElements(plhs[0]), resid); mxDestroyArray(plhs[0]); T_order_mx = plhs[1]; T_mx = plhs[2]; } if (compute_jacobian) { // Compute Jacobian std::string funcname {basename + ".sparse.dynamic_g1"}; mxArray *plhs[1], *prhs[] = { y_mx, x_mx, params_mx, steady_state_mx, g1_sparse_rowval_mx, g1_sparse_colval_mx, g1_sparse_colptr_mx, T_order_mx, T_mx }; mxArray *exception { mexCallMATLABWithTrap(std::extent_v, plhs, std::extent_v, prhs, funcname.c_str()) }; if (exception) { error_msg = "An error occurred when calling " + funcname; return; // Avoid manipulating null pointers in plhs, see #1832 } if (jacobian_mx) { mxDestroyArray(jacobian_mx); jacobian_mx = nullptr; } if (!mxIsDouble(plhs[0]) || !mxIsSparse(plhs[0])) { error_msg = "Jacobian should be a sparse array of double floats"; return; } if (mxIsComplex(plhs[0])) jacobian_mx = cmplxToReal(plhs[0]); else jacobian_mx = plhs[0]; if (linear) compute_jacobian = false; // If model is linear, no need to recompute Jacobian later } mxDestroyArray(T_order_mx); mxDestroyArray(T_mx); }