% Build file for Dynare MEX Librairies under Matlab % Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . addpath '../../matlab'; % For matlab_ver_less_than MATLAB_PATH = matlabroot; COMPILE_OPTIONS = ''; if strcmpi('GLNX86', computer) || strcmpi('GLNXA64', computer) ... || strcmpi('MACI', computer) || strcmpi('MAC', computer) % GNU/Linux (x86-32 or x86-64) or MacOS (Intel or PPC) LAPACK_PATH = '-lmwlapack'; if matlab_ver_less_than('7.5') BLAS_PATH = LAPACK_PATH; % On <= 7.4, BLAS in included in LAPACK else BLAS_PATH = '-lmwblas'; end elseif strcmpi('PCWIN', computer) || strcmpi('PCWIN64', computer) % Windows (x86-32 or x86-64) with Microsoft or gcc compiler if strcmpi('PCWIN', computer) LIBRARY_PATH = [MATLAB_PATH '/extern/lib/win32/microsoft/']; else LIBRARY_PATH = [MATLAB_PATH '/extern/lib/win64/microsoft/']; end LAPACK_PATH = ['"' LIBRARY_PATH 'libmwlapack.lib"']; if matlab_ver_less_than('7.5') BLAS_PATH = LAPACK_PATH; % On <= 7.4, BLAS in included in LAPACK else BLAS_PATH = ['"' LIBRARY_PATH 'libmwblas.lib"']; end else error('Unsupported platform') end % mwSize, mwIndex and mwSignedIndex appeared in Matlab 7.3 if matlab_ver_less_than('7.3') COMPILE_OPTIONS = [ COMPILE_OPTIONS ' -DMWTYPES_NOT_DEFINED' ]; end % Matlab Lapack expects mwSignedIndex arguments only starting with Matlab 7.8 if ~matlab_ver_less_than('7.8') COMPILE_OPTIONS = [ COMPILE_OPTIONS ' -DLAPACK_USE_MWSIGNEDINDEX' ]; end % Large array dims for 64 bits platforms appeared in Matlab 7.3 if (strcmpi('GLNXA64', computer) || strcmpi('PCWIN64', computer)) ... && ~matlab_ver_less_than('7.3') COMPILE_OPTIONS = [ COMPILE_OPTIONS ' -largeArrayDims' ]; end % blas.h and lapack.h appeared in Matlab 7.5 if matlab_ver_less_than('7.5') COMPILE_OPTIONS = [ COMPILE_OPTIONS ' -DNO_BLAS_H -DNO_LAPACK_H' ]; end if matlab_ver_less_than('7.5') OUTPUT_DIR = '../2007a'; elseif matlab_ver_less_than('7.8') || isempty(regexp(computer, '.*64','ONCE')) OUTPUT_DIR = '../2007b'; else OUTPUT_DIR = '../2009a-64bit'; end disp(' ') if exist(OUTPUT_DIR,'dir') disp('Delete old mex files.') delete([OUTPUT_DIR '/*.' mexext]); else whereami = pwd; disp(['Create directory ' whereami(1:end-7) OUTPUT_DIR(4:end) '.']) mkdir(OUTPUT_DIR); end disp(' ') % Set Optimization and Debug flags CXXOPTIMFLAGS = ' CXXOPTIMFLAGS=-O3 '; COPTIMFLAGS = ' COPTIMFLAGS=-O3 '; CXXDEBUGFLAGS = ' CXXDEBUGFLAGS= '; CDEBUGFLAGS = ' CDEBUGFLAGS= '; LDOPTIMFLAGS = ' LDOPTIMFLAGS=-O3 '; LDDEBUGFLAGS = ' LDDEBUGFLAGS= '; COMPILE_OPTIONS = [ COMPILE_OPTIONS CDEBUGFLAGS COPTIMFLAGS CXXDEBUGFLAGS