function [dataset_, dataset_info, xparam1, hh, M_, options_, oo_, estim_params_,bayestopt_, bounds] = dynare_estimation_init(var_list_, dname, gsa_flag, M_, options_, oo_, estim_params_, bayestopt_) % function [dataset_, dataset_info, xparam1, hh, M_, options_, oo_, estim_params_,bayestopt_, bounds] = dynare_estimation_init(var_list_, dname, gsa_flag, M_, options_, oo_, estim_params_, bayestopt_) % performs initialization tasks before estimation or % global sensitivity analysis % % INPUTS % var_list_: selected endogenous variables vector % dname: alternative directory name % gsa_flag: flag for GSA operation (optional) % M_: structure storing the model information % options_: structure storing the options % oo_: structure storing the results % estim_params_: structure storing information about estimated % parameters % bayestopt_: structure storing information about priors % OUTPUTS % dataset_: the dataset after required transformation % dataset_info: Various informations about the dataset (descriptive statistics and missing observations). % xparam1: initial value of estimated parameters as returned by % set_prior() or loaded from mode-file % hh: hessian matrix at the loaded mode (or empty matrix) % M_: structure storing the model information % options_: structure storing the options % oo_: structure storing the results % estim_params_: structure storing information about estimated % parameters % bayestopt_: structure storing information about priors % bounds: structure containing prior bounds % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % none % Copyright © 2003-2023 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . hh = []; xparam1 = []; if isempty(gsa_flag) gsa_flag = false; else % Decide if a DSGE or DSGE-VAR has to be estimated. if ~isempty(strmatch('dsge_prior_weight', M_.param_names)) options_.dsge_var = 1; end if isempty(var_list_) var_list_ = check_list_of_variables(options_, M_, var_list_); options_.varlist = var_list_; end if gsa_flag % Get the list of the endogenous variables for which posterior statistics wil be computed. options_.varlist = var_list_; else % This was done in dynare_estimation_1 end end if options_.dsge_var && options_.presample~=0 error('DSGE-VAR does not support the presample option.') end % Test if observed variables are declared. if ~isfield(options_,'varobs') error('VAROBS statement is missing!') end % Checks on VAROBS check_varobs_are_endo_and_declared_once(options_.varobs,M_.endo_names); % Set the number of observed variables. options_.number_of_observed_variables = length(options_.varobs); if options_.discretionary_policy if options_.order>1 error('discretionary_policy does not support order>1'); else M_=discretionary_policy_initialization(M_,options_); end end % Check the perturbation order for pruning (k order perturbation based nonlinear filters are not yet implemented for k>3). if options_.order>3 && options_.particle.pruning error('Higher order nonlinear filters are not compatible with pruning option.') end % analytical derivation is not yet available for kalman_filter_fast if options_.analytic_derivation && options_.fast_kalman_filter error(['estimation option conflict: analytic_derivation isn''t available ' ... 'for fast_kalman_filter']) end % fast kalman filter is only available with kalman_algo == 0,1,3 if options_.fast_kalman_filter && ~ismember(options_.kalman_algo, [0,1,3]) error(['estimation option conflict: fast_kalman_filter is only available ' ... 'with kalman_algo = 0, 1 or 3']) end % Set options_.lik_init equal to 3 if diffuse filter is used or kalman_algo refers to a diffuse filter algorithm. if isequal(options_.diffuse_filter,1) || (options_.kalman_algo>2) if isequal(options_.lik_init,2) error(['options diffuse_filter, lik_init and/or kalman_algo have contradictory settings']) else options_.lik_init = 3; end end options_=select_qz_criterium_value(options_); % Set options related to filtered variables. if isequal(options_.filtered_vars,0) && ~isempty(options_.filter_step_ahead) options_.filtered_vars = 1; end if ~isequal(options_.filtered_vars,0) && isempty(options_.filter_step_ahead) options_.filter_step_ahead = 1; end if ~isequal(options_.filtered_vars,0) && isequal(options_.filter_step_ahead,0) options_.filter_step_ahead = 1; end if ~isequal(options_.filter_step_ahead,0) options_.nk = max(options_.filter_step_ahead); end % Set the name of the directory where (intermediary) results will be saved. if