function [z, endo_names, endo_names_tex, steady_state, i_var, oo_] = annualized_shock_decomposition(oo_, M_, options_, i_var, t0, t1, realtime_, vintage_, steady_state, q2a, cumfix) % function oo_ = annualized_shock_decomposition(oo_,t0,options_.nobs); % Computes annualized shocks contribution to a simulated trajectory. The fields set are % oo_.annualized_shock_decomposition, oo_.annualized_realtime_shock_decomposition, % oo_.annualized_realtime_conditional_shock_decomposition and oo_.annualized_realtime_forecast_shock_decomposition. % Subfields are arrays n_var by nshock+2 by nperiods. The % first nshock columns store the respective shock contributions, column n+1 % stores the role of the initial conditions, while column n+2 stores the % value of the smoothed variables. Both the variables and shocks are stored % in the order of endo_names and M_.exo_names, respectively. % % INPUTS % oo_: [structure] Storage of results % M_: [structure] Storage of model % opts: [structure] options for shock decomp % i_var: [array] index of vars % t0: [integer] first period % t1: [integer] last period % realtime_: [integer] % vintage_: [integer] % steady_state: [array] steady state value of quarterly (log-) level vars % q2a: [structure] info on q2a % % OUTPUTS % z: [matrix] shock decomp to plot % endo_names: [char] updated var names % endo_names_tex: [char] updated TeX var names % steady_state: [array] updated stady state of vars % i_var: [integer array] updated var indices to plot % oo_: [structure] Storage of results % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % none % Copyright (C) 2017 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . opts = options_.shock_decomp; nvar = length(i_var); GYTREND0 = q2a.GYTREND0; var_type = q2a.type; islog = q2a.islog; aux = q2a.aux; aux0 = aux; cumfix = q2a.cumfix; % usual shock decomp if isstruct(oo_) % z = oo_.shock_decomposition; myopts=options_; myopts.shock_decomp.type='qoq'; myopts.shock_decomp.realtime=0; [z, junk] = plot_shock_decomposition(M_,oo_,myopts,[]); else z = oo_; end z = z(i_var,:,:); mytype=var_type; if isfield(q2a,'name') mytxt =; mytex =; if isfield(q2a,'tex_name') mytex = q2a.tex_name; end if mytype==2, gtxt = ['PHI' mytxt]; % inflation rate gtex = ['{\pi(' mytex ')}']; elseif mytype gtxt = ['G' mytxt]; % inflation rate gtex = ['{g(' mytex ')}']; end if isfield(q2a,'gname') gtxt = q2a.gname; end if isfield(q2a,'tex_gname') gtex = q2a.tex_gname; end mytype=0; end if isstruct(aux) if ischar(aux.y) myopts=options_; myopts.shock_decomp.type='qoq'; myopts.shock_decomp.realtime=0; [y_aux, steady_state_aux] = plot_shock_decomposition(M_,oo_,myopts,aux.y); aux.y=y_aux; aux.yss=steady_state_aux; end yaux=aux.y; end if mytype==2, gtxt = 'PHI'; % inflation rate gtex = '\pi'; elseif mytype gtxt = 'G'; % growth rate gtex = 'g'; end steady_state=steady_state(i_var); % endo_names = M_.endo_names(i_var,:); % endo_names_tex = M_.endo_names_tex(i_var,:); nterms = size(z,2); nfrcst = opts.forecast/4; for j=1:nvar if j>1, endo_names = char(endo_names,[deblank(M_.endo_names(i_var(j),:)) '_A']); endo_names_tex = char(endo_names_tex,['{' deblank(M_.endo_names_tex(i_var(j),:)) '}^A']); gendo_names = char(gendo_names,[gtxt endo_names(j,:)]); gendo_names_tex = char(gendo_names_tex,[gtex '(' deblank(endo_names_tex(j,:)) ')']); else if nvar==1 && ~mytype endo_names = mytxt; endo_names_tex = mytex; gendo_names = gtxt; gendo_names_tex = gtex; else endo_names = [deblank(M_.endo_names(i_var(j),:)) '_A']; endo_names_tex = ['{' deblank(M_.endo_names_tex(i_var(j),:)) '}^A']; gendo_names = [gtxt endo_names(j,:)]; gendo_names_tex = [gtex '(' deblank(endo_names_tex(j,:)) ')']; end end for k =1:nterms, if isstruct(aux), aux.y = squeeze(yaux(j,k,min((t0-3):-4:1):end)); end [za(j,k,:), steady_state_a(j,1), gza(j,k,:), steady_state_ga(j,1)] = ... quarterly2annual(squeeze(z(j,k,min((t0-3):-4:1):end)),steady_state(j),GYTREND0,var_type,islog,aux); end