function sz_prd(M,options_) %========================================================================== %== Directory structure %========================================================================== %generation of mhm file %generateMHM_input(options_); swz_root = strrep(which('swz_sbvar'),'/swz_sbvar.m',''); % path for C executables %c_path='./c-executables'; c_path = [swz_root '/bin']; % path for Markov specification m_spec_path=[swz_root '/switching_specification']; % path for MHM specification mhm_spec_path=[swz_root '/mhm_specification']; %========================================================================== %== Output control %========================================================================== % tag for output files %create an option'test_2v'; % 1 to create init_.dat, 0 otherwise = 1; %0 originally % 1 to perform estimation, 0 otherwise = 1; % 1 to perform estimation, 0 otherwise = 1; % 1 to compute probabilites, 0 otherwise = 1;%1 in the original % 1 to Prints draws of the posterior = 1;;; %========================================================================== %== Markov Process Specification File %========================================================================== = 'specification_2v2c.dat'; %create an option markov_file = [ '.dat']; %========================================================================== %== Markov Process Specification File %========================================================================== = 'MHM_input.dat'; mhm_file = '/MHM_input.dat'; = 100000; %========================================================================== %== Var Specification %========================================================================== % Number of = 4; % Var restriction function = 'ftd_upperchol3v'; %create an option %========================================================================== %== BVAR prior %========================================================================== %=== The following mu is effective only if indxPrior==1. mu = zeros(6,1); % hyperparameters % mu(1): overall tightness for A0 and Aplus mu(1) = 1.0; % mu(2): relative tightness for Aplus mu(2) = 1.0; % mu(3): relative tightness for the constant term mu(3) = 0.1; % mu(4): tightness on lag decay. (1.2 - 1.5 faster decay produces better % inflation forecasts mu(4) = 1.2; % mu(5): weight on nvar sums of coeffs dummy observations (unit roots). mu(5) = 1; % mu(6): weight on single dummy initial observation including constant % (cointegration, unit roots, and stationarity). mu(6) = 1; % Alpha on p. 66 for squared time-varying structural shock lambda. galp = 1.0; % Beta on p. 66 for squared time-varying structural shock lambda. gbeta = 1.0; % Case 3 (no state change across (l) but allows all variables for a % given lag to switch states). Normal prior variance for glamda % (nvar-by-nvar for each state) for different variables in lagged D+. See % p.71v. gsig2_lmdm = 50^2; %========================================================================== %== Data %========================================================================== % Read in data to produce rectangular array named xdd. Each column is one % data series. %load ./data/artificial_data; % Information about timing of the data for consistancy checks % quarters (4) or months (12) %q_m = 4; = 4; q_m =; % beginning year in data set %yrBin=1978; = 1959;; % beginning quarter or month in data set %qmBin=1; = 1;; % final year in data set %yrFin=2007; = 2005;; % final month or quarter in data set %qmFin=4; = 4;; % first year to use in estimation %yrStart=yrBin;; % first quarter or month to use in estimation %qmStart=qmBin;; % last year to use in estimation %yrEnd=yrFin;; % last quater or month to use in estimation %qmEnd=qmFin;; % Log variables in xdd logindx = []; % Convert percent to decimal in xdd pctindx = []; % Select the variable to use and rearrange columns if desired %vlist = [3 1 2]; = [1 2 3]; = [1:size(options_.varobs,1)];; %========================================================================== %== Linux or Windows system - differences in some naming conventions %========================================================================== use_linux = 1; %========================================================================== %== Random number seed for selecting starting point in constant parameter %== optimization. %========================================================================== % Set