function [alphahat,etahat,epsilonhat,ahat,SteadyState,trend_coeff,aK,T,R,P,PK,decomp,trend_addition,state_uncertainty,M_,oo_,options_,bayestopt_] = DsgeSmoother(xparam1,gend,Y,data_index,missing_value,M_,oo_,options_,bayestopt_,estim_params_) % Estimation of the smoothed variables and innovations. % % INPUTS % o xparam1 [double] (p*1) vector of (estimated) parameters. % o gend [integer] scalar specifying the number of observations ==> varargin{1}. % o data [double] (n*T) matrix of data. % o data_index [cell] 1*smpl cell of column vectors of indices. % o missing_value 1 if missing values, 0 otherwise % o M_ [structure] decribing the model % o oo_ [structure] storing the results % o options_ [structure] describing the options % o bayestopt_ [structure] describing the priors % o estim_params_ [structure] characterizing parameters to be estimated % % OUTPUTS % o alphahat [double] (m*T) matrix, smoothed endogenous variables (a_{t|T}) (decision-rule order) % o etahat [double] (r*T) matrix, smoothed structural shocks (r>=n is the number of shocks). % o epsilonhat [double] (n*T) matrix, smoothed measurement errors. % o ahat [double] (m*T) matrix, updated (endogenous) variables (a_{t|t}) (decision-rule order) % o SteadyState [double] (m*1) vector specifying the steady state level of each endogenous variable (declaration order) % o trend_coeff [double] (n*1) vector, parameters specifying the slope of the trend associated to each observed variable. % o aK [double] (K,n,T+K) array, k (k=1,...,K) steps ahead % filtered (endogenous) variables (decision-rule order) % o T and R [double] Matrices defining the state equation (T is the (m*m) transition matrix). % o P: (m*m*(T+1)) 3D array of one-step ahead forecast error variance % matrices (decision-rule order) % o PK: (K*m*m*(T+K)) 4D array of k-step ahead forecast error variance % matrices (meaningless for periods 1:d) (decision-rule order) % o decomp (K*m*r*(T+K)) 4D array of shock decomposition of k-step ahead % filtered variables (decision-rule order) % o trend_addition [double] (n*T) pure trend component; stored in options_.varobs order % o state_uncertainty [double] (K,K,T) array, storing the uncertainty % about the smoothed state (decision-rule order) % o M_ [structure] decribing the model % o oo_ [structure] storing the results % o options_ [structure] describing the options % o bayestopt_ [structure] describing the priors % % Notes: % m: number of endogenous variables (M_.endo_nbr) % T: number of Time periods (options_.nobs) % r: number of strucural shocks (M_.exo_nbr) % n: number of observables (length(options_.varobs)) % K: maximum forecast horizon (max(options_.nk)) % % To get variables that are stored in decision rule order in order of declaration % as in M_.endo_names, ones needs code along the lines of: % variables_declaration_order(dr.order_var,:) = alphahat % % Defines = bayestopt_.smoother_mf (positions of observed variables % and requested smoothed variables in decision rules (decision rule order)) and % passes it back via global variable % % ALGORITHM % Diffuse Kalman filter (Durbin and Koopman) % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % None % Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . alphahat = []; etahat = []; epsilonhat = []; ahat = []; SteadyState = []; trend_coeff = []; aK = []; T = []; R = []; P = []; PK = []; decomp = []; vobs = length(options_.varobs); smpl = size(Y,2); if ~isempty(xparam1) %not calibrated model M_ = set_all_parameters(xparam1,estim_params_,M_); end %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % 2. call model setup & reduction program %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ oldoo.restrict_var_list = oo_.dr.restrict_var_list; oldoo.restrict_columns = oo_.dr.restrict_columns; oo_.dr.restrict_var_list = bayestopt_.smoother_var_list; oo_.dr.restrict_columns = bayestopt_.smoother_restrict_columns; [T,R,SteadyState,info,M_,options_,oo_] = dynare_resolve(M_,options_,oo_); if info~=0 print_info(info,options_.noprint, options_); return end oo_.dr.restrict_var_list = oldoo.restrict_var_list; oo_.dr.restrict_columns = oldoo.restrict_columns; %get location of observed variables and requested smoothed variables in %decision rules = bayestopt_.smoother_var_list(bayestopt_.smoother_mf); if options_.noconstant constant = zeros(vobs,1); else if options_.loglinear constant = log(SteadyState(bayestopt_.mfys)); else constant = SteadyState(bayestopt_.mfys); end end trend_coeff = zeros(vobs,1); if bayestopt_.with_trend == 1 [trend_addition, trend_coeff] =compute_trend_coefficients(M_,options_,vobs,gend); trend = constant*ones(1,gend)+trend_addition; else trend_addition=zeros(size(constant,1),gend); trend = constant*ones(1,gend); end