function [pmean, pmode, pmedian, pstdev, p025, p975, covariance] = online_auxiliary_filter(xparam1, dataset_, options_, M_, estim_params_, bayestopt_, oo_) % [pmean, pmode, pmedian, pstdev, p025, p975, covariance] = online_auxiliary_filter(xparam1, dataset_, options_, M_, estim_params_, bayestopt_, oo_) % Liu & West particle filter = auxiliary particle filter including Liu & West filter on parameters. % % INPUTS % - xparam1 [double] n×1 vector, Initial condition for the estimated parameters. % - dataset_ [dseries] Sample used for estimation. % - dataset_info [struct] Description of the sample. % - options_ [struct] Option values. % - M_ [struct] Description of the model. % - estim_params_ [struct] Description of the estimated parameters. % - bayestopt_ [struct] Prior definition. % - oo_ [struct] Results. % % OUTPUTS % - pmean [double] n×1 vector, mean of the particles at the end of the sample (for the parameters). % - pmode [double] n×1 vector, mode of the particles at the end of the sample (for the parameters). % - pmedian [double] n×1 vector, median of the particles at the end of the sample (for the parameters). % - pstdev [double] n×1 vector, st. dev. of the particles at the end of the sample (for the parameters). % - p025 [double] n×1 vector, 2.5 percent of the particles are below p025(i) for i=1,…,n. % - p975 [double] n×1 vector, 97.5 percent of the particles are below p975(i) for i=1,…,n. % - covariance [double] n×n matrix, covariance of the particles at the end of the sample. % Copyright © 2013-2023 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . % Set seed for randn(). options_=set_dynare_seed_local_options(options_,'default'); pruning = options_.particle.pruning; second_resample = options_.particle.resampling.status.systematic; variance_update = true; bounds = prior_bounds(bayestopt_, options_.prior_trunc); % Reset bounds as lb and ub must only be operational during mode-finding % initialization of state particles [~, M_, options_, oo_, ReducedForm] = solve_model_for_online_filter(true, xparam1, dataset_, options_, M_, estim_params_, bayestopt_, bounds, oo_); order = options_.order; mf0 = ReducedForm.mf0; mf1 = ReducedForm.mf1; number_of_particles = options_.particle.number_of_particles; number_of_parameters = size(xparam1,1); Y =; sample_size = size(Y,1); number_of_observed_variables = length(mf1); number_of_structural_innovations = length(ReducedForm.Q); liu_west_delta = options_.particle.liu_west_delta; % Get initial conditions for the state particles StateVectorMean = ReducedForm.StateVectorMean; StateVectorVarianceSquareRoot = chol(ReducedForm.StateVectorVariance)'; state_variance_rank = size(StateVectorVarianceSquareRoot,2); StateVectors = bsxfun(@plus,StateVectorVarianceSquareRoot*randn(state_variance_rank,number_of_particles),StateVectorMean); if pruning if order == 2 StateVectors_ = StateVectors; elseif order == 3 StateVectors_ = repmat(StateVectors,3,1); else error('Pruning is not available for orders > 3'); end end % parameters for the Liu & West filter small_a = (3*liu_west_delta-1)/(2*liu_west_delta); b_square = 1-small_a*small_a; % Initialization of parameter particles xparam = zeros(number_of_parameters,number_of_particles); Prior = dprior(bayestopt_, options_.prior_trunc); for i=1:number_of_particles info = 12042009; while info candidate = Prior.draw(); [info, M_, options_, oo_] = solve_model_for_online_filter(false, xparam1, dataset_, options_, M_, estim_params_, bayestopt_, bounds, oo_); if ~info xparam(:,i) = candidate(:); end end end % Initialization of the weights of particles. weights = ones(1,number_of_particles)/number_of_particles; % Initialization of the likelihood. const_lik = log(2*pi)*number_of_observed_variables; mean_xparam = zeros(number_of_parameters,sample_size); mode_xparam = zeros(number_of_parameters,sample_size); median_xparam = zeros(number_of_parameters,sample_size); std_xparam = zeros(number_of_parameters,sample_size); lb95_xparam = zeros(number_of_parameters,sample_size); ub95_xparam = zeros(number_of_parameters,sample_size); %% The Online filter for t=1:sample_size if t>1 fprintf('\nSubsample with %s first observations.