function my_subplot(i,imax,irow,icol,fig_title) % function my_subplot(i,imax,irow,icol,fig_title) % spreads subplots on several figures according to a maximum number of % subplots per figure % % INPUTS % i: subplot number % imax: total number of subplots % irow: maximum number of rows in a figure % icol: maximum number of columns in a figure % fig_title: title to be repeated on each figure % % OUTPUT % none % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % none % % part of DYNARE, copyright Dynare Team (2003-2008) % Gnu Public License. nfig_max = irow*icol; if imax < nfig_max icol = ceil(sqrt(imax)); irow=icol; if (icol-1)*(icol-2) >= imax irow = icol-2; icol = icol-1; elseif (icol)*(icol-2) >= imax irow = icol-2; elseif icol*(icol-1) >= imax irow = icol-1; end end i1 = mod(i-1,nfig_max); if i1 == 0 figure('Name',fig_title); end subplot(irow,icol,i1+1);