function [fh,xh,gh,H,itct,fcount,retcodeh] = csminwel1(fcn,x0,H0,grad,crit,nit,method,epsilon,Verbose,Save_files,varargin) %[fhat,xhat,ghat,Hhat,itct,fcount,retcodeh] = csminwel1(fcn,x0,H0,grad,crit,nit,method,epsilon,varargin) % Inputs: % fcn: [string] string naming the objective function to be minimized % x0: [npar by 1] initial value of the parameter vector % H0: [npar by npar] initial value for the inverse Hessian. Must be positive definite. % grad: [string or empty matrix] Either a string naming a function that calculates the gradient, or the null matrix. % If it's null, the program calculates a numerical gradient. In this case fcn must % be written so that it can take a matrix argument and produce a row vector of values. % crit: [scalar] Convergence criterion. Iteration will cease when it proves impossible to improve the % function value by more than crit. % nit: [scalar] Maximum number of iterations. % method: [scalar] integer scalar for selecting gradient method: 2, 3 or 5 points formula. % epsilon: [scalar] scalar double, numerical differentiation increment % varargin: Optional additional inputs that get handed off to fcn each % time it is called. % % Note that if the program ends abnormally, it is possible to retrieve the current x, % f, and H from the files g1.mat and H.mat that are written at each iteration and at each % hessian update, respectively. (When the routine hits certain kinds of difficulty, it % writes g2.mat and g3.mat as well. If all were written at about the same time, any of them % may be a decent starting point. One can also start from the one with best function value.) % % Outputs: % fh: [scalar] function value at minimum % xh: [npar by 1] parameter vector at minimum % gh [npar by 1] gradient vector % H [npar by npar] inverse of the Hessian matrix % itct [scalar] iteration count upon termination % fcount [scalar] function iteration count upon termination % retcodeh [scalar] return code: % 0: normal step % 1: zero gradient % 2: back and forth on step length never finished % 3: smallest step still improving too slow % 4: back and forth on step length never finished % 5: largest step still improving too fast % 6: smallest step still improving too slow, reversed gradient % 7: warning: possible inaccuracy in H matrix % % Original file downloaded from: % % % Copyright (C) 1993-2007 Christopher Sims % Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . % initialize variable penalty penalty = 1e8; fh = []; xh = []; [nx,no]=size(x0); nx=max(nx,no); NumGrad= isempty(grad); done=0; itct=0; fcount=0; gh = []; H = []; retcodeh = []; % force fcn, grad to function handle if ischar(fcn) fcn = str2func(fcn); end if ischar(grad) grad = str2func(grad); end %tailstr = ')'; %stailstr = []; % Lines below make the number of Pi's optional. This is inefficient, though, and precludes % use of the matlab compiler. Without them, we use feval and the number of Pi's must be % changed with the editor for each application. Places where this is required are marked % with ARGLIST comments %for i=nargin-6:-1:1 % tailstr=[ ',P' num2str(i) tailstr]; % stailstr=[' P' num2str(i) stailstr]; %end [f0,cost_flag,arg1] = penalty_objective_function(x0,fcn,penalty,varargin{:}); if ~cost_flag disp_verbose('Bad initial parameter.',Verbose) return end if NumGrad [g, badg]=get_num_grad(method,fcn,penalty,f0,x0,epsilon,varargin{:}); elseif ischar(grad) [g,badg] = grad(x0,varargin{:}); else g=arg1; badg=0; end retcode3=101; x=x0; f=f0; H=H0; cliff=0; while ~done % penalty for dsge_likelihood and dsge_var_likelihood penalty = f; g1=[]; g2=[]; g3=[]; %addition fj. 7/6/94 for control disp_verbose('-----------------',Verbose) disp_verbose(sprintf('f at the beginning of new iteration, %20.10f',f),Verbose) %-----------Comment out this line if the x vector is long---------------- % disp_verbose([sprintf('x = ') sprintf('%15.8g %15.8g %15.8g %15.8g\n',x)]); %------------------------- itct=itct+1; [f1, x1, fc, retcode1] = csminit1(fcn,x,penalty,f,g,badg,H,Verbose,varargin{:}); fcount = fcount+fc; % erased on 8/4/94 % if (retcode == 1) || (abs(f1-f) < crit) % done=1; % end % if itct > nit % done = 1; % retcode = -retcode; % end if retcode1 ~= 1 if retcode1==2 || retcode1==4 wall1=1; badg1=1; else if NumGrad [g1, badg1]=get_num_grad(method,fcn,penalty,f1,x1,epsilon,varargin{:}); elseif ischar(grad) [g1, badg1] = grad(x1,varargin{:}); else [junk1,cost_flag,g1] = penalty_objective_function(x1,fcn,penalty,varargin{:}); badg1 = ~cost_flag; end wall1=badg1; % g1 if Save_files save('g1.mat','g1','x1','f1','varargin'); end end if wall1 % && (~done) by Jinill % Bad gradient or back and forth on step length. Possibly at % cliff edge. Try perturbing search direction. % %fcliff=fh;xcliff=xh; Hcliff=H+diag(diag(H).