isempty(dname) M_.dname = M_.fname; else M_.dname = dname; end % Set priors over the estimated parameters. if ~isempty(estim_params_) && ~(isfield(estim_params_,'nvx') && (size(estim_params_.var_exo,1)+size(estim_params_.var_endo,1)+size(estim_params_.corrx,1)+size(estim_params_.corrn,1)+size(estim_params_.param_vals,1))==0) [xparam1,estim_params_,bayestopt_,lb,ub,M_] = set_prior(estim_params_,M_,options_); end if ~isempty(bayestopt_) && any(bayestopt_.pshape==0) && any(bayestopt_.pshape~=0) error('Estimation must be either fully ML or fully Bayesian. Maybe you forgot to specify a prior distribution.') end % Check if a _prior_restrictions.m file exists if exist([M_.fname '_prior_restrictions.m']) options_.prior_restrictions.status = 1; options_.prior_restrictions.routine = str2func([M_.fname '_prior_restrictions']); end % Check that the provided mode_file is compatible with the current estimation settings. if ~isempty(estim_params_) && ~(isfield(estim_params_,'nvx') && sum( && ~isempty(options_.mode_file) && ~options_.mh_posterior_mode_estimation [xparam1, hh] = check_mode_file(xparam1, hh, options_, bayestopt_); end %check for calibrated covariances before updating parameters if ~isempty(estim_params_) && ~(isfield(estim_params_,'nvx') && sum( estim_params_=check_for_calibrated_covariances(estim_params_,M_); end %%read out calibration that was set in mod-file and can be used for initialization xparam1_calib=get_all_parameters(estim_params_,M_); %get calibrated parameters if ~any(isnan(xparam1_calib)) %all estimated parameters are calibrated estim_params_.full_calibration_detected=1; else estim_params_.full_calibration_detected=0; end if options_.use_calibration_initialization %set calibration as starting values if ~isempty(bayestopt_) && all(bayestopt_.pshape==0) && any(all(isnan([xparam1_calib xparam1]),2)) error('Estimation: When using the use_calibration option with ML, the parameters must be properly initialized.') else [xparam1,estim_params_]=do_parameter_initialization(estim_params_,xparam1_calib,xparam1); %get explicitly initialized parameters that have precedence to calibrated values end end if ~isempty(bayestopt_) && all(bayestopt_.pshape==0) && any(isnan(xparam1)) error('ML estimation requires all estimated parameters to be initialized, either in an estimated_params or estimated_params_init-block ') end if ~isempty(estim_params_) && ~(all(strcmp(fieldnames(estim_params_),'full_calibration_detected')) || (isfield(estim_params_,'nvx') && sum( if ~isempty(bayestopt_) && any(bayestopt_.pshape > 0) % Plot prior densities. if ~options_.nograph && options_.plot_priors plot_priors(bayestopt_,M_,estim_params_,options_) end % Set prior bounds bounds = prior_bounds(bayestopt_, options_.prior_trunc); = max(,lb); bounds.ub = min(bounds.ub,ub); else % estimated parameters but no declared priors % No priors are declared so Dynare will estimate the model by % maximum likelihood with inequality constraints for the parameters. options_.mh_replic = 0;% No metropolis. = lb; bounds.ub = ub; end % Test if initial values of the estimated parameters are all between the prior lower and upper bounds. if options_.use_calibration_initialization try check_prior_bounds(xparam1,bounds,M_,estim_params_,options_,bayestopt_) catch e = lasterror(); fprintf('Cannot use parameter values from calibration as they violate the prior bounds.') rethrow(e); end else check_prior_bounds(xparam1,bounds,M_,estim_params_,options_,bayestopt_) end end if isempty(estim_params_) || all(strcmp(fieldnames(estim_params_),'full_calibration_detected')) || (isfield(estim_params_,'nvx') && sum( % If estim_params_ is empty (e.g. when running the smoother on a calibrated model) if ~options_.smoother error('Estimation: the ''estimated_params'' block is mandatory (unless you are running a smoother)') end xparam1 = []; bayestopt_.jscale = []; bayestopt_.pshape = []; =[]; bayestopt_.p1 = []; bayestopt_.p2 = []; bayestopt_.p3 = []; bayestopt_.p4 = []; bayestopt_.p5 = []; bayestopt_.p6 = []; bayestopt_.p7 = []; estim_params_.var_exo=[]; estim_params_.var_endo=[]; estim_params_.corrx=[]; estim_params_.corrn=[]; estim_params_.param_vals=[]; estim_params_.nvx = 0; estim_params_.nvn = 0; estim_params_.ncx = 0; estim_params_.ncn = 0; = 0; = []; bounds.ub = []; end % storing prior parameters in results oo_.prior.mean = bayestopt_.p1; oo_.prior.mode = bayestopt_.p5; oo_.prior.variance = diag(bayestopt_.p2.