/* * Copyright © 2021 Dynare Team * * This file is part of Dynare. * * Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Dynare. If not, see . */ #include "k_ord_objective.hh" #include "objective_abstract_class.hh" #include #include KordwDynare::KordwDynare(KordpDynare &m, ConstVector &NNZD_arg, Journal &jr, Vector &inParams, std::unique_ptr objectiveFile_arg, const std::vector &dr_order) : model{m}, NNZD{NNZD_arg}, journal{jr}, params{inParams}, resid(1), ud{1}, objectiveFile{std::move(objectiveFile_arg)} { dynppToDyn = dr_order; dynToDynpp.resize(model.ny()); for (int i = 0; i < model.ny(); i++) dynToDynpp[dynppToDyn[i]] = i; } void KordwDynare::calcDerivativesAtSteady() { assert(ud.begin() == ud.end()); std::vector dyn_ud; // Planner's objective derivatives, in Dynare form dyn_ud.emplace_back(1, model.ny()); // Allocate Jacobian dyn_ud.back().zeros(); for (int i = 2; i <= model.order(); i++) { // Higher order derivatives, as sparse (3-column) matrices dyn_ud.emplace_back(static_cast(NNZD[i-1]), 3); dyn_ud.back().zeros(); } Vector xx(model.nexog()); xx.zeros(); resid.zeros(); objectiveFile->eval(model.getSteady(), xx, params, resid, dyn_ud); for (int i = 1; i <= model.order(); i++) populateDerivativesContainer(dyn_ud, i); } void KordwDynare::populateDerivativesContainer(const std::vector &dyn_ud, int ord) { const TwoDMatrix &u = dyn_ud[ord-1]; // utility derivatives FSSparseTensor instance auto udTi = std::make_unique(ord, model.ny(), 1); IntSequence s(ord, 0); if (ord == 1) for (int i = 0; i < u.ncols(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < u.nrows(); j++) { double x = u.get(j, dynppToDyn[s[0]]); if (x != 0.0) udTi->insert(s, j, x); } s[0]++; } else // ord ≥ 2 for (int i = 0; i < u.nrows(); i++) { int j = static_cast(u.get(i, 0))-1; int i1 = static_cast(u.get(i, 1))-1; if (j < 0 || i1 < 0) continue; // Discard empty entries (see comment in DynamicModelAC::unpackSparseMatrix()) for (int k = 0; k < ord; k++) { s[k] = dynToDynpp[i1 % model.ny()]; i1 /= model.ny(); } if (ord == 2 && !s.isSorted()) continue; // Skip symmetric elements (only needed at order 2) else if (ord > 2) s.sort(); // For higher order, canonicalize the multi-index double x = u.get(i, 2); udTi->insert(s, j, x); } ud.insert(std::move(udTi)); } template<> ctraits::Tg & KOrderWelfare::g() { return _ug; } template<> const ctraits::Tg & KOrderWelfare::g() const { return _ug; } template<> ctraits::Tg & KOrderWelfare::g() { return _fg; } template<> const ctraits::Tg & KOrderWelfare::g() const { return _fg; } template<> ctraits::Tgs & KOrderWelfare::gs() { return _ugs; } template<> const ctraits::Tgs & KOrderWelfare::gs() const { return _ugs; } template<> ctraits::Tgs & KOrderWelfare::gs() { return _fgs; } template<> const ctraits::Tgs & KOrderWelfare::gs() const { return _fgs; } template<> ctraits::TU & KOrderWelfare::U() { return _uU; } template<> const ctraits::TU & KOrderWelfare::U() const { return _uU; } template<> ctraits::TU & KOrderWelfare::U() { return _fU; } template<> const ctraits::TU & KOrderWelfare::U() const { return _fU; } template<> ctraits::TW & KOrderWelfare::W() { return _uW; } template<> const ctraits::TW & KOrderWelfare::W() const { return _uW; } template<> ctraits::TW & KOrderWelfare::W() { return _fW; } template<> const ctraits::TW & KOrderWelfare::W() const { return _fW; } template<> ctraits::TWrond & KOrderWelfare::Wrond() { return _uWrond; } template<> const ctraits::TWrond & KOrderWelfare::Wrond() const { return _uWrond; } template<> ctraits::TWrond & KOrderWelfare::Wrond() { return _fWrond; } template<> const ctraits::TWrond & KOrderWelfare::Wrond() const { return _fWrond; } template<> ctraits::TGstack & KOrderWelfare::Gstack() { return _uGstack; } template<> const ctraits::TGstack & KOrderWelfare::Gstack() const { return _uGstack; } template<> ctraits::TGstack & KOrderWelfare::Gstack() { return _fGstack; } template<> const ctraits::TGstack & KOrderWelfare::Gstack() const { return _fGstack; } template<> ctraits::TXstack & KOrderWelfare::Xstack() { return _uXstack; } template<> const ctraits::TXstack & KOrderWelfare::Xstack() const { return _uXstack; } template<> ctraits::TXstack & KOrderWelfare::Xstack() { return _fXstack; } template<> const ctraits::TXstack & KOrderWelfare::Xstack() const { return _fXstack; } template<> ctraits::Tm & KOrderWelfare::m() { return _um; } template<> const ctraits::Tm & KOrderWelfare::m() const { return _um; } template<> ctraits::Tm & KOrderWelfare::m() { return _fm; } template<> const ctraits::Tm & KOrderWelfare::m() const { return _fm; } KOrderWelfare::KOrderWelfare(int num_stat, int num_pred, int num_both, int num_forw, int nu, int ord, double discount_factor, const TensorContainer &ucont, const FGSContainer &g_arg, const FGSContainer &gs_arg, const TwoDMatrix &v, Journal &jr) : ypart(num_stat, num_pred, num_both, num_forw), ny(ypart.ny()), nu(nu), maxk(ucont.getMaxDim()), order(ord), discount_factor{discount_factor}, nvs{ypart.nys(), nu, nu, 1}, _uU(4), _fU(4), _uW(4), _fW(4), _uWrond(4), _fWrond(4), _ug(4), _fg(g_arg), _ugs(4), _fgs(gs_arg), _uXstack(&_ug, ny), _fXstack(&_fg, ny), _uGstack(&_ugs, ypart.nys(), nu), _fGstack(&_fgs, ypart.nys(), nu), _um(maxk, v), _fm(_um), u(ucont), journal(jr) { KORD_RAISE_IF(v.ncols() != nu, "Wrong number of columns of Vcov in KOrderWelfare constructor"); KORD_RAISE_IF(nu != v.nrows(), "Wrong number of rows of Vcov in KOrderWelfare constructor"); for (int ord = 1; ord <= order; ord++) { JournalRecordPair pa(journal); pa << u8"Unconditional welfare : performing step for order = " << ord << "\n" << endrec; for (int j = 0; j <= ord; j++) for (int i = 0; i <= j; i++) { Symmetry sym{ord-j, i, 0, j-i}; pa << "Recovering symmetry " << sym << "\n" << endrec; auto U_sym = faaDiBrunoU(sym); U().insert(std::move(U_sym)); } } U() = UGSContainer(U()); g() = UGSContainer(g()); gs() = UGSContainer(gs()); } // KOrderWelfare::sylvesterSolve() unfolded specialization /* Here we have an unfolded specialization of sylvesterSolve(). We simply create the sylvester object and solve it. Note that the W_y is not continuous in memory as assumed by the sylvester code, so we make a temporary copy and pass it as matrix C. If the B matrix is empty, in other words there are now forward looking variables, then the system becomes AX=D which is solved by simple matA.multInv(). If one wants to display the diagnostic messages from the Sylvester module, then after the sylv.solve() one needs to call sylv.getParams().print(""). */ template<> void KOrderWelfare::sylvesterSolve(ctraits::Ttensor &der) const { JournalRecordPair pa(journal); pa << "Sylvester equation for dimension = " << der.getSym()[0] << endrec; KORD_RAISE_IF(!der.isFinite(), "RHS of Sylverster is not finite"); TwoDMatrix gs_y(gs().get(Symmetry{1, 0, 0, 0})); TwoDMatrix A(1,1); A.unit(); TwoDMatrix B(1,1); B.unit(); B.mult(-discount_factor); GeneralSylvester sylv(der.getSym()[0], 1, ypart.nys(), 0, A.getData(), B.getData(), gs_y.getData(), der.getData()); sylv.solve(); } // KOrder::sylvesterSolve() folded specialization /* Here is the folded specialization of sylvester. We unfold the right hand side. Then we solve it by the unfolded version of sylvesterSolve(), and fold it back and copy to output vector. */ template<> void KOrderWelfare::sylvesterSolve(ctraits::Ttensor &der) const { ctraits::Ttensor tmp(der); sylvesterSolve(tmp); ctraits::Ttensor ftmp(tmp); der.getData() = const_cast(ftmp.getData()); }