\n\n', int2str(t)) else fprintf('\nSubsample with only the first observation.\n\n') end % Moments of parameters particles distribution m_bar = xparam*(weights'); temp = bsxfun(@minus,xparam,m_bar); sigma_bar = (bsxfun(@times,weights,temp))*(temp'); if variance_update chol_sigma_bar = chol(b_square*sigma_bar)'; end % Prediction (without shocks) fore_xparam = bsxfun(@plus,(1-small_a).*m_bar,small_a.*xparam); tau_tilde = zeros(1,number_of_particles); for i=1:number_of_particles % model resolution [info, M_, options_, oo_, ReducedForm] = ... solve_model_for_online_filter(false, fore_xparam(:,i), dataset_, options_, M_, estim_params_, bayestopt_, bounds, oo_); if ~info(1) steadystate = ReducedForm.steadystate; state_variables_steady_state = ReducedForm.state_variables_steady_state; % Set local state space model (second-order approximation). if ReducedForm.use_k_order_solver dr = ReducedForm.dr; udr = ReducedForm.udr; else steadystate = ReducedForm.steadystate; constant = ReducedForm.constant; % Set local state space model (first-order approximation). ghx = ReducedForm.ghx; ghu = ReducedForm.ghu; % Set local state space model (second-order approximation). ghxx = ReducedForm.ghxx; ghuu = ReducedForm.ghuu; ghxu = ReducedForm.ghxu; ghs2 = ReducedForm.ghs2; if (order == 3) % Set local state space model (third order approximation). ghxxx = ReducedForm.ghxxx; ghuuu = ReducedForm.ghuuu; ghxxu = ReducedForm.ghxxu; ghxuu = ReducedForm.ghxuu; ghxss = ReducedForm.ghxss; ghuss = ReducedForm.ghuss; end if pruning if order == 2 state_variables_steady_state_ = state_variables_steady_state; elseif order == 3 state_variables_steady_state_ = repmat(state_variables_steady_state,3,1); else error('Pruning is not available for orders > 3'); end end end % particle likelihood contribution yhat = bsxfun(@minus, StateVectors(:,i), state_variables_steady_state); if ReducedForm.use_k_order_solver tmp = local_state_space_iteration_k(yhat, zeros(number_of_structural_innovations, 1), dr, M_, options_, udr); else if pruning yhat_ = bsxfun(@minus,StateVectors_(:,i),state_variables_steady_state_); if order == 2 [tmp, ~] = local_state_space_iteration_2(yhat, zeros(number_of_structural_innovations, 1), ghx, ghu, constant, ghxx, ghuu, ghxu, yhat_, steadystate, options_.threads.local_state_space_iteration_2); elseif order == 3 [tmp, tmp_] = local_state_space_iteration_3(yhat_, zeros(number_of_structural_innovations, 1), ghx, ghu, ghxx, ghuu, ghxu, ghs2, ghxxx, ghuuu, ghxxu, ghxuu, ghxss, ghuss, steadystate, options_.threads.local_state_space_iteration_3, pruning); else error('Pruning is not available for orders > 3'); end else if order == 2 tmp = local_state_space_iteration_2(yhat, zeros(number_of_structural_innovations, 1), ghx, ghu, constant, ghxx, ghuu, ghxu, options_.threads.local_state_space_iteration_2); elseif order == 3 tmp = local_state_space_iteration_3(yhat, zeros(number_of_structural_innovations, 1), ghx, ghu, ghxx, ghuu, ghxu, ghs2, ghxxx, ghuuu, ghxxu, ghxuu, ghxss, ghuss, steadystate, options_.threads.local_state_space_iteration_3, pruning); else error('Order > 3: use_k_order_solver should be set to true'); end end end PredictionError = bsxfun(@minus,Y(t,:)', tmp(mf1,:)); % Replace Gaussian density with a Student density with 3 degrees of freedom for fat tails. z = sum(PredictionError.*(ReducedForm.H\PredictionError), 1) ; tau_tilde(i) = weights(i).