to zero to set from clock seednumber = 7910; if seednumber randn('state',seednumber); rand('state',seednumber); else rand('state',fix(100*sum(clock))); randn('state',1000000000*rand); rand('state',1000000000*rand); end %========================================================================== %========================================================================== %========================================================================== %== Beginning of code. Modify below at own risk. %========================================================================== % options that may at some point become user specified %indxC0Pres = 0; % 1: cross-A0-and-A+ restrictions; 0: idfile_const is all we have indxC0Pres; % Example for indxOres==1: restrictions of the form P(t) = P(t-1). %Rform = 0; % 1: contemporaneous recursive reduced form; 0: restricted (non-recursive) form Rform; % % % Pseudo = 0; % 1: Pseudo forecasts; 0: real time forecasts %indxPrior = 1; % 1: Bayesian prior; 0: no prior indxPrior; %indxDummy = indxPrior; % 1: add dummy observations to the data; 0: no dummy added. indxDummy =; %ndobs = 0; % No dummy observations for xtx, phi, fss, xdatae, etc. Dummy observations are used as an explicit prior in fn_rnrprior_covres_dobs.m. ndobs; %if indxDummy % ndobs=nvar+1; % number of dummy observations %else % ndobs=0; % no dummy observations %end % hpmsmd = [0.0; 0.0]; indxmsmdeqn = [0; 0; 0; 0]; %This option disenable using this in fn_rnrprior_covres_dobs.m nStates = -1; %========================================================================== %== Create initialization file %========================================================================== if == 1 %====================================================================== %== Check and setup data %====================================================================== % log data xdd(:,logindx) = log(xdd(:,logindx)); % convert percentage to decimal xdd(:,pctindx)=.01*xdd(:,pctindx); if (q_m ~= 12) && (q_m ~= 4) disp('Warning: data must be monthly or quarterly!') return end % number of data points nData=(yrFin-yrBin)*q_m + (qmFin-qmBin+1); % number of data points in estimation sample nSample=(yrEnd-yrStart)*q_m + (qmEnd-qmEnd+1); % number of periods not used at beginning of data (non-negative number) nStart=(yrStart-yrBin)*q_m + (qmStart-qmBin); % number of periods not used at end of data (non-positive number) nEnd=(yrEnd-yrFin)*q_m + (qmEnd-qmFin); if (nEnd > 0) || (nStart < 0) disp('Warning: desired estimation period not in data set!') return end if (nSample <= 0) disp('Warning: no data points in estimation period!') return end % reorder variables and create estimation data set xdgel=xdd(nStart+1:nData+nEnd,vlist1); % bad data points baddata = find(isnan(xdgel)); if ~isempty(baddata) disp('Warning: some data for estimation period are unavailable.') return end % set nvar and nexo nvar=size(xdgel,2); nexo=1; % Arranged data information, WITHOUT dummy obs when 0 after mu is used. % See fn_rnrprior_covres_dobs.m for using the dummy observations as part of % an explicit prior. [xtx,xty,yty,fss,phi,y,ncoef,xr,Bh] = fn_dataxy(nvar,,xdgel,mu,0,nexo); %====================================================================== %== Linear Restrictions %====================================================================== if Rform Ui=cell(nvar,1); Vi=cell(ncoef,1); for kj=1:nvar Ui{kj} = eye(nvar); Vi{kj} = eye(ncoef); end else [Ui,Vi,n0,np,ixmC0Pres] = feval(,nvar,nexo,; if min(n0)==0 disp('A0: restrictions give no free parameters in one of equations') return elseif min(np)==0 disp('Aplus: Restrictions in give no free parameters in one of equations') return end end %====================================================================== %== Estimation %====================================================================== if indxPrior %*** Obtains asymmetric prior (with no linear restrictions) with dummy observations as part of an explicit prior (i.e, % reflected in Hpmulti and Hpinvmulti). See Forecast II, pp.69a-69b for details. if 1 % Liquidity effect prior on both MS and MD equations. [Pi,H0multi,Hpmulti,H0invmulti,Hpinvmulti] = fn_rnrprior_covres_dobs(nvar,q_m,,xdgel,mu,indxDummy,hpmsmd,indxmsmdeqn); else [Pi,H0multi,Hpmulti,H0invmulti,Hpinvmulti] = fn_rnrprior(nvar,q_m,,xdgel,mu); end %*** Combines asymmetric prior with linear restrictions [Ptld,H0invtld,Hpinvtld] = fn_rlrprior(Ui,Vi,Pi,H0multi,Hpmulti,nvar); %*** Obtains the posterior matrices for estimation and inference [Pmat,H0inv,Hpinv] = fn_rlrpostr(xtx,xty,yty,Ptld,H0invtld,Hpinvtld,Ui,Vi); else %*** Obtain the posterior matrices for estimation and inference [Pmat,H0inv,Hpinv] = fn_dlrpostr(xtx,xty,yty,Ui,Vi); end if Rform %*** Obtain the ML estimate A0hatinv = chol(H0inv{1}/fss); % upper triangular but lower triangular choleski A0hat=inv(A0hatinv); Aphat = Pmat{1}*A0hat; else %*** Obtain the ML estimate % load idenml x = 10*rand(sum(n0),1); H0 = eye(sum(n0)); crit = 1.0e-9; nit = 10000; % tic [fhat,xhat,grad,Hhat,itct,fcount,retcodehat] = csminwel('fn_a0freefun',x,H0,'fn_a0freegrad',crit,nit,Ui,nvar,n0,fss,H0inv); endtime = toc; A0hat = fn_tran_b2a(xhat,Ui,nvar,n0); xhat = fn_tran_a2b(A0hat,Ui,nvar,n0); [Aphat,ghat] = fn_gfmean(xhat,Pmat,Vi,nvar,ncoef,n0,np); if indxC0Pres Fhatur0P = Fhat; % ur: unrestriced across A0 and A+ for ki = 1:size(ixmC0Pres,1) % loop through the number of equations in which % cross-A0-A+ restrictions occur. See St. Louis Note p.5. ixeq = ixmC0Pres{ki}(1,1); % index for the jth equation in consideration. Lit = Vi{ixeq}(ixmC0Pres{ki}(:,2),:); % transposed restriction matrix Li % V_j(i,:) in f_j(i) = V_j(i,:)*g_j ci = ixmC0Pres{ki}(:,4) .* A0hat(ixmC0Pres{ki}(:,3),ixeq); % s * a_j(h) in the restriction f_j(i) = s * a_j(h). LtH = Lit/Hpinv{ixeq}; HLV = LtH'/(LtH*Lit'); gihat = Vi{ixeq}'*Fhatur0P(:,ixeq); Aphat(:,ixeq) = Vi{ixeq}*(gihat + HLV*(ci-Lit*gihat)); end end end %====================================================================== %== Create matlab initialization file %====================================================================== matlab_filename = ['matlab_',,'.prn']; fidForC = fopen(matlab_filename,'w'); fprintf(fidForC,'\n%s\n','//== gxia: alpha parameter for gamma prior of xi ==//'); fprintf(fidForC,' %20.15f ', galp); fprintf(fidForC, '\n\n'); fprintf(fidForC,'\n%s\n','//== gxib: beta parameter for gamma prior of xi ==//'); fprintf(fidForC,' %20.15f ', gbeta); fprintf(fidForC, '\n\n'); fprintf(fidForC,'\n%s\n','//== glamdasig: sigma parameter for normal prior of lamda ==//'); fprintf(fidForC,' %20.15f ', sqrt(gsig2_lmdm)); fprintf(fidForC, '\n\n'); %=== lags, nvar, nStates, sample size (excluding where, with dummyies, fprintf(fidForC,'\n%s\n','//== lags, nvar, nStates, T ==//'); fprintf(fidForC,' %d %d %d %d\n\n\n',, nvar, nStates, fss); %=== A0hat nvar-by-nvar from the constant VAR. fprintf(fidForC,'\n%s\n','//== A0hat: nvar-by-nvar ==//'); indxFloat = 1; xM = A0hat; nrows = nvar; ncols = nvar; fn_fprintmatrix(fidForC, xM, nrows, ncols, indxFloat) %=== Aphat ncoef-by-nvar from the constant VAR. %=== Each column of Aphat is in the order of [nvar variables for 1st lag, ..., nvar variables for last lag, constant term]. fprintf(fidForC,'\n%s\n','//== Aphat: ncoef(lags*nvar+1)-by-nvar ==//'); indxFloat = 1; xM = Aphat; nrows = ncoef; ncols = nvar; fn_fprintmatrix(fidForC, xM, nrows, ncols, indxFloat) %=== n0const: nvar-by-1, whose ith element represents the number of free A0 parameters in ith equation for the case of constant parameters. fprintf(fidForC,'\n%s\n','//== n0const: nvar-by-1 ==//'); indxFloat = 0; xM = n0; nrows = 1; ncols = nvar; fn_fprintmatrix(fidForC, xM', nrows, ncols, indxFloat) %=== npconst: nvar-by-1, whose ith element represents the number of free A+ parameters in ith equation for the case of constant parameters. fprintf(fidForC,'\n%s\n','//== npconst: nvar-by-1 ==//'); indxFloat = 0; xM = np; nrows = 1; ncols = nvar; fn_fprintmatrix(fidForC, xM', nrows, ncols, indxFloat) %=== Uiconst: nvar-by-1 cell. In each cell, nvar-by-qi orthonormal basis for the null of the ith % equation contemporaneous restriction matrix where qi is the number of free parameters. % With this transformation, we have ai = Ui*bi or Ui'*ai = bi where ai is a vector % of total original parameters and bi is a vector of free parameters. When no % restrictions are imposed, we have Ui = I. There must be at least one free % parameter left for the ith equation. fprintf(fidForC,'\n%s\n','//== Uiconst: cell(nvar,1) and nvar-by-n0const(i) for the ith cell (equation) ==//'); for i_=1:nvar fn_fprintmatrix(fidForC, Ui{i_}, nvar, n0(i_), 1); end %=== Viconst: nvar-by-1 cell. In each cell, k-by-ri orthonormal basis for the null of the ith % equation lagged restriction matrix where k is a total of exogenous