// Uses autonomous system from sim_base.mod, but adds separate system where exogenous variables have several leads and lags // Lags and leads on exogenous variables are substituted out by auxiliary variables data1 = repmat([1.2, 1.2, 12, 1, 1, 1], 208, 1); data1(6, 6) = 0.9; //shock to x in period 2 ds = dseries(data1, '1Y', {'c', 'cmav', 'k', 'z_backward', 'z_forward', 'x'}); var c cmav k z_backward z_forward; varexo x; parameters alph gam delt bet aa; alph=0.5; gam=0.5; delt=0.02; bet=0.05; aa=0.5; model; c + k - aa*x*k(-1)^alph - (1-delt)*k(-1); c^(-gam) - (1+bet)^(-1)*(aa*alph*x(+1)*k^(alph-1) + 1 - delt)*c(+1)^(-gam); z_backward=0.1*1+0.9*z_backward(-1) + (x(-4) - 1); z_forward=0.2*1+0.8*z_forward(+1) + (x(+4) - 1); cmav = 0.2*(c(-2) + c(-1) + c + c(+1) + c(+2)); end; initval_file(series = ds); if oo_.initval_series.dates(1) ~= dates('1Y'); error("Wrong initial date in oo_.initval_series"); end; if oo_.initval_series{'x'}.data(6) ~= 0.9; error("Wrond value for x"); end; perfect_foresight_setup(periods=200); perfect_foresight_solver(maxit=100); if ~oo_.deterministic_simulation.status error('Perfect foresight simulation failed'); end base_results=load('sim_exo_lead_lag_results.mat'); if max(max(abs(base_results.oo_.endo_simul(1:5,:) - oo_.endo_simul(1:5,:)))) > 1e-8 error('Simulation with leads and lags doesn''t match the one with auxiliary variables') end data1 = repmat([1.2, 1.2, 12, 1, 1, 1], 212, 1); data1(8, 6) = 0.9; //shock to x in period 2 ds1 = dseries(data1, '1Y', {'c', 'cmav', 'k', 'z_backward', 'z_forward', 'x'}); initval_file(series = ds1, first_obs = 3, last_obs = 210, nobs = 208); if oo_.initval_series.dates(1) ~= dates('1Y'); error("Wrong initial date in oo_.initval_series"); end; if oo_.initval_series{'x'}.data(6) ~= 0.9; error("Wrond value for x"); end; perfect_foresight_setup(periods=200); perfect_foresight_solver(maxit=100); if ~oo_.deterministic_simulation.status error('Perfect foresight simulation failed'); end base_results=load('sim_exo_lead_lag_results.mat'); if max(max(abs(base_results.oo_.endo_simul(1:5,:) - oo_.endo_simul(1:5,:)))) > 1e-8 error('Simulation with leads and lags doesn''t match the one with auxiliary variables') end initval_file(series = ds1, first_obs = 3Y, last_obs = 210Y, nobs = 208); if oo_.initval_series.dates(1) ~= dates('3Y'); error("Wrong initial date in oo_.initval_series"); end; if oo_.initval_series{'x'}.data(6) ~= 0.9; error("Wrond value for x"); end; perfect_foresight_setup(periods=200); perfect_foresight_solver(maxit=100); if ~oo_.deterministic_simulation.status error('Perfect foresight simulation failed'); end base_results=load('sim_exo_lead_lag_results.mat'); if max(max(abs(base_results.oo_.endo_simul(1:5,:) - oo_.endo_simul(1:5,:)))) > 1e-8 error('Simulation with leads and lags doesn''t match the one with auxiliary variables') end initval_file(series = ds1, first_simulation_period = 7); if oo_.initval_series.dates(1) ~= dates('1Y'); error("Wrong initial date in oo_.initval_series"); end; if oo_.initval_series{'x'}.data(6) ~= 0.9; error("Wrond value for x"); end; perfect_foresight_setup(periods=200); perfect_foresight_solver(maxit=100); if ~oo_.deterministic_simulation.status error('Perfect foresight simulation failed'); end base_results=load('sim_exo_lead_lag_results.mat'); if max(max(abs(base_results.oo_.endo_simul(1:5,:) - oo_.endo_simul(1:5,:)))) > 1e-8 error('Simulation with leads and lags doesn''t match the one with auxiliary variables') end initval_file(series = ds1, first_simulation_period = 7Y); if oo_.initval_series.dates(1) ~= dates('1Y'); error("Wrong initial date in oo_.initval_series"); end; if oo_.initval_series{'x'}.data(6) ~= 0.9; error("Wrond value for x"); end; perfect_foresight_setup(periods=200); perfect_foresight_solver(maxit=100); if ~oo_.deterministic_simulation.status error('Perfect foresight simulation failed'); end base_results=load('sim_exo_lead_lag_results.mat'); if max(max(abs(base_results.oo_.endo_simul(1:5,:) - oo_.endo_simul(1:5,:)))) > 1e-8 error('Simulation with leads and lags doesn''t match the one with auxiliary variables') end