function oo_ = ... conditional_variance_decomposition_ME_mc_analysis(NumberOfSimulations, type, dname, fname, Steps, exonames, exo, var_list, endo, mh_conf_sig, oo_,options_) % This function analyses the (posterior or prior) distribution of the % endogenous variables' conditional variance decomposition with measurement error. % % INPUTS % NumberOfSimulations [integer] scalar, number of simulations. % type [string] 'prior' or 'posterior' % dname [string] directory name where to save % fname [string] name of the mod-file % Steps [integers] horizons at which to conduct decomposition % exonames [string] (n_exo*char_length) character array with names of exogenous variables % exo [string] name of current exogenous % variable % var_list [string] (n_endo*char_length) character array with name % of endogenous variables % endo [integer] Current endogenous variable % mh_conf_sig [double] 2 by 1 vector with upper % and lower bound of HPD intervals % oo_ [structure] Dynare structure where the results are saved. % % OUTPUTS % oo_ [structure] Dynare structure where the results are saved. % Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . if strcmpi(type,'posterior') TYPE = 'Posterior'; PATH = [dname '/metropolis/']; else TYPE = 'Prior'; PATH = [dname '/prior/moments/']; end endogenous_variable_index = check_name(var_list, endo); if isempty(endogenous_variable_index) disp([ type '_analysis:: Can''t find ' endo '!']) return end exogenous_variable_index = check_name(exonames,exo); if isempty(exogenous_variable_index) if isequal(exo,'ME') exogenous_variable_index=length(exonames)+1; else disp([ type '_analysis:: ' exo ' is not a declared exogenous variable!']) return end end if isoctave [observable_pos_requested_vars,index_subset,index_observables]=intersect_stable(var_list,options_.varobs); else [observable_pos_requested_vars,index_subset,index_observables]=intersect(var_list,options_.varobs,'stable'); end matrix_pos=strmatch(endo, var_list(index_subset),'exact'); name_1 = endo; name_2 = exo; name = [ name_1 '.' name_2 ]; if isfield(oo_, [ TYPE 'TheoreticalMoments' ]) temporary_structure = oo_.([TYPE 'TheoreticalMoments']); if isfield(temporary_structure,'dsge') temporary_structure = oo_.([TYPE 'TheoreticalMoments']).dsge; if isfield(temporary_structure,'ConditionalVarianceDecompositionME') temporary_structure = oo_.([TYPE 'TheoreticalMoments']).dsge.ConditionalVarianceDecompositionME.Mean; if isfield(temporary_structure,name) if sum(Steps-temporary_structure.(name)(1,:)) == 0 % Nothing (new) to do here... return end end end end end ListOfFiles = dir([ PATH fname '_' TYPE 'ConditionalVarianceDecompME*.mat']); i1 = 1; tmp = zeros(NumberOfSimulations,length(Steps)); for file = 1:length(ListOfFiles) load([ PATH ListOfFiles(file).name ]); % 4D-array (endovar,time,exovar,simul) i2 = i1 + size(Conditional_decomposition_array_ME,4) - 1; tmp(i1:i2,:) = transpose(dynare_squeeze(Conditional_decomposition_array_ME(matrix_pos,:,exogenous_variable_index,:))); i1 = i2+1; end p_mean = NaN(1,length(Steps)); p_median = NaN(1,length(Steps)); p_variance = NaN(1,length(Steps)); p_deciles = NaN(9,length(Steps)); if options_.estimation.moments_posterior_density.indicator p_density = NaN(2^9,2,length(Steps)); end p_hpdinf = NaN(1,length(Steps)); p_hpdsup = NaN(1,length(Steps)); for i=1:length(Steps) if options_.estimation.moments_posterior_density.indicator [pp_mean, pp_median, pp_var, hpd_interval, pp_deciles, pp_density] = ... posterior_moments(tmp(:,i),1,mh_conf_sig); p_density(:,:,i) = pp_density; else [pp_mean, pp_median, pp_var, hpd_interval, pp_deciles] = ... posterior_moments(tmp(:,i),0,mh_conf_sig); end p_mean(i) = pp_mean; p_median(i) = pp_median; p_variance(i) = pp_var; p_deciles(:,i) = pp_deciles; p_hpdinf(i) = hpd_interval(1); p_hpdsup(i) = hpd_interval(2); end FirstField = sprintf('%sTheoreticalMoments', TYPE); oo_.(FirstField).dsge.ConditionalVarianceDecompositionME.Steps = Steps; oo_.(FirstField).dsge.ConditionalVarianceDecompositionME.Mean.(name_1).(name_2) = p_mean; oo_.(FirstField).dsge.ConditionalVarianceDecompositionME.Median.(name_1).(name_2) = p_median; oo_.(FirstField).dsge.ConditionalVarianceDecompositionME.Variance.(name_1).(name_2) = p_variance; oo_.(FirstField).dsge.ConditionalVarianceDecompositionME.HPDinf.(name_1).(name_2) = p_hpdinf; oo_.(FirstField).dsge.ConditionalVarianceDecompositionME.HPDsup.(name_1).(name_2) = p_hpdsup; oo_.(FirstField).dsge.ConditionalVarianceDecompositionME.deciles.(name_1).(name_2) = p_deciles; if options_.estimation.moments_posterior_density.indicator oo_.(FirstField).dsge.ConditionalVarianceDecompositionME.density.(name_1).(name_2) = p_density; end