variables and % ri is the number of free parameters. With this transformation, we have fi = Vi*gi % or Vi'*fi = gi where fi is a vector of total original parameters and gi is a % vector of free parameters. There must be at least one free parameter left for % the ith equation. fprintf(fidForC,'\n%s\n','//== Viconst: cell(nvar,1) and ncoef-by-n0const(i) for the ith cell (equation) ==//'); for i_=1:nvar fn_fprintmatrix(fidForC, Vi{i_}, ncoef, np(i_), 1); end %=== H0barconstcell: cell(nvar,1) (equations) and n-by-n for each cell (equaiton). %=== H0barconst: prior covariance matrix for each column of A0 under asymmetric prior (including SZ dummy obs.) with NO linear restrictions imposed yet. fprintf(fidForC,'\n%s\n','//== H0barconstcell: cell(nvar,1) and n-by-n for the ith cell (equation) ==//'); for i_=1:nvar fn_fprintmatrix(fidForC, H0multi(:,:,i_), nvar, nvar, 1); end %=== Hpbarconstcell: cell(nvar,1) (equations) and ncoef-by-ncoef for each cell (equaiton). %=== Hpbarconst: prior covariance matrix for each column of A+ under asymmetric prior (including SZ dummy obs.) with NO linear restrictions imposed yet. fprintf(fidForC,'\n%s\n','//== Hpbarconstcell: cell(nvar,1) and ncoef-by-ncoef for the ith cell (equation) ==//'); for i_=1:nvar fn_fprintmatrix(fidForC, Hpmulti(:,:,i_), ncoef, ncoef, 1); end %=== phi: X; T-by-k; column: [nvar for 1st lag, ..., nvar for last lag, other exogenous terms, const term] fprintf(fidForC,'\n%s\n','//== Xright -- X: T-by-ncoef ==//'); xM = phi; nrows = fss; ncols = ncoef; for ki=1:nrows for kj=1:ncols fprintf(fidForC,' %20.15f ',xM((kj-1)*nrows+ki)); if (kj==ncols) fprintf(fidForC,'\n'); end end if (ki==nrows) fprintf(fidForC,'\n\n'); end end %=== y: Y: T-by-nvar where T=fss fprintf(fidForC,'\n%s\n','//== Yleft -- Y: T-by-nvar ==//'); xM = y; nrows = fss; ncols = nvar; for ki=1:nrows for kj=1:ncols fprintf(fidForC,' %20.15f ',xM((kj-1)*nrows+ki)); if (kj==ncols) fprintf(fidForC,'\n'); end end if (ki==nrows) fprintf(fidForC,'\n\n'); end end fclose(fidForC); %====================================================================== %== Create C initialization filename %====================================================================== swz_write_markov_file(markov_file,M,options_) if use_linux == 1 create_init_file=[c_path,'/sbvar_init_file ',matlab_filename,' ',markov_file,' ',]; system(create_init_file); %Run operating system command and return %result else create_init_file=[c_path,'\sbvar_init.exe ',matlab_filename,' ',m_spec_path,'\',markov_file,' ',]; dos(create_init_file) end end %========================================================================== %== Perform estimation %========================================================================== if == 1 if use_linux == 1 perform_estimation=[c_path,'/sbvar_estimation -ft ',]; % system(perform_estimation); else perform_estimation=[c_path,'\sbvar_estimation.exe -ft ',]; dos(perform_estimation) end end %========================================================================== %== Compute marginal data density %========================================================================== if == 1 mhm_file = ['mhm_input_' M.fname '.dat']; swz_write_mhm_input(mhm_file,; if use_linux == 1 compute_mdd1=[c_path,'/sbvar_mhm_1 -ft ',,' -fi ',mhm_file]; system(compute_mdd1); compute_mdd2=[c_path,'/sbvar_mhm_2 -ft ',,' -d ',int2str(,' -t 3']; system(compute_mdd2); else compute_mdd1=[c_path,'\sbvar_mhm_1.exe -ft ',,' -fi ',mhm_file]; system(compute_mdd1); compute_mdd2=[c_path,'\sbvar_mhm_2.exe -ft ',,' -d ',int2str(,' -t 3']; system(compute_mdd2); end end %========================================================================== %== Compute posterior mode regime probabilities %========================================================================== if == 1 %error registers here if use_linux == 1 compute_prob=[c_path,'/sbvar_probabilities -ft ',]; system(compute_prob); else compute_prob=[c_path,'\sbvar_probabilities -ft ',]; system(compute_prob); end end %========================================================================== %== Print Draws %========================================================================== if == 1 %error here as well if use_linux == 1 print_draws=[c_path,'/sbvar_draws -ft ',,' -i ',int2str(,' -t ',int2str(]; system(print_draws); else print_draws=[c_path,'\sbvar_draws -ft ',,' -i ',int2str(,' -t ',int2str(]; system(print_draws); end end