*(tpdf(z, 3*ones(size(z)))+1e-99) ; end end % particles selection tau_tilde = tau_tilde/sum(tau_tilde); indx = resample(0, tau_tilde', options_.particle); StateVectors = StateVectors(:,indx); xparam = fore_xparam(:,indx); if pruning StateVectors_ = StateVectors_(:,indx); end w_stage1 = weights(indx)./tau_tilde(indx); % draw in the new distributions wtilde = zeros(1, number_of_particles); for i=1:number_of_particles info = 12042009; counter=0; while info(1) && counter && all(candidate<=bounds.ub) % model resolution for new parameters particles [info, M_, options_, oo_, ReducedForm] = ... solve_model_for_online_filter(false, candidate, dataset_, options_, M_, estim_params_, bayestopt_, bounds, oo_) ; if ~info(1) xparam(:,i) = candidate ; steadystate = ReducedForm.steadystate; state_variables_steady_state = ReducedForm.state_variables_steady_state; % Set local state space model (second order approximation). if ReducedForm.use_k_order_solver dr = ReducedForm.dr; udr = ReducedForm.udr; else constant = ReducedForm.constant; % Set local state space model (first-order approximation). ghx = ReducedForm.ghx; ghu = ReducedForm.ghu; % Set local state space model (second-order approximation). ghxx = ReducedForm.ghxx; ghuu = ReducedForm.ghuu; ghxu = ReducedForm.ghxu; ghs2 = ReducedForm.ghs2; if (order == 3) % Set local state space model (third order approximation). ghxxx = ReducedForm.ghxxx; ghuuu = ReducedForm.ghuuu; ghxxu = ReducedForm.ghxxu; ghxuu = ReducedForm.ghxuu; ghxss = ReducedForm.ghxss; ghuss = ReducedForm.ghuss; end if pruning if order == 2 state_variables_steady_state_ = state_variables_steady_state; mf0_ = mf0; elseif order == 3 state_variables_steady_state_ = repmat(state_variables_steady_state,3,1); mf0_ = repmat(mf0,1,3); mask2 = number_of_state_variables+1:2*number_of_state_variables; mask3 = 2*number_of_state_variables+1:number_of_state_variables; mf0_(mask2) = mf0_(mask2)+size(ghx,1); mf0_(mask3) = mf0_(mask3)+2*size(ghx,1); else error('Pruning is not available for orders > 3'); end end end % Get covariance matrices and structural shocks epsilon = chol(ReducedForm.Q)'*randn(number_of_structural_innovations, 1); % compute particles likelihood contribution yhat = bsxfun(@minus,StateVectors(:,i), state_variables_steady_state); if ReducedForm.use_k_order_solver tmp = local_state_space_iteration_k(yhat, epsilon, dr, M_, options_, udr); else if pruning yhat_ = bsxfun(@minus,StateVectors_(:,i), state_variables_steady_state_); if order == 2 [tmp, tmp_] = local_state_space_iteration_2(yhat, epsilon, ghx, ghu, constant, ghxx, ghuu, ghxu, yhat_, steadystate, options_.threads.local_state_space_iteration_2); elseif order == 3 [tmp, tmp_] = local_state_space_iteration_3(yhat_, epsilon, ghx, ghu, ghxx, ghuu, ghxu, ghs2, ghxxx, ghuuu, ghxxu, ghxuu, ghxss, ghuss, steadystate, options_.threads.local_state_space_iteration_3, pruning); else error('Pruning is not available for orders > 3'); end StateVectors_(:,i) = tmp_(mf0_,:); else if order == 2 tmp = local_state_space_iteration_2(yhat, epsilon, ghx, ghu, constant, ghxx, ghuu, ghxu, options_.threads.local_state_space_iteration_2); elseif order == 3 tmp = local_state_space_iteration_3(yhat, epsilon, ghx, ghu, ghxx, ghuu, ghxu, ghs2, ghxxx, ghuuu, ghxxu, ghxuu, ghxss, ghuss, steadystate, options_.threads.local_state_space_iteration_3, pruning); else error('Order > 3: use_k_order_solver should be set to true'); end end end StateVectors(:,i) = tmp(mf0,:); PredictionError = bsxfun(@minus,Y(t,:)', tmp(mf1,:)); wtilde(i) = w_stage1(i)*exp(-.5*(const_lik+log(det(ReducedForm.H))+sum(PredictionError.*(ReducedForm.H\PredictionError), 1))); end end if counter==options_.particle.liu_west_max_resampling_tries fprintf('\nLiu & West particle filter: I haven''t been able to solve the model in %u tries.\n',options_.particle.liu_west_max_resampling_tries) fprintf('Liu & West particle filter: The last error message was: %s\n',get_error_message(info)) fprintf('Liu & West particle filter: You can try to increase liu_west_max_resampling_tries, but most\n') fprintf('Liu & West particle filter: likely there is an issue with the model.