// Various tests for the macroprocessor var y, c, k, a, h, b; varexo e, u; @#ifndef NOTDEFINED parameters beta, rho, alpha, delta, theta, psi, tau; @#else @#error "IFNDEF PROBLEM" @#endif @#ifdef NOTDEFINED @#error "IFDEF PROBLEM" @#else alpha = 0.36; rho = 0.95; tau = 0.025; beta = 0.99; delta = 0.025; psi = 0; theta = 2.95; phi = 0.1; @#endif @#define a = 5 @#define b = 2*(a + 3)/4-1 @#if b != 3 @#error "Arithmetic problem" @#endif @#define v = [ "a", 1, 2:3] @#define empty = [] @#define z = v[2:3] @#if z != [ 1, [ 2, 3 ]] || length(v) != 3 || 5 in v || !("a" in v) || length(empty) != 0 @#error "Array problem" @#endif @#define w = [ 1 ] @#for elt in v @#define w = w + [ elt ] @#endfor @#if w != [ 1, "a", 1, 2:3] @#error "For loop problem" @#endif @#define s = "abcde" @#if length(s) != 5 || s[3:4] != "cd" @#error "String problem" @#endif @#define f(y, z) = y + "bar" + z @#if f("foo", "baz") != "foobarbaz" @#error "Function problem" @#endif @#define x = 1:3 @#define y = [ i in x when i > 1 ] @#if y != [ 2, 3 ] @# error "One-dimensional comprehension problem" @#endif @#define z = [ (i,j) in x^2 when i != j ] @#if z != [ (1,2), (1,3), (2,1), (2,3), (3,1), (3,2) ] @# error "Two-dimensional comprehension problem" @#endif @#define t = 2:4 @#define tt = [ (i,j) in t^2 when (i,j) in [ (k,l) in x^2 when k != l ] ] @#if tt != [ (2,3), (3,2) ] @# error "Nested comprehension problem" @#endif model; c*theta*h^(1+psi)=(1-alpha)*y; k = beta*(((exp(b)*c)/(exp(b(+1))*c(+1))) *(exp(b(+1))*alpha*y(+1)+(1-delta)*k)); y = exp(a)*(k(-1)^alpha)*(h^(1-alpha)); k = exp(b)*(y-c)+(1-delta)*k(-1); a = rho*a(-1)+tau*b(-1) + e; b = tau*a(-1)+rho*b(-1) + u; end; initval; y = 1.08068253095672; c = 0.80359242014163; h = 0.29175631001732; k = 11.08360443260358; a = 0; b = 0; e = 0; u = 0; end; @#define DEFINEDvar=0 @#ifndef DEFINEDvar @#error "IFNDEF PROBLEM" @#else shocks; var e; stderr 0.009; var u; stderr 0.009; var e, u = phi*0.009*0.009; end; @#endif @#ifdef DEFINEDvar stoch_simul; @#elseif true @#error "ELSEIF PROBLEM" @#else @#error "IFDEF PROBLEM" @#endif @#if false @#error "IF ERROR" @#elseif false @#error "ELSEIF ERROR" @#elseif defined(DEFINEDvar) @#echo "Good" @#else @#error "ELSE ERROR" @#endif @#define a = 1 @#define f(x) = x + a @#define a = 2 @#define g(a) = f(1) + a @#define a = 3 @#define h(a) = g(2) + a @#if f(1) != 4 @#error "Problem with functions 1" @#endif @#if g(2) != 6 @#error "Problem with functions 2" @#endif @#if h(1) != 7 @#error "Problem with functions 3" @#endif @#if h(g(f(1))+1) != 15 @#error "Problem with functions 4" @#endif @#define zerotol = 1e-15 @#if exp(ln(5)) <= 5-zerotol && exp(ln(5)) >= 5+zerotol @#error "Problem with math functions" @#endif @#if log(0) != -inf || 1/0 != inf @#error "Problem with inf" @#endif @#if 5 < nan @#error "Problem with NaN comparison" @#endif @#if 5 >= inf @#error "Problem with inf comparison" @#endif @#if "Aaaaaaaa" > "B" || "AA" != "AA" @#error "String comparison" @#endif @#define A = "La crise économique" @#if A[1,8,3,7,4,10,13,2,5,16,12,9,11,14,15,6,17:19] != "Le scénario comique" @#error "Problem with string indexing/comparison" @#endif @#define f(x) = x + "C" @#if "A" + f("B") != "ABC" @#error "Problem with String concatenation" @#endif @#define z = [[i,"A",i:j,j] for (i,j) in (1:3)^2 when i < j] @#if z != [[1, "A", [1, 2], 2], [1, "A", [1, 2, 3], 3], [2, "A", [2, 3], 3]] @#error "Problem with array comprehension" @#endif @#if [(i,j) in (1:2)^2 when i 5-1e-14 && exp(log(5)) < 5+1e-14 @#else @#error "Numeric comparison incorrect" @#endif @#if ([1] + (array)(real) "2") != [1, 2] @#error "Cast error" @#endif @#if -3:-1.5:3 != [] || 3:-1:-0.1 != [3, 2, 1, 0] \\ || 1:1 != [1] || 1:0:1 != [] \\ || -1:5:-1 != [-1] || -1:-5:-1 != [-1] \\ // Inline comment || 0:0:0 != [] || 0:0 != [0] @#error "Range error" @#endif @#echomacrovars(save) @#echomacrovars