function [ys,params,check] = Ramsey_steady_file_steadystate(ys,exo,M_,options_) % function [ys,params,check] = Ramsey_steady_file_steadystate(ys,exo,M_,options_) % computes the steady state for the Ramsey_steady_file.mod, conditional on % the instrument value provided % % Inputs: % - ys [vector] vector of initial values for the steady state of % the endogenous variables % - exo [vector] vector of values for the exogenous variables % - M_ [structure] Dynare model structure % - options [structure] Dynare options structure % % Output: % - ys [vector] vector of steady state values for the the endogenous variables % - params [vector] vector of parameter values % - check [scalar] set to 0 if steady state computation worked and to % 1 of not (allows to impose restrictions on parameters) % Copyright (C) 2020 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . % read out parameters to access them with their name beta=NaN; %make parameter known to Matlab function, prevents crashes due to Matlab function with same name; %will be overwritten next NumberOfParameters = M_.param_nbr; for ii = 1:NumberOfParameters paramname = M_.param_names{ii}; eval([ paramname ' = M_.params(' int2str(ii) ');']); end % read in instrument values for ii = 1:size(options_.instruments,1) eval([options_.instruments{ii} ' = ys(strmatch(options_.instruments{ii},M_.endo_names,''exact'')) ;']); end % initialize indicator check = 0; %% Enter model equations here Z=0; pi=(R+1)*beta; C=sqrt((1+1/theta*((1-beta)*(pi-1)*pi-(tau-1/(theta-1))*(1-theta)))/(chi*(1+phi/2*(pi-1)^2))); h=C*(1+phi/2*(pi-1)^2); log_C=log(C); log_h=log(h); pi_ann=4*log(pi); R_ann=4*R; r_real=4*log((1+R)/pi); y_nat=sqrt((theta-1)/theta*(1+tau)/chi); y_gap=log_C-log(y_nat); %% end own model equations params=NaN(NumberOfParameters,1); for iter = 1:length(M_.params) %update parameters set in the file eval([ 'params(' num2str(iter) ') = ' M_.param_names{iter} ';' ]) end NumberOfEndogenousVariables = M_.orig_endo_nbr; %auxiliary variables are set automatically for ii = 1:NumberOfEndogenousVariables varname = M_.endo_names{ii}; eval(['ys(' int2str(ii) ') = ' varname ';']); end