CXXOPTIMFLAGS LDDEBUGFLAGS LDOPTIMFLAGS]; % Comment next line to suppress compilation debugging info % COMPILE_OPTIONS = [ COMPILE_OPTIONS ' -v' ]; COMPILE_COMMAND = [ 'mex ' COMPILE_OPTIONS ' -outdir ' OUTPUT_DIR ]; CFLAGS = ' CFLAGS="\$CFLAGS -fopenmp" '; CXXFLAGS = ' CXXFLAGS="\$CXXFLAGS -fopenmp" '; LDFLAGS = ' LDFLAGS="\$LDFLAGS -fopenmp" '; disp('Compiling isopenmp...') try eval([ 'mex ' COMPILE_OPTIONS CFLAGS CXXFLAGS LDFLAGS ' -outdir ' OUTPUT_DIR ' threads/isopenmp.cc ' ]); disp(' ') disp('|------------------------------------------------|') disp('| OpenMp is used (multithreaded mex files) for: |') disp('| * sparse_hessian_times_B_kronecker_C.cc |') disp('| * A_times_B_kronecker_C.cc |') disp('| * bytecode (SparseMatrix.cc) |') disp('|------------------------------------------------|') disp(' ') COMPILE_OPTIONS_OMP = [ COMPILE_OPTIONS CFLAGS CXXFLAGS LDFLAGS ]; catch disp(' ') disp('|------------------------------------------------|') disp('| OpenMp is not available on this platform! |') disp('|------------------------------------------------|') disp(' ') CFLAGS = []; CXXFLAGS = []; LDFLAGS = []; COMPILE_OPTIONS_OMP = [ COMPILE_OPTIONS ' -DNO_OPENMP' ]; end COMPILE_COMMAND_OMP = [ 'mex ' COMPILE_OPTIONS_OMP ' -outdir ' OUTPUT_DIR ]; disp('Compiling mjdgges...') eval([ COMPILE_COMMAND ' mjdgges/mjdgges.c ' LAPACK_PATH ]); disp('Compiling sparse_hessian_times_B_kronecker_C...') eval([ COMPILE_COMMAND_OMP ' kronecker/sparse_hessian_times_B_kronecker_C.cc' ]); disp('Compiling A_times_B_kronecker_C...') eval([ COMPILE_COMMAND_OMP ' kronecker/A_times_B_kronecker_C.cc ']); disp('Compiling gensylv...') eval([ COMPILE_COMMAND ' -DMATLAB -Igensylv/cc ' ... 'gensylv/matlab/gensylv.cpp ' ... 'gensylv/cc/BlockDiagonal.cpp ' ... 'gensylv/cc/GeneralMatrix.cpp ' ... 'gensylv/cc/GeneralSylvester.cpp ' ... 'gensylv/cc/IterativeSylvester.cpp ' ... 'gensylv/cc/KronUtils.cpp ' ... 'gensylv/cc/KronVector.cpp ' ... 'gensylv/cc/QuasiTriangular.cpp ' ... 'gensylv/cc/QuasiTriangularZero.cpp ' ... 'gensylv/cc/SchurDecomp.cpp ' ... 'gensylv/cc/SchurDecompEig.cpp ' ... 'gensylv/cc/SimilarityDecomp.cpp ' ... 'gensylv/cc/SylvException.cpp ' ... 'gensylv/cc/SylvMatrix.cpp ' ... 'gensylv/cc/SylvMemory.cpp ' ... 'gensylv/cc/SylvParams.cpp ' ... 'gensylv/cc/TriangularSylvester.cpp ' ... 'gensylv/cc/Vector.cpp ' ... BLAS_PATH ' ' LAPACK_PATH ]); disp('Compiling bytecode...') eval([ COMPILE_COMMAND_OMP ' -Ibytecode -I../../preprocessor bytecode/bytecode.cc bytecode/Interpreter.cc bytecode/Mem_Mngr.cc bytecode/SparseMatrix.cc']);