function mode_check(x,fval,hessian,gend,data,lb,ub,data_index,number_of_observations,no_more_missing_observations) % function mode_check(x,fval,hessian,gend,data,lb,ub) % Checks the maximum likelihood mode % % INPUTS % x: mode % fval: value at the maximum likelihood mode % hessian: matrix of second order partial derivatives % gend: scalar specifying the number of observations % data: matrix of data % lb: lower bound % ub: upper bound % % OUTPUTS % none % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % none % Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . global bayestopt_ M_ options_ TeX = options_.TeX; [s_min,k] = min(diag(hessian)) disp('\nMODE CHECK\n') disp(sprintf('Fval obtained by fmincon: %f', fval)) disp( cname ={k}; disp(sprintf('Most negative variance %f for parameter %d (%s = %f)',s_min,k,cname,x(k))) [nbplt,nr,nc,lr,lc,nstar] = pltorg(length(x)); if TeX fidTeX = fopen([M_.fname '_CheckPlots.TeX'],'w'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% TeX eps-loader file generated by mode_check.m (Dynare).\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,['%% ' datestr(now,0) '\n']); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); end if nbplt == 1 if TeX NAMES = []; TeXNAMES = []; end hh = figure('Name','Check plots'); for k=1:length(x) subplot(nr,nc,k) [name,texname] = get_the_name(k,TeX); if TeX NAMES = strvcat(NAMES,name); TeXNAMES = strvcat(TeXNAMES,texname); end xx = x; l1 = max(lb(k),0.8*x(k)); % kk -> k l2 = min(ub(k),1.2*x(k)); % kk -> k z = [l1:(l2-l1)/20:l2]; y = zeros(length(z),1); for i=1:length(z) xx(k) = z(i); % kk -> k if isempty(strmatch('dsge_prior_weight',M_.param_names)) y(i) = DsgeLikelihood(xx,gend,data,data_index,number_of_observations,no_more_missing_observations); else y(i) = DsgeVarLikelihood(xx,gend); end end plot(z,y) hold on yl=get(gca,'ylim'); plot([x(k) x(k)],yl,'c','LineWidth', 1);% kk -> k title(name,'interpreter','none'); hold off drawnow end eval(['print -depsc2 ' M_.fname '_CheckPlots' int2str(1) '.eps' ]); if ~exist('OCTAVE_VERSION') eval(['print -dpdf ' M_.fname '_CheckPlots' int2str(1)]); saveas(hh,[M_.fname '_CheckPlots' int2str(1) '.fig']); end if options_.nograph, close(hh), end % TeX eps loader file if TeX fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{figure}[H]\n'); for jj = 1:length(x) fprintf(fidTeX,'\\psfrag{%s}[1][][0.5][0]{%s}\n',deblank(NAMES(jj,:)),deblank(TeXNAMES(jj,:))); end fprintf(fidTeX,'\\centering \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{%s_CheckPlots%s}\n',M_.fname,int2str(1)); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\caption{Priors.}'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\label{Fig:CheckPlots:%s}\n',int2str(1)); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{figure}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% End of TeX file.\n'); fclose(fidTeX); end else for plt = 1:nbplt-1 if TeX NAMES = []; TeXNAMES = []; end hh = figure('Name','Check plots'); for k=1:nstar subplot(nr,nc,k) kk = (plt-1)*nstar+k; [name,texname] = get_the_name(kk,TeX); if TeX NAMES = strvcat(NAMES,name); TeXNAMES = strvcat(TeXNAMES,texname); end xx = x; l1 = max(lb(kk),0.8*x(kk)); l2 = min(ub(kk),1.2*x(kk)); z = [l1:(l2-l1)/20:l2]; y = zeros(length(z),1); for i=1:length(z) xx(kk) = z(i); if isempty(strmatch('dsge_prior_weight',M_.param_names)) y(i) = DsgeLikelihood(xx,gend,data,data_index,number_of_observations,no_more_missing_observations); else y(i) = DsgeVarLikelihood(xx,gend); end end plot(z,y); hold on yl=get(gca,'ylim'); plot( [x(kk) x(kk)], yl, 'c', 'LineWidth', 1) title(name,'interpreter','none') hold off drawnow end eval(['print -depsc2 ' M_.fname '_CheckPlots' int2str(plt) '.eps']); if ~exist('OCTAVE_VERSION') eval(['print -dpdf ' M_.fname '_CheckPlots' int2str(plt)]); saveas(hh,[M_.fname '_CheckPlots' int2str(plt) '.fig']); end if options_.nograph, close(hh), end if TeX % TeX eps loader file fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{figure}[H]\n'); for jj = 1:nstar fprintf(fidTeX,'\\psfrag{%s}[1][][0.5][0]{%s}\n',deblank(NAMES(jj,:)),deblank(TeXNAMES(jj,:))); end fprintf(fidTeX,'\\centering \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{%s_CheckPlots%s}\n',M_.fname,int2str(plt)); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\caption{Check plots.}'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\label{Fig:CheckPlots:%s}\n',int2str(plt)); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{figure}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); end end hh = figure('Name','Check plots'); k = 1; if TeX NAMES = []; TeXNAMES = []; end while (nbplt-1)*nstar+k <= length(x) kk = (nbplt-1)*nstar+k; [name,texname] = get_the_name(kk,TeX); if TeX NAMES = strvcat(NAMES,name); TeXNAMES = strvcat(TeXNAMES,texname); end if lr ~= 0 subplot(lr,lc,k) else subplot(nr,nc,k) end xx = x; l1 = max(lb(kk),0.8*x(kk)); l2 = min(ub(kk),1.2*x(kk)); z = [l1:(l2-l1)/20:l2]; y = zeros(length(z),1); for i=1:length(z) xx(kk) = z(i); if isempty(strmatch('dsge_prior_weight',M_.param_names)) y(i) = DsgeLikelihood(xx,gend,data,data_index,number_of_observations,no_more_missing_observations); else y(i) = DsgeVarLikelihood(xx,gend); end end plot(z,y) hold on yl=get(gca,'ylim'); plot( [x(kk) x(kk)], yl, 'c', 'LineWidth', 1) title(name,'interpreter','none') hold off k = k + 1; drawnow end eval(['print -depsc2 ' M_.fname '_CheckPlots' int2str(nbplt) '.eps']); if ~exist('OCTAVE_VERSION') eval(['print -dpdf ' M_.fname '_CheckPlots' int2str(nbplt)]); saveas(hh,[M_.fname '_CheckPlots' int2str(nbplt) '.fig']); end if options_.nograph, close(hh), end if TeX fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{figure}[H]\n'); for jj = 1:lr*lc fprintf(fidTeX,'\\psfrag{%s}[1][][0.5][0]{%s}\n',deblank(NAMES(jj,:)),deblank(TeXNAMES(jj,:))); end fprintf(fidTeX,'\\centering \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{%s_CheckPlots%s}\n',M_.fname,int2str(nbplt)); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\caption{Check plots.}'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\label{Fig:CheckPlots:%s}\n',int2str(nbplt)); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{figure}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% End of TeX file.\n'); fclose(fidTeX); end end % SA 07-31-2004 * New default : no more than nine plots per figure. % * Figures are automatically saved in eps, pdf and fig formats. % * Figures are automatically closed (this should be an option). % * Creation of a TeX-loader file for the postcript file.