Welcome to Dynare



If you wish to modify the installation path, click Customize after accepting the license. Then, under Location, select your desired folder.

Upon completing the installation, please review the Recommendations section for guidance on the optional installation of Xcode Command Line Tools and GCC via Homebrew.

Troubleshooting installing in /Applications/Dynare

In versions prior to 5.5, the macOS pkg installer required administrative rights to install Dynare, this is no longer the case. However, if you aim to install Dynare in /Applications/Dynare, you will need to modify the ownership of this folder. To do this, execute the following command in Terminal.app:

sudo chown -R $USER:staff /Applications/Dynare

Alternatively, install Dynare in a different folder or simply delete (or move) /Applications/Dynare before installing Dynare.