/* * This file shows how to use "system prior"-type prior restrictions as in * Michal Andrle/Miroslav Plašil (2018): "Econometrics with system priors", * Economics Letters, 172, pp. 134-137 during estimation based on * the baseline New Keynesian model of Jordi Galí (2015): Monetary Policy, Inflation, * and the Business Cycle, Princeton University Press, Second Edition, Chapter 3 * * THIS MOD-FILE REQUIRES DYNARE 4.5 OR HIGHER * * Notes: * - The estimation will automatically take the Gali_2015_prior_restrictions.m into * account, which has the required name and format * - Estimation is based on simulated data * - The file also shows how to use a prior/posterior-function * * This implementation was written by Johannes Pfeifer. In case you spot mistakes, * email me at jpfeifer@gmx.de * * Please note that the following copyright notice only applies to this Dynare */ /* * Copyright (C) 2021 Dynare Team * * This file is part of Dynare. * * Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Dynare. If not, see . */ var pi ${\pi}$ (long_name='inflation') y_gap ${\tilde y}$ (long_name='output gap') y_nat ${y^{nat}}$ (long_name='natural output') //(in contrast to the textbook defined in deviation from steady state) y ${y}$ (long_name='output') yhat ${\hat y}$ (long_name='output deviation from steady state') r_nat ${r^{nat}}$ (long_name='natural interest rate') i ${i}$ (long_name='nominal interrst rate') n ${n}$ (long_name='hours worked') nu ${\nu}$ (long_name='AR(1) monetary policy shock process') a ${a}$ (long_name='AR(1) technology shock process') z ${z}$ (long_name='AR(1) preference shock process') p ${p}$ (long_name='price level') w ${w}$ (long_name='nominal wage') c ${c}$ (long_name='consumption') ; varexo eps_a ${\varepsilon_a}$ (long_name='technology shock') eps_nu ${\varepsilon_\nu}$ (long_name='monetary policy shock') eps_z ${\varepsilon_z}$ (long_name='preference shock innovation') ; parameters alppha ${\alpha}$ (long_name='capital share') betta ${\beta}$ (long_name='discount factor') rho_a ${\rho_a}$ (long_name='autocorrelation technology shock') rho_nu ${\rho_{\nu}}$ (long_name='autocorrelation monetary policy shock') rho_z ${\rho_{z}}$ (long_name='autocorrelation monetary demand shock') siggma ${\sigma}$ (long_name='inverse EIS') varphi ${\varphi}$ (long_name='inverse Frisch elasticity') phi_pi ${\phi_{\pi}}$ (long_name='inflation feedback Taylor Rule') phi_y ${\phi_{y}}$ (long_name='output feedback Taylor Rule') eta ${\eta}$ (long_name='semi-elasticity of money demand') epsilon ${\epsilon}$ (long_name='demand elasticity') theta ${\theta}$ (long_name='Calvo parameter') ; %---------------------------------------------------------------- % Parametrization, p. 67 and p. 113-115 %---------------------------------------------------------------- siggma = 1; varphi = 5; phi_pi = 1.5; phi_y = 0.125; theta = 3/4; rho_nu =0.5; rho_z = 0.5; rho_a = 0.9; betta = 0.99; eta = 3.77; %footnote 11, p. 115 alppha = 1/4; epsilon = 9; %---------------------------------------------------------------- % First Order Conditions %---------------------------------------------------------------- model(linear); //Composite parameters #Omega=(1-alppha)/(1-alppha+alppha*epsilon); %defined on page 60 #psi_n_ya=(1+varphi)/(siggma*(1-alppha)+varphi+alppha); %defined on page 62 #lambda=(1-theta)*(1-betta*theta)/theta*Omega; %defined on page 61 #kappa=lambda*(siggma+(varphi+alppha)/(1-alppha)); %defined on page 63 [name='New Keynesian Phillips Curve eq. (22)'] pi=betta*pi(+1)+kappa*y_gap; [name='Dynamic IS Curve eq. (23)'] y_gap=-1/siggma*(i-pi(+1)-r_nat)+y_gap(+1); [name='Interest Rate Rule eq. (26)'] i=phi_pi*pi+phi_y*yhat+nu; [name='Definition natural rate of interest eq. (24)'] r_nat=-siggma*psi_n_ya*(1-rho_a)*a+(1-rho_z)*z; [name='Definition natural output, eq. (20)'] y_nat=psi_n_ya*a; [name='Definition output gap'] y_gap=y-y_nat; [name='Monetary policy shock'] nu=rho_nu*nu(-1)+eps_nu; [name='TFP shock'] a=rho_a*a(-1)+eps_a; [name='Production function (eq. 14)'] y=a+(1-alppha)*n; [name='Preference shock, p. 54'] z=rho_z*z(-1) - eps_z; [name='Output deviation from steady state'] yhat=y-steady_state(y); [name='Definition price level'] pi=p-p(-1); [name='resource constraint, eq. (12)'] y=c; [name='FOC labor, eq. (2)'] w-p=siggma*c+varphi*n; end; shocks; var eps_nu = 0.0025^2; //1 standard deviation shock of 25 basis points, i.e. 1 percentage point annualized end; % simulate data stoch_simul(periods=100,drop=0,irf=0) yhat; % save data datatomfile('sim_data',{'yhat'}); estimated_params; theta,0.75,beta_pdf,0.5,0.1; betta, beta_pdf, 0.993, 0.002; alppha, beta_pdf, 0.25, 0.02; end; varobs yhat; % Run prior function to get prior slope of the PC based on independent priors hh=figure('Name','Slope of the Phillips Curve'); prior_function(function='Gali_2015_PC_slope'); PC_slope_vec=cell2mat(oo_.prior_function_results(:,1)); optimal_bandwidth = mh_optimal_bandwidth(PC_slope_vec,length(PC_slope_vec),0,'gaussian'); [density(:,1),density(:,2)] = kernel_density_estimate(PC_slope_vec,512,length(PC_slope_vec),optimal_bandwidth,'gaussian'); figure(hh) subplot(3,1,1) plot(density(:,1),density(:,2)); title('Prior') % Run estimation with 1 observation to show effect of _prior_restriction .m % on independent prior estimation(datafile='sim_data',mode_compute=5,mh_replic=2001,mh_nblocks=1,diffuse_filter,nobs=1,mh_jscale=0.8); posterior_function(function='Gali_2015_PC_slope'); PC_slope_vec=cell2mat(oo_.posterior_function_results(:,1)); optimal_bandwidth = mh_optimal_bandwidth(PC_slope_vec,length(PC_slope_vec),0,'gaussian'); [density(:,1),density(:,2)] = kernel_density_estimate(PC_slope_vec,512,length(PC_slope_vec),optimal_bandwidth,'gaussian'); figure(hh) subplot(3,1,2) plot(density(:,1),density(:,2)); title('Updated Prior') % Run estimation with full observations estimation(datafile='sim_data',mode_compute=5,mh_replic=2001,mh_nblocks=1,diffuse_filter,nobs=100,mh_jscale=0.8); posterior_function(function='Gali_2015_PC_slope'); PC_slope_vec=cell2mat(oo_.posterior_function_results(:,1)); optimal_bandwidth = mh_optimal_bandwidth(PC_slope_vec,length(PC_slope_vec),0,'gaussian'); [density(:,1),density(:,2)] = kernel_density_estimate(PC_slope_vec,512,length(PC_slope_vec),optimal_bandwidth,'gaussian'); figure(hh) subplot(3,1,3) plot(density(:,1),density(:,2)); title('Posterior')