function []=stoch_simul(options,var_list) // Copyright (C) 2001 Michel Juillard // global y_ dr_ ys_ if options.linear options.order = 1; end if isempty( = 5; end if isempty(options.irf) options.irf = 40; end dr_algo = options.dr_algo; simul_algo = options.simul_algo; drop = options.drop; %linear = options.linear; replic = options.replic; irf_length = options.irf; order = options.order; if %linear == 1 then order = 1; else order = options.order; end if iter_ < drop then dyn_disp('STOCH_SIMUL error: The horizon of simulation is shorter than the number'+' of observations to be DROPed'); return end temps = ys_; dr_ = resol(ys_,dr_algo,%linear,order); disp_dr(dr_,order,var_list); if options.nomoments == 0 if order == 1 then disp_th_moments(dr_,var_list); else y_ = simult(dr_, 1, order, 1); ys_ = temps; dyn2vec(); disp_moments(y_,drop,var_list); end end n = size(var_list,1); if n == 0 then n = endo_nbr; ivar = [1:n]'; var_list = lgy_; else ivar=zeros(n,1); for i=1:n i_tmp = grep_exact(lgy_,var_list(i,:)); if isempty(i_tmp) then error (['One of the specified variables does not exist']) ; else ivar(i) = i_tmp; end end end if n < 16 & options.irf > 0 then if n == 1 then nr = 1; nc = 1; elseif n == 2 then nr = 1; nc = 2; elseif n <= 4 then nr = 2; nc = 2; elseif n <= 6 then nr = 2; nc = 3; elseif n <= 9 then nr = 3; nc = 3; elseif n <= 12 then nr = 3; nc = 4; elseif n <= 16 then nr = 4; nc = 4; end olditer = iter_; for i = 1:exo_nbr xset('window',i-1); xname('Shock to '+lgx_(i)); if order == 1 replic = 1; elseif replic == 0; replic = 100; end y=irf(dr_,lgx_(i,:),sqrt(Sigma_e_(i,i)), irf_length, drop, replic, order); for j = 1:n subplot(nr,nc,j); plot2d([y(ivar(j),:)']); xtitle(var_list(j,:)); end end iter_ = olditer; end ys_ = temps; // 01/10/01 FC dr_ and y_ made global // 02/20/01 MJ ys_ removed from calling sequence for simult (all in dr_) // 02/23/01 MJ added dyn2vec() // 06/24/01 MJ steady -> steady_ // 09/24/01 MJ dr_ made global // 01/14/03 MJ changed options passing and defautls. // replaced algo by dr_algo and simul_algo