*rand(nx,1)); disp_verbose('Cliff. Perturbing search direction.',Verbose) [f2, x2, fc, retcode2] = csminit1(fcn,x,penalty,f,g,badg,Hcliff,Verbose,varargin{:}); fcount = fcount+fc; % put by Jinill if f2 < f if retcode2==2 || retcode2==4 wall2=1; badg2=1; else if NumGrad [g2, badg2]=get_num_grad(method,fcn,penalty,f2,x2,epsilon,varargin{:}); elseif ischar(grad) [g2, badg2] = grad(x2,varargin{:}); else [junk2,cost_flag,g2] = penalty_objective_function(x1,fcn,penalty,varargin{:}); badg2 = ~cost_flag; end wall2=badg2; % g2 if Verbose badg2 end if Save_files save('g2.mat','g2','x2','f2','varargin'); end end if wall2 disp_verbose('Cliff again. Try traversing',Verbose) if norm(x2-x1) < 1e-13 f3=f; x3=x; badg3=1;retcode3=101; else gcliff=((f2-f1)/((norm(x2-x1))^2))*(x2-x1); if(size(x0,2)>1) gcliff=gcliff'; end [f3, x3, fc, retcode3] = csminit1(fcn,x,penalty,f,gcliff,0,eye(nx),Verbose,varargin{:}); fcount = fcount+fc; % put by Jinill if retcode3==2 || retcode3==4 wall3=1; badg3=1; else if NumGrad [g3, badg3]=get_num_grad(method,fcn,penalty,f3,x3,epsilon,varargin{:}); elseif ischar(grad) [g3, badg3] = grad(x3,varargin{:}); else [junk3,cost_flag,g3] = penalty_objective_function(x1,fcn,penalty,varargin{:}); badg3 = ~cost_flag; end wall3=badg3; % g3 if Save_files save('g3.mat','g3','x3','f3','varargin'); end end end else f3=f; x3=x; badg3=1; retcode3=101; end else f3=f; x3=x; badg3=1;retcode3=101; end else % normal iteration, no walls, or else we're finished here. f2=f; f3=f; badg2=1; badg3=1; retcode2=101; retcode3=101; end else f2=f;f3=f;f1=f;retcode2=retcode1;retcode3=retcode1; end %how to pick gh and xh if f3 < f - crit && badg3==0 && f3 < f2 && f3 < f1 ih=3; fh=f3;xh=x3;gh=g3;badgh=badg3;retcodeh=retcode3; elseif f2 < f - crit && badg2==0 && f2 < f1 ih=2; fh=f2;xh=x2;gh=g2;badgh=badg2;retcodeh=retcode2; elseif f1 < f - crit && badg1==0 ih=1; fh=f1;xh=x1;gh=g1;badgh=badg1;retcodeh=retcode1; else [fh,ih] = min([f1,f2,f3]); %disp_verbose(sprintf('ih = %d',ih)) %eval(['xh=x' num2str(ih) ';']) switch ih case 1 xh=x1; case 2 xh=x2; case 3 xh=x3; end %case %eval(['gh=g' num2str(ih) ';']) %eval(['retcodeh=retcode' num2str(ih) ';']) retcodei=[retcode1,retcode2,retcode3]; retcodeh=retcodei(ih); if exist('gh') nogh=isempty(gh); else nogh=1; end if nogh if NumGrad [gh, badgh]=get_num_grad(method,fcn,penalty,fh,xh,epsilon,varargin{:}); elseif ischar(grad) [gh, badgh] = grad(xh,varargin{:}); else [junkh,cost_flag,gh] = penalty_objective_function(x1,fcn,penalty,varargin{:}); badgh = ~cost_flag; end end badgh=1; end %end of picking stuck = (abs(fh-f) < crit); if (~badg) && (~badgh) && (~stuck) H = bfgsi1(H,gh-g,xh-x,Verbose,Save_files); end disp_verbose('----',Verbose) disp_verbose(sprintf('Improvement on iteration %d = %18.9f',itct,f-fh),Verbose) % if Verbose if itct > nit disp_verbose('iteration count termination',Verbose) done = 1; elseif stuck disp_verbose('improvement < crit termination',Verbose) done = 1; end rc=retcodeh; if Verbose || done if rc ==0 %do nothing, just a normal step elseif rc == 1 disp_verbose('zero gradient',Verbose) elseif rc == 6 disp_verbose('smallest step still improving too slow, reversed gradient',Verbose) elseif rc == 5 disp_verbose('largest step still improving too fast',Verbose) elseif (rc == 4) || (rc==2) disp_verbose('back and forth on step length never finished',Verbose) elseif rc == 3 disp_verbose('smallest step still improving too slow',Verbose) elseif rc == 7 disp_verbose('warning: possible inaccuracy in H matrix',Verbose) else error('Unaccounted Case, please contact the developers',Verbose) end end f=fh; x=xh; g=gh; badg=badgh; end end function [g, badg]=get_num_grad(method,fcn,penalty,f0,x0,epsilon,varargin) switch method case 2 [g,badg] = numgrad2(fcn, f0, x0, penalty, epsilon, varargin{:}); case 3 [g,badg] = numgrad3(fcn, f0, x0, penalty, epsilon, varargin{:}); case 5 [g,badg] = numgrad5(fcn, f0, x0, penalty, epsilon, varargin{:}); case 13 [g,badg] = numgrad3_(fcn, f0, x0, penalty, epsilon, varargin{:}); case 15 [g,badg] = numgrad5_(fcn, f0, x0, penalty, epsilon, varargin{:}); otherwise error('csminwel1: Unknown method for gradient evaluation!') end end