ztmp=squeeze(za(j,:,:)); if cumfix==0, zscale = sum(ztmp(1:end-1,:))./ztmp(end,:); ztmp(1:end-1,:) = ztmp(1:end-1,:)./repmat(zscale,[nterms-1,1]); else zres = ztmp(end,:)-sum(ztmp(1:end-1,:)); ztmp(end-1,:) = ztmp(end-1,:) + zres; end gztmp=squeeze(gza(j,:,:)); if cumfix==0, gscale = sum(gztmp(1:end-1,:))./ gztmp(end,:); gztmp(1:end-1,:) = gztmp(1:end-1,:)./repmat(gscale,[nterms-1,1]); else gres = gztmp(end,:) - sum(gztmp(1:end-1,:)); gztmp(end-1,:) = gztmp(end-1,:)+gres; end za(j,:,:) = ztmp; gza(j,:,:) = gztmp; end if q2a.plot ==1, z=gza; endo_names = gendo_names; endo_names_tex = gendo_names_tex; elseif q2a.plot == 2 z=za; else z=cat(1,za,gza); endo_names = char(endo_names,gendo_names); endo_names_tex = char(endo_names_tex,gendo_names_tex); end % if isstruct(oo_) % oo_.annualized_shock_decomposition=z; % end % realtime if realtime_ && isstruct(oo_) && isfield(oo_, 'realtime_shock_decomposition'), init=1; for i=t0:4:t1, yr=floor(i/4); za=[]; gza=[]; myopts=options_; myopts.shock_decomp.type='qoq'; myopts.shock_decomp.realtime=1; myopts.shock_decomp.vintage=i; [z, steady_state_aux] = plot_shock_decomposition(M_,oo_,myopts,[]); z = z(i_var,:,:); if isstruct(aux) if ischar(aux0.y) [y_aux, steady_state_aux] = plot_shock_decomposition(M_,oo_,myopts,aux0.y); aux.y=y_aux; aux.yss=steady_state_aux; end yaux=aux.y; end nterms = size(z,2); % z = oo_.realtime_shock_decomposition.(['time_' int2str(i)]); % z = z(i_var,:,:); for j=1:nvar for k =nterms:-1:1, % if knfrcst oo_.annualized_realtime_conditional_shock_decomposition.(['yr_' int2str(yr-nfrcst)]) = ... oo_.annualized_realtime_shock_decomposition.pool(:,:,yr-nfrcst:end) - ... oo_.annualized_realtime_forecast_shock_decomposition.(['yr_' int2str(yr-nfrcst)]); % fix others oo_.annualized_realtime_conditional_shock_decomposition.(['yr_' int2str(yr-nfrcst)])(:,end-1,:) = ... oo_.annualized_realtime_conditional_shock_decomposition.(['yr_' int2str(yr-nfrcst)])(:,end-1,:) + ... oo_.annualized_realtime_forecast_shock_decomposition.(['yr_' int2str(yr-nfrcst)])(:,end,:); % fix total oo_.annualized_realtime_conditional_shock_decomposition.(['yr_' int2str(yr-nfrcst)])(:,end,:) = ... oo_.annualized_realtime_shock_decomposition.pool(:,end,yr-nfrcst:end); if i==t1 for my_forecast_=(nfrcst-1):-1:1, oo_.annualized_realtime_conditional_shock_decomposition.(['yr_' int2str(yr-my_forecast_)]) = ... oo_.annualized_realtime_shock_decomposition.pool(:,:,yr-my_forecast_:yr) - ... oo_.annualized_realtime_forecast_shock_decomposition.(['yr_' int2str(yr-my_forecast_)])(:,:,1:my_forecast_+1); oo_.annualized_realtime_conditional_shock_decomposition.(['yr_' int2str(yr-my_forecast_)])(:,end-1,:) = ... oo_.annualized_realtime_forecast_shock_decomposition.(['yr_' int2str(yr-my_forecast_)])(:,end,1:my_forecast_+1); oo_.annualized_realtime_conditional_shock_decomposition.(['yr_' int2str(yr-my_forecast_)])(:,end,:) = ... oo_.annualized_realtime_shock_decomposition.pool(:,end,yr-my_forecast_:yr); end end end end % ztmp=oo_.realtime_shock_decomposition.pool(:,:,21:29)-oo_.realtime_forecast_shock_decomposition.time_21; init=init+1; end switch realtime_ case 0 z = oo_.annualized_shock_decomposition; case 1 % realtime if vintage_ z = oo_.annualized_realtime_shock_decomposition.(['yr_' int2str(floor(vintage_/4))]); else z = oo_.annualized_realtime_shock_decomposition.pool; end case 2 % conditional if vintage_ z = oo_.annualized_realtime_conditional_shock_decomposition.(['yr_' int2str(floor(vintage_/4))]); else error(); end case 3 % forecast if vintage_ z = oo_.annualized_realtime_forecast_shock_decomposition.(['yr_' int2str(floor(vintage_/4))]); else error() end end end if q2a.plot ==0, i_var=1:2*nvar; steady_state = [steady_state_a;steady_state_ga]; else i_var=1:nvar; if q2a.plot ==1, steady_state = steady_state_ga; else steady_state = steady_state_a; end end