function [H,prob,d] = smirnov(x1 , x2 , alpha, iflag ) % Smirnov test for 2 distributions % [H,prob,d] = smirnov(x1 , x2 , alpha, iflag ) % % Part of the Sensitivity Analysis Toolbox for DYNARE % % Written by Marco Ratto, 2006 % Joint Research Centre, The European Commission, % (, % % % Disclaimer: This software is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. % It is an experimental system. The Joint Research Centre of European Commission % assumes no responsibility whatsoever for its use by other parties % and makes no guarantees, expressed or implied, about its quality, reliability, or any other % characteristic. We would appreciate acknowledgement if the software is used. % Reference: % M. Ratto, Global Sensitivity Analysis for Macroeconomic models, MIMEO, 2006. % if nargin<3 alpha = 0.05; end if nargin<4, iflag=0; end % empirical cdfs. xmix= [x1;x2]; bin = [-inf ; sort(xmix) ; inf]; ncount1 = histc (x1 , bin); ncount1 = ncount1(:); ncount2 = histc (x2 , bin); ncount2 = ncount2(:); cum1 = cumsum(ncount1)./sum(ncount1); cum1 = cum1(1:end-1); cum2 = cumsum(ncount2)./sum(ncount2); cum2 = cum2(1:end-1); n1= length(x1); n2= length(x2); n = n1*n2 /(n1+n2); % Compute the d(n1,n2) statistics. if iflag==0, d = max(abs(cum1 - cum2)); elseif iflag==-1 d = max(cum2 - cum1); elseif iflag==1 d = max(cum1 - cum2); end % % Compute P-value check H0 hypothesis % lam = max((sqrt(n) + 0.12 + 0.11/sqrt(n)) * d , 0); if iflag == 0 j = [1:101]'; prob = 2 * sum((-1).^(j-1).*exp(-2*lam*lam*j.^2)); prob=max(prob,0); prob=min(1,prob); else prob = exp(-2*lam*lam); end H = (alpha >= prob);