function [filtered_errs, resids, Emat, stateval, error_code] = IVF_core(M_,dr, endo_steady_state, exo_steady_state, exo_det_steady_state,options_,err_index,filtered_errs_init,my_obs_list,obs,init_val) % [filtered_errs, resids, Emat, stateval, error_code] = IVF_core(M_,dr, endo_steady_state, exo_steady_state, exo_det_steady_state,options_,err_index,filtered_errs_init,my_obs_list,obs,init_val) % Calls the solver to get the shocks explaining the data for the inversion filter % % Outputs: % - filtered_errs [T by N_obs] filtered shocks % - resids [T by N_obs] residuals % - Emat [N by N_obs by T] response matrix of endogenous variables to shocks at each point in time % - stateval [T by N] vector of endogenous variables % - error_code [4 by 1] error code % % Inputs % - M_ [structure] Matlab's structure describing the model (M_). % - dr [structure] Reduced form model. % - endo_steady_state [vector] steady state value for endogenous variables % - exo_steady_state [vector] steady state value for exogenous variables % - exo_det_steady_state [vector] steady state value for exogenous deterministic variables % - options_ [structure] Matlab's structure describing the current options (options_). % - err_index [double] index of shocks with strictly positive variance in M_.exo_names % - filtered_errs_init [T by N_obs] initial values for the shocks % - my_obs_list [cell] names of observables % - obs [T by N_obs] observed data % - init_val [N by 1] initial value of endogenous variables % Original authors: Pablo Cuba-Borda, Luca Guerrieri, Matteo Iacoviello, and Molin Zhong % Original file downloaded from: % % Adapted for Dynare by Dynare Team. % % This code is in the public domain and may be used freely. % However the authors would appreciate acknowledgement of the source by % citation of any of the following papers: % % Pablo Cuba-Borda, Luca Guerrieri, Matteo Iacoviello, and Molin Zhong (2019): "Likelihood evaluation of models % with occasionally binding constraints", Journal of Applied Econometrics, % 34(7), 1073-1085 %------------------------------------- % Filter shocks %------------------------------------- [sample_length, n_obs]= size(obs); nerrs = size(err_index,1); if nargin<11 init_val = zeros(M_.endo_nbr,1); end resids = zeros(sample_length,nerrs); stateval = zeros(sample_length,M_.endo_nbr); Emat = zeros(M_.endo_nbr,nerrs,sample_length); error_code = zeros(4,1); %solver options (set locally) options_.solve_algo = options_.occbin.solver.solve_algo; options_.jacobian_flag=1; opts_simul = options_.occbin.simul; opts_simul.curb_retrench = options_.occbin.likelihood.curb_retrench; opts_simul.maxit = options_.occbin.likelihood.maxit; opts_simul.waitbar = false; opts_simul.periods = options_.occbin.likelihood.periods; opts_simul.check_ahead_periods = options_.occbin.likelihood.check_ahead_periods; opts_simul.max_check_ahead_periods = options_.occbin.likelihood.max_check_ahead_periods; opts_simul.periodic_solution = options_.occbin.likelihood.periodic_solution; opts_simul.restrict_state_space = options_.occbin.likelihood.restrict_state_space; opts_simul.piecewise_only = 1; filtered_errs=zeros(sample_length,n_obs); if options_.occbin.likelihood.waitbar hh_fig = dyn_waitbar(0,'IVF_core: Filtering the shocks'); set(hh_fig,'Name','IVF_core: Filtering the shocks.'); end for this_period=1:sample_length if options_.occbin.likelihood.waitbar dyn_waitbar(this_period/sample_length, hh_fig, sprintf('Period %u of %u', this_period,sample_length)); end current_obs = obs(this_period,:); init_val_old = init_val; inan = ~isnan(current_obs); current_obs = current_obs(inan); obs_list = my_obs_list(inan); opts_simul.varobs_id=options_.varobs_id(inan)'; opts_simul.exo_pos=err_index(inan); %err_index is predefined mapping from observables to shocks opts_simul.endo_init = init_val_old; opts_simul.SHOCKS = filtered_errs_init(this_period,inan); [err_vals_out, exitflag] = dynare_solve(@occbin.match_function, filtered_errs_init(this_period,inan)', options_.occbin.solver.maxit, options_.occbin.solver.solve_tolf, options_.occbin.solver.solve_tolx, options_, obs_list, current_obs, opts_simul, M_, dr, endo_steady_state, exo_steady_state, exo_det_steady_state, options_); if exitflag filtered_errs=NaN; error_code(1) = 304; error_code(4) = 1000; if options_.occbin.likelihood.waitbar; dyn_waitbar_close(hh_fig); end return end filtered_errs(this_period,inan)=err_vals_out'; opts_simul.SHOCKS = err_vals_out; [ resids(this_period,inan), ~, stateval(this_period,:), Emat(:,inan,this_period), M_] = occbin.match_function(... err_vals_out,obs_list,current_obs,opts_simul, M_,dr, endo_steady_state, exo_steady_state, exo_det_steady_state,options_); init_val = stateval(this_period,:); %update if max(abs(err_vals_out))>1e8 error_code(1) = 306; error_code(4) = max(abs(err_vals_out))/1000; filtered_errs=NaN; if options_.occbin.likelihood.waitbar; dyn_waitbar_close(hh_fig); end return end if max(abs(resids(this_period,:)))>0.001 disp_verbose('IVF_core: I am stopping because match_function could not find the shocks that',options_.verbosity) disp_verbose('IVF_core: solve for the model''s observed variables',options_.verbosity) filtered_errs=NaN; error_code(1) = 303; error_code(4) = max(abs(resids(this_period,:)))*100; if options_.occbin.likelihood.waitbar; dyn_waitbar_close(hh_fig); end return end end if options_.occbin.likelihood.waitbar dyn_waitbar_close(hh_fig); end end