start = options_.presample+1; np = size(T,1); mf =; % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % 3. Initial condition of the Kalman filter % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % % Here, Pinf and Pstar are determined. If the model is stationary, determine % Pstar as the solution of the Lyapunov equation and set Pinf=[] (Notation follows % Koopman/Durbin (2003), Journal of Time Series Analysis 24(1)) % Q = M_.Sigma_e; H = M_.H; if isequal(H,0) H = zeros(vobs,vobs); end Z = zeros(vobs,size(T,2)); for i=1:vobs Z(i,mf(i)) = 1; end expanded_state_vector_for_univariate_filter=0; kalman_algo = options_.kalman_algo; if options_.lik_init == 1 % Kalman filter if kalman_algo ~= 2 kalman_algo = 1; end Pstar=lyapunov_solver(T,R,Q,options_); Pinf = []; elseif options_.lik_init == 2 % Old Diffuse Kalman filter if kalman_algo ~= 2 kalman_algo = 1; end Pstar = options_.Harvey_scale_factor*eye(np); Pinf = []; elseif options_.lik_init == 3 % Diffuse Kalman filter if kalman_algo ~= 4 kalman_algo = 3; else if ~all(all(abs(H-diag(diag(H)))<1e-14))% ie, the covariance matrix is diagonal... %Augment state vector (follows Section 6.4.3 of DK (2012)) expanded_state_vector_for_univariate_filter=1; T = blkdiag(T,zeros(vobs)); np = size(T,1); Q = blkdiag(Q,H); R = blkdiag(R,eye(vobs)); H = zeros(vobs,vobs); Z = [Z, eye(vobs)]; end end [Pstar,Pinf] = compute_Pinf_Pstar(mf,T,R,Q,options_.qz_criterium); elseif options_.lik_init == 4 % Start from the solution of the Riccati equation. [err, Pstar] = kalman_steady_state(transpose(T),R*Q*transpose(R),transpose(build_selection_matrix(mf,np,vobs)),H); mexErrCheck('kalman_steady_state',err); Pinf = []; if kalman_algo~=2 kalman_algo = 1; end elseif options_.lik_init == 5 % Old diffuse Kalman filter only for the non stationary variables [eigenvect, eigenv] = eig(T); eigenv = diag(eigenv); nstable = length(find(abs(abs(eigenv)-1) > 1e-7)); unstable = find(abs(abs(eigenv)-1) < 1e-7); V = eigenvect(:,unstable); indx_unstable = find(sum(abs(V),2)>1e-5); stable = find(sum(abs(V),2)<1e-5); nunit = length(eigenv) - nstable; Pstar = options_.Harvey_scale_factor*eye(np); if kalman_algo ~= 2 kalman_algo = 1; end R_tmp = R(stable, :); T_tmp = T(stable,stable); Pstar_tmp=lyapunov_solver(T_tmp,R_tmp,Q,DynareOptions); Pstar(stable, stable) = Pstar_tmp; Pinf = []; end kalman_tol = options_.kalman_tol; diffuse_kalman_tol = options_.diffuse_kalman_tol; riccati_tol = options_.riccati_tol; data1 = Y-trend; % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- % 4. Kalman smoother % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ~missing_value for i=1:smpl data_index{i}=(1:vobs)'; end end ST = T; R1 = R; if kalman_algo == 1 || kalman_algo == 3 [alphahat,epsilonhat,etahat,ahat,P,aK,PK,decomp,state_uncertainty] = missing_DiffuseKalmanSmootherH1_Z(ST, ... Z,R1,Q,H,Pinf,Pstar, ... data1,vobs,np,smpl,data_index, ... options_.nk,kalman_tol,diffuse_kalman_tol,options_.filter_decomposition,options_.smoothed_state_uncertainty); if isinf(alphahat) if kalman_algo == 1 kalman_algo = 2; elseif kalman_algo == 3 kalman_algo = 4; else error('This case shouldn''t happen') end end end if kalman_algo == 2 || kalman_algo == 4 if ~all(all(abs(H-diag(diag(H)))<1e-14))% ie, the covariance matrix is diagonal... if ~expanded_state_vector_for_univariate_filter %Augment state vector (follows Section 6.4.3 of DK (2012)) expanded_state_vector_for_univariate_filter=1; Z = [Z, eye(vobs)]; ST = blkdiag(ST,zeros(vobs)); np = size(ST,1); Q = blkdiag(Q,H); R1 = blkdiag(R,eye(vobs)); if kalman_algo == 4 %recompute Schur state space transformation with %expanded state space [Pstar,Pinf] = compute_Pinf_Pstar(mf,ST,R1,Q,options_.qz_criterium); else Pstar = blkdiag(Pstar,H); if ~isempty(Pinf) Pinf = blkdiag(Pinf,zeros(vobs)); end end %now reset H to 0 H = zeros(vobs,vobs); else %do nothing, state vector was already expanded end end [alphahat,epsilonhat,etahat,ahat,P,aK,PK,decomp,state_uncertainty] = missing_DiffuseKalmanSmootherH3_Z(ST, ... Z,R1,Q,diag(H), ... Pinf,Pstar,data1,vobs,np,smpl,data_index, ... options_.nk,kalman_tol,diffuse_kalman_tol, ... options_.filter_decomposition,options_.smoothed_state_uncertainty); end if expanded_state_vector_for_univariate_filter && (kalman_algo == 2 || kalman_algo == 4) % extracting measurement errors % removing observed variables from the state vector k = (1:np-vobs); alphahat = alphahat(k,:); ahat = ahat(k,:); aK = aK(:,k,:,:); epsilonhat=etahat(end-vobs+1:end,:); etahat=etahat(1:end-vobs,:); if ~isempty(PK) PK = PK(:,k,k,:); end if ~isempty(decomp) decomp = decomp(:,k,:,:); end if ~isempty(P) P = P(k,k,:); end if ~isempty(state_uncertainty) state_uncertainty = state_uncertainty(k,k,:); end end