^2); oo_.prior.hyperparameters.first = bayestopt_.p6; oo_.prior.hyperparameters.second = bayestopt_.p7; % Is there a linear trend in the measurement equation? if ~isfield(options_,'trend_coeffs') % No! bayestopt_.with_trend = 0; else% Yes! bayestopt_.with_trend = 1; bayestopt_.trend_coeff = {}; for i=1:options_.number_of_observed_variables if i > length(options_.trend_coeffs) bayestopt_.trend_coeff{i} = '0'; else bayestopt_.trend_coeff{i} = options_.trend_coeffs{i}; end end end % Get informations about the variables of the model. dr = set_state_space(oo_.dr,M_); oo_.dr = dr; nstatic = M_.nstatic; % Number of static variables. npred = M_.nspred; % Number of predetermined variables. nspred = M_.nspred; % Number of predetermined variables in the state equation. %% Setting restricted state space (observed + predetermined variables) % oo_.dr.restrict_var_list: location of union of observed and state variables in decision rules (decision rule order) % bayestopt_.mfys: position of observables in oo_.dr.ys (declaration order) % bayestopt_.mf0: position of state variables in restricted state vector (oo_.dr.restrict_var_list) % bayestopt_.mf1: positions of observed variables in restricted state vector (oo_.dr.restrict_var_list order) % bayestopt_.mf2: positions of observed variables in decision rules/expanded state vector (decision rule order) % bayestopt_.smoother_var_list: positions of observed variables and requested smoothed variables in decision rules (decision rule order) % bayestopt_.smoother_saved_var_list: positions of requested smoothed variables in bayestopt_.smoother_var_list % bayestopt_.smoother_restrict_columns: positions of states in observed variables and requested smoothed variables in decision rules (decision rule order) % bayestopt_.smoother_mf: positions of observed variables and requested smoothed variables in bayestopt_.smoother_var_list var_obs_index_dr = []; k1 = []; for i=1:options_.number_of_observed_variables var_obs_index_dr = [var_obs_index_dr; strmatch(options_.varobs{i}, M_.endo_names(dr.order_var), 'exact')]; k1 = [k1; strmatch(options_.varobs{i}, M_.endo_names, 'exact')]; end k3 = []; k3p = []; if options_.selected_variables_only if options_.forecast > 0 && options_.mh_replic == 0 && ~options_.load_mh_file fprintf('\nEstimation: The selected_variables_only option is incompatible with classical forecasts. It will be ignored.\n') k3 = (1:M_.endo_nbr)'; k3p = (1:M_.endo_nbr)'; else for i=1:length(var_list_) k3 = [k3; strmatch(var_list_{i}, M_.endo_names(dr.order_var), 'exact')]; k3p = [k3; strmatch(var_list_{i}, M_.endo_names, 'exact')]; end end else k3 = (1:M_.endo_nbr)'; k3p = (1:M_.endo_nbr)'; end % Define union of observed and state variables k2 = union(var_obs_index_dr,[M_.nstatic+1:M_.nstatic+M_.nspred]', 'rows'); % Set restrict_state to postion of observed + state variables in expanded state vector. oo_.dr.restrict_var_list = k2; % set mf0 to positions of state variables in restricted state vector for likelihood computation. [~,bayestopt_.mf0] = ismember([M_.nstatic+1:M_.nstatic+M_.nspred]',k2); % Set mf1 to positions of observed variables in restricted state vector for likelihood computation. [~,bayestopt_.mf1] = ismember(var_obs_index_dr,k2); % Set mf2 to positions of observed variables in expanded state vector for filtering and smoothing. bayestopt_.mf2 = var_obs_index_dr; bayestopt_.mfys = k1; [~,ic] = intersect(k2,nstatic+(1:npred)'); oo_.dr.restrict_columns = [ic; length(k2)+(1:nspred-npred)']; bayestopt_.smoother_var_list = union(k2,k3); [~,~,bayestopt_.smoother_saved_var_list] = intersect(k3,bayestopt_.smoother_var_list(:)); [~,ic] = intersect(bayestopt_.smoother_var_list,nstatic+(1:npred)'); bayestopt_.smoother_restrict_columns = ic; [~,bayestopt_.smoother_mf] = ismember(var_obs_index_dr, bayestopt_.smoother_var_list); if options_.analytic_derivation if options_.lik_init == 3 error('analytic derivation is incompatible with diffuse filter') end options_.analytic_derivation = 1; if || isfield(options_,'identification_check_endogenous_params_with_no_prior') % check if steady state changes param values M=M_; if isfield(options_,'identification_check_endogenous_params_with_no_prior') M.params = M.params*1.01; %vary parameters else M.params(estim_params_.param_vals(:,1)) = xparam1(estim_params_.nvx+estim_params_.ncx+estim_params_.nvn+estim_params_.ncn+1:end); %set parameters M.params(estim_params_.param_vals(:,1)) = M.params(estim_params_.param_vals(:,1))*1.01; %vary parameters end if options_.diffuse_filter || options_.steadystate.nocheck steadystate_check_flag = 0; else steadystate_check_flag = 1; end [tmp1, params] = evaluate_steady_state(oo_.steady_state,[oo_.exo_steady_state; oo_.exo_det_steady_state],M,options_,steadystate_check_flag); change_flag=any(find(params-M.params)); if change_flag skipline() if any(isnan(params)) disp('After computing the steadystate, the following parameters are still NaN: '), disp(char(M.param_names(isnan(params)))) end if any(find(params(~isnan(params))-M.params(~isnan(params)))) disp('The steadystate file changed the values for the following parameters: '), disp(char(M.param_names(find(params(~isnan(params))-M.params(~isnan(params)))))) end disp('The derivatives of jacobian and steady-state will be computed numerically'), disp('(re-set options_.analytic_derivation_mode= -2)'), options_.analytic_derivation_mode= -2; end end end % If jscale isn't specified for an estimated parameter, use global option options_.jscale, set to optimal value for a normal distribution by default. % Note that check_posterior_sampler_options and mode_compute=6 may overwrite the setting if isempty(options_.mh_jscale) options_.mh_jscale=2.38/sqrt(length(xparam1)); end k = find(isnan(bayestopt_.jscale)); bayestopt_.jscale(k) = options_.mh_jscale; % Build the dataset if ~isempty(options_.datafile) [pathstr,name,ext] = fileparts(options_.datafile); if strcmp(name,M_.fname) error('Data-file and mod-file are not allowed to have the same name. Please change the name of the data file.') end end if isnan(options_.first_obs) options_.first_obs=1; end [dataset_, dataset_info, newdatainterfaceflag] = makedataset(options_, options_.dsge_var*options_.dsge_varlag, gsa_flag); %set options for old interface from the ones for new interface if ~isempty(dataset_) options_.nobs = dataset_.nobs; if options_.endogenous_prior if ~isnan(dataset_info.missing.number_of_observations) && ~(dataset_info.missing.number_of_observations==0) %missing observations present if dataset_info.missing.no_more_missing_observations=options_.first_obs); M_.heteroskedastic_shocks.Qvalue(v.exo_id, temp_periods-(options_.first_obs-1)) = v.value^2; end for k=1:length(M_.heteroskedastic_shocks.Qscale_orig) v = M_.heteroskedastic_shocks.Qscale_orig(k); temp_periods=v.periods(v.periods=options_.first_obs); M_.heteroskedastic_shocks.Qscale(v.exo_id, temp_periods-(options_.first_obs-1)) = v.scale^2; end if any(any(~isnan(M_.heteroskedastic_shocks.Qvalue) & ~isnan(M_.heteroskedastic_shocks.Qscale))) fprintf('\ndynare_estimation_init: With the option "heteroskedastic_shocks" you cannot define\n') fprintf('dynare_estimation_init: the scale and the value for the same shock \n') fprintf('dynare_estimation_init: in the same period!\n') error('Scale and value defined for the same shock in the same period with "heteroskedastic_shocks".') end end if (options_.occbin.likelihood.status && options_.occbin.likelihood.inversion_filter) || (options_.occbin.smoother.status && options_.occbin.smoother.inversion_filter) if isempty(options_.occbin.likelihood.IVF_shock_observable_mapping) options_.occbin.likelihood.IVF_shock_observable_mapping=find(diag(M.Sigma_e)~=0); else zero_var_shocks=find(diag(M.Sigma_e)==0); if any(ismember(options_.occbin.likelihood.IVF_shock_observable_mapping,zero_var_shocks)) error('IVF-filter: an observable is mapped to a zero variance shock.') end end end if options_.occbin.smoother.status && options_.occbin.smoother.inversion_filter if ~isempty(options_.nk) fprintf('dynare_estimation_init: the inversion filter does not support filter_step_ahead. Disabling the option.\n') options_.nk=[]; end if options_.filter_covariance fprintf('dynare_estimation_init: the inversion filter does not support filter_covariance. Disabling the option.\n') options_.filter_covariance=false; end if options_.smoothed_state_uncertainty fprintf('dynare_estimation_init: the inversion filter does not support smoothed_state_uncertainty. Disabling the option.\n') options_.smoothed_state_uncertainty=false; end end if options_.occbin.smoother.status || options_.occbin.likelihood.status if isfield(M_,'surprise_shocks') && ~isempty(M_.surprise_shocks) fprintf('dynare_estimation_init: OccBin smoother/filter: previous shocks(surprise) block detected. Deleting its content.\n') options_.occbin.simul.SHOCKS=zeros(1,M_.exo_nbr); options_.occbin.simul.exo_pos=1:M_.exo_nbr; M_.surprise_shocks=[]; end end