\n') error('Liu & West particle filter: unable to solve the model.') end end end % normalization weights = wtilde/sum(wtilde); if variance_update && (neff(weights)=0.025 lb95_xparam(i,t) = temp(j,1); pass1 = true; end if ~pass2 && cumulated_weights(j)>=0.5 median_xparam(i,t) = temp(j,1); pass2 = true; end if ~pass3 && cumulated_weights(j)>=0.975 ub95_xparam(i,t) = temp(j,1); pass3 = true; end end end end str = sprintf(' Lower Bound (95%%) \t Mean \t\t\t Upper Bound (95%%)'); for l=1:size(xparam,1) str = sprintf('%s\n %5.4f \t\t %7.5f \t\t %5.4f', str, lb95_xparam(l,t), mean_xparam(l,t), ub95_xparam(l,t)); end disp(str) disp('') end pmean = xparam(:,sample_size); pmode = mode_xparam(:,sample_size); pstdev = std_xparam(:,sample_size) ; p025 = lb95_xparam(:,sample_size) ; p975 = ub95_xparam(:,sample_size) ; pmedian = median_xparam(:,sample_size) ; covariance = mat_var_cov; %% Plot parameters trajectory TeX = options_.TeX; nr = ceil(sqrt(number_of_parameters)) ; nc = floor(sqrt(number_of_parameters)); nbplt = 1 ; if TeX fidTeX = fopen([M_.fname '_param_traj.tex'],'w'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% TeX eps-loader file generated by online_auxiliary_filter.m (Dynare).\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,['%% ' datestr(now,0) '\n']); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); end for plt = 1:nbplt hh_fig = dyn_figure(options_.nodisplay,'Name','Parameters Trajectories'); for k=1:length(pmean) subplot(nr,nc,k) [name,texname] = get_the_name(k,TeX,M_,estim_params_,options_); % Draw the surface for an interval containing 95% of the particles. area(1:sample_size, ub95_xparam(k,:), 'FaceColor', [.9 .9 .9], 'BaseValue', min(lb95_xparam(k,:))); hold on area(1:sample_size, lb95_xparam(k,:), 'FaceColor', [1 1 1], 'BaseValue', min(lb95_xparam(k,:))); % Draw the mean of particles. plot(1:sample_size, mean_xparam(k,:), '-k', 'linewidth', 2) if TeX title(texname,'interpreter','latex') else title(name,'interpreter','none') end hold off axis tight drawnow end dyn_saveas(hh_fig, [M_.fname '_param_traj' int2str(plt)], options_.nodisplay, options_.graph_format); if TeX % TeX eps loader file fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{figure}[H]\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\centering \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{%s_ParamTraj%s}\n',M_.fname,int2str(plt)); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\caption{Parameters trajectories.}'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\label{Fig:ParametersPlots:%s}\n',int2str(plt)); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{figure}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); end end % Plot Parameter Densities number_of_grid_points = 2^9; % 2^9 = 512 !... Must be a power of two. bandwidth = 0; % Rule of thumb optimal bandwidth parameter. kernel_function = 'gaussian'; % Gaussian kernel for Fast Fourier Transform approximation. for plt = 1:nbplt hh_fig = dyn_figure(options_.nodisplay,'Name','Parameters Densities'); for k=1:length(pmean) subplot(nr,nc,k) [name,texname] = get_the_name(k,TeX,M_,estim_params_,options_); optimal_bandwidth = mh_optimal_bandwidth(xparam(k,:)',number_of_particles,bandwidth,kernel_function); [density(:,1),density(:,2)] = kernel_density_estimate(xparam(k,:)', number_of_grid_points, ... number_of_particles, optimal_bandwidth, kernel_function); plot(density(:,1), density(:,2)); hold on if TeX title(texname,'interpreter','latex') else title(name,'interpreter','none') end hold off axis tight drawnow end dyn_saveas(hh_fig,[ M_.fname '_param_density' int2str(plt) ],options_.nodisplay,options_.graph_format); if TeX && any(strcmp('eps',cellstr(options_.graph_format))) % TeX eps loader file fprintf(fidTeX, '\\begin{figure}[H]\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\centering \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\includegraphics[width=%2.2f\\textwidth]{%_param_density%s}\n',min(k/nc,1),M_.fname,int2str(plt)); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\caption{Parameter densities based on the Liu/West particle filter.}'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\label{Fig:ParameterDensities:%s}\n',int2str(plt